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Showing 16 results for Esmaeili

Am Mir Fakhraei, M Safaei, M Esmaeili,
Volume 53, Issue 2 (5-1995)

The purpose of this study was the utilization of different methods of tissue culture in proliferation of epithelial cells and autologous graft to cover surface areas without skin specifically, which is due to thermal burns more than 50%. In this experience we performed from rabbits and success to cover almost 24 times original donor site with autograft.
Esmaeilian L, Jahanfar M,
Volume 59, Issue 4 (9 2001)

Considering the incidence of meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF) in newborns and its complications, and also based on indirect reports pointing out relationship between nucleated red blood cell (nRBC), as a marker of chronic hypoxia, and MSAF in term newborns, and in order to determine this relationship more accurately, this study was done on women with uncomplicated singleton term pregnancy that admitted for delivery at Shariati hospital in year 2000. After excluding confounding factors on nRBC, case group who includes infants with MSAF, and control group who have clear amniotic fluid were determined. Maternal age and parity, gestational age, birth weight, apgar score, neonatal out come, and FHR pattern as well as newborn hemoglobin values were evaluated. Venous cord blood was analyzed for nRBC counts per 100 WBC. Case and control groups were divided according to nRBC counts with cutoff point of 10 and then compared statistically. From the samples, 117 cases and 67 controls were evaluated. Maternal and neonatal factors were similar in two situations. Number of nRBC was 3.75±4.8 in control group and 12.04±11.7 in case group (P<0.01) and it was abnormal (>10) in 9 percent of newborns with clear fluid and 32 percent of MSAF (P<0.01). Cord blood nRBC count increased when meconium is passed intrauterine. This suggests that cases with MSAF may be at risk of chronic hypoxia. Cohort research is recommended to study the affect of delivery mode on the neonatal outcome in cases with MSAF and to evaluate the cause of fetal hypoxia in uncomplicated pregnancy with MSAF.
Mehrdad R, Esmaeili Javid G, Hasan Zadeh H, Sotoodeh Manesh A, Ghasemi M,
Volume 63, Issue 4 (13 2005)

Background: This study was designed to compare low-level laser therapy (LLLT) + exercise therapy with LLLT alone and exercise therapy alone, and to determine whether laser therapy is a useful treatment modality for chronic low back pain (LBP).
Materials and Methods: This study was a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial. Patients with chronic LBP for at least 12 weeks were included. Visual analogue scale (VAS), Modified Oswestry Disability Questionnaire (MODQ), Schober test, flexion, extension and lateral bending were used to evaluate back pain, disability score and lumbar range of motion. Irradiation was performed with GaAlAs (=810 nm, power density=226 mW/cm2) laser, two times a week, over a period of 6 weeks. Subjects were evaluated before the first treatment, at week 6 and 12 follow-up.
Results: The reduction in pain related to motion was significantly greater in the exercise + LLLT group compared with the exercise alone group (P = 0.004) but was not significant, compared with LLLT alone (P = 0.982). Disability score in LLLT + exercise therapy reduced more than the other two groups, and the difference with exercise alone group was significant (p = 0.03). Comparison of reduction of disability between LLLT alone and exercise therapy alone was not statistically significant. Improvement of lumbar range of motion in patients treated with LLLT + exercise therapy was better than the other two groups significantly, especially by Schober test and Flexion and lateral bending.
Conclusion: This study clearly shows that LLLT alone and especially LLLT combined with exercise can lead to better improvement in chronic LBP.
Zolfaghari Gh, Esmaeili Sari A, Ghasempouri S M, Faghihzadeh S,
Volume 65, Issue 5 (3 2007)

