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Sh Rafiei Tehrani , A Saraf Nejad , Sa Mir Ghani Zadeh ,
Volume 51, Issue 1 (30 1993)

Listeria infection is still a dominant infectious problem in Iran, particularly in abortion. Looking for a paraclinical technique other than bacterial methods (which is not always available) lead to serological survey indicating estimation anti listeria antibody by Immunoflourescent test. Unfortunately the false positive results due to cross reaction between "listeria monocytogenesis" and certain gram positive cocci, made it an unacceptable technique. Here we performed a test to extract the Listeria M. (Stranin 4a and 1b) soluble antigen and detecting the antibody by counter immunoelectrophoresis (CEI). The results indicated that of four bacterial soluble antigen fractions F1 and F3 were significantly positive with patients sera. We will discuss using the soluble antigen by CEI technique may be helpful to omit the false positive reactions.
M Zahraei , S Akbar Zadeh Moghaddam ,
Volume 51, Issue 1 (30 1993)

Carnitine is a water-soluble quaternary amine which increases the long-chain fatty acid metabolism by facilitation of their transport to the oxidation site (mitochondria). Carnitine most likely is present in all animal species, in many microorganisms, and in many plants. In this study, we determined the carnitine level of sera in pregnant and non-pregnant women by segade modified method. Average concentration of carnitine in the sera of fifty pregnant women was about 25/83 umol/I: First trimester-30.96 umol/I. Second trimester-29.11 umol/I. Third trimester-25.11 umol/I. concentration of cholesterol and triglyceride in the above-mentioned group was the following: Cholesterol: 258.84 mg/dl triglyceride: 267.02 mg/dl. The above values show that the carnitine level in sera of pregnant women decreases significantly and this decrease is tolerated well by pregnant women. According to our results, the serum carnitine concentration in pregnant women gradually decreases as gestation proceeds. So that the end of this period, is half of its concentration before conception. During pregnancy, there was an inverse correlation between carnitine level and that of cholesterol and triglycerides. Decrease in carnitine concentration and increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels may be due to the following factors: 1) Increase in FFA oxidation in pregnancy. 2) Hormones. 3) Dilution of the blood. 4) Decrease in Fe storage in pregnant women.
Hr Sadeghi Pour ,
Volume 52, Issue 3 (30 1994)

The cyclical changes in the gonadotropins stimulate ovarian follicular development either to the ovulatory stage or to undergo atresia. One such intrafollicular factor may be inter-cellular communication via gap junctions. We have examined the effects of two agents (retinoids and alkanols), known to disrupt or uncouple gap junction, on FSH-stimulated LH receptor induction and progestrone synthesis in granulosa cells. Granulosa cells from diethylstilbestrol-treated immature rats were isolated and cultured in serum-free medium containing either FSH (15 ng/ml) or FSH and estradiol (30 nM), various doses (0.1-1000 nM) of either retinoic acid were added to the cultures at the time of seeding. Additional cultures containing the same concentrations of either FSH, or FSH and estradiol, were treated with 0.01-10 nM heptanol or octanol. The results of this study showed that: 1) Retinol, at all of the concentrations tested, had no effect on either FSH-stimulated LH receptor induction or progesterone accumulation by the granulosa cells. 2) Retinoic acid suppressed both LH receptor induction and progesterone accumulation by the cells. 3) Heptanol and octanol suppressed LH receptor induction but did not have inhibitory effect on the progesterone accumulation.
A Mir Salehian , Sh Bahremand , M Jamali , A Shahdi ,
Volume 52, Issue 3 (30 1994)

Association of Helicobacter pylori with pathogenesis of gastrointestinal disorders (including gastritis in children with special endoscopic anteronodular) have significant importance in prognosis of infection resulting from this bacteria in children. However, in this research it was found that there is significant and clear correlation between nodular anteritis (in endoscopy) and active presence of lymphoid follicle (in histology findings with replacement of H.pylori) was noticed in children. In this research 14 persons (34.1%) out of total patients were positive. The average age of positive H.pylori patients was clearly higher than negative H.pylori patients. So increase of possible infection occurrence together with increase of age in children was confirmed. Meanwhile, there is significant relationship between presence of bacteria and clinical symptoms particularly epigastric pain, vomiting, and nausea. One of the other results of this study was confirming the relationship between history of gastrointestinal disorders in immediate family members and infection resulting from H.pylori in patients.
Am Mir Fakhraei, M Safaei, M Esmaeili,
Volume 53, Issue 2 (5-1995)

