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Showing 6 results for Bahrami

Mohebby H, Banna Zadeh, Panahi F, Bahrami H,
Volume 61, Issue 1 (13 2003)

Spontaneous pneumothorax is a medical condition that potentially may be dangerous. Although several methods for management of this problem have been propounded, there is a great disagreement among the specialists about how to treat it and when more invasive treatments are indicated.
Materials and Methods: This study carried out in two phases. In first phase, 26 patients who had admitted to Imam Khomeini hospital from March 20, 1996 to March 19, 2000 and 50 patients admitted to Baqiatallah hospital between March 20, 1992 and March 19, 2002 with the diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax were studied retrospectively. In second phase, these patients were followed up.
Results: 39 patients (51.3%) had primary spontaneous pneumothorax, 35 patients (46.1%) secondary spontaneous pneumothorax and 2 (2.6%) neonatal spontaneous pneumothorax. 67 patients were male and 9 patients were female (male to female ratio: 7.5/1). Mean age of the patients was 35±20 years. Age peaks were the age group between 20 to 25 years old and age group more than 60 years old. Conducted treatments were observation in 3.9%, simple aspiration in 2.6%, thoracostomy alone in 81.6%, thoracostomy and chemical pleurodesis in 2.6%, thoracotomy and mechanical pleurodesis in 3.9%, thoracotomy and pleurectomy in 5.3% of cases. Mean duration of hospitalization was 8.9±7.3 days. Relapse of pnemothorax was seen in 36.9% of the followed patients. Mortality was 17.4% and all died patients had secondary spontaneous pneumothorax.
Conclusion: It seems that the management of spontaneous pneumothorax should be re-evaluated and the exact indications for conservative or more invasive methods of treatment should be defined.
Talebian S, Bahrami Sh, Olyaei Gr, Bagheri H, Hadian Mr,
Volume 64, Issue 7 (9 2006)

Background: The purpose of this study was to measure isokinetic maximum and average peak torque of internal and external rotators of glenohumeral joint in volley ball and tennis players
Methods: This study was performed on 17 professional female athletes (7 tennis players &10 volleyball players) with age ranged 18-28 years. The subjects had played in a skilled team for more than 3 years. They were free from injury to their dominant shoulder in the past year. Subjects performed a five minute warm up by shoulder wheel and Maximum average Peak Torque (APT) were obtained unilaterally by a Biodex System 3 with the arm of players in 90 degree abduction at 120,180 & 210 o/s. Players performed five trails of concentric movements with 30 second rest between them.
Results: Maximum and average of maximum torques of shoulder rotator, in both groups, expect for internal rotators of tennis players, reduced by increase of movement speed (P<0.05). There are not significant difference between two groups in maximum, average of maximum torques and normalized data (ratio of maximum torque to weight). There is significant difference between two groups in percentage of APT of External rotator / Internal rotator ratio at 210 o/s (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Volleyball and tennis have no effect on isokinetic strength of shoulder rotators. In high speed, ratio of External rotator / Internal rotator is reduced. This indicates that increase in movement speed increase internal rotator in comparison to external rotator in these professional female athletes.
Alavi E, Pilehvari Z, Bahrami M,
Volume 66, Issue 3 (2 2008)

Background: Aeromedical transport provides immediate advanced medical treatment for certain critically ill and injured patients, bringing about rapid treatment and decreasing the time of hospitalization. With the great expense of helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS), research and review of experience is conducted to determine areas in which the enforcement of standards will enable the effective and optimal use of HEMS.
Methods: We examined peer-reviewed published articles in French, English and Persian journals and medical texts to determine the best use of, and standards for, HEMS.
Results: We found that HEMS effectively improves health care in three categories of services: the rapid transportation of medical personnel/equipment to an accident and of patients to the hospital (primary response) meeting road ambulances at an intermediate point coming from a hospital or accident to transport patients to a hospital (secondary response) the planned urgent inter-hospital transfers of critically ill patients for specialized care (tertiary response). HEMS standards have been set for: the flight equipment and crew, the types of emergencies to which HEMS should respond, the optimal length of time for each part of the mission (call out time, response time, on-scene time, transport time, and total rescue time) and the affect on patient survival. Some other standards include: algorithms for patient screening, flight heights for different diseases and injuries, rooftop and parking garage helipad at hospital, approach of flight paths and the facility at the touchdown area. HEMS standard medical equipment includes those needed for telemedicine and basic and advanced life support. Standard drugs on board the HEMS vehicle depends on the type of the missions selected for HEMS. The area of medical crew members, as well as their fundamental and the continuing training, also has standards that must be met. The standard scoring system for severity of injury, and finally, the standard method for the annual calculation of the cost and benefit of using HEMS in a specified region have also been considered.
Conclusion: As trauma is a common reason for requesting HEMS in Iran, the decrease in "Golden Hour" response time for trauma patients is a priority. HEMS is expensive and enforcing standards also requires increased effort and expense. Nevertheless, both can reduce the morbidity, mortality and expense for longer hospital stays. Thus, the proper telemedicine and life support equipment and drugs, as well as algorithms for patient screening can improve HEMS efficacy. Furthermore, enforcing proper communication and record keeping regarding trauma severity for HEMS missions allows hospitals to predict the proper immediate treatment for incoming patients and its future need for HEMS services.
Sedigheh Bahrami Mahne, Seyed Alireza Mahdaviani , Nima Rezaei ,
Volume 72, Issue 5 (August 2014)

