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Showing 2 results for Birjandi

Tabib A, Mortazaeian H, Meraji Sm, Birjandi H,
Volume 70, Issue 9 (5 2012)

Background: Balloon atrial septostomy is an emergent procedure in pediatric cardiology. Nowadays, most patients in need of the procedure have acceptable outcomes after surgical repair. Thus, it is important to perform this procedure as safe as possible. By performing early arterial switch operation and prostaglandin infusion, the rate of balloon atrial septostomy has markedly decreased. However, not all centers performing early arterial switch repairs have abandoned atrial septostomy, even in patients who respond favorably to prostaglandin infusion.
Case presentation: In total, eight 1- to 15-day old term neonates admitted in Shahid Rajaee Heart Center in Tehran, Iran from October 2009 to February 2011, with congenital heart diseases were scheduled for balloon atrial septostomy. In six cases the procedure was done exclusively under echocardiographic guidance and in two cases with the help of fluoroscopy. Success was defined as the creation of an atrial septal defect with a diameter equal to or more than 5 mm and ample mobility of its margins.
Results: Male sex was predominant (87%) and the mean age of the neonates was six days. The diagnosis in all cases was simple transposition of great arteries. The procedure was successful in all patients with any cardiovascular complication.
Conclusion: Balloon atrial septostomy is an emergent procedure that can be done safely and effectively under echocardiographic guidance. According to the feasibility of this technique it could be performed fast, safe and effective at bedside, avoiding patient transportation to hemodynamic laboratory or referral center.

Parastoo Beknejadi, Davoud Vahabzadeh, Esmaeil Yousefi Rad , Somayeh Saboori , Koroush Ghanadi , Mehdi Birjandi,
Volume 81, Issue 12 (March 2024)

Background: The increasing prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in recent years has raised concerns about its significant risks for public health. According to previous studies, a diet with low phytochemicals and high inflammatory index is related to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In this study, we intend to investigate the relationship between inflammatory diet and phytochemical diet with NAFLD.
Methods: In this case control study, 112 newly diagnosed patients with NAFLD referred to the Shahid Rahimi Hospital clinic in Khorramabad between January 1400 and April 1401 and 112 healthy individuals without NAFLD and any other chronic diseases as the control group, with the range 23-59 years old were selected. General information, demographics, physical activity level and food intake were collected using general information questionnaire, physical activity questionnaire and valid semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). The energy received between the people of the two groups was adjusted. People's diet was divided into two anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory groups based on the DII index based on the score quartiles.
Results: The results showed a significant relationship between DII score and NAFLD in the crude model (OR: 2.22, 95% CI: 1.04 -4.73), model I (adjusted for energy and age classification) (OR: 2.4, 95% CI:1.07-5.58), model II (adjusted for model I+physical activity, sex, education) (OR:2.77, 95% CI:1.14-6.77) and model III (model II+BMI) (OR: 2.16, 95% CI: 0.81-5.71) and DPI score and NAFLD the crude model (OR: 0.69, 95% CI: 0.32-1.47), model I (adjusted for energy and age classification) (OR: 0.56, 95% CI: 1.29-5.58), model II (adjusted for model I+physical activity, sex, education) (OR:0.58, 95% CI: 0.23-1.44) and model III (model II+BMI) (OR: 0.65, 95% CI: 0.24-1.75).
Conclusion: The results obtained from this study showed an inverse relationship between following an anti-inflammatory diet and the risk of NAFLD. However, there was no correlation between receiving a diet with a high phytochemical index and NAFLD.

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