The purpose of this study was the utilization of different methods of tissue culture in proliferation of epithelial cells and autologous graft to cover surface areas without skin specifically, which is due to thermal burns more than 50%. In this experience we performed from rabbits and success to cover almost 24 times original donor site with autograft.
M Pezeshki, N Shahrokhi,
Volume 53, Issue 2 (5-1995)

In this study, counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) and latex agglutination (LA) were employed to evaluate rapid detection of streptococcus group B (GBS) specific antigens in sera, urines, CSF and patient's blood cultures of infants suspected of septicemia and meningitidis. Out of 530 specimens which were investigated 73 blood cultures were found to be positive, including 4 (5.5%) specimens from these infants were positive for strep group B. GBS was also detected in the CSF of 1 specimen from these 4 infants. CIE was conducted on sera, urines and CSF of these patients and the number of positive specimens were found to be 3, 3 and 1 respectively. LA was also conducted on the same specimens and the number of positive specimens were found to be 3, 4 and 1 respectively. Detection of GBS specific antigens by LA and CIE on the supernatants of blood cultures after 24 hours incubation showed that all the 4 specimens were positive an indication that the sensitivity of these two imunological methods in 100%.
Sa Fakhr Tabatabaei , M Shirani ,
Volume 54, Issue 1 (30 1996)

Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is many a times an intractable problem confronted in patients with surgical disease of lumbar spine and at the same time is a pressing problem for the physicians as well. This clinical entity is defined as continuation of pain in the lumbar region and lower extremities following surgery of the lumbar spine. Knowledge of the etiological factors and their prevention is the best line of treatment to overcome the evolution of this syndrome. During this study, which was conducted in Imam Khomeini hospital Tehran from the year 1989 till 1990, 43 out of 114 patients developed "FBSS". 23 cases responded to conservative treatment and psychotherapy whereas medical treatment failed to achieve fruitful results in the rest. The latter underwent extensive radiological investigations and repeat surgery. According to this study, we recommend that in the initial management of these patients. The surgeon should observe the dictum of "5-mis" to overcome and minimize the "FBSS" entity

K Mehrabani , M Mir Ahmadian , K Mohammad ,
Volume 54, Issue 1 (30 1996)

Beta Thalassemia major patients receive repeated transfusions in order to compensate anemia and use desferal to remove iron overload. Comparing immunoglobulins and complement components in the serum of these patients with normal range shows a significant increase (P<0.001) in IgG, IgA and IgM and a decrease in C3c and C4. The regression analysis confirms a relation between the numbers of transfusions and the mentioned immunological factors that means increasing the number of transfusions, increases immunoglobulins and decreases the complement. Also, this evaluation shows that use of washed RBC and regular in take of desferal will prevent excessive increase of immunoglobulins or decrease of complement

M Akbarie , H Tofighie , Hr Cheginie ,
Volume 54, Issue 2 (30 1996)

Survey of anatomic variations of coronary arteries is the most fundamental of researches in the field of these vessels. For performing this survey, coronary arteries (CA'S) of 463 human heart cases (gathered from three different surces: 1) Legal medicine center corpses, 2) Cadavers of dissection rooms in medical schools, and 3) CA'S angiographic films from hospital centers) were studied. After comparison between the statistical results in this research and the foreign ones, similarities and differentes from this subjects were ascertained as below, that, there were relatively considerable differences between: the number of CA'S (presence of 2 or 3 branches), origin of S.A. node artery, and type of main left coronary artery divisions (2 or 3 branches producing), but, in the other instances no considerable differences were observed
T Mehrannia , T Altariehie , A Sarafnejade , Y Mohammadie ,
Volume 54, Issue 2 (30 1996)

The effect and arrangement of cytoskeleton (microtubules, microfilaments and neurofilaments) in neurulation of chick embryo examined by immunoperoxidase method from stage 6 to stage 12. The results were as follows: 1) Microtubules aggregated in the perinuclear region from which they radiated to take longitudinal course beneath the membrane. 2) Microfilaments were aggregated in the apical ends (free-surface) of neural epithelium causing the cells to become flask-shaped. 3) Neurofilaments (Nfs) had no important role in neural tube formation

Sa Fakhr Tabatabai , H Saberi ,
Volume 55, Issue 3 (30 1997)

