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Showing 5 results for Arefi

H Fakhrzadeh, M Moradi, Mj Mahmoudi, N Naderpoor, M Bagheri Rad, M Ahmadzad-Asl , H Arefi,
Volume 64, Issue 2 (30 2006)

Background and Aim: Quality of care and its concordance with scientific evidence has a significant role in improvement of prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The present study was performed to evaluate the quality of care in a TUMS-affiliated hospital.

Materials and Methods: The quality indicators of the process and outcome of care according to guidelines of the MONICA project was used in this study. 320 cases with primary impression of ACS (including 80 cases from each trimester during Aug-2003 to Jul-2004) were evaluated according to MONICA standard definitions of diagnosis, provided care and survival in 28th day after heart attack.

Results: The Equivalent Treatment Score (ETS) was 43.4 percent (95%CI: 32.86-53.94) and the Weighted Treatment Score (WTS) was 22.2 percent (95%CI: 13.36-31.03) in patients with definite myocardial infarction. The 28-day case fatality among the evaluated patients was 9.09 percent (95%CI: 5.85-12.33).

Conclusion: Although the measures of quality of care in this patient setting were acceptable in comparison with MONICA collaborative centers, however the difference between ways of hospital sampling (in the present study) and the population-based method (applied in the MONICA populations) should be taken in to consideration. Adding pre-hospital fatal events to this data set will decrease the precision of quality measures.

Mahmudi Mohammad Jafar , Hedayat Mona , Sharifi Farshad , Edalat Banoo , Mirarefin Mojde , Ghaderpanahi Maryam , Fakhrzadeh Hossein ,
Volume 69, Issue 12 (5 2012)

Background: Epidemiological studies have reported positive, negative, U-shaped or J-shaped association between high blood pressure and cognitive function as well as dementia whereas other studies have not reported any significant association. The aim of this study was to examine the association between hypertension and cognitive impairment in the elderly residents of Kahrizak Charity Foundation (KCF).

Methods: This cross sectional study was done in Kahrizak Charity Foundation in suburban areas of Tehran, Iran during 2008. The data were collected over one week. Among the 850 elderly residents of the Foundation who were ≥ 65 years old, 185 individuals were chosen randomly. The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) was completed for all. Mean of all blood pressure readings were recorded while anthropometric and biochemical measurements were performed.

Results: The findings indicated that in participants with cognitive impairment, systolic blood pressure, diastolic and mean blood pressures were higher than people with normal cognitive function but the differences were not significant statistically. The odds ratio of cognitive impairment in patients with and without hypertension was 1.52 and 1.58, respectively (P>0.05).

Conclusion: This study did not show any significant association between hypertension and cognitive impairment in the elderly residents of Kahrizak Charity Foundation.

Parviz Deyhimi , Mahmoud Reza Arefian , Parvin Mahzooni ,
Volume 72, Issue 10 (January 2015)

Background: Fibromatosis includes a variety of fibroblastic proliferation whose biological trend and histopathological patterns are at intermediate level between benign fibroblastic lesions and fibrosarcoma. Accordingly, because of overlapping of histopathologic features of fibrosarcoma, particularly low-grade type, with fibromatosis, the present study was conducted to find more precise criteria for histopathological and immunohistochemical (IHC) differentiation of these lesions. Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive analytical study, a total of 40 specimens from pathology department archives in hospitals of Isfahan and Tehran universities from 2003 to 2013, including 20 fibrosarcoma and 20 fibromatosis biopsies, were selected. First, histopathologic characteristics were identified using H&E slides and an optical microscope H&E slides and then they were stained through immunohistochemical staining technique using the EnVision for markers Ki-67 and β-catenin. Afterward the samples were examined by optical microscope and positively stained cells were counted. Results: There was no significant difference between fibromatosis and fibrosarcoma in terms of a mean age (P=0.063), distribution of gender frequency (P=0.197), necrotic rate (P=0.602), clarity of nucleolus (P=0.799) and SID mean of β-catenin marker (0.369). However, it was seen a meaningful difference between fibromatosis and fibrosarcoma in terms of frequency distribution (P=0.017), rate of mitotic figures (P<0.001), rate of herring-bone pattern (P=0.043), rate of cellularity (P<0.001), rate of nucleus overlapping (P<0.001), mean of Ki-67 (P=0.046), mean of Ki-67-limit (P=0.001) and atypia rate (P<0.001). Conclusion: There was a meaningful difference between fibrosarcoma and fibromatosis in terms of mitotic figures, expression of Ki-67 mitotic marker, herring bone pattern, cellularity and atypia. Therefore these features can be used to differentiate the relevant pathological lesions. However, no meaningful difference between two tumors in terms of expression and intensity of β-catenin, clarity of nucleoli and necrosis. This indicates that they are not reliable criteria of differentiation between fibrosarcoma and fibromatosis.
Nahid Arefi Lisar , Parivash Kordbacheh , Sasan Rezaie , Mahin Safara , Roshanak Daie Ghazvini , Heidar Bakhshi , Zahra Omidvar Jalali ,
Volume 75, Issue 12 (March 2018)