Background: Dental amalgam, a mixture of approximately 50% mercury with silver, tin, zinc and copper in varying ratios, is a major source of mercury pollution in the general population not occupationally exposed. The toxicity of mercury is enhanced because it is so readily absorbed, with around 90-100% of mercury vapor being absorbed through the oral mucosa. The aim of the current study is to examine the mercury levels in hair and nails in subjects with amalgam fillings.
Methods: For a sample of forty university students reporting infrequent fish consump-tion, with their only known exposure to mercury from amalgam fillings, mercury levels were measured in hair and nail samples using the LECO AMA 254 Advanced Mercury Analyzer (USA), according to the ASTM standard No. D-6722 test method.
Results: Mercury concentration in hair ranged from 0.09 to 3.11 mg/kg, and in nail from zero to 1.35 mg/kg. We found that subjects with five or more amalgam fillings had significantly higher levels in their hair than subjects with zero to 5 amalgam fillings (CI 95% P=0.003). However, the number of amalgam fillings had no effect on the mercury concentration in nails in these two groups (P=0.26). There was no significant difference between the levels of mercury of males and that of females tested (P=0.26 for nail and P=0.15 for hair).
Conclusion: The mercury amount in hair was 1.5 times as much as that of the nail samples, may be due to the differences in the chemical compounds, particularly those with sulfur, or the deposition of those compounds that would be affected by blood circulation during formation of hair and nails. Although the amounts of mercury found in this study were below the WHO maximum acceptable level of 6 mg/kg for mercury in human hair, the levels were sufficient to warrant the use of other dental materials such as composites in order to decrease the overall rate of exposure to mercury.
Ghanbari Z, Esmaeili M, Eftekhar T, Esmaeili M, Miri E,
Volume 69, Issue 5 (6 2011)

Background: Overactive bladder (OAB) is one of the most prevalent diseases of lower urinary system. OAB disease is defined by the Standardization Subcommittee of the International Continence Society as urinary urgency, with or without urge incontinence, usually with frequency and nocturia with no proven infection or other obvious pathology. Treatment with the antimuscarinic agents tolterodine and oxybutynin is the mainstay of therapy for overactive bladder. The study was undertaken to compare the efficacy and side-effects of tolterodine and oxybutynin in a number of Iranian women.

Methods: This study consisted of two trials and done in Imam Khomeini Hospital in 2009 in one trial, 50 patients with overactive bladder were randomized to 4 weeks of treatment with 2 mg of twice-daily tolterodine, and in the other to 5 mg of three times a day oxybutynin. Urodynamic investigations, Episodes of urge urinary incontinence and adverse events were also evaluated.

Results: The results showed a good association between the questionnaire and cystometry data but urodynamic studies showed significant differences in efficacy. Tow groups showed significant improvements in all Symptoms, but The results showed that the two drugs had no significant differences in efficacy.

Conclusion: The data obtained by questionnaire indicated that both drugs increased quality of life but there were no significant differences between the two in symptom cure. Dry mouth was the most common side-effect in the two groups but unlike other studies it was higher in the tolterodine group. Therefore, our study did not show any preference between oxybutynin and tolterodine.

Salari S, Abbasnejad M, Badreh F, Esmaeili Mahani S,
Volume 69, Issue 11 (4 2012)

Background: Ascorbic acid (AA) is not synthesized in the brain but it is actively transported through blood-brain barrier by SVCT2 cotransporter and it is stored in high concentrations with heterogeneous distribution in areas such as nucleus accumbens shell (AcbSh) in the mammalian brain. Previous studies have shown that Ascorbic acid injection into AcbSh decreases feeding therefore, in the present study we evaluated the effects of oral Ascorbic acid pretreatment on changes in feeding upon its injection in AcbSh in adult male rats.

Methods: Sixty-three adult male rats (220-280 g) were divided into five treatment and five pretreatment groups. The treatment groups included the control (intact) group, sham-operated Ascorbic acid group that received normal saline as vehicle, and three other groups that received different doses of ascorbic acid (10, 50 and 250 µg/rat) by injection into AcbSh for four days. The pretreatment groups received Ascorbic acid (100 mg/kg) for 15 days via gastric gavage before receiving the aforementioned doses in treatment groups into intra nucleus AcbSh. Feeding measurement was repeated every 12 hours by automatic metabolic cage.

Results: The results indicated that all injected doses of Ascorbic acid (10, 50 and 250 µg/rat) into nucleus accumbens shell decrease food intake (P<0.05) in rats and oral Ascorbic acid pretreatment had no effects in this regard.

Conclusion: Our findings show that ascorbic acid is an effective factor in feeding regulation. Oral pretreatment seems to have no influence on the central effects of ascorbic acid in the nucleus accumbens shell.

Barkhordari Asgar, Hassanzadeh Taghi, Saidijam Masoud, Esmaeili Rasoul, Paoli Max,
Volume 69, Issue 12 (5 2012)

Background: Hypercholesterolemia is considered a major risk factor for pancreatitis, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Cholesteryl ester transfer protein gene polymorphisms are known to be associated with changes in lipid levels. We investigated the association between a polymorphism in the CETP gene (D442G) with plasma lipid levels and CETP activity in patients with hypercholesterolemia.

