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Showing 3 results for Hadavand Sh

Zafarghandi N, Zafarghandi, Hadavand Sh, Zayeri F, Hamzeloo L,
Volume 64, Issue 7 (9 2006)

Background: To identify the risk factors of fourth-degree laceration during vaginal delivery.
Methods: This is a retrospective, case control study. We reviewed 131802 records of vaginal deliveries within 14 years period from 1990 to 2004 in two obstetric center. Cases were 93 vaginal deliveries with fourth-degree laceration and 7 cases were delivered at home, control subjects were 200 vaginal deliveries without third- or fourth-degree lacerations and were identified with the use of random selection. We studied the effects of: maternal age, nationality, parity, gestational age, hour of delivery, birth attendants, episiotomy use and duration of second stage of labor, use of oxytocin, use of forceps or vaccum, Infant birth weight, presentation and postion of fetus, previous severe perineal injury, maternal medical illness and place of delivery.
Results: We found 93 cases (%0.07) of documented fourth-degree laceration in 131802 deliveries
Conclusion: This study identified several factors associated with fourth-degree laceration. Median episiotomy should be avoided. Nulliparity, fetal macrosomia and OP position are significant risk factors that require caution by birth attendants during delivery
Zafarghandi N, Torkestani F, Hadavand Sh, Zaeri F, Jalilnejad H,
Volume 64, Issue 11 (7 2006)

Background: Hysterectomy is a common surgery as treatment for chronic and benign gynecologic problems. Eeach year more than half million women in USA undergo hysterectomy.
Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study, was done on 100 women who had underwent hysterectomy at least two years before the study and met inclusion criteria of study. During interview, the questionnaire were completed, then examination was done by gynecologist. Most of the information were collected from the patient’s files.
Results: In this study the most indication of hysterectomy was fibroma and the most common type surgery was total abdominal hysterectomy, and mostly were done without oophorectomy. 20% of cases were without or weak prior to operation and 80% with medium (or high) libido, after hysterectomy the figures changed to 41% and 59% respectively. After hysterectomy libido with P=0.001, frequency of coitus with P=0.001, and sexual satisfaction with P=0.013, significantly declined. Libido after hysterectomy declined with aging (P=0.01). There was no significant correlation between oophorectomy and libido.
Conclusion: Sexual function declines significantly after hysterectomy, with no association with oophorectomy and type of surgery.
Torkestani F, Zafarghndi N, Hadavand Sh, Zaery F, Bozorg Ghomi M,
Volume 66, Issue 1 (30 2008)

Background: The presence of increased numbers of nucleated red blood cell (NRBC) in the umbilical cord blood has been associated with states of relative hypoxia. Nucleated red blood cell counts are a potentially useful tool in estimating the degree and timing of intrauterine hypoxia. This may have important implication in determining causality in case of compromised infant. Cord blood NRBC counts may be obtained noninvasively from an otherwise discarded specimen and analyzed by personnel on equipment readily available in most hospital laboratories. Since the aim of monitoring of fetal heart is early diagnosis of hypoxia, we studied the relationship between abnormal fetal heart rate with the number of nucleated red blood cells (NRBC) in the umbilical cord blood.

Methods: We performed this research at Hazrat Zeynab Hospital on 130 full-term newborns (65 cases of fetal distress and 65 normal cases) between July 2005 and July 2006. The NRBC counts of newborns with abnormal fetal heart rate were compared with those of normal newborns and correlations with other parameters including Apgar score, hemoglobin level, condition of newborns in the first 24 hours of the birth and birth weight.

Results: The mean NRBC count in the fetal distress group was 9.45 ± 8.75 and that of the normal group was 9.17 ± 8.76 per 100 white cells (p=0.89). The mean duration between diagnosis of fetal distress to birth was equal to 1.2± 0.77 hours. Furthermore, there was no meaningful correlation between number of NRBC and Apgar score, hemoglobin, birth weight and condition of newborns in the first 24 hours.

Conclusion: If the fetus is born a short time after the diagnosis of distress with no risk factors for hypoxia, the NRBC count for cord blood is not elevated.

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