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Showing 9 results for Banihashem

Dahaghin S, Tehrani-Banihashemi Sa, Frouzanfar Mh, Barghamdi M, Norollahzadeh E, Gholami J, Faezi St, Davatchi F,
Volume 66, Issue 10 (4 2009)

Background: To evaluate the association between age, sex, BMI, waist/hip ratio, smoking, religion, ethnicity, education and knee osteoarthritis.

Methods: Eligible subjects were randomly included from participants of Tehran COPCORD study, of whom 480 subjects with knee osteoarthritis were compared to 490 subjects without (case-control study). Using a questionnaire developed by COPCORD group (Asia & Oceania), we enquired about the risk factors of knee osteoarthritis i.e. age, sex, BMI, Waist/Hip ratio, religion, ethnicity, education and smoking. Knee osteoarthritis was defined using ACR criteria. Each knee was unit of analysis using GEE technique to evaluate these associations.

Results: Age (OR 1.096 CI95%: 1.091-1.1 P: 0.00) and sex (OR 2.85 CI95%: 2.49-3.28 P: 0.00) showed significant association with knee osteoarthritis. Overweight (OR 1.81 CI95%: 1.28-2.55 P: 0.00) and obesity (OR 3.3 CI95%: 2.34-4.66 P: 0.00) both showed higher risk for knee osteoarthritis. The association between waist/hip ratio and knee osteoarthritis showed an OR of 5.28, CI95%: 0.89-31.44 P: 0.07. However, this association was only borderline significant. People with different religion or ethnicity and smokers had no extra risks for knee osteoarthritis. Higher education is a protective factor for knee osteoarthritis as people who had university education compared to people with no/primary education showed a lower risk for knee osteoarthritis (OR 0.54 CI95%: 0.38-0.78 P: 0.00).

Conclusions: Our study confirmed that elderly, females, overweight and obese people are at higher risk to develop knee osteoarthritis as found in western societies. Higher education is a protective factor against knee osteoarthritis. Ethnicity, religion and smoking showed no extra risk of knee osteoarthritis.

Jamshidi Ar, Tehrani Banihashemi Sa, Salari Ah, Taghipour R,
Volume 66, Issue 11 (3 2009)

Background: There are several evidences that genetic factors besides environmental triggers have important role in initiating the rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The aim of this study was to investigate the association of rheumatoid arthritis with different subtypes of HLA DR4 in Iranian patients.

Methods: In an un-matched case control study, 110 rheumatoid arthritis patients (case) and 56 knee osteoarthritis patients (control) of outpatient clinic in Shariati Hospital were entered to the study. After blood sampling from case and control groups, DNA was isolated by using salting-out method and HLA DR4 and its subtypes were detected. Association of HLA DR4 and its subtypes with rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic factor and clinical manifestations of diseases was evaluated.

Results: Eighty nine (80.9%) of rheumatoid arthritis patients were female and 21 were male. Thirty four of the RA patients (30.9%) and eleven subjects from the control group (19.6%) were HLA DR4 positive (p=0.12). The most frequent subtype of HLA DR4 in RA patients was 0404 and in control group was 0401 (p=0.03). There were not statistically significant association between HLA DR4 and age of disease onset, family history, morning stiffness and rheumatoid factor. Joint swelling and tenderness had association with HLA DR4 (p=0.04 and p=0.03).

Conclusion: Although there were no statistically significant association between rheumatoid arthritis and HLA DR4, but prevalence of this HLA was higher in patients than control. It is possible that in some ethnics, other HLAs may have role in pathogenesis of disease.

