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Showing 85 results for Hashemi

Sm Rabiy Hashemi , A Geransar ,
Volume 55, Issue 5 (1 1997)

Primary hyperaldosteronism is one of the few causes of hypertension that can be cured by surgery. Primary hyperaldosteronism is caused by adrenocortical adenoma or hyperplasia. It is important to differentiate between adrenal adenoma and hyperplasia because the preferred treatments are different. In all patients with new-onest or worsening hypertension the primary hyperaldosteronism should be considered as an etiology. Patients with primary hyperaldosteronism classically have hypertension with spontaneous hypokalemia. The serum sodium concentration is usually normal in patients with primary aldosteronism who are not taking diuretics. Weakness, fatigue, paresthesia, tetany and even paralysis may develop. Renin and angiotensin II are suppressed in both forms of primary hyperaldosteronism due to feedback. Polyuria may develop secondary to vasopressin resistance from chronic hyperkaliuria. Hypertension or eclampsia during pregnancy is common in women with primary hyperaldosteronism. Case report: A 42-years-old woman presented with headache, severe hypertension, general weakness, easy fatigability, vertigo, palpitation, visual disorders and nocturia. She had a past history of eclampsia 10 years ago. In laboratory investigation there was hypokalemia, elevated serum aldosterone, low renin activity and hyperkaliuria. In abdominal CT-scan there was a hypodense mass measuring 2 cm in diameter in her left adrenal gland. The patient had primary hyperaldosteronism due to aldosteronoma.
M Hashemipoor , R Klishadi , N Sarrafzadegan , N Bashardoost ,
Volume 55, Issue 6 (1 1997)

A case-control study was performed by the Research Center of Isfahan University, to determine the predisposing factors of early atherosclerosis. Children of cases admitted to a university hospital in Isfahan with early myocardial infarction (MI) were considered for the study. The affeckted cases (n=116), had 120 children aged 2-14 years. The control group were selected from children of the neighbors of the cases. The two groups were similar in age of parents, children and socio-economic status. Mean cholesterol and triglyceride levels and the frequency of hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia were significantly higher in the children of MI cases. The mean lipid concentration of the controls was significantly higher than standard levels. These results emphasize the importance of evaluating children of high risk cases for risk factors of MI.
Sh Sarrafian , M Hashemirad ,
Volume 56, Issue 2 (30 1998)

Diabetes Mellitus is one of the common diseases leading to dialysis. In a cohort study, diabetic dialysis patients were compared with non-diabetic dialysis patients for one year about age, sex, cause and times of admission and rate of mortality. The study was done on 101 patients. At the end of the study, 88 patients remained. Results were interprected by T-test and chi-square statistical analyses and signified with P value less than 5 percent. Results: Diabetes was the cause of 17.8 percent of renal failure in 101 patients. The mean age of diabetics was greater than non-diabetics (P=0.02). Mortality of diabetics in one year was 20 percent, similar to non-diabetics. Infection (chills and fever) was the most common cause of admission in diabetics (33 percent) and non-diabetics (25 percent) with no significant difference. Conclusion: Mortality and morbidity between diabetic and non-diabetic dialysis patients had no significant difference.
M Hashemian , Sh Yazdani ,
Volume 56, Issue 6 (9 1998)

This prospective study evaluated the long-term results of intraoperative 5-FU in glaucoma patients undergoing trabeculectomy. 14 patients categorized as high risk (10 patients) or medium risk (4 patients) underwent trabeculectomy with 5-FU and were followed for a mean period of 32 months. Patients were evaluated for visual acuity, cup-disc ratio and IOP. The number of medications was also taken into consideration 78% (n=11) of patients achieved controlled IOP, (mean IOP of less than 21 mmHg) with or without medication. There was statistically significant reduction of IOP and number of medication after the operation. There was no significant complication observed during the follow up period.
F Ramezani , E Barooti , F Khalaj Farahani , Sm Hashemi ,
Volume 57, Issue 2 (8 1999)

