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Behnaz Haeri Behbahani , Ahmad Reza Dorosty , Mohammad Reza Eshraghian ,
Volume 67, Issue 6 (9-2009)

Background: The sensitivity and specificity of body mass index (BMI) percentiles of CDC2000 standard which is used in determining obesity in Iranian children was compared with child real obesity identified by fat mass index (FMI) and obesity status in these children based on BMI and FMI was compared too.
Methods: Weight, height and triceps skinfold (TSF) thickness were measured in 1800 primary school children in Sabzevar, Iran. Fat mass (estimated from TSF) and weight were divided by height squared to calculate FMI and BMI, respectively. FMI at or above the 90th percentile of age- and sex- specific data in this study was considered as criterion for real obesity, and BMI≥95th and 85thResults: Based on the CDC cut-offs, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in our children were 7.9% and 4.8%, respectively. From the real obese and non-obese children identified by the FMI, 43.3% and 0.6% were identified as obese according to BMI, respectively. In addition, the sensitivity and specificity of 90th percentile of BMI to identify children as obese, were 71.1% and 98% respectively.
Conclusions: The efficacy of BMI in determining childhood obesity may be less than expected and it appears that FMI in comparison with BMI, is a better indicator of obesity in children, but more studies in this area are required.

Behnaz Tehrani, Soheil Sobhanardakani,
Volume 74, Issue 6 (September 2016)

Background: The use of pesticides is essential to pests control in horticultural crops for the production of an adequate food supply for an increasing world population and for the control of insect-borne diseases. Therefore, pesticide residues in environment and food have a negative impact on the health of living organisms especially human. In this regard, the present study was carried out for assessment and comparing of propineb residues in Iranian tea and imported consumed tea.

Methods: In this experimental study, according to the Cochran's sample size formula, 12 samples from 4 brand of imported tea and 6 samples from 2 brand of Iranian tea were collected from market basket of Hamadan City in 2015. After preparation and processing the samples in the laboratory, propineb residues in samples determined using a spectrophotometric method to a wavelength range of 400 nm in 5 replications. Recovery tests were carried out using pesticide-free samples. Also, all statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS statistical package version 19 (Chicago, IL, USA).

Results: The mean concentration of propineb residues in Iranian tea samples were 1.60±0.27 µg/kg and in imported tea samples were 0.78±0.63 µg/kg, respectively and lower than the maximum residue limit (MRL) provided by the European Commission (100 ppb). The results of the comparison of the mean concentration of pesticide residues between Iranian and imported tea samples revealed no statistically significant differences between all the samples together (P=0.17).

Conclusion: The results showed that the residues of propineb were found in all analyzed tea specimens. But according to the mean concentrations of propineb residues in tea samples marketed in Hamedan City were lower than MRL, therefore, no adverse health effects have been established from controlled consuming of tea. Also, concerning increased use of agricultural inputs especially kind of pesticides for pest management by farmers, regular periodic monitoring of chemical pollutants content in Iranian and imported tea are recommended for food safety.

Masoumeh Gity , Behnaz Moradi, Rasool Arami , Ali Arabkheradmand, Mohamad Ali Kazemi,
Volume 77, Issue 1 (April 2019)

Background: Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is one of methods in evaluation of breast lesions. We aimed to investigate the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values in breast tumors and their accuracy in differentiating benign versus malignant lesions.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 72 patients with 88 breast lesions were investigated by 1.5-T breast MRI from 2015 to 2017 in Athari Imaging Center in Tehran, Iran. Nearly all patients has undergone histopathology evaluation. One small region of interest (ROI) were placed on the most restricted region inside the solid part on the ADC map. Care was taken to avoid cystic or necrotic, fatty regions and hematoma inside the mass. A large round ROIs were placed in healthy fibroglandular tissue of contralateral breast ADC values were measured and compared in normal breast tissue and in most restricted parts of breast lesions (mass and non-mass). After determining cut-off for differentiation of benign and malignant lesions, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were calculated.
Results: Mean age of patients was 43.3 years. The average tumor size of benign and malignant lesions were calculated 26.0 mm, 35.3 mm respectively and 23 mm and 46 mm in mass and non-mass respectively. Invasive ductal carcinoma include the majority of pathology result (in 37.5% of the patients). Our results revealed that the measured ADC values in normal breast tissue were higher than breast lesions (P≤0.01). Mean ADC value in benign lesions was 1.40×10-3 mm²/s and for malignant lesion was 1.08×10-3 mm²/s. ADC value in the normal breast tissue was 1.79×10-3 mm2/s and was significantly higher than ADC value of breast lesions (benign and malignant). Cut-off value in non-mass was not valid, but in mass was 1.19×10-3 mm²/s with sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive and accuracy of 89.7%, 83.8%, 87.5%, 86.6%, and 87.1% respectively.
Conclusion: In DWI imaging, ADC value can differentiate benign and malignant masses with high sensitivity and specificity but not helpful in non-mass lesions.

