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Showing 14 results for Hassani

Tofighi H, Hassanian Moghaddam H, Naji M, Nikbakht Dehkordi A, Namazi H,
Volume 58, Issue 3 (7 2000)

DNA typing is a new method with important applications in forensic medicine. In the present study, we evaluated application of DNA typing in Iran. Loci Hum LPL, Hum Tpox, Hum F13, Hum vw 31A, Hum TH01 and Hum FES/FPS of DNA short tandem repeats were studied. To determine sensitivity of the test, 85 mother-child couples (1020 chromosomes) that were referred to DNA section of legal medicine organization of Iran were included and for determination of it's specificity 42 brother-sister couples (1200 chromosomes) and 58 non-relative couples were examined. The results show lack of mutations in the studied loci and acceptable sensitivity of the test. Of 12 alleles of siblings, there were 2-6 differences, in contrast with 3-9 differences in non-relatives, so the test has 100% specificity in these loci. Considering polymorphism, power of exclusion of these 6 sites was 99%.
Hassani V, Ardehali Sh,
Volume 59, Issue 4 (9 2001)

Post-operative sore throat is one of the most common complications and complaints of patients after general anesthesia especially in operations that need endotracheal intubations. Its causes are: size of endotracheal tube and type of its cuff, inadequate airway humidification, trauma during intubation and suctioning, high flow of inspiratory gases, surgical manipulation of airway and adjacent organs, ect. Use of instruments with less invasion to upper respiratory tract, for example, face mask and airway, LMA or CPT are methods, used for decreasing the rate of post-operative sore throat. This study was performed to compare the rate of sore throat after general anesthesia between Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) and Cuffed Pharyngeal Tube (CPT). From the patients, 120 ASA: PS-I cases, were selected, who were candidates for elective surgery of Orthopedics, Urology, General surgery and Gynecology in Hazrat Rasool-Akram Hospital Complex in the year 2000. Their operation were performed in supine position and did not need muscle relaxation and the patients had spontaneous breathing. Duration of surgery was less than 2 hours. The patients were randomly allocated into two groups: LMA was used for one group and CPT for others. Immediately after operation, in the recovery room and at 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours after removing the tube, the patients were asked about sore throat and the results were recorded in the related sheets. The results was 31.7 percent of patients in group LMA and 0 percent of patients in group CPT, had sore throat. There were significant difference between groups (LMA and CPT) in presentation of sore throat (P<0.001).
Ebrahim Hassani , Rasoul Farasatkish , Evaz Heydarpour , Mohammadzia Totoonchi , Alireza Mahoori ,
Volume 67, Issue 9 (6 2009)

Background: Measuring end tidal carbon dioxide (ETCo2) is one of the methods used for estimating arterial carbon dioxide (PaCo2) during general anesthesia. ETCo2 measurements maybe obviate the need for repeating arterial puncture for determination of arterial PaCo2. This study performed to determine the accuracy of ETCo2 levels as a measure of PaCo2 levels in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft and also to evaluate variation of the gradient between PaCo2 and ETCo2, peri- cardiopulmonary bypass operation. Methods: In a prospective, cross-sectional study, a total of 40 patients with age 57±11 (35-73) years old undergoing coronary artery bypass graft were enrolled. ETCo2 levels (mmHg) were recorded using side stream capnography at the time of arterial blood gas sampling, before (T0) and after (T1) cardiopulmonary bypass. Results: Mean P(a-ET)Co2 at T0 was 4.3±4.4mmHg, with the mean PaCo2, 33±6mmHg and mean ETCo2, 29±5mmHg and these values at T1 were 4.5±4.1mmHg, 33±5mmHg and 29±2mmHg respectively. There was no variation of the mean gradient (PaCo2-PETCo2) during, before and after cardiopulmonary bypass (p>0.870). Significant correlation was found between ETCo2 and PaCo2 at T0 and T1 (r=0.754 and 0.685respectively and p=0.001). Conclusion: Capnography is a non- invasive and a safe technique for determining arterial PCo2 and for measurements of ETCo2 that correlate well with PaCo2 values in healthy patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft. ETCo2 measurements maybe sufficient measures of PaCo2 in selected patients and obviate the need for repeatingarterial blood gas determination. Further study is warranted.
Mahoori A, Noroozinia H, Hassani E, Motargemzadeh G, Sadeghi A,
Volume 68, Issue 5 (6 2010)

Background: The Bispectral Index (BIS) is an EEG-derived value that measures the sedative and hypnotic component of the anesthetic state. The effects of age on the bispectral index have not been well documented. The objective of the present study was to determine the influence of age on hypnotic requirement and bispectral index in awake and in patients with sedation induced by midazolam.