Methods: This case/control study that be done in Hamadan university of medical sciences (from October 2008 to September 2009), included 102 patients with hypercholesterolemia and 200 healthy individuals. Polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphisms were used to determine genotypic distribution and allelic frequencies of polymorphisms. The plasma CETP activity was measured by a kit in a fluorescence spectrometer. Lipid concentrations were measured by routine biochemical and enzymatic assays.

Results: Plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein activity was significantly higher in the cases than the controls (P<0.05). The genotypic and allelic frequencies for this polymorphism were not statistically different between the patients with hypercholesterolemia and the controls (in controls: DD 96%, DG 4%, GG 0% and in cases: DD 86%, DG 10%, GG 4%), (P>0.05). Plasma HDL-C, LDL-C and TC were higher in both groups with GG and DG genotypes than with DD genotype, whereas serum CETP activity was lower in GG genotype compared with other genotypes (GD or DD), (P<0.05).

Conclusion: The results showed that D442G polymorphism of CETP gene was associated with changes in lipid profile and plasma CETP activity in the selected population and it might have a role in contributing to a genetic risk for developing coronary artery disease.

Alireza Mahoori , Ebrahim Hassani , Heydar Noroozinia , Behzad Sinaei , Elham Esmaeili ,
Volume 71, Issue 5 (August 2013)

Background: Pulseoximetry is widely used in the critical care setting, currently used to guide therapeutic interventions. Few studies have evaluated the accuracy of SPO2 (puls-eoximetry oxygen saturation) in intensive care unit after cardiac surgery. Our objective was to compare pulseoximetry with arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) during clinical routine in such patients, and to examine the effect of mild acidosis on this relationship.
Methods: In an observational prospective study 80 patients were evaluated in intensive care unit after cardiac surgery. SPO2 was recorded and compared with SaO2 obtained by blood gas analysis. One or serial arterial blood gas analyses (ABGs) were performed via a radial artery line while a reliable pulseoximeter signal was present. One hundred thirty seven samples were collected and for each blood gas analyses, SaO2 and SPO2 we recorded.
Results: O2 saturation as a marker of peripheral perfusion was measured by Pulseoxim-etry (SPO2). The mean difference between arterial oxygen saturation and pulseoximetry oxygen saturation was 0.12%±1.6%. A total of 137 paired readings demonstrated good correlation (r=0.754 P<0.0001) between changes in SPO2 and those in SaO2 in samples with normal hemoglobin. Also in forty seven samples with mild acidosis, paired readings demonstrated good correlation (r=0.799 P<0.0001) and the mean difference between SaO2 and SPO2 was 0.05%±1.5%.
Conclusion: Data showed that in patients with stable hemodynamic and good signal quality, changes in pulseoximetry oxygen saturation reliably predict equivalent changes in arterial oxygen saturation. Mild acidosis doesn’t alter the relation between SPO2 and SaO2 to any clinically important extent. In conclusion, the pulse oximeter is useful to monitor oxygen saturation in patients with stable hemodynamic.

Ali Ghasemi , Abdollah Banihashem , Nosrat Ghaemi , Saghi Elmi , Habibollah Esmaeili , Reza Erfani Sayyar, Sam Elmi ,
Volume 72, Issue 1 (April 2014)

Background: In most children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) who have received chemotherapy with and without radi-otherapy, some late effects due to treatment may occur such as endocrinopathies. Methods: We evaluated growth criteria (including short stature, obesity) and thyroid test function in 50 children with ALL (n= 25) and NHL (n= 25) 3-17 year-old in remis-sion period who randomly received chemotherapy with (n= 25) or without (n= 25) radi-ation such as our treatment groups. The values for height, weight and BMI in less than 5th or more than 95 th percentile considers abnormal. Results: Six (12%) patients were in less than 5th percentile height (short stature). Two patients (4.0%) had over-weight and 48 (96%) were in normal range of BMI. Six (12%) patients were in less than 5th and 3 (6%) were in more than 95 th weight percentile. There was no significant difference between two different treatment groups for TSH (P= 0.662 (but there was a significant difference between these groups in case of T4 (P= 0.049(. Mean and SD for T4 in patients with chemotherapy alone was less than in whom received chemotherapy plus radiotherapy. There was no significant difference between ALL and NHL groups for TSH, T4 (P= 0.567, 0.528 respectively). Two boys with ALL without history of radiation had hypothyroidism that had based on their la-boratory data. Conclusion: Regarding to effects of thyroid dysfunction on short stature and obesity in adolescent with ALL and NHL, we suggest to have more attention about growth, thy-roid test to avoid late side effect of malignancy treatment.
Rasoul Yousefi Mashouf, Rasoul Esmaeili, Mohammad Yousef Alikhani , Mehdi Ghanbari ,
Volume 72, Issue 3 (June 2014)

