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Showing 4 results for Ghaem Maghami

S Sh Sadr , Ar Shaban Zadeh , F Ghaem Maghami ,
Volume 54, Issue 1 (30 1996)

To evaluate the tolerance and effectiveness of conjugated Estrogen for women with established post-menopausal Osteoporosis and hot flushes, with the use of paired comparison, randomized, we tested during an 10 month period the bone mineral contents and plasma glucose in subjects who afforded by premarin in dosages of 0.625 mg for days 1 to 25 and oral medroxy progesterone acetate for days 15 to 25 of a 29 days cycle. All subjects received supplementation to ensure a minimum of 800 mg calcium per day. 25 subjects completed at least 10 month follow up serum calcium, phosphate, glucose and urinary calcium and phosphatae measurements by colorimetric, method. We compared women with herselves, the median change in biochemical studies showed significant decrease in serum calcium, phosphate an urinary excrition of calcium, but significant increase in urinary excrition of phosphate. Fasting plasma glucose did not change significantly. Decrease serum calcium (9.6 compared with 9.16 P<0.005) decrease, serum phosphate (3.77 compared with 3.39 P<0.005), decrease uri calcium (149.81 compared with 121.46, P<0.005), increase uri phosphate (625.83 compared with 676, P<0.005), FBS (92.03 compared with 91.45, 0.1>P>0.05). Regarding the effects of conjugated Estrogen on plasma and urinary calcium and phosphate levels and amelioration of clinical symptoms, we concluded that conjugated Estrogen treatment in effective in post-menopausal Osteoporosis, but we did not find relation between exogenous Estrogen in post-menopausal women with FBS and hot flush

Ghaem Maghami Noori F, , ,
Volume 59, Issue 4 (9 2001)

Ovarian cancer is second prevalent cancer among gynecologic malignancies and the most common type of ovarian cancer is epithelial form (85-90 percent). To detect the risk factors for the epithelial ovarian cancer, a case-control study was conducted in Valieasr hospital in 1988. In this study, 118 cases with epithelial ovarian cancer (according histological records) and 240 controls without any gynecological cancer in gynecologic clinic had been interviewed. For data analysis, T-test, Chi2 test and logistic regression have been used at a =0.05 as level of significance. The mean age in cases was 50±13 and in controls was 49.9±12 years, without significant different. The mean number of pregnancies and parity in cases was less than controls, significantly (P<0.03). The mean months of breast feeding in cases was less than controls (54.9±71.2 versus 82.4±62.7) (P<0.001). The cases had a lower mean age of menarch than controls (P=0.03). 58 percent of cases and 21.3 percent of controls hadn't used any contraception methods (P=0.00001). The mean years of contraception was significantly less in cases versus controls (P<0.001). The odds ratio for epithelial ovarian cancer was 0.24 (95 percent CI: 0.13-0.48) in OCP users, 0.47 (95 percent CI: 0.005-0.43) in TL method, and was 0.41 (95 percent CI: 0.22-0.76) in other contraception methods, relative to women who hadn't used any contraception methods. This study reveals that epithelial ovarian cancer risk increases significantly with earlier menarch, decreasing number of pregnancy, deliveries duration of breast feeding and use of contraception methods. Use of contraception pill and tubal ligation method decreases risk of epithelial ovarian cancer.
Ghaem Maghami F, Harirchi I, Moghimi R, Mazaheri H ,
Volume 60, Issue 2 (14 2002)

Background: The aim of study was to determine the frequency of delay referring and related factors in patients with advanced breast cancer, in Imam Khomeini Hospital in the 2000.

Materials and Methods: Successively 200 patients were entered the study if they were consentient. A questionnaire was constructed and information was obtained through interviewing.

Results: From the cases, 64 patients (32 percent) referred without delay and 136 patients (68 percent) referred tardily. The patients who were late in comparison with patients who didn’t late, had significantly higher mean age (P=0.004), lower education level (P=0.002), and lower economic status (P=0.001). The frequency rate of single were lower among them (P=0.001), fewer percent were residual of big cities (P=0.01) and they had less rate of available physician (P=0.004). 24.3 percent of delay referring patients and 53.1 percent of patients without delay has a positive family history of breast cancer (P=0.001). 62.5 percent of delay referring patients and 85 percent of patients without delay were aware about importance of Self Breast Examination (S.B.E) (P=0.002) and respectively 84.4 percent and 98.4 percent were award about symptoms of breast cancer (P=0.01). 23.5 percent and 33 percent of patients with and without delay Knew the method of B.S.E respectively. It wasn’t a significant difference.

Conclusion: Lack of awareness about necessity of medical consultation, fear, carelessly, unavailable physician and poverty were the major causes of delay in patients who referred late.

F Ghaem Maghami , F Ensani , N Behtash , S E Hosseini Nejad ,
Volume 62, Issue 4 (11 2004)

Background: The aim of this investigation is to evaluate the histologic results of biopsy in women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) cytologic diagnosis.

Materials and Methods: We reviewed a series of cases with ASCUS pap smears from March 1999 to Feb 2002 in Imam Khomeini Hospital (n= 104), Who had cervical biopsy indirected colposcopy (103) and in Onec endocervical biopsy obtained without colposcopy. In 60 patients before colposcopy and biopsy repeat pap smear was tabled.

Results: Biopsy revealed 28.8% SIL (14 LSIL and 16 HSIL), 1 invasive carcinoma and 1 endometrial carcinoma. Pap smear repeated for 60 women before colposcopy examination, which 7 (11.7%) of them were normal. ASCUS persisted in 45 cases (75%) and 8 cases (13.3%) turned out to be SIL (6 LSIL, 2 HSIL) of 7 normal repeat smear, 2 marked as LSIL by biopsy. In colposcopic examination 22 of 103 (21.4%) had normal view which one of them was LSIL histologically.

Conclusion: Based on these findings, it seems immediate colposcopy and directed biopsy are appropriate procedures for management of ASCUS and to detect underlying SIL.

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