Saeideh Dahaghin , Ahmadreza Jamshidi , Seyed Arash Tehrani Banihashemi , Jaleh Gholami , Mohammad Hossein Forouzanfar , Masomeh Akhlaghi , Alireza Khabazi , Elham Noorolahzadeh , Mojgan Barghamdi , Bozorgmehr Arabzadeh , ,
Volume 67, Issue 6 (9-2009)

Background: Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in the world. This study presents the evidence on the prevalence of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis in urban community. To add to the evidence on the prevalence of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis in urban community.
Methods: Inhabitants (age≥15 yrs) in 22 randomly selected districts (Tehran) participated in a Community-Oriented Program for Control of Rheumatic Diseases (COPCORD) evaluating major rheumatic disorders, including osteoarthritis. Eventually, 10, 291 inhabitants completed a Questionnaire (75% response-rate). Trained interviewers asked participants whether they had had any pain, swelling, tenderness, or morning stiffness in the right/ left hand during previous seven days. Participants underwent a complete physical examination if they had any musculoskeletal complaint or extra-articular manifestation of rheumatic disease. Osteoarthritis was defined as presence of palpable nodules (Heberden’s/ Bouchard’s nodes, CMC1’s squaring), pain, tenderness, swelling, or a combination of them on that joint (DIP-PIP-MCP-CMC1). Clinical hand osteoarthritis was positive if at least one joint showed osteoarthritis.
Results: Symptomatic hand osteoarthritis was present in 2.8%(CI 2.3-3.4) (52.6% female, mean age 37.1±16.3). Prevalence was higher in females (4.3% vs. 1.3%, p=0.000) and increased with age (0.1% in people <30 versus 23% in people >70, p=0.000). The most common signs in the DIP, PIP and CMC1 joints were bony enlargement, followed by tenderness and pain on movement.
Conclusions: our study confirms the evidence of high prevalence of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis in an urban community. The prevalence, pattern of hand joints involvement and relationship with age and sex in this study performed in an Eastern community resemble those in Westerners, which calls for further attention by appropriate services.

Peyman Dabirmoghadam , Mohsen Sharifi , Seyed Mohsen Banihashem , Zahra Mokhtari ,
Volume 67, Issue 10 (1-2010)

Background: Laryngotracheal stenosis is one of the most challenging problems for otolaryngologists. Several methods were developed to treat this problem. However, in many cases, this symptom could be recurred and the patients would suffer from operations for treatment. In this survey, the effect of topical mitomycin-C after laser therapy and dilatation for preventing laryngotracheal stenosis is considered. Methods: Twenty three cases suffered from laryngotracheal stenosis were studied in a clinical trial between years 2006-2007 in Amir-alam educational Hospital in Tehran, Iran. The patients were divided into two groups. In 12 patients (case group), we used topical mitomycin-C (1mg/ml for 4 min) after dilatation and laser therapy, and in 11 of them (control group), this solution was not used. All patients were controlled by endoscopy one and three months later, and then followed up. The results of this study were compared statistically. Results: In the control group after treatment (dilatation and laser), the average changed- vertical and horizontal lengths of stenosis were 0.47±0.77mm and 0.50±0.60mm respectively. However in the control group these changed averages were 2.28±1.15mm and 2.23±1.03mm, respectively after treatment (p<0.0001). The average changed cross section between the two groups were different significantly (p<0.0001), too. Conclusions: In the laryngotracheal stenosis, the use of topical mitomycin-C could reduce the recurrence of the stenosis after dilatation and after the laser procedures. In addition, the need for repeated therapy will be reduced.
Banihashemian K, Etesami Pour R,
Volume 68, Issue 2 (5 2010)