Despite unwillingness to fertility, about 30% of couples do not use any kind of contraception and this will lead to unwanted pregnancy. In this clinical trial study, 4177 subjects who had at least one alive child, and delivered in one of the 12 university hospitals in Tehran were recruited. This study was conducted in 1996. The questionnaire included some questions about contraceptive use, their attitudes about unwantedness or wantedness of their current pregnancies. Data were analysed using a Logistic Regrassion Model. Results showed that 20.3% of those who had no fertility intention, did not use any kind of contraception methods, 41.1% of the subjects who were using a contraception method before pregnancy, had got pregnant unwantedly. Based on Logistic Regression Model age, education, previous familiarity of women with contraception methods and husband's education were the most significant factors in contraceptive use. Subjects who were 20 years old and less or 35 years old and more and illeterate subjects were at higher risk for unuse of contraception methods. This risk was not related to the gender of their children that suggests a positive change in their perspectives towards sex and the number of children. It is suggested that health politicians choose an appropriate model to enhance the literacy, education and counseling for the correct usage of contraceptives and prevention of unwanted pregnancy.
Hashemi Sh, Khanlari M, Mamishy Zh,
Volume 58, Issue 2 (7 2000)

Accurate measurement of refractive error in uncooperative patients and young children, requires cycloplegia. The aim of the present study was to determine whethere cyclopentolate by itself or in combination with 4 times instillation of atropine can be used as a substitute for 10 times instillation of atropine. From 1994 to 1996, 39 patients aged 2-12 years were included in this study. Cycloplegia was undertaken by four different methods in subsequent visits: cyclopentolate 1%, 4 times instillation of atropine, 10 times instillation of atropine plus tropicamide and 10 times instillation of atropine. 26 patients (53% male, mean age: 6.4 years) completed the four stages of the study. Spheric refraction was significantly different between cyclopentolate and 4 times and 10 times atropine groups, but we didn't find any significant difference in cylindric refraction between groups. It seems that 10 times instillation of atropine is still the best method of cycloplegia in pediatric eye examination.
Ramezan Zadeh F, Khalaj Abadi Farahani F, Sadat Hashemi Sm,
Volume 58, Issue 3 (7 2000)

Tubal ligation is one of the most effective and reliable methods of contraception and of successful program of birth control in Iran. Present study was done to evaluate factors affecting risk of complications during tubal ligation surgery. We studied 1780 women that had tubal ligation in 13 hospitals in Tehran during the years 1993-95. Data on operation were collected by questionnaire and analyzed using logistic regression method. Risk of complications was increased in women had had operation after vaginal therapy, in luteal phase, after cesarean section and in follicular phase, respectively. Modified pomery, pomery and parkland methods of operation were ascendingly related to increased risk of complications. Age, history of pelvic pain, method of anesthesia, incision size and time of operation were not significantly correlated with complications. Frequency of complications was higher in women that had other procedures during surgery. We suggest that tubal ligation be done after vaginal delivery and by modified pomery method.
Hashemi Sh, Fatehi F,
Volume 58, Issue 3 (7 2000)

Many studies have shown the effectiveness of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) in correction of vision in low and moderate Myopia. To evaluate the results of 193-nm exeimer laser photorefractive keratectomy for highly Myopic eyes, we reviewed refractive outcome of 43 eyes of 30 patients. Most eyes were treated with 1-step operation, using a 6 mm optical zone. 43 eyes were treated for Myopia, which were between -6.40 and -16.90 diopters. The mean pre-operative refraction was -9.50 D. All eyes were followed for at least 12 months. At 12tht month visit, 30.2% and 60.5% of eyes achieved correction within 1 and 2 D of attempted correction, respectively. At this time, 62.7% of eyes obtained 20/40 visual acuity or better uncorrected. At 1 year, 13% and 8% of eyes lost 3 and 4 lines of best-corrected visual acuity, respectively. Also 13% of eyes lost 2 lines. 12 months after PRK, 5 eyes developed corneal haze grade 2 and 2 eyes, grade 3 (0-5 scale). There was much undercorrection seen in this group compared with patients undergoing PRK for low and moderate Myopia. Photorefractive keratectomy for high Myopia, though effective, is not a safe and accurate procedure and is less predictable and stable than performing it for low and moderate Myopia.
Hashemi H, Miraftab Sm,
Volume 59, Issue 1 (7 2001)