Methods: Eighty patients were enrolled in this prospective observational study. The patients in study group were aged more than 70 years, and the age in control group ranged 20-40 years. Baseline recording of BIS was taken in awake patients in two groups for few minutes. Five minutes after administration of 0.02 mg/kg IV midazolam the BIS value also was taken and recorded.

Results: In the study group, patients had a mean base BIS 94±3 compared with 97.3±1 in the control group (p< 0.0001). Five minutes after administration of 0.02 mg/kg midazolam the value were 80.9±6 and 90.4±3 respectively (p< 0.0001).

Conclusion: When BIS is used as a monitor of hypnosis in the elderly, we recommend that a baseline recording be taken before induction for a few minutes to alert the anesthesia provider to the possibility of low initial values. Further studies are needed to verify if the recommended range of 50-60 of BIS during clinical anesthesia is also adequate in the elderly with low initial baseline BIS or if this range needs adjusting in view of reduced initial BIS value.
Abdollahzade S, Aghamohammadi A, Soheili H, Salehi Sadaghiani M, Abolhassani H, Rezaei N,
Volume 68, Issue 10 (5 2011)

Background: Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) is a primary immunodeficiency disease, characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia and heterogeneous clinical manifestations. This study was performed to evaluate the clinical and immunological features of pediatric patients with CVID.
Methods: We reviewed the records of 69 children diagnosed under age of 16 years with CVID (35 males and 34 females).
Results: By the year 2008, 15 patients (21%) had died. The total follow-up period was 333 patient-years. The mean diagnostic time between onset and diagnosis in our patient group was 4.40 years. The overall rate of consanguineous marriages was 58%. 10 patients had a positive family history of immunodeficiency. At the time of diagnosis, the mean levels of serum immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgM, and IgA levels were 286.86, 39.92, and 18.39 mg/dl, respectively which were below the normal levels for age. All of the patients presented with infectious diseases at the time of onset, the most common of which were pneumonia, diarrhea and sinusitis. Acute and recurrent infections were also found in almost all of the patients, particularly involving respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. The most common infections during follow-up period were pneumonia (31.9%), acute diarrhea (18.8%), acute sinusitis (18.8%), and otitis media (14.5%). Post-diagnosis survival was estimated to be 79% during the first five years. The survival rate was not shown to be influenced by delayed diagnosis, serum levels of IgG and B-lymphocyte count at the time of diagnosis.
Conclusions: Any child with a history of recurrent infections, decreased levels of serum immunoglobulin isotypes and consanguineous parents should be considered as a CVID patient.

Noroozinia H, Mahoori A, Hassani E, Akhbari P,
Volume 69, Issue 3 (5 2011)

Background: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSADs) and opioids are frequently administered to relieve postoperative pain. Uncontrolled postoperative pain may produce a range of detrimental acute and chronic health consequences and increase mortality and morbidity. Practically, the analgesic efficacy of opioids is typically limited by the development of tolerance to them or by opioid-related side- effects such as nausea, vomiting, sedation or respiratory depression. This study aims to assess the effects of suppository diclofenac on post-herniorrhaphy pain management. Methods: In this prospective double-blind clinical trial, 60 patients who were candidate for the surgical repair of inguinal hernia were divided into two groups. Patients in group A received 100 mg of suppository diclofenac and patients in group B 50 mg of pethidine after the induction of anesthesia and before surgical incision. Postoperative pain assessment was done by an unbiased observer on the arrival of patients in the recovery room, using a 10-cm visual analogue scale (VAS) at 2-hour intervals for 6 hours. Results: Pain relief was similar in the two groups (P=0.3). Patients in group B required more analgesia two hours post-operatively (P=0.03), while patients in group A had more favorable results regarding pain control (P<0.05). Statistically, there was no difference between the two groups at other intervals. The occurrence of nausea and vomiting was similar in both groups. No respiratory depression was observed in the patients. Conclusion: Preventive analgesia with 100 mg of suppository diclofenac after anesthesia induction for herniorrhaphy produced effective postoperative analgesia with minimum side-effects
Hassani Ebrahim, Mahoori Alireza, Mehdizadeh Hamid, Noroozinia Heydar, Aghdashi Mir Mousa, Saeidi Mohammad,
Volume 70, Issue 3 (4 2012)

Background: Perioperative administration of tranexamic acid (TA), decreases bleeding and the need for transfusion after cardiac procedures. Hence, the results may vary in different clinical settings and the most appropriate timing to get the best results is unclear. The primary objectives of the present study were to determine the efficacy of TA in decreasing chest tube drainage, the need for perioperative allogeneic transfusions and the best timing for TA administration following primary, elective, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in patients with a low baseline risk of postoperative bleeding.