Background: Vaginal candidiasis is common in during pregnancy. It may lead to complications like abortions, premature birth, low birth weight, chorioamnionitis and fungal systemic neonatal infection. The aim of present study was identification of Candida species by mycological and molecular methods in pregnant women with vaginal candidiasis.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 80 pregnant women with or without clinical symptoms of vulvovaginal candidiasis referred to Shahid Noorani Talesh Hospital, Gilan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, from April to December 2015 (8 months). All specimens were examined by direct microscopy and culture on CHROMagar Candida medium for isolation and differentiation of major clinical-significant Candida species (spp.). Cultured media were incubated at 35 °C for 48 hours and evaluated based on color and number of grown colonies. If no growth was observed, the media were incubated for several additional days. Subcultures were done on Sabouraud dextrose agar (Merck, Germany) and Corn meal agar with Tween 80 media (Micromedia, Hungary) for further study. Identification of Candida spp. carried out by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method.
Results: In this study, vulvovaginal candidiasis was observed in 20 (25%) patients. Twenty-two isolates were obtained from culture of specimens on CHROMagar Candida medium (Paris, France). The most common isolated species was Candida albicans 16 (72.8%) and followed by Candida glabrata 5 (22.7%), Candida tropicalis 3 (13.6%) and Candida krusei 1 (4.5%) cases. Two patients had mixed infection with 2 different Candida species (C. albicans and C. glabrata) While using PCR-RFLP method, the Candida species were identified as 13 (59.1%) Candida albicans, 5 (22.7%) Candida glabra, 3 (13.6%) Candida tropicalis and 1 (4.5%) Candida krusei cases, respectively. In direct examination were seen yeast budding cells and pseudohyphae in 8 culture positive specimens. In the present study, results of conventional mycological method in differentiation of Candida spp. were consistent with molecular results in 80% of cases. There was also significant correlation between vulvovaginal candidiasis with clinical symptoms (P<0.0001), including diabetes mellitus (P<0.014), and taking antibacterial drugs (P<0.003) in pregnant women.
Conclusion: PCR-RFLP was able to identify correctly the Candida spp. as a complementary method.

Hamidreza Azizi Faresani , Shayesteh Khorasanizadeh, Noormohammad Arefian , Houman Teymourian , Gholamreza Mohseni , Faranak Behnaz , Hamideh Ariannia ,
Volume 79, Issue 5 (August 2021)

Background: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of intravenous Ibuprofen Apotel analgesia in comparison with intravenous Morphine alone regimen in patients undergoing lubmar disc surgery.
Methods: This study was a double-blind clinical trial that was performed on patients with moderate to severe lumbar disc pain (VAS score or Visual analog scale more than 4) in August 2019 at Shohada Tajrish hospital. Patients in the Ibuprofen-Apotel group (group A) recieved intravenous Ibuprofen (800 mg) in 100 cc Normal saline in the first 30 minutes of Recovery, then 400 mg in 100 cc Normal saline every 6 hours (48 hours after surgery), plus 30 mg Apotel for each kilogram in100 cc Normal saline in 15 minutes every 8 hours. In group B, Morphine has injected with 70 µg/kg bolus and then 20µg/kg/h infused with a PCA pump with a Maximum Rate of 1mg/hr. Then 60 minutes after surgery, patients' pain was measured using an analog scale.
The primary outcome was defined as a reduction in pain intensity of 3 or more VAS units (which was considered as therapeutic success) and the incidence of side effects was considered as secondary outcomes.
Results: Based on the results of this study, the mean age of the subjects was 33.28±12.48 years. Also, the mean age in the group of Ibuprofen-Apotel and Morphine alone were 35.4±13.6 and 31.16±11.75 years. So, there is not a significant difference between the groups. 77.14% of the subjects (54 people) were male and 22.86% (16 people) were women. In comparing the frequency distribution of individuals in terms of gender and the method of creating analgesia, no significant difference was observed between the groups studied.
According to the results, after the intervention, the highest pain intensity in both groups was significantly decreased. However, no significant difference was observed between the two groups.
Conclusion: The study indicated that Ibuprofen can be effective in controlling postoperative pain. 

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