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Sh Rafiei Tehrani , A Saraf Nejad , Sa Mir Ghani Zadeh ,
Volume 51, Issue 1 (30 1993)

Listeria infection is still a dominant infectious problem in Iran, particularly in abortion. Looking for a paraclinical technique other than bacterial methods (which is not always available) lead to serological survey indicating estimation anti listeria antibody by Immunoflourescent test. Unfortunately the false positive results due to cross reaction between "listeria monocytogenesis" and certain gram positive cocci, made it an unacceptable technique. Here we performed a test to extract the Listeria M. (Stranin 4a and 1b) soluble antigen and detecting the antibody by counter immunoelectrophoresis (CEI). The results indicated that of four bacterial soluble antigen fractions F1 and F3 were significantly positive with patients sera. We will discuss using the soluble antigen by CEI technique may be helpful to omit the false positive reactions.
M Saghari , H Soleimani Abyaneh ,
Volume 51, Issue 1 (30 1993)

Thyroid scintigraphy has been helpful in detecting and evaluation of thyroid nodules. Sodium pertechnetate Tc-99m is the most commonly used radionuclide for thyroid imaging because of its general availability, favorable dosimetric characteristics and low cost. But, there are reports of occasional disparity in isotope uptake in lesions compared with radioiodide. In order to determine percentage and clinical significance of this disparity, we screened 101 patients with solitary functioning nodules using sodium pertechnetate TC-99m in comparison with subsequent Iodine-131 scan in research institute for nuclear medicine. We conclude that sodium pertechnetate TC-99m is a reliable radiotracer for the detection and evaluation of thyroid nodules and there is no need for the subsequent Iodine-131 scan.
M Zahraei , S Akbar Zadeh Moghaddam ,
Volume 51, Issue 1 (30 1993)

Carnitine is a water-soluble quaternary amine which increases the long-chain fatty acid metabolism by facilitation of their transport to the oxidation site (mitochondria). Carnitine most likely is present in all animal species, in many microorganisms, and in many plants. In this study, we determined the carnitine level of sera in pregnant and non-pregnant women by segade modified method. Average concentration of carnitine in the sera of fifty pregnant women was about 25/83 umol/I: First trimester-30.96 umol/I. Second trimester-29.11 umol/I. Third trimester-25.11 umol/I. concentration of cholesterol and triglyceride in the above-mentioned group was the following: Cholesterol: 258.84 mg/dl triglyceride: 267.02 mg/dl. The above values show that the carnitine level in sera of pregnant women decreases significantly and this decrease is tolerated well by pregnant women. According to our results, the serum carnitine concentration in pregnant women gradually decreases as gestation proceeds. So that the end of this period, is half of its concentration before conception. During pregnancy, there was an inverse correlation between carnitine level and that of cholesterol and triglycerides. Decrease in carnitine concentration and increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels may be due to the following factors: 1) Increase in FFA oxidation in pregnancy. 2) Hormones. 3) Dilution of the blood. 4) Decrease in Fe storage in pregnant women.
S Azari , V Ghafari , A Ahmadi ,
Volume 51, Issue 1 (30 1993)

This study has been conducted on the path reports of diagnostic curettage carried out in Mirza koochek-khan hospital during the 6 months of the year 1989 (April to September). The reports examined have been further classified into incompelete abortion, diagnostic currettage and others. A total number of 645 women have had D&C according to the above criteria. In this period of time, incomplete abortion had the highest rate (34% of all D&C's), of which 62.5% were under 20 years of age and 22.6% were primigravida. The ratio of total abortion to the number of deliveries was 9.8% and post-delivery retention of placenta constituted 4.8% of all D&C's, with the highest rate amongst the age group of 15-19 years old, who mostly had home deliveries. The incidence of hydatidiform mole was 3.07 per 1000 deliveries, out of this number, the highest rate (50%) belonged to the age group of 20-24 years old. The above incidence is 6.4 times more than the U.S. incidence and 0.9 times less than the incidence reported in other Asian countries (6, 8, 10). Knowing the complication of unplanned abortion such as perforation of the uterus, infection, hemorrhage, adhesions (synechiae) and secondary sterility, special attention should be paid to the diagnosis of high-risk pregnancies in prenatal clinics.
F Agha Hosseini ,
Volume 51, Issue 1 (30 1993)

The papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum (PCL), also called warthin's tumor, is a benign salivary gland tumor which primarily involves the parotid gland. These lesions are composed of a double layer of cuboidal or culmnar eosinophilic cells lining a cystic cavity which lymphoid tissue is present in the supporting stroma. The lesions shows a predilection for males, with peak incidence during the sixth decade of life. Bilateral lesions have been found to occur in 5 to 7.5 percent of the cases. Rarely, these lesions have been reported in the minor salivary glands and oropharynx. Case report: A 47-year-old woman presented with a red lesion on the hard palate between the midline and right maxillary side. The patient had awared of the lesion for one year. The clinical dignosis was a mucocele. An excisional biopsy was performed. Gross examination of the formaline-fixed specimen revealed three pieces of soft tissue measuring 1.0 x 0.3 x 0.3. Histologic examination revealed a nodular mass surfaced by keratinizied stratified squamous epithelium. The connective tissue stroma contained a papillary cystic area lined by a double layer of cuboidal cells with centrally placed nuclei
A Ghavamzadeh , I Bayboordi , , ,
Volume 51, Issue 2 (1 1993)

During April, 1991 and September, 1993, eighteen patients with major thalassemia admitted to Shariati BMT center. Seventeen patients were transplanted were from HLA identical siblings and one from. his HLA identical father. Eleven of the donors were the known cases of minor thalassemia. The range of patients' age was within 3-10 years (with the average of 5 years and 11 months). Among them, seven patients were male and eleven were female. As the other international BMT centers, we classified our patients into three classes. Our criteria for this classification were hepatomegaly, ferretin, and liver fibrous 60% of our patients were put in class I and 40% in class II. All of our patients revealed a GVHD (severe graft vs. host disease) three weeks post-BMT as pruritus, diarrhea, and skin erythema especially in hands and feet. Two of the patients showed severe GVHD. One of the patients had chimerism after BMT. Although one year after BMT has passed, the patients is still depended on blood transfusion. One patient, despite graft rejection, died nine months post-BMT another one died after +70 due to GVHD. During 2.5 years, the overall graft survival rate was 88% in our center
P Jabalameli , B Ghazi Moghaddam ,
Volume 52, Issue 1 (30 1994)

The treatment of choice for bladder tumors is TUR, but because of high incidence of recurrence in these tumors, various treatments are suggested. In one study, 32 patients involved with superficial T.C.C. of bladder selected and divided in two equal groups. In the first group, after T.U.R, 10 million IU of a alpha-interferon was injected into the bladder through a catheter and in the other group, after TUR, they treated with injection of BCG into bladders. The results of these two drugs in prevention of recurrence and their side effects were studied and compaired
T Mokhtari Azad , M Naghavi , , Rakhshandeh ,
Volume 52, Issue 3 (30 1994)

201 blood samples were collected by cluster sampling from 7-11 years old children and measles antibody titer was measured by hemagglutination inhibition test. Despite testing all the sera, the results were analysed on the 139 samples that had documented vaccination records and no history of measles. Among 139 children 44 had received 2 doses of vaccine one dose before 12 and one after 15 months, 64 had one dose after 15 months, 29 had only one dose before 12 months and 2 had not received vaccine. The antibody titer of the first two groups had no significant difference with those that had received one vaccine dose, before the age 12 months (P<0.001). There were no significant differences in the titer of antibodies with time elapse in none of the vaccination histories. This may be due to efficacy of vaccine and also circulation of wild virus in the community. Regardless of the history of vaccination, 95.5% of children had immunity to measles (titer?3). Considering the results if the current strategy of vaccination implemented completely, the status of immunity would be satisfactory.
Mh Mandegar , J Ghafar Pasand , A Yamini Sharif , Sh Ali Nejad ,
Volume 52, Issue 3 (30 1994)

This article aim is to introduce a case of PAPVC (partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection). The patient was a 25-year-old women who had dyspnea and palpitation. She expressed no special disease, no past medical history, and no drug usage, but her brother and her aunt had the above-mentioned history. In the physical examination, lungs were clear and the heart had S2 splitting, and there was a systolic murmur in the pulmonary area. Her liver could be palpitated two centimeters below the costal edge, but she didn't have any hepatomegaly. In cardiac catheterism, she had PAPVC, atrial septal defect (ASD), and mitral valve prolapse (MVP). The patient underwent operation had left pulmonary vein was separated from the superior vena cava and anastomosed to the left atrial auricle. By means of the pericardial patch, the left atrium became enlarged and ASD was closed. She was in a good condition after surgery and left the hospital without any complication with a good condition and recovery and had no problem any longer.
V Ghaffari , Y Behjatnia ,
Volume 53, Issue 1 (30 1995)