Roghaye Ghasemi, Azadeh Shojaei, Behnaz Karimi,
Volume 77, Issue 2 (May 2019)

Background: Prostate cancer is currently the third malignant disease in Iran and fifth common cancer worldwide. The aim of this study was to determine the expression of GPRC6A, E.cadherin, and ZEB1 genes in prostate cancer in comparison with benign tumor. Since early detection of cancer plays an important role in treatment, this study aims to identify the role of GPRC6A, E.cadherin and ZEB1 genes in screening of prostate cancer.
Methods: In this case-control study, 30 samples including 15 samples of malignant prostate cancer and 15 samples of benign tumor were collected from the patients. RNA was extracted from the tissues, followed by cDNA preparation. In the last step, expression of GPRC6A, E.cadherin and ZEB1 genes was measured using the Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique and the Relative expression software tool (REST), Version 2009 (
Results: In this study, the expression of GPRC6A genes compared to its benign tumor increased 3-fold, ZEB1 expression in prostate cancer, compared to its benign tumor, increased 2-fold, and expression of E.cadherin gene in cancerous samples compared to benign tumor declines 10 was equal. In this study, there was no significant relationship between the expression of genes in benign and malignant samples with common diagnostic factors in this type of disease such as age, Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), pathologic stage and Gleason score.
Conclusion: According to this study and similar studies, increased expression of GPRC6A in prostate cancer cells can stimulate the progression of cancer cells by regulating cell proliferation and invasive response to various ligands. Increasing the expression of ZEB1 and decreasing the expression of E.cadherin is also due to the lack of binding of cells and spread of metastasis. As a result, tumors express ZEB1 with absence of E.cadherin is associated with advanced disease or metastases, which indicates that ZEB1 induces EMT and tumor progression in clinical cancers. Therefore examined genes have potential for screening prostate cancer and they can be used as a diagnostic marker for prostate cancer with further investigation.

Arash Babaei-Ghazani , Saeedeh Najarzade , Pejman Madani , Maziar Azar , Behnaz Tirandazi ,
Volume 77, Issue 6 (September 2019)

Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease that can cause pain and limited function. One of the non-surgical treatments is intra-articular ozone injection. This study aimed to compare the effect of ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injection with ozone injection in patients with grade 3 osteoarthritis of the knee.
Methods: This randomized, double-blind, clinical trial was carried out in 32 participants with diagnosis of grade 3 knee osteoarthritis were divided into 2 groups randomly. In one group 40 mg triamcinolone (1 cc) injected into the knee joint (under ultrasound-guided in suprapatellar pouch). In another group under sterile conditions, 10cc oxygen-ozone (O2O3), (Ozone generator, Hyper Medozon Comfort, Herrmann Apparatebau GmbH, Kleinwallstadt, Germany) (15 μg/ml) under ultrasound-guided (in suprapatellar pouch), injected into the joint. This study was carried out in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Clinic of Hazrat Rasul Akram and Firoozgar University Hospitals, Tehran, Iran, from September 2017 to August 2018. Outcome instruments were WOMAC, clinical parameters of the knee (knee flexion), ultrasound index (suprapatellar pouch) and pain, visual analog scale, VAS). Measurements were done before, 1 week and 1, 3 months after treatment. All injections were done under ultrasound guide. All patients were trained to perform knee strengthening exercises.
Results: From 32 patients, 7 men and 25 women were enrolled in our study. The mean age of patients, in the steroid group was 58.50 and in the ozone group was 60.06 years. Recovery was significant after treatment in both groups (P<0.05). Our results showed that there was the improvement in VAS criteria in both groups before and after treatment but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.261). There was no significant difference in the WOMAC score between the two groups (P=0.265). The recovery in one month after treatment, was in favor of the ozone group (P=0.008). There was no significant difference in ROM criteria and joint effusion between the two groups (ROM P=0.270, Effusion P=0.630), but in the ozone group, joint effusion was decreased (P=0.009).
Conclusion: Steroid and ozone injections has no superiority to each other in the improvement of pain, function, ROM, and effusion in patients with grade 3 knee osteoarthritis.