To improve visual disturbance, optic nerve decompression can be performed via transcranial or tran-sphenoidal approaches. Although the surgical exposure in transcranial approach is favourable, yet the optic nerve's presence in the field may make it vulnerable to damage. Of fighty patients with different types of pituitary adenomas, 35 cases with medium-sized (1-3 cm) tumors have been studied in a randomized clinical trial during a three year period, to compare the applicability of these approaches. While short hospital stay with better visual outcome was observed in fifteen trans-sphenoidal cases, in comparison to 20 trans-cranial cases, however the preoperative visual status and underlying disorders were similar in both groups. Decompressing the optic apparatus, trans-sphenoidally, seems beneficial, where there are no contraindications for the procedure in medium-sized pituitary adenomas
D Mehraban ,
Volume 55, Issue 5 (1 1997)

A prospective study during 1990-1995 was conducted to assess the risk of rejection and infection in kidney-transplant recipients, who's original kidney had vesico-ureteral reflux (VER). Two groups of recipients with and without VER were followed for one month after transplant 24 and 250 cases respectively. The calculated relative risks for the effect of VER showed a moderate increased risk for rejection in VER group (RR=1.82, CI=1.12-2.95, P<0.05). No effect was found for VER being one-or two-sided. Hence, VER has a moderate effect on rejection, but no effect on infection.
M Pooranaraki, E Neamatipoor, M Shahrezaie,
Volume 56, Issue 1 (30 1998)

This survey, evaluated the level of awareness and knowledge among the medical staff about conditions and methods of performing cardiopulmonary ressucitation. The study sampling comprised 497 subjects including 208 residents and 262 interns of ten university hospitals in Tehran. In regard to the basic principles, this has been 43.54% (SD = 13.36%), in drug and fluid therapy 31.22% (GD = 13.22%), in electroshock 43.6% (SD=21.12%), in appropriate approach to the problem 34.73% (SD=13.42%) and in complications of CPR 17.7% (SD = 15.25%). Considering the results of the project, the medical staff have insufficient knowledge of CPR md it does not improve significantly during internship and residency period. Therefore, there is a great necessity for the medical students to attend basic and advanced CPR courses during their study
M Ashrafi , M Mohammadi ,
Volume 56, Issue 3 (1 1998)

S-J syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of short stature, blepharophimosis, puckerd mouth, myotonia, muscular weakness, pectus carinatum and stiff joints. Case report: first case: n.1. A boy aged 7 years. His main abnormalities included puckered lip, blephharophimosis, muscular hypertrophy and weakness, pectus carinatum, short stature, shoulder joint limitation and myopia. Myotonic discharges in EMG and muscular dystrophy in muscle biopsy observed. Hypoplasia of clavicle, generalized osteopenia, mild platyspondyly and delayed bone age were radiologic findings of this patient. Second case: A boy aged 8 years. His cardinal abnormalities were similar to case 1. Hip joint limitation, low set ear, anterior cortical opacity of lens, small testis and coxa valga were the other manifestations of this patient. Both patients have a normal IQ and parental consanguinity was also present. CBZ was used for both patients
A Kazemi , M Emami , M Nasirzadeh , M Mohraz , M Sheedfar ,
Volume 56, Issue 4 (1 1998)

In an attempt to investigate the fungous infections of AIDS stricken patients, a study which lasted 1.5 years was conducted, in which 21 patients were examined. The subjects were 20 males and a female. One of the male patients was from Uganda, another was an intravenous drug addict, and one had been abroad for sometimes and had received blood there. All other patients had also blood transfusion instances before 1984. To do the research, 414 laboratory specimens were gathered and examined regarding fungus involvement. The result showed 104 negative and 310 positive cases. Based on these findings and also clinical examination, all patients suffered from one or more fungous infections in the forms of oral candidiasis, perleche, candidal onychomycosis, perianal candidiasis, mucocutaneous candidiasis, tinea versicolor, pityrosporosis and rhodotrulosis. The latter caused skin lesion with scaling and is being reported for the first time. Candida parapsilosis and trichosporon pololans were also isolated specimens. However, concerning the diagnostic value of trichosporon pololans more investigation is needed.
M Zafarghandy , A Fotoohy , A Rezaei , Kh Sadeghniat , R Mehrdad ,
Volume 56, Issue 4 (1 1998)