Initial management, incidence and review of hydatidiform mole, chorioadenoma and destruens and chorio carcinoma in Mirza Kochek khan hospital department of ob.gyn and gynecology oncology of women's hospital Tehran-Iran school of medicin from September 1985 to March 1990, 209 patients received primary management for hydatidiform mole at oncology department of Mirza Kochek Khan hospital medical school of Tehran Iran. All of these women HAD complete record available for analysis, of these, 167 women bydatidiform mole, 12 patients chorioadenoma-destruens 30 patients chorio carcinoma a survey was made of factors likely to provide an important clinical perspective patient aye and the status of pregnancy were noted. 41 patient only sharp curettage and 55 patients suction curettage to remove the hydatidiform mole. 97 patient require chemo terapy, suction curettage of the uterus is clearly the best means of management in the most cases their eyperince documents that hydatidiform mole is an high risk pregnancy that requires prompt and in tensive management.
M Moghaddam, Smr Jazayeri,
Volume 53, Issue 2 (5-1995)

AVNRT, (Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia), atrial tachycardia and atrial flutter are 3 kinds of supraventricular tachycardia, which their mechanism are explained based on reentry. A 60-years-old man is presented with all of the above-mentioned arrhythmias, responsive to intravenous injection of adenosine. Radiofrequency ablation of the slow pathway territories cured all of them. Therefore, we suggest that there was a common pathway among all kinds of these arrhythmias, which were ablated with single RF lesion.
M Sanati, M Zarghami, M Kashoufi ,
Volume 53, Issue 2 (5-1995)

This is a study of depressive features in 51 Iranian combatants suffering from PTSD. DSM III-R considers depressive symptoms as associated clinical features of this condition. DSM III and DSM III-R both accepted the strong evidence that PTSD is a form of anxiety and included it in the anxiety disorders category. It is true that many PTSD sufferers present with anxiety features similar to these present in generalized anxiety disorder (The same authors reported anxiety features in 94% of Iranian combatants 1991), but this similarity is true: For depressive features, 92% was found in present study. The findings are discussed in relation to previous studies of combat-related PTSD, both done in Iran or elsewhere.
S Sh Sadr , Ar Shaban Zadeh , F Ghaem Maghami ,
Volume 54, Issue 1 (30 1996)

To evaluate the tolerance and effectiveness of conjugated Estrogen for women with established post-menopausal Osteoporosis and hot flushes, with the use of paired comparison, randomized, we tested during an 10 month period the bone mineral contents and plasma glucose in subjects who afforded by premarin in dosages of 0.625 mg for days 1 to 25 and oral medroxy progesterone acetate for days 15 to 25 of a 29 days cycle. All subjects received supplementation to ensure a minimum of 800 mg calcium per day. 25 subjects completed at least 10 month follow up serum calcium, phosphate, glucose and urinary calcium and phosphatae measurements by colorimetric, method. We compared women with herselves, the median change in biochemical studies showed significant decrease in serum calcium, phosphate an urinary excrition of calcium, but significant increase in urinary excrition of phosphate. Fasting plasma glucose did not change significantly. Decrease serum calcium (9.6 compared with 9.16 P<0.005) decrease, serum phosphate (3.77 compared with 3.39 P<0.005), decrease uri calcium (149.81 compared with 121.46, P<0.005), increase uri phosphate (625.83 compared with 676, P<0.005), FBS (92.03 compared with 91.45, 0.1>P>0.05). Regarding the effects of conjugated Estrogen on plasma and urinary calcium and phosphate levels and amelioration of clinical symptoms, we concluded that conjugated Estrogen treatment in effective in post-menopausal Osteoporosis, but we did not find relation between exogenous Estrogen in post-menopausal women with FBS and hot flush

M Jamali , K Moghadam ,
Volume 54, Issue 1 (30 1996)

The autopsies, which have been performed within the last 50 years, have revealed that real prevalence of prostatic carcinoma is more frequent than clinical one. The real prevalence of prostatic carcinoma, is prevalence combination of carcinomas which have been revealed clinically (They have been confirmed by autopsy or by operation) and the prostatic latent carcinomas are those, which are found in autopsy or randomly in the biopsies taken for hyperplasia. But they have no clinical syndromes. In order to review prevalence of prostatic latent carcinoma in Iran, all prostatic lesions (Including hyperplasia or carcinoma) were studied in Imam Khomeini medical complex during 10 years (1981-91), in university Jihad center and medical center of Iran within 2 years and in Yazd faculty of medicine within 3 years (1981-84). The total cases were 1110 among which 1085 cases were selected upon reviewing for statistical analysis. At first all lamellas were studied, then the ratio of adenocarcinoma to total prostatic lesions were analyzed and types of carcinoma and their percentage in total cases were identified. Finally the prostatic latent carcinoma and its percentage in total malignancy cases were presented