Methods: In this double-blind, prospective, placebo-controlled clinical trial in Seiedoshohada Hospital during 2011-2012, we evaluated 150 patients scheduled for elective, primary coronary revascularization. They were randomly divided into three groups. Group B received tranexamic 10 mg/kg prior to, Group A received tranexamic acid 10 mg/kg after cardiopulmonary bypass and group C received an equivalent volume of saline solution. Blood requirement and postoperative chest tube drainage were recorded.

Results: The placebo group (group C) had a greater postoperative blood loss 12 h after surgery (501±288 vs. 395±184 in group B and 353±181 mL in group A, P=0.004). The placebo group also had greater postoperative total blood loss (800±347 vs. 614±276 in group B and 577±228 mL in group A, P=0.001). There was a significant increase in allogeneic blood requirement in the placebo group (P=0.001).

Conclusion: For elective, first time coronary artery bypass surgery, a single dose of tranexamic acid before or after cardiopulmonary bypass is equally effective.

Alireza Mahoori , Ebrahim Hassani , Heydar Noroozinia , Behzad Sinaei , Elham Esmaeili ,
Volume 71, Issue 5 (August 2013)

Background: Pulseoximetry is widely used in the critical care setting, currently used to guide therapeutic interventions. Few studies have evaluated the accuracy of SPO2 (puls-eoximetry oxygen saturation) in intensive care unit after cardiac surgery. Our objective was to compare pulseoximetry with arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) during clinical routine in such patients, and to examine the effect of mild acidosis on this relationship.
Methods: In an observational prospective study 80 patients were evaluated in intensive care unit after cardiac surgery. SPO2 was recorded and compared with SaO2 obtained by blood gas analysis. One or serial arterial blood gas analyses (ABGs) were performed via a radial artery line while a reliable pulseoximeter signal was present. One hundred thirty seven samples were collected and for each blood gas analyses, SaO2 and SPO2 we recorded.
Results: O2 saturation as a marker of peripheral perfusion was measured by Pulseoxim-etry (SPO2). The mean difference between arterial oxygen saturation and pulseoximetry oxygen saturation was 0.12%±1.6%. A total of 137 paired readings demonstrated good correlation (r=0.754 P<0.0001) between changes in SPO2 and those in SaO2 in samples with normal hemoglobin. Also in forty seven samples with mild acidosis, paired readings demonstrated good correlation (r=0.799 P<0.0001) and the mean difference between SaO2 and SPO2 was 0.05%±1.5%.
Conclusion: Data showed that in patients with stable hemodynamic and good signal quality, changes in pulseoximetry oxygen saturation reliably predict equivalent changes in arterial oxygen saturation. Mild acidosis doesn’t alter the relation between SPO2 and SaO2 to any clinically important extent. In conclusion, the pulse oximeter is useful to monitor oxygen saturation in patients with stable hemodynamic.

Omid Moradi Moghaddam, Mohammad Niyakan Lahiji , Valiollah Hassani , Farid Kazemi Gezik, Ehsan Farazi ,
Volume 73, Issue 2 (May 2015)