Shayesteh Khorasanizadeh , Faranak Behnaz , Masih Ebrahimy Dehkordy , Houman Teymourian , Homeyra Kouzekanani ,
Volume 77, Issue 6 (September 2019)

Background: Hypoglycemia is a condition when blood glucose level is lower than 70 mg/dl in people without diabetes. The symptoms of hypoglycemia include tachycardia, sweating, pallor, pupillary dilatation. Hypoglycemia is a non-lethal and often preventable clinical problem in non-diabetic patients that can occur during fasting or after dining.
Case presentation: A 52 years old man referred to Shohada-e-Tajrish Hospital, Tehran, with diagnosis of kidney stones candidate for percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). The patient underwent general anesthesia and after 40 minutes, the surgeon requested injection of tranexamic acid because of bleeding, but unintentionally the patient received 100 unites of crystalline insulin by nurse anesthesia. Vital signs were stable, the patient's blood glucose was 85 mg/dl and he had no sweat. Then the therapeutic intervention consisted of administering a bolus dose of 50 cc 50% dextrose water (DW) and then infusion of 50% dextrose water over that time. The patient was monitored for 10 hours in recovery and also received 1 mg of glucagon. The blood glucose was checked frequently. Fortunately, there were not any detectable hypoglycemic attacks (blood glucose less than 70 mg/dl) during that time. Throughout the first three hours in ICU, he suffered from severe hypoglycemic episodes and treated by DW 50% (bolus stat and infusion) and after stabilization of vital signs he transferred to ward.
Conclusion: The mortality of iatrogenic hypoglycemia is lower than other causes of hypoglycemia. However, on time diagnosis and aggressive treatment can prevent serious complications. In addition, proper communication between health care providers and precise checking of drugs labels before injection can dramatically decrease these events.

Saied Bokaie , Hessameddin Akbarein , Behnaz Beygi , Ehsan Mosa Farkhani ,
Volume 78, Issue 1 (April 2020)

Background: Today, due to changes in human lifestyle and consumer demand incidence of foodborne diseases is on the rise. The aim of this study was to investigate the mortality rate of foodborne diseases and their related factors.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data on deaths registered according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10th revision) were extracted from death registration and classification of causes system in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran from 2011 to 2018. Data on deaths from food and water borne diseases including Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium botulinum, and other foodborne diseases were extracted from database of death registration and classification of causes system. The demographic variables of dead people considered in this study include age (under 5 years, 5-20 years, 20-40, 40-60s and over 60 old), gender, nationality, and the location where people died (urban, rural and unknown).
Results: The majority of deaths cases occurred at the age of 60 years and in older age groups (P<0.001). The results show that across all the age groups mortality rate from foodborne diseases was higher among men than among women (P=0.110). Most of foodborne diseases were reported by people living in urban areas (P<0.0001). The results of this study showed that most of the deaths from these diseases occur in the warm seasons. In this study, the crude death rate was 10 cases per one million inhabitants.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that there was a significant difference between the mortality rate due to different bacterial agents. This study suggests that demographic variables are important predictors of mortality from foodborne illness and should be further investigated.