PTK (Phototherapeutic Keratectomy) is the use of laser in corneal diseases. We can replace PTK for many other invasive procedures. The objective of this study is the assessment of this procedure in several cases in our practice. This investigation was a retrospective study, which was conducted based on comparison of 11 eyes with corneal eschars, induced by recurrent corneal erosions, pterygium surgery, corneal dystrophies and trachoma from 1994 to 1995. The mean age of cases was 32 years. The mean augmentation rate in hyperopia after one month was 1.5 diopter, and after one year it was 1 diopter. Although in two cases, the cylinder more than one diopter was induced, the mean rate for it was not increased significantly. One patient with recurrent erosion, who had not replied to any treatment, had no any complaint during one year follow up. During the follow up procedure, there were no any cases of vision loss among the patients.
Rabiei Hashemi Sm, Tabari M,
Volume 59, Issue 1 (7 2001)

Pilonidal disease affects mostly young men during work and educating years and bears a host of complications. After excision of the pilonidal sinus, some surgeons leave the wound open (secondary healing) and others close the wound primarily. The aim of this study is to compare mean duration of stay, length of operative procedure, length of time to return to work, wound infection rate, recurrence rate, the residual scar, the amount of pain endured, number of dressings required after the procedure and the amount of time required for complete healing in pilonidal sinus patients undergoing each of the above procedures. Fifty patients with chronic pilonidal sinus were randomly chosen to undergo one of these surgical procedures. One-half were treated by surgical excision and fasciocutaneous flap (Group A), the other half were treated with surgical excision and secondary healing (Group B). All the patients were followed up during a six month interval. No cases of infection or recurrence were seen. Although group A patients had significantly longer hospital duration of stay and the procedure performed was more time consuming, compared to those of group B (P<0.001), but in this group of patients (Group A), the length of time to return to work, the residual surgical scar, the amount of pain and the number of postoperation dressings and the time required for complete healing were significantly less than group B patients (P<0.001). Considering the lesser complication rates observed in group A patients, and in view of the youth and health of the majority of pilonidal sinus patient which renders them tolerant to the lenghtly procedure, the performance of the fasciocutaneous flap procedure is not only more cost effective but also results in more rapid return to work and greater patients satisfaction. This procedure is strongly recommended to other colleagues in this regard.
Jahanfar Sh, Ramazani Tehrani F, Sadat Hashemi M ,
Volume 60, Issue 4 (15 2002)

Introduction: Unwanted pregnancy is one of the most important problems in family planning programs especially in developing countries. This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of unwanted pregnancy and factors that contributes to it's existence in ten cities in Islamic Republic of Iran.

Methods and Materials: From cases, 1548 subjects referring to the antenatal clinics of university hospitals in the following cities were included in the study: Fars, Systan and Balochestan, Hamedan, Kerman, West-Azarbayjan, Gillan, Khorasan, Khozestan, Isfahan. A face to face interview was conducted to fill out a questionnaire.

Results: The result suggests that the rate of unwanted pregnancy was reported around 34.96 percent. Familiarity with contraceptive methods was quite poor in some cities. Usage of contraceptive pills and condoms were also not correct and led to failure of the method by the rate of 12.5 percent and 8.8 percent respectively.

Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a need to plan a suitable educational plan in order to reduce the rate of the unwanted pregnancy.