The poll was designed to let the management system of the university know about the opinions, criticisms and suggestions of the faculty members and create a sense of cooperation and promote the level of relationships. In November and December 1997, short after the new Chancellor of the University was selected, the poll was conducted by the new board to reach the above goals. In this survey, all the faculty members of the University were questioned about the problems they faced in the University. A questionnaire of 23 questions in two pages was given to them and was returned by mail. About 47.5% of the questionnaire were returned. Analysis of the results showed that a significant majority (93%) of the respondents believed that Tehran University should be the best University of Medical Sciences in Iran, and that it dose have the capability to be so, however, a majority (66%) of them claimed that it is not so at the present. A significant majority of the respondents believed that education and research are the two most important duties of the University, and the health, treatment, and cultural duties rank next. Except for the Medicine and Health Faculties others were not satisfied with their status at the University. The satisfaction of the faculty members with educational and research performance of the faculties was questioned the results varied in different faculties. Dissatisfaction with research status was most obvious. Forty-six and 25 percent of the staff in the faculty of medicine were satisfied with educational and research performance of their faculty, respectively. The teaching staff were also questioned about their problems the most important of which was shown to be that of convenience. More than 90% of respondents stated that opinion poll is an appropriate way to relate the management of the University to the faculty members and emphasized on holding periodic sessions with the Chancellor of the University and personal visits to him.
E Yazdi , S Pardis , M Eslami , A Fakhraie ,
Volume 56, Issue 5 (6 1998)

Artifacts in histopathology, could create serios errors and cause misdiagnosis. In some cases, the degree of artifactual damage is so large that may involve the entire specimen, rendering it suboptimal or useless for diagnostic purposes. Usually, cases of oral cavity specimens are of small size and fine texture, and as a result, the astifacts are more effective on them. However, there are very limited reports in this respect. The present study included a relatively vast range of possible causative factors (which could cause artifacts in histiomorphology). 100 specimens went under the influences of 22 factors. We found that in common, causative factors with reports of Mehregan and Margarone our results are, somehow similar in other cases, which were for the first time applied to, the results were interesting and impressive for some kind of mucosal lesions such as pemphigoids are on malignant and premalignant lesions.
S Rivandi , A Bahremand , S Zinali ,
Volume 56, Issue 6 (9 1998)

In the present research work, a specific 285 bp DNA fragment was used for detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis complex. 100 samples were chosen randomly from sputum specimens that were negative with conventional methods (direct smear, culture, and radiometry), and examined by PCR 7 cases of them were positive. Also, 20 sputum specimens were obtained from suspected patients to tuberculosis, and examined by three methods (culture, radiometry and PCR). The sensitivity of PCR compared with culture and radiometry was 100%, the specificity of PCR compared with culture was 91.66%, and compared with radiometry was 68.75%. Therefore, results of PCR revealed, this method is more sensitive, specific and rapid and it can detect ycobacterial infectious agents within one day period.
Gh Khataie , N Shahrokhi ,
Volume 56, Issue 6 (9 1998)

Group B streptococcus (GBS) is the most important pathogen identified in bacterial cultures in neonatal sepsis, sepecially with early-onset in developed countries (approximately 1-5/1000 deliveries). Neonatal colonization with group B streptococcus results primarily from vertical transmission during the birth process. GBS carrier rate in pregnant women varies from 4.6 to 41 percent in different geographic populations. Contamination of neonates during passage through the birth canal is high (more than 50%). Of the 191 pregnant women screened in this study, 28 (14.7%) were found to be colonized with GBS, by the culture method. Direct CIE and SCA tests on SBM (Selective Broth Medium) containing mixed flora showed that only 11.5% and 18.3% had positive reaction. A total of 530 patients were studied. GBS was isolated from the blood of 4 infants (5.5%, 4 vs 73 positive cultures). Of 181 cultures of CSF only one case was positive for GBS (8.3%) and had meningitis. In another part of experiment, two false positive reactions were found using serum specimen for detection of GBS antigen by CIE. Sensitivity of CIE and SCA both were 75%, specificity, 99.3% and 98.7%. Conclusion: Although specimen collection and microbiologic methods are important factors in identification of women colonized with GBS, there is significant variation in the proportion of women colonization with GBS. This study suggests that GBS is a much less important cause of neonatal sepsis, but further studies are needed to explore these important issues.
H Saberi , M Shaabani , M Mostaan , Sh Shahryaran , Sm Mirbaghery , A Forooghi ,
Volume 57, Issue 2 (8 1999)

102 patients with ascites were enrolled in a sonographic study of abdomen and pelvis without awaring of history, clinical and paraclinical findings. So with only sonographic finding we suggested the diagnosis and etiology of ascites. All patients were hospitalized. Finally all the patients were diagnosed definitely and were compared with sonographic diagnoses done before. Results: In this survey 42% of patients had cirrhosis, 20.5% had malignancy, 14.7% had renal disease. Overall sensivity of sonography in diagnosing etiology was 91.1%, overall specifity was 97.8%, overall accuracy was 94.4%. Sensivity, specifity and accuracy of each group have also been determined separately.

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