Roghieh Golsha, Aref Gooran Orimi , Behnaz Khodabakhshi, Fatemeh Mehravar,
Volume 78, Issue 4 (July 2020)

Background: The mortality rate of sepsis and pneumonia is higher in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients than in the general population. Bacterial infections are the most common cause of hospitalization in dialysis patients and the most common source of bacteremia is vascular access in these patients. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of infectious causes of hospitalization in patients with end-stage renal failure in Gorgan.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on patients with ESRD who were admitted to the 5 Azar Medical Education Center of Gorgan City during 2014 to 2016. Patients' information was collected through their clinical records and analyzed statistically.
Results: The prevalence of infectious diseases in ESRD patients during the 3 years was 12.7%, out of 100 hospitalized patients with ESRD and infectious causes, the most common type of infectious disease was catheter infection (43%) and sepsis (18%), urinary tract infection (11%) and pneumonia (8%) were the next. The most common infectious causes leading to hospitalization in men with the ESRD were catheter infection, sepsis, and pneumonia, respectively, and in women, catheter infection, sepsis, and urinary tract infection. The highest incidence of catheter infection was in the age group of 66-70 years (30.2%), 71-75 (25.6%), and above 71 years (25.6%), respectively. The highest incidence of sepsis occurred in the age group of 75-71 years (38.9%) and also the highest incidence of urinary tract infections in the age group of less than 65 years. Age (P=0.003), sex (P=0.01), duration of disease (P=0.009), addiction (P=0.01), and diabetes (P=0.01) were the most common risk factors for infectious diseases in patients with ESRD.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that catheter infection is the most common cause of infection in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Therefore, avoiding multiple vascular manipulations, disinfection of the catheter, timely replacement, and training of dialysis staff are effective in reducing catheter infections.

Parisa Rahmani, Mohammad Roshanghalb, Hosein Alimadadi, Behnaz Bazargani, Nasir Fakhar, Reihaneh Mohsenipour,
Volume 78, Issue 8 (November 2020)

Background: CNS infection can be focal or generalized. Meningitis, besides other etiologies, can occur after a viral infection or viral vaccine. Although meningitis can occur in at any age but it is more common in children less than five years old. Aseptic meningitis and meningoencephalitis are two of the most common complications of mumps (wild type or vaccine). As a result of their serious complication, we decided to obtain more information about clinical manifestations and laboratory findings after the injection of the Hoshino MMR vaccine in a group of children in an Iranian referral hospital.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, performed from March 2013 to February 2015 on 73 children with meningochemical symptoms of meningitis, children who have been diagnosed with aseptic meningitis followed by an MMR vaccine in an infectious ward or emergency department of the Children’s Medical Center were enrolled in the study and their information was recorded from their files. A questionnaire was provided for children with diagnostic criteria of aseptic meningitis and their data were collected.
Results: The gender ratio of patients was 46 males to 27 females. After collecting the symptoms of meningitis, the frequency of symptoms in these patients was as below: fever 66%, headache 49.3%, nausea and vomiting 74%, parotid swelling 0%, seizure 21.9% and meningeal symptoms 37%. Their laboratory data showed that 8.2% of patients had normal WBC and 76.7% had Abnormal results in their CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid) analysis. Mumps PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) was positive in 85% of samples.
Conclusion: our study revealed that nausea and vomiting were the most frequent symptom after MMR vaccination in children and fever was in second grade in aseptic meningitis. There was no relation between clinical symptoms together, therefore we should take care of children after MMR vaccination to avoid complications when they become symptomatic.

Hamidreza Azizi Faresani , Shayesteh Khorasanizadeh, Noormohammad Arefian , Houman Teymourian , Gholamreza Mohseni , Faranak Behnaz , Hamideh Ariannia ,
Volume 79, Issue 5 (August 2021)

Background: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of intravenous Ibuprofen Apotel analgesia in comparison with intravenous Morphine alone regimen in patients undergoing lubmar disc surgery.
Methods: This study was a double-blind clinical trial that was performed on patients with moderate to severe lumbar disc pain (VAS score or Visual analog scale more than 4) in August 2019 at Shohada Tajrish hospital. Patients in the Ibuprofen-Apotel group (group A) recieved intravenous Ibuprofen (800 mg) in 100 cc Normal saline in the first 30 minutes of Recovery, then 400 mg in 100 cc Normal saline every 6 hours (48 hours after surgery), plus 30 mg Apotel for each kilogram in100 cc Normal saline in 15 minutes every 8 hours. In group B, Morphine has injected with 70 µg/kg bolus and then 20µg/kg/h infused with a PCA pump with a Maximum Rate of 1mg/hr. Then 60 minutes after surgery, patients' pain was measured using an analog scale.
The primary outcome was defined as a reduction in pain intensity of 3 or more VAS units (which was considered as therapeutic success) and the incidence of side effects was considered as secondary outcomes.
Results: Based on the results of this study, the mean age of the subjects was 33.28±12.48 years. Also, the mean age in the group of Ibuprofen-Apotel and Morphine alone were 35.4±13.6 and 31.16±11.75 years. So, there is not a significant difference between the groups. 77.14% of the subjects (54 people) were male and 22.86% (16 people) were women. In comparing the frequency distribution of individuals in terms of gender and the method of creating analgesia, no significant difference was observed between the groups studied.
According to the results, after the intervention, the highest pain intensity in both groups was significantly decreased. However, no significant difference was observed between the two groups.
Conclusion: The study indicated that Ibuprofen can be effective in controlling postoperative pain. 