Background: Behavioral changes in patients with epilepsy could cause comorbid psychiatric disorders such as anxiety disorders. This study is concerned with investigation of obsessive-compulsive disorders and assessment of obsessionality as a personality trait in patients with complex partial seizure. Methods: Seventy six patients with complex partial seizure, 74 patients with generalized epilepsy that referred to Shiraz psychiatric professional center during three month (from July to September 2009), and 76 matched healthy controls were randomly selected and evaluated using the Yale-Brown obsessive compulsive scale (Y-BOCS), short form of Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI) and clinical interview. Results: Complex partial seizure and obsessive-compulsive disorder (%13.15) are significantly more prevalent than generalized seizure (%2.70) and than control groups (%1.31) (p<0.001), and mean of psychasthenia scale (Pt scale) scores in patients with complex partial seizure is more than mean of Pt scores in generalized epilepsy and control groups (p<0.001). There is significant relationship between total score of Yale- Brown scale and Pt scale in MMPI (r=0.79, p<0.01). Conclusions: Patients with complex partial seizure are suffering from obsessive- compulsive disorder more than healthy persons and patients with generalized epilepsy, and obsessionality can be a personality trait in patients with complex partial seizure. So,in addition to drug therapy, psychological intervening for treatment of anxiety disorders in patients with complex partial seizure seems necessary
Ali Ghasemi , Abdollah Banihashem , Nosrat Ghaemi , Saghi Elmi , Habibollah Esmaeili , Reza Erfani Sayyar, Sam Elmi ,
Volume 72, Issue 1 (April 2014)

Background: In most children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) who have received chemotherapy with and without radi-otherapy, some late effects due to treatment may occur such as endocrinopathies. Methods: We evaluated growth criteria (including short stature, obesity) and thyroid test function in 50 children with ALL (n= 25) and NHL (n= 25) 3-17 year-old in remis-sion period who randomly received chemotherapy with (n= 25) or without (n= 25) radi-ation such as our treatment groups. The values for height, weight and BMI in less than 5th or more than 95 th percentile considers abnormal. Results: Six (12%) patients were in less than 5th percentile height (short stature). Two patients (4.0%) had over-weight and 48 (96%) were in normal range of BMI. Six (12%) patients were in less than 5th and 3 (6%) were in more than 95 th weight percentile. There was no significant difference between two different treatment groups for TSH (P= 0.662 (but there was a significant difference between these groups in case of T4 (P= 0.049(. Mean and SD for T4 in patients with chemotherapy alone was less than in whom received chemotherapy plus radiotherapy. There was no significant difference between ALL and NHL groups for TSH, T4 (P= 0.567, 0.528 respectively). Two boys with ALL without history of radiation had hypothyroidism that had based on their la-boratory data. Conclusion: Regarding to effects of thyroid dysfunction on short stature and obesity in adolescent with ALL and NHL, we suggest to have more attention about growth, thy-roid test to avoid late side effect of malignancy treatment.
Shahram Seyfi , Nadia Banihashem , Bahman Hassannasab , Parviz Amri ,
Volume 76, Issue 1 (April 2018)

Background: Prolonged mechanical ventilation and the need for tracheal intubation are the main indication of tracheostomy. This procedure can be done, in two ways: surgical tracheostomy or percutaneous tracheostomy. In this study, surgical tracheostomy was compared with percutaneous method in the intensive care unit.
Methods: This clinical trial study was performed on 61 patients admitted to the intensive care unit of Ayatollah Rohani Hospital of Babol University of Medical Sciences from April 14, 2013 to April 14, 2016. In the first group (44 cases), tracheostomy was performed in percutaneous (PDT) and in the second group (17 patients) surgically. The early complications and waiting time (intubation to tracheostomy) for tracheostomy were compared in two groups. All data were analyzed by SPSS software, ver. 22 (Armonk, NY, USA), Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and P values of less than 0.05 were considered significant.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 59.87±8.15 years. The mean age of the male patients was 59.66±6.35 years and the female patients were 60.35±6.41 years. In this study, the average waiting time (time from intubation to tracheostomy) was 14.19 days in the PDT group and 20.69 days in the tracheostomy group, with a significant difference between the two groups (P= 0.001). The incidence of preoperative bleeding after surgery was five cases (8.2%). In the PDT group, two cases (3/3%) and the surgical group was three cases (4.9%) and the two groups did not have a significant difference (P= 0.46). The incidence of wound infection (during the period of admission and up to ten days later) in two groups was two patients (3.3%), one case (1.6%) In the PDT group, and one case (1.6%) in a surgical group and the two groups did not have a significant difference (P= 0.43). Other complications such a subcutaneous emphysema and posterior tracheal wall trauma and rupture was not shown in both groups.
Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that the complications (bleeding and wound infections) did not differ between the two groups. Due to the lower waiting time and the lack of need for patient transfer outside of the intensive care unit, percutaneous tracheostomy can be a safe alternative to the surgical tracheostomy.