Background: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram-negative pathogens opportunism which causes severe infections in human beings. The most common infection include: endocarditis, meningitis, septicemia and chronic lung infections in cystic fibrosis pa-tients. This bacterium has many pathogenic factors including exotoxin A, lipopoly-sacharide, phospholipase C, pili, elastase and alkaline protease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of exotoxin A gene (ETA) as a strong virulence factor and sensitivity determination of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from second and third-degree burn patients. Methods: This study has performed in Besat University Hospital in Hamadan from January to December 2012. We used 170 isolated samples. The samples were isolated from blood and skin biopsy in second and third-degree burn patients. We had 79 strains positive culture of pseudomonas aeruginosa. Forward and reverse primers used for PCR were designed by DNASIS and Oligo software. Then genomic of known strains were extracted by DNA purification kit and indentified by PCR. The quality and quantity of the extracted DNA was determined using spectrophotometry. For determination of PCR sensitivity was used culture test as gold standard. DNA of pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853) was used as a positive control. Finally data was analyzed using SPSS software. Results: Out of 170 isolated samples, 79 strains of pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn patients had positive culture. PCR of isolated positive culture demonstrated that 5 strains (6.33%) were with out this virulence factor and 74 strains (93.67%) had ETA gene. So the sensitivity of test based on sensitivity formula was 94.04%. Conclusion: Our results showed that sensitivity of PCR mediated ETA gene in detection of pseudomonas aeruginosa strains is considerable and this factor can be used as a good factor identifying of pseudomonas aeruginosa. It seems more studies with larger sample size is necessary in this area.
Anousheh Safarcherati , Masoumeh Amin-Esmaeili , Behrang Shadloo , Minoo Mohraz , Afarin Rahimi-Movaghar ,
Volume 73, Issue 10 (January 2016)

HIV/AIDS is among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in world. There are more than 35 million people living with HIV/AIDS in the world. Although the annual incidence of HIV infection is decreasing globally, HIV prevalence is rising due to development of more effective treatment and higher survival. Iran suffers from concentrated HIV epidemics among injecting and non-injecting drug users. There are more than 27 thousand registered cases of HIV infection and it is estimated that there are above seventy eight thousand cases in the country. Regarding the burden of disease, it is projected that HIV/AIDS will have the highest growth during the next 10 years. The outcome of this epidemics will be determined by human behavior. HIV, psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders are closely correlated and are accompanied by similar risk factors. They also share common consequences such as stigma and discrimination. Correlation of psychiatric disorders, as one of the most influential determinants of our behavior, and HIV/AIDS infection is reviewed in this narrative article. Psychiatric disorders are associated with greater risk of HIV acquisition. Substance use disorders, both injecting and non-injecting, as well as severe mental illnesses put the individual at higher risk of acquiring HIV infection. Impaired judgment, diminished inhibition and control over behaviors, lack of insight and poor self-care have been proposed as the underlying mechanisms. On the other hand, HIV infection may put the individual at greater risk of developing a mental illness. Coping with a chronic and life-threatening illness, fear of stigma and discrimination, CNS invasion of the virus as well as the adverse neuropsychiatric side effects of anti-retroviral medications may all contribute to establishment of a psychiatric disorder. Although there exists a bi-directional correlation between mental health problems and HIV/AIDS infection, this reciprocity goes beyond. Psychiatric disorders can affect the patient’s adherence, access to treatment and care and can worsen the course and clinical outcome of the infection. The clinical importance, underlying mechanism and other implications of this correlation are reviewed in this article.

Rezvan Esmaeili , Tannaz Samadi , Nasrin Abdoli , Keivan Majidzadeh-Ardebili , Leila Farahmand , Malihe Salehi ,
Volume 74, Issue 10 (January 2017)

Background: Researchers are always trying to find specific markers which express specifically in cancer. These specific markers help to diagnose and treat cancer without affecting normal tissues. Cancer-testis antigens are among the new promising biomarkers, especially for targeted therapy. These markers are specially expressed in testis. Various studies have been reported individual expression of these proteins in some tumor tissues. Since testis is an immune privilege organ, abnormal expression of the above mentioned genes raises immune response and the serum antibody against them (CT antigene) can be detected as a marker of cancer. However, understanding their differential role in normal and cancer tissues may introduce them as new candidates of cancer biomarkers. The aim of this study was to evaluate AKAP3 gene expression in breast cancer and its correlation with clinicopathologic features of the disease.