Klishadi R, Hashemi Poor M, Sarraf Zadegan N, Sadri G, Ansari R, Alikhasi H, , , , ,
Volume 61, Issue 4 (15 2003)

The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of overweight and obesity among guidance-and high school students and its relation to modifiable environmental factors.
Materials and Methods: The subjects have been 1000 girls and 1000 boys aged between 11-18 years, selected by multi-stage random sampling, their parents (2000 subjects) and their school staffs (500 subjects) in urban and rural areas of two provinces in Iran. Data have been analyzed by SPSSV10/ Win software.
Results: The prevalence of 85th < BMI<95th percentile and BMI>95th percentile in girls was significantly higher than boys (10.67±1.1%, 2.9±0.1% VS. 7.37±0.9%, 1.87±0.1% respectively, p<0.05). The mean BMI value was significantly different between urban and rural area (25.38±5.2 VS. 23.25±7.1, P< 0.05). BMI > 85th percentile was more prevalent in those with lower educated mothers (9.2+2.1 vs. 11.5+2.4 years of mothers education respectively). The mean of the total energy intake was not different between overweight or obese and normal- weight subjects (1825±90Kcal VS. 1815±85Kcal, P>0.05) but the percent of energy derived from carbohydrates was significantly higher in former than the latter (69.4% VS. 63.2%, P<0.05). Regular out-school sport activities were significantly lower and the time spent on television watching was significantly higher in overweight or obese than non-obese subjects (300±20 VS. 240±30 minutes/day, P<0.05). Significant linear association was shown between the consumption frequency of rice, bread, pasta, fast foods and fat/salty snack and BMI (p=0.05-0.06, p<0.05). A significant correlation was shown between BMI percentiles with serum triglyceride, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol and systolic blood pressure (Pearson r=0.38,-0.32 and 0.47 respectively).
Bahador M, Sardari Kermani M, Amoozegar Hashemi F,
Volume 62, Issue 2 (12 2004)

Background: Mucositis [bucal Mucous inflamation] is the most common complication resulting from the radiotherapy in tumors of head and neck. These malignancies are often curable through radiotherapy. This complication, however, may impair the treatment process and cause malnutrition. So far no medicine has been Known to prevent this complication. Vitamin E is a stabilizer of cell membrane and is also used in mucositis treatment. The survey of oral vitamin E effect on mucositis prophylaxis in radiotherapy of head and neck malignancies.

Materials and Methods: Seventy patients afflicted with head and neck malignancies referring to Imam Khomeini Hospital were randomly divided into 2groups, two of whom died during treatment process. The first group (The case group consisting of 34 patients) Consumed oral vitamin E 200 mg daily for seven days. The second group (The control group) did not use any medicine at all. The two group underwent radiotherapy. They were compared and contrasted as to mucositis severity and dysphagia during treatment.

Results: In the first group, since the fourth week up to the end of the treatment, there was a lower frequency and grade of mucositis in contrast with the control group. In the fourth week, the grade two mucositis in the first group (Case group) was 20.6% and 47.5% in the control group the difference was statistically significant (P=0.024). There was also a lower frequency and grade of dysphagia in the case group since the fourth week versus the control group. In the fourth week, moderate dysphagia was 29.4% in the case group and 55.9% in the control group. The difference was statistically significant (P=0.023).

Conclusion: Oral vitamin E has Proved to be effective in the Prophylaxis of Moderate and severe mucositis and dysphagia resulting from radiotherapy. It is advisable to conduct more research with more cases, lengthier duration and heavier doses.

Hashemi S J, Shohani M,
Volume 62, Issue 3 (11 2004)

Background: Bone Marrow Transplantation is one of the most important therapeutic methods in much malignant and nonmalignant disease. Patients with Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) following radiotherapy and chemotherapy will suffer from immuno-suppression. Therefore they are susceptible to get saprophytic fungi infection that sometimes are killer.

Materials and Methods: The purpose of this cross-sectional survey is isolation of saprophytic fungi from patients with BMT and wards space and instruments. Therefore sampling from ventilator system (HEPA filter and common filter), air canal, air, hospital instruments and clinical samples (nasal discharge, sputum, urine) were done and cultured in sabouro dextrose agar with choloramphenicol (SC). In assessing total frequency from 4838 plates of wards space and instruments, 985 fungi colonies includes 21 genus were isolated.