Faranak Behnaz, Azita Chegini, Sogol Asgari,
Volume 80, Issue 3 (June 2022)

Background: Coronavirus (COVID-19) represents a global public health crisis that is causing significant deaths and affecting health systems around the world. There are several risk factors for the severity of infection, complications and mortality of COVID-19. One of them is blood group. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between blood group and rate of covid 19 disease.
Methods: A cross sectional study was performed on 130 patients over 18 years of age admitted in ICU of Shohada Tajrish Hospital between August 2020 and April 2021.The positive COVID-19 diagnosis was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. Blood groups were determined and then, we monitored and followed up the patients' outcome during staying in ICU, the need for intubation, recovery and death. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results were determined based on Fisher’s exact test. P<0.05 was considered significant.
Results: 60 (46.1%) patients had blood type A, (20%) 26 patients blood type AB, 12 (9.2%) patients’ blood type B and (24.7%) 32 patients blood type O. Blood group A was significantly higher in these patients. 55 patients (42.3%) were female and 75 patients (57.7%) were male. Their mean age was 43.19±19.05. Totally, 43.1% of hospitalized patients were intubated regardless of blood type. The number of cases requiring intubation was higher in people with positive blood type A. The lowest need for intubation was seen in blood type B negative. Blood group A positive (39.6%) and then AB negative (33.3%) had the highest mortality rate. Death was not observed in blood group A negative, B negative, B positive and O negative.
Conclusion: The number of patients with COVID-19 with blood type A was significantly higher (46.1%). The most common blood group in these patients was A and the lowest was blood group B. The number of cases requiring intubation was higher in people with positive blood type A.

Behnaz Varaminian, Marzieh Ghalamkari , Tayeb Ramim, Masoumeh Roohaninasab ,
Volume 80, Issue 8 (November 2022)

Skin metastases from breast cancer usually occur in more advanced stages of the disease, but can sometimes be the first clinical manifestation of breast cancer or the first evidence of a previous tumor recurrence. These demonstrations significantly reduce survival. Skin metastases from breast cancer have different manifestations. The most common manifestations are nodules. These nodules are soft, round or oval, mobile, firm, and elastic in texture and can be single or multiple, often flesh-colored, but can also be brown, bluish black, and pink to reddish brown. In the absence of a previous history of cancer, it can be difficult to diagnose the early location of metastatic cancers. However, metastases usually show histopathological similarities to the primary tumor. Soft tissue breast metastases usually have a better prognosis than breast or bone cancer metastases. Also, skin metastases from breast cancer do not necessarily have a poor prognosis as skin metastases from other malignancies. The relative risk of death from skin metastases to other malignancies is more than four times higher than skin metastases from breast cancer. Differential diagnosis includes cutaneous lymphoma, intracranial leukocyte infiltration, and cutaneous metastasis. Metastatic skin lesions are often mistaken for benign lesions. Recognizing them quickly is important to prevent long-term anti-inflammatory treatment that delays proper diagnosis. Therefore, to rule out metastasis, abnormal or nodular lesions should be considered for biopsy in patients with a history of systemic malignancy or suspected malignancy. Cutaneous metastases are usually a sign of widespread disease and may not be treatable in most cases. Treatment options include systemic and/or topical treatments. Extensive skin metastases require systemic treatment. For thicker skin metastases, radiation therapy, surgical or electrochemical resection is indicated as monotherapy or in combination. Oxygen in combination with topical 5% methotrexate (OFAMTX, 5% methotrexate in a carrier solution) is a recently described method that facilitates drug penetration into the epidermis. In the absence of visceral or lymph node metastases, OFAMTX is useful as a local skin treatment. This treatment is an effective and tolerable method for superficial skin metastases. Using local treatment in combination with systemic agents increases the overall effectiveness of treatment on skin metastases.