M Ghafarpour , Gh Nejad Dehghan , M Harirchian ,
Volume 54, Issue 2 (30 1996)

Proximal weakness specially in extremitas is a common neurologic symptom of patients, for which the physician should consider toxic, metabolic, infectious and paraneoblastic diseases affecting muscular system as well as primary myopathies. Osteomalacia is one of the most common considerations which is treatable but disabling as its natural course. Osteomalacia is the most often due to VITD or calcium deficiency but work up is necessary to find other primary defects that cause this disease. Renal tubular acidosis is one of these primary defects and osteomalacia secondary to it dose not respond to classic treatment of osteomalacia, so specific management is necessary. In this article we report six patients who have been referred to the clinic of neurology of Imam Khomeini Hospital since 1370 to 1374 with proximal weakness for whom RTA has been diagnosed

M Ghafarnejad ,
Volume 54, Issue 2 (30 1996)

A seventeen-years old woman was presented with infertility and primary amenorrhea. She had normal stature, femate phenotype and normal development of breasts, external genitalia, vagina and cervix. Pelvic examination showed a large lobulated mass. On sonography there was a mass with probable origin of ovary. Paraclinic tests were carried out. Gonadotropins were in postmeno pausal limits. Alpha Fetoprotein, Beta Subunit (B-HCG) assay were normal Laparotomy revealed a gonadat mass on right side, normal uterus and left streak gonad. Pathologic report of tumor was dysgerminoma and teratoma. Due to pathology of tumor and Y chromosome, we advised the patient to remove the other streak gonad and have irradiatio

M Valieghanie ,
Volume 54, Issue 2 (30 1996)

Psoriasis is an common, chronic, recurrent, inflammatory disease of the skin, characterized by red scaling plaques on the skin surface. The morphology of psoriatic lesions allows classification of the different types of psoriasis that included plaque type, pustular type and Erythrodermic type. I have studied the relationship between distribution of RH and ABO blood groups in 110 psoriatic patients and compared with control normal blood groups. The result of this study was as follow: The rate of blood group type AB was significantly lower than that of the control normal blood group ABO

M Ghanei , ,
Volume 55, Issue 3 (30 1997)

Differential diagnosis of Iron-deficiency anemia and Beta-Thalassemia, two common causes of anemia, affects the treatment in pregnant women. To help the diagnosis, we have tried to asses the pure effect of gestation on diagnostic criteria, eliminating iron and folate deficiency. In a prospective study, 46 thalassemic women were given Ferrous Sulphate tablets and Folate. Some indices, CBC and HbA2 were measured before and after treatment during pregnancy. The haemoglobin and HbA2 decreased and MCV increased, all with significant P value. We concluded that HbA2, independent of iron, will decrease during pregnancy and MCV will increase
K Ghazesaeed , M Mohammadi ,
Volume 55, Issue 3 (30 1997)

In this study, 307 samples of the sediments of fish breeding pools of the different parts of North of Iran were tested for the survey of different environmental Mycobacteria. After the process of cultivation, 107 cases of Mycobacterium were gained which after the performance of different biochemical tests. 112 cases of Mycobacterium were identified. From among the isolated Mycobacteria, the highest rank belonged to M.fortuitum with the frequency of 13.97% and the next M.gordonae 10.66% M.xenopi, M.nonchromagenicum 8.2% and the last M.marinum with the frequency of 5.74%. M.marinum was the case of Tuberculosis of fish and had important role in the creation of granuloma. Next to that, M.fortuitum, M.kanasasii and M.gordenae had less importance. The existence of such Mycobacteria in the fish breeding pools were on one hand the cause of pollution of fish and on the other hand the fishman and other people who are somehow connected to the fish and the pools sediments are subject to disease in case of existence of injury in their hands or feet
M Ghaffarpoor ,
Volume 55, Issue 5 (1 1997)

Pain is one of the most important and sometimes difficult problems, that patients and physicians are encountered. It may be clinically acute or chronic, acute pain has usually definite cause and favourable response to treatment. On the other hand there are difficulties in diagnosis and management of chronic pain. Peripheral and cranial nerves convey pain impulses toward central nervous system, and modulations take place at several levels. Diagnosis of different pains, including nociceptive, nerve trunk pain and deafferentation types is essential to acceptable management. In this article we review pain pathway, neurotransmitters and modulation.

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