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways, associated with airway re-modeling and hyperresponsiveness. It is expressed that asthma influences about 300 million people around the world, which is estimated to increase to about 400 million by 2025. The prevalence rate is 15 to 20 percent in children and 5 to 10 percent in adults, while its trend is still increasing. Inflammation plays an important role in the patho-physiology of asthma, which involves an interaction of different types of the immune cells and mediators. It leads to a number of pathophysiology changes, including bron-chial inflammation, airway obstruction, and clinical episodes such as cough, wheeze and shortness of breath. Asthma is now greatly being introduced as a heterogeneous disorder and it is pointed out to the role of T cells, including Th1, Th2, Th17, and regu-latory T cells. Other immune cells, especially neutrophils, macrophages and dendritic cells, as well structural cells such as epithelial and airway smooth muscle cells also pro-duce disease-associated cytokines in asthma. Increased levels of these immune cells and cytokines have been recognized in clinical samples and mouse models of asthma. Different cytokines, including pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as TNFα, IL-1, and IL-6), T helper 2 cytokines (such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13), and growth factors (such as GM-CSF, PDGF) play a role in the pathogenesis of asthma. Indeed chemokines (such as MPC-1, RANTES , MIP-1) and the chemokine receptors (such as CCR3, CCR4, CCL11, CCL24, and CCL26) play an important role in the recruitment of circu-lating inflammatory cells into the airways in asthmatic patients and also is related with increased T helper 2 cytokines after inhaled allergens. Among new approaches, treat-ment of asthma with anti-cytokine drugs such as antibodies blocking IL-4, IL-5, IL-9 could reduce recruitment inflammatory cells into the airways and remodeling. The final perspective of asthma treatments would be to alter from the symptomatic treatments to disease modifying.
Fares Najari , Babak Mostafazadeh , Mitra Bahrami , Dorsa Najari ,
Volume 77, Issue 3 (June 2019)

Background: Trauma is one of the main causes of maternal mortality and morbidity in societies, which annually causes millions of deaths worldwide and imposes a high financial burden on health facilities, the purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of physical trauma and its associated factors during pregnancy.
Methods: All data for this cross-sectional study were collected from medical records of pregnant women, who referred to the Mahdeeyeh Hospital in Tehran, Iran, as a result of trauma through 2015. Information related to the pregnant women with trauma was extracted from their medical records based on a researcher-made collection form. All patients who meet criteria for entering the study (based on entry and exit criteria from the study) were selected as samples. The significance level of the tests was considered as P<0/05, the Spearman correlation coefficient tests and Chi-square were used.
Results: A total of 68 people were enrolled on the basis of selected criteria, meanwhile, the mean age of subjects was 26 years and 100% had no history of abortion. In all cases the trauma was blunt and included 63% abdominal, 24% lower back, and 14% flank trauma. Abortion was reported in 3% and 8% of the cases with abdominal and lower back trauma, respectively. Also, according to the results of this study, in cases where the placental abruption (six cases) were lateral face pairs, in all of them physical trauma was also posed. It is necessary in the traumatic pregnant women referring with placental abruption symptoms and sign, due to the legal importance of doing a thorough examination and sonography, the type of placental abruption (lateral or central) is made sure and then documented in patients' files.
Conclusion: Physical trauma also is common in the pregnant women and the lateral aspect placental abruption can be one of the obvious evidence for physical trauma.

Hamid Reza Bahrami Taghanaki , Ehsan Mosa Farkhani , Saeed Bokaie , Seyed Javad Hoseini , Pegah Bahrami Taghanaki , Sima Barid Kazemi ,
Volume 77, Issue 4 (July 2019)

Background: Researchers and health specialists are increasingly obtaining information on chronic illnesses from self-reports. This study validates self-reports of hypertension, based on a recently fielded survey in Mashhad City, Iran.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we used the results of 2015 census in Mashhad City, a population based survey of people over the age of 30 (n=300745) to determine the proportion of self-reported hypertension. In this study, the data of the studied population was extracted from the databank of Sina Electronic Health Record System (SinaEHR®) and patients with ICD10 codes including I10 and I11 approved by doctors as a reference. Finally using SPSS software, version 20 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) and MedCalc (, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value were calculated with 95% confidence interval.
Results: Sensitivity of self-reported hypertension was 23.92% (CI95%: 23.43-24.41), specificity 97.03% (CI95%: 96.97-97.09), Positive Linkelihood Ratio 8.06% (CI95%: 7.82-8.30), Negative Linkelihood Ratio 0.78% (CI95%: 0.78-0.79), Positive Predictive Value 46.34% (CI95%: 45.60-47.08), Negative Predictive Value 92.25% (CI95%: 92.20-92.29). The self-reported sensitivity to hypertension in males, Iranian individuals, single, aged 60 and over, body mass index lower 18.5 individual with university education was higher, which was 24.67%, 31.09%, 30.07%, 32.43% and 26.03% respectively.
Conclusion: Although the sensitivity of self-reported hypertension was poor in this study, but specificity and positive and negative predictive values were fairly good.

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