Methods: This study is a case-control study conducted at the Brest Cancer Research Center (BCRC)- Iran, between October 2014 to May 2016. AKAP3 gene expression was investigated with real-time PCR in breast samples including: 74 tumors, 73 normal adjacents and 15 normal tissues. On the other hand the correlation between gene expression, clinicopathologic features of the tumors and treatment regimen were evaluated.

Results: Statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between lack of AKAP3 expression, tumor size (P=0.01) and stage (P=0.04). The association between poor prognosis and the absence of AKAP3 expression in normal adjacent tissues were observed. Kaplan Meier plot showed a significant better disease free survival in the normal adjacent patients group that are expressed AKAP3.

Conclusion: It was observed that the better free survival in the normal adjacent group is because of the different AKAP3 expression, not treatment variations between two patient groups. As a result, AKAP3 can be a suitable candidate biomarker for breast cancer patients. Also, the study of gene expression in normal tissue of patients may be used to predict response to therapy.

Fatemeh Nasimi , Hossein Zeraati , Javad Shahinfar , Mohammadreza Safdari , Ali Esmaeili , Maryam Ghorbanzadeh ,
Volume 78, Issue 2 (May 2020)

Background: Premature infants undergo a lot of stressors during treatment procedures in the neonatal intensive care units which causes significant physiological changes in these neonates. Multi-sensory stimulation is a broad category of interventions designed to improve the evolutionary and physiological outcomes of premature infants hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit to minimize stress in this environment. So, the study aimed to evaluate the effect of multi-sensory stimulation on physiological parameters in preterm infants.
Methods: This double-blind clinical trial conducted in the neonatal intensive care unit of Shahid Motahari Hospital in Jahrom from April to December 2016. In this study, 80 preterm infants with a gestational age of 34 to 36 weeks were selected by non-probability sampling method and were randomly divided into two groups of multi-sensory stimulation and control. Neonates in the intervention group received a multi-sensory stimulation program for 60 minute. The multi-sensory stimulation program was included a combination of auditory, tactile, motor and visual stimulation. The preterm infants in the control group received only usual care. The data collecting tool was a questionnaire and checklist for physiological parameters of preterm infants.
Results: The results showed that the two groups were homogeneous in terms of fetal age, birth weight, the height of birth, first and fifth minute Apgar score of birth. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the mean of physiological indexes in the two groups before the intervention. Statistical tests showed that there was a decreasing trend in the average of all physiological indices during the intervention (first and second half during the intervention) (P<0.001), However, these changes were not significant in the control group (P<0.05). Also, analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures showed that there was a significant difference between changes in physiological variables between the two groups at different stages of evaluation (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Multi-sensory stimulation leads to a decrease in heart rate and respiratory rate and the stability of blood pressure in preterm infants.

Mohammad Radgoodarzi, Sepideh Ammooeian, Hassan Esmaeili, Shima Salehi, Mohammad Nikoocar,
Volume 78, Issue 8 (November 2020)

Background: Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a disorder in which electrical cardiac ventricular repolarization is impaired. It results in an increased risk of an irregular heartbeat which can result in palpitations, fainting, drowning, or sudden death. Long QT Syndrome may present as tonic-clonic seizure or a seizure-like disorder. By taking a superficial electrocardiogram (ECG) and proper diagnosis, Sudden death, one of the most important complications of Long QT syndrome can be easily prevented.
Methods: This is a prospective case-control study that was conducted in the emergency department of Taleghani Children's Hospital of Gorgan University during 2017.
Four hundred and eighty subjects in three groups (two cases and one control groups), were included in this study. These comprised as patients with afebrile convulsion (n: 160), patients with seizures associated with fever (n: 160), and the control group (patients who have been hospitalized for any reason other than seizure (n: 160)). Those with severe cerebral palsy, acute meningitis, prolonged loss of consciousness, severe disturbances of electrolytes and those who were taking drugs that affect the QT interval were excluded. Once admitted with a primary diagnosis of seizure, a 12 leads superficial ECG was performed.
Results:  In the group of patients with febrile convulsion, 123 children were Low probability Long QT syndrome, 33 cases were Intermediate and 4 were high probability Long QT syndrome. Probability of Long QT syndrome in children with afebrile seizures showed that 112 children were in Low probability Long QT syndrome, 42 children in Intermediate and 6 children in High probability Long QT syndrome group. Comparison of Probability of Long QT syndrome among the three evaluated groups showed that children with afebrile seizure (48 children) and subsequently children with febrile seizure (37 children) were more in Intermediate and High categories than others. Only 11 children in the control group were in the Intermediate and High groups. Chi-square test results showed a significant difference with P<0.001.
Conclusion:  The results of this study show that in patients who present with seizure as the initial symptom, it is always mandatory to account Long QT syndrome into differential diagnosis. Doing a simple electrocardiogram makes it easy to distinguish two issues and prevent sudden death.