Fariba Nasiraee, Lida Garrosi, Shabnam Tofighi , Behnaz Molaei ,
Volume 80, Issue 8 (November 2022)

Background: Fetal health diagnostic tests are tools to reduce the incidence of adverse outcomes and neonatal death. However, their diagnostic value is still debated in relation to various outcomes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of biophysical profile and sonographic cerebroplacental ratio in predicting childbirth mode and adverse neonatal outcomes.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 70 pregnant women (37-41 weeks) who were candidates for termination of pregnancy who were referred to Ayatollah Mousavi Hospital in Zanjan from October 2020 to May 2021 were studied. After selecting the mothers based on inclusion criteria, biophysical profile test (BPP) and CPR sonographic index were performed. Then delivery method, infant weight, fifth minute Apgar score, need for resuscitation and hospitalization of infants in NICU were recorded in each case. T-test, Mann-Whitney test and ROC curve in SPSS 22 software were used for statistical analysis. (P≤0.05).
Results: In this study, the mean (SD) gestational age of participants was 38.56±1.11 weeks. Based on the data, there was a statistically significant relationship between CPR and the infant's need for resuscitation and hospitalization in the NICU (P=0.021) and Apgar score (P=0.042). However, there was no statistically significant relationship between CPR and delivery method, gestational age and birth weight. BPP score was not significantly associated with any of the consequences. Based on the results of the ROC curve, CPR with a cut point of 1.59 with a sensitivity of 88.9% and a specificity of 75% is able to predict the need for resuscitation and hospitalization in the NICU, and with a sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 54.5%, it is able to predict a low Apgar score. However, BPP score did not have a predictive role in any of the studied parameters.
Conclusion: It seems that CPR examination around delivery can be useful in predicting the condition of the baby immediately after birth and preparing the treatment staff for immediate action.

Parviz Shahabi, Jalal Abdolalizadeh, Shirin Hasanpour, Behnaz Sadeghzadeh Oskouei , Soheila Bani,
Volume 82, Issue 2 (May 2024)

Background: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a significant medical and social issue, leading to varying degrees of sensory and motor impairments. Most men experience sexual dysfunction and fertility problems. These issues can be partially attributed to pathophysiological mechanisms, including damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Targeted antioxidant therapy can significantly reduce oxidative stress and neuro inflammation. This study sought to examine the impact of selenium and astaxanthin on sperm parameters and the recovery of sensory-motor function in rats with spinal cord injury (SCI).
Methods: This experimental study utilized the rat animal model and was carried out at the Neuroscience Research Center Laboratory of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences from December 30, 2022, to November 27, 2023. Fifty adults male Wistar rats were randomly allocated into five groups of ten: control, sham, SCI, selenium-supplemented, and astaxanthin-supplemented. Except for the control and sham groups, spinal cord injury was induced in all other groups. Six weeks after the injury and upon completion of the treatment, the effects of selenium and astaxanthin supplementation on sperm parameters and spinal cord repair were assessed. The Basso, Beattie, and Brenham (BBB) scale was employed to evaluate motor function, while the Von Frey test was utilized to assess sensory status.
Results: A considerable rise in sperm concentration was noted in both the selenium-fed group and the astaxanthin-fed group when compared to the spinal cord injury group (P=0.001). Supplementation with selenium and astaxanthin improved sperm concentration, progressive motility, and viability, bringing these parameters close to control levels (P<0.001). However, neither of these substances had an effect on abnormal sperm morphology (P>0.05). Both selenium and astaxanthin supplementation enhanced the motor and sensory functions of the injured rats (P<0.001), with selenium showing a greater role in promoting repair compared to astaxanthin (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Selenium and astaxanthin supplements improved sperm parameters, except for sperm morphology, and were effective in enhancing motor and sensory functions after spinal cord injury. Selenium was found to be more effective than astaxanthin in promoting spinal cord repair.

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