Results and Conclusion: Most fungi colonies present were Penicillium , Aspergillus and Cladosporium and low present were Trichoderma ,Stereptomyses, Chrysosporium, Rhizopus.

Kashi Ah, Fotouhil A, Hashemi H, Mohammadl K,
Volume 63, Issue 3 (12 2005)

Background: The aim of this study was to provide data, on the distribution or intraocular pressure (IOP) in Tehran population.

Materials and Methods: Through a population-based, cross-sectional study, a total of 4565 Tehran citizens were studied in the Tehran Eye Study. The findings of the participants (n=3834) 10 years and older free of glaucoma diagnosis or suspicion who had undergone applanation tonometry examination are presented. All participants received a standardized protocol included applanation tonometry, and some other ocular measurements, fundus examination, demographic data and an interview. IOP measurement was used to evaluate its distribution by age, sex, and some eye parameters.   ‎

Results: Mean ± SO IOP was 14.5±2.6 in the total population, 14.4±2.7 in men, and 14.5±2.5 in women. Normal range (mean±2SD) of IOP was determined to be 9.3 - 19.7 mmHg. IOP increased significantly with age and cup-disc ratio except for a fall in old ages. This relationship was also observed when we analyzed individuals without diabetes or hypertension history. IOP increased with darker eye pigmentation except for blue/gray eyes. There was a non-linear ‎increase of IOP from emmetropic to high myopic eyes. ‎

Conclusion: Mean and/or normal range of IOP and their associations have been reported with wide differences in various studies. It is wise that studies evaluate IOP distribution or associations in healthy people and glaucoma people separately and also report the prevalence of IOP risk factors in their population to allow for a logical comparison of studies.

Z Mayabi, A Alae , H Hashemi,
Volume 64, Issue 2 (30 2006)

Background and Aim: With daily improvement of diagnostic modalities, accurate knowledge of anatomy and microanatomy is necessary and important, for better diagnosis of pathologic problems from normal variations. One of this very important anatomical sites is sella and suprasellar zones, where sensitive elements is noted. CT and MRI is very helpful in diagnosis and management of diseases as well as for differentiating of pathology from normal variation. A study was designed for evaluation of normal variation of this zones in normal men achieved.

Materials and Methods: 200 referral patients to CT center with headache and 200 referral patients to MRI center with headache which had normal imaging findings were chosen. We grouped the sella and suprasellar cistern on the basis of shapes, dimensions and normal variation.

Results: Different normal variations of soft tissues and bony elements in sella and suprasellar zones noted. Different shapes of sella turcica and suprasellar cistern and optic chiasma is noted.

Conclusion: Advanced imaging systems allows us to diagnosis of different formal sella and suprasellar cistern, so that accurate anatomic patterns were diagnosed for better evaluation of pathology and differentiation from normal variations. different CT patterns of sella and suprasellar regions are due to anatomic and technical variations. CT scaning with thin slices is necessary. Both CT and MRI are highly reliable in diagnosis of sella and suprasellar cistern lesions.

J Hashemi, A Mohammadi, H Mirhendi , S Rezaei,
Volume 64, Issue 2 (30 2006)

Background and Aim: While nowadays,great attainments have been achieved in curing and preventing the pathogenic fungal infections, and some how there has been reduction in the number of occurrences, the occurrences of opportunistic infections have been increased. Since the study of fungal infections in various organs (e.g.digestive system) is crucial ,and because of few study were done in this field in the world, it is decided to examine the apendectomide tissue for fungal contamination in Iran.

Materials and Methods: The work has been done for six months. After oparation sergery the appendix tissue in two media (formalin & normal salin) were carried out in the medical mycology laboratory at Tehran University of medical sciences. The specimens were examined directly and cultured in sabourauds dextrose agar with chloramphenicol (sc). In this experiment 200 appendicular tissues were examined.