Mohammad Ali Shaban, Asghar Ghorbani, Mohammad Kaji Yazdi , Neda Hakimian, Monir Al-Sadat Sahlabadi, Zahra Shokri, Zahra Mollah Esmaeili,
Volume 79, Issue 5 (August 2021)

Background: Anemia has a very high prevalence across the world. Microcytic anemia is the most common nutritional disorder and a major health problem in infants and children associated with inadequate growth and development. Diagnosing anemia at the birth can be difficult. Due to the fact that conditions such as thalassemia and iron deficiency are causative factors of microcytic anemia are prevalent in Iran, early diagnosing and treating these diseases can prevent excessive costs and further complications. Therefore, recognizing the practical factors with this complication is an effective step in controlling and preventing it. Therefore, the present study was performed to determine the prevalence of microcytic anemia in newborns in Baharloo Hospital in Tehran, Iran.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 210 infants, which were newly born on Baharloo Hospital from march2018 to march2019. 2.5 cc cord blood sample was extracted from each infant, and microcytic anemia were diagnosed according to factors such as Hb, MCV and others parameters.
Results: in this study, we demonstrated that there is a significant association between MCH and microcytic anemia. Our results showed that the rates of newborn infants with anemia disease (Hb<13ml/dl) were 14.3% and the rates of microcytic anemia were 9.5%. There were not any significant differences between mother's age, neonatal weight and height, type of parturition, pregnancy age and parental ratio with the incidence of microcytic anemia.
Conclusion: Anemia has a relatively high prevalence in the center of Baharloo Hospital, Tehran, Iran. So screening and further investigation for anemia and related factors are critical. According to the results of our investigation, studies showed that anemia is a multifactorial disease that depends on different factors. The existence of variable results in different studies requires evaluating more parameters that affect the incidence of microcytic anemia, such as iron deficiency, eating habits, level of parental education, and use of iron supplements in pregnancy. Management of this disease requires screening and early diagnosis for more effective treatment and reduction of its potential complications.

Hadi Lotfi, Morteza Izadi, Ehsan Lutfi , Hadi Esmaeili Gouvarchin Ghaleh,
Volume 81, Issue 7 (October 2023)

Deliberate or threatening use of viruses, bacteria, toxins, or poisonous substances prepared from living organisms to cause death or disease in humans, animals, and plants is called bioterrorism. These agents can be spread by spraying them in the air, causing infection in animals, transferring this infection to humans, or contaminating water and food sources. Defense measures, such as emergency responses to this type of terrorism, are unfamiliar and unknown. The general state of helplessness caused by the lack of complete preparation and the lack of anti-pollution strategies complicates the issue. The ability and widespread interest of civilian personnel to participate in the development of chemical and biological weapons is directly related to easy access to academic excellence around the world. Another factor is the tempting misuse of freely available electronic data and knowledge about the production of antibiotics, vaccines, and conventional weapons with their various complex details. The use of animals in laboratory research to better understand the mechanisms of disease and treatment and to overcome the limitations of clinical trials has a long history. For many viruses, laboratory diagnostic methods and reagents must be continuously modified to account for genetic variations and variants. Unlike bacterial diseases, many of which can be treated with antimicrobial drugs, there are fewer medical countermeasures to combat viral infections. Many of these pathogens are lethal or cause debilitating diseases in humans, making it ethically inappropriate to test the effectiveness of these countermeasures on human volunteers. Researchers must have a correct understanding of various animal models so that they can make the correct choice, gain a better understanding of the clinical symptoms of viral diseases, and provide possible options for treatment and vaccine development. It should be noted that decision-making when faced with a biological attack should be done away from too much fear, and this requires researchers to have prior knowledge of facing these threats. Despite all these checks and measures taken in advance, the international preparedness against these attacks is weak, which can be attributed to the lack of global plans to deal with the epidemic.

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