Bahman Hasannasab , Nadia Banihashem , Shahram Seyfi , Manizheh Yazdanmehr ,
Volume 76, Issue 6 (September 2018)

Background: The post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) is a common complication in spinal anesthesia. Headache may occure seven days after dural puncture. The headache may be worsened in sitting position and be better in supine position. PDPH is common in younger and tall people. The incidence rate of PDPH related to the size of spinal needle and the number of try and decrease with small, cutting needle and less puncture try. PDPH is a well-known iatrogenic complication of spinal anesthesia, which continues to be a major problem. In this study, we assessed the effect of intravenous aminophylline on prevention of post-spinal anesthesia headache in who were elective for cesarean sections.
Methods: This double-blind randomized clinical trial was conducted on 140 women with 18 to 35 years old and American Society of Anesthesiologists Classification (ASA Class) I and II undergoing spinal anesthesia in elective cesarean section. Patients were randomly divided into two groups called case and control. After umbilical cord clamping 1 mg/kg aminophylline dissolved in 100 cc normal saline was infused to the case group but only 100 cc normal saline was infused for the control group. Patient's blood pressure and heart rate were recorded before spinal anesthesia, immediately after spinal anesthesia, after uterine incision and umbilical cord clamping, after drug injection and then every five minutes. The incidence of headache was assessed at 4, 8, 24, 48 and 72 hours after the surgery.
Results: Although severity and duration of headache in case group was more than in control group, no meaningful difference was found between two groups. The mean changes in systolic blood pressure were greater in control group (P<0.001). The mean changes in heart rate was greater in case group than control group (P<0.001).
Conclusion: This study showed that intravenous aminophylline although, caused hemodynamic changes in some case, but it doesn't have any effect on prevention of incidence and severity of post-spinal anesthesia headache in elective cesarean section.

Maral Banihashemi Torshizi , Seyed Mehdi Tabaie, Mina Sadat Naderi, Saeed Hesami Tackallou ,
Volume 79, Issue 10 (January 2022)

Background: Skin cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer and melanoma is the deadliest kind of skin cancer in the world. Due to enhanced induction of apoptosis and ROS levels, low-level lasers can be utilized to destroy skin cancer cells. Lasers are used to treat some skin lesions. Vitamin A is beneficial in the prevention and treatment of skin cancer. Vitamin A inhibits the pathway of cancer signals in the skin and suppresses tumor growth. In this study, the combined effect of low-level laser radiation (LLL) and vitamin A on cellular factors of skin melanoma cancer cells was investigated.
Methods: An in-vitro interventional laboratory study was performed in the cell culture laboratory of Medical Laser Research Center, Yara Institute in 2020-2021 (July 2020 to July 2021). First, A375 skin cancer cells were cultured in DMEM with 10% FBS. After preparation and culture of A375 cell lines, different concentrations of vitamin A (1, 5, 50, 100 μM) and LLL energy doses (1, 2, 5, 10 J/cm2) as treatments were done. Combination research of these treatments was performed to eliminate skin melanoma cancer cells. The rate of viability was determined using the MTT test, and the rate of apoptosis was determined using flow cytometry.
Results: The results indicated that a low-level laser with energy dosages of two and 5 J/cm2 and vitamin A treatment with a concentration of 50 μM in the A375 skin cancer cell line had the lowest viability and the highest induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, the results of the combination of Vitamin A and LLL treatments showed a synergistic effect with a greater reduction in the viability of skin melanoma cells and a greater amount of apoptosis.
Conclusion: In general, vitamin A and Low-level laser diminish the viability of cancer cells. Combination therapy of Low-level laser in the effective dose with vitamin A in optimal concentration provides anti-cancer effects. Further reductions in cancer cell viability caused by vitamin A and low-level laser radiation could pave the way for a novel approach in cancer treatment.

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