Results: Out of them some fungi were isolated in 10 cases included 4 Candida albican (40%), 2 Candida tropicalis (20%),1 Cryptococcus sp. (10%),1 Candida sp.and 2 Geotrichum sp. Cryptococcus sp. was identified with mycological methods. This isolation related to a young man that has a history for long contact to pigeon.some of the fungi specially yeast can be a part of mycoflora in digestive system but the finding of Cryptococcus is uncommon.

Conclusion: In this study the fungi were isolated from 5% of appendisits and with pay attention to this finding that the most patients hadn.t background factors causing the proliferation of the fungal agents in the intestine, so with further studies it is probable to consider the fungi as the agents causing appendicitis in this patients.

S.j Hashemi, P. Kordbacheh, R. Malekzadeh, M. Mehrabani ,
Volume 64, Issue 5 (1 2006)

Background: Prolonged antiacid and antibiotic usage in gasterointestinal diseases may predispose candidial colonization in GI tract. In order to isolate and diagnose of candida infections in patients with gastritis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, this study have been planned.

Methods: We studied 300 biopsy specimens of patients referred to hospital, 51.7% of the patients were male and the others were female. The isolated fungi were identified by direct examination and culture of specimens.

Results: Forthy four cases of yeasts were isolated in this investigation. Isolated yeasts have been identified as follows: 26 cases of C.albicance , I case C.tropicalis, 2 cases of C.krusei, and finally 1 case of unknown yeast.

Conclusion: All the patients had a positive history of long lasting antacid taking for gastric ulser or gastritis. Candidiasis must be investigated in patients with gastritis, duodenitis and gastric ulcer, who are refractory to classic therapies and also in patients who have the chronic disease .

Z Miyabi, H. Hashemi, D. Moghinan Hokmabad, K. Samimi ,
Volume 64, Issue 5 (1 2006)

Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease that begins most commonly in young adults and is characterized pathologically by multiple areas of central nervous system (CNS) white matter inflammation, demyelination, and glial scarring. The most valuable aid for diagnosis is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). New type of MRI has been developed on the basis of molecular diffusion which capable of detecting acute and active lesions. Early diagnosis and treatment is possible to stop or slow down progression of disease. The aim of this study is to compare the findings of conventional and diffusion- weighted (DW) MRI in detection cerebral lesions of MS.

Methods: Thirty patients with clinically definite MS and 30 healthy volunteers were studied in a descriptive-prospective survey over a twelve-month period of time. Conventional and DW MRI were used in both groups. Total number, morphology, location and the mean size of the intra-cerebral plaques of MS were compared between group. The sensitivity and the specificity of both imaging methods in detecting these plaques were determined.

Results: Thirty patients with MS with the mean age of 32.76±8.79 years and 30 healthy individuals with the mean age of 32.75± 9.23 years were enrolled. Plaque within the brain was significantly higher by the conventional method (P< 0.05). Ovoid lesions were greater in number in the conventional method group. More lesions were detected by the conventional method in the areas of periventricle, centrum semiovale and corpus callosum. Regarding the size of plaque, the minimum measurement was significantly lower in the conventional method group. The sensitivity of both methods was 100%. The specificity of conventional and DW MRI was 86.6% and 96.6%, respectively.

Conclusion: In our study the sensitivity of both methods was the same but the specificity of DW MRI was higher. DW MRI may detect lesions which are not detectable by the routine methods.

F. Amoozegar Hashemi, F.razi, E.esmati, M.sajjadi,
Volume 64, Issue 5 (1 2006)

Background: High titer of IgA and IgG are found in the presence of EBV genome in epithelial cells of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. In this survey we evaluated the accuracy of EBV antibodies titers in screening and follow up the patients.

Methods: Thirty nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients were followed from 2003 to 2004. Serum EBV antibody levels were measured before and after ( 3 months ) radiotherapy or combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Results: More than 77% of patients were seropositive before treatment .The antibodies decreased significantly, 3 months after treatment (p<0.05).     

Conclusion: This investigation shows the efficiency of serologic methods for screening of high risk people and follow up of patients after treatment, but more complementary studies is needed

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