Background: Bispectral Index (BIS) may be used in traumatic brain injured patients with different anatomical sites of injury to evaluate the level of consciousness. The objective of this study is to evaluate the relation between type of brain injury and the presence or absence of frontal lobe damage based on brain CT-scan with BIS monitoring in intubated acute head trauma patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: Participants of this cross-sectional study consisted of 30 intubated head trauma patients over the age of 15 years old, without any known history of visual or hearing impairments, neurologic disorders, mental retardation, or frontal skin laceration, who were admitted to the ICU in Rasool Akram University Hospital, Tehran. Patients who needed muscle relaxant administration, or those who showed instability of vital signs, hypoxemia, disorders of the blood biochemistry, or blood gases, liver or kidney failure, convulsion or hypoxic encephalopathy during the study were excluded. In the first three days of admission, each patient underwent monitoring of BIS every sixty minutes for just six hours a day. All the hypnotic drugs were discontinued six hours prior to the start of monitoring and fentanyl was the only opioid, which was administered if an analgesic was required. Statistical analysis were used to evaluate the data and p-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Mean age of all patients was 43.6 years with a Standard Deviation (SD) of 18.96. Presence or absence of frontal lobe injury, had no statistically significant correlations with mean BIS in each three days of study and the mean BIS total. However, mean BIS in the second and third days had statistically significant differences in different types of cranial lesions (contusion, subdural hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, etc) which usually have different prognoses. Conclusion: Different kinds of acute traumatic cranial lesions with different prognosis may have different values in BIS monitoring. Presence or absence of frontal lobe injury, had no statistically significant correlations with BIS values.
Alireza Mahoori , Ebrahim Hassani , Nazli Karami , Mehrdad Azizpoure ,
Volume 75, Issue 5 (August 2017)

Background: Tracheal intubation and direct laryngoscopy are powerful noxious stimuli that can elicit sever hemodynamic responses. These hemodynamic responses should be attenuated by appropriate use of premedication, smooth induction of anesthesia and rapid tracheal intubation. Gabapentin and pregabalin have been suggested in several studies to be efficient. Gabapentin is an antiepileptic drug and a structural analogue of gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) but it does not act through GABA receptors and pregabalin, is also an antiepileptic agent. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of gabapentin and pregabalin as premedication for attenuation of hemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation.
Methods: In a prospective double blinded randomized clinical trial, during April 2015 to March 2016 in Urmia Imam Khomeini Hospital, a total of ninety normotensive adult consented patients, candidate to elective abdominal surgery aged 20-50 years, American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) class I, of both gender were randomized into three groups. Patients in group I received oral placebo, group II received oral gabapentin 900 mg and group III patients received oral pregabalin 150 mg two hours prior to induction of anesthesia. Anesthetic technique was same in three groups and all groups were assessed for hemodynamic changes such as heart rate, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, after the premedication, before and after induction of anesthesia, and 1, 3 and 5 minutes. after laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation.
Results: Significant increase in heart rate and systolic blood pressure and diastolic arterial pressure was observed in placebo group after tracheal intubation, while statistically significant attenuation of hemodynamic changes was seen in gabapentin and pregabalin groups. (P=0.001) No adverse outcome was reported in the study groups.
Conclusion: Oral gabapentin premedication is effective for control of hemodynamic pressor response of laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. The study data showed that the pregabalin have the same effect. Pregabalin and gabapentin are both useful and safe for control of hemodynamic pressor response as premedication.

Leila Hassani , Golnaz Asaadi Tehrani , Sina Mirza Ahmadi ,
Volume 76, Issue 7 (October 2018)

Background: Glioma is one of the most common and deadliest primary malignant tumors in the brain. A large part of the gene expression products are non-coding protein RNA. LncRNA THRIL gene is an antisense LncRNA and one of the most important mediators of the NF-KB signaling pathway, that express in many tissues of the body, including the central nerve system (CNS). The aim of the present study was to investigate the alternation in the expression of LncRNA THRIL gene in cells of the adenocarcinoma glioblastoma T98G cell line, under treatment with temozolomide chemotherapy drug.
Methods: This case-control study was conducted in Research Center of Islamic Azad University of Zanjan, Iran, from April to September 2017. Cells of T98G cell line was treated with various doses of temozolomide chemotherapy drug (25-50-100 μM) and at different times (72-48-48 hours), Respectively RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis were performed. Then LncRNA THRIL gene expression was studied by real-time PCR method and the results were analyzed by relative quantitative and livak methods.
Results: The THRIL gene expression in 24 hours’ time with 25 and 100 μM doses (P< 0.001) had significant decreased expression and 50 μM dose had non-significant increase. It had significant increase in 48 hours time with 50 μM dose (P< 0.001), except 25 μM (P< 0.001) and 100 μM (P< 0.001) doses had significant decreased expression. It had significant increase during 72 hours time with 50 μM dose (P< 0.001), in contrast 25 μM (P> 0.001) and 100 μM (P< 0.001) concentrations of temozolomide chemotherapy drug demonstrated decreased expression of the LncRNA THRIL gene (P< 0.001).
Conclusion: As a result, the THRIL gene expression alterations after cancer cells treatment by temozolomide chemotherapy drug depends on the time and dose of the drug and the 48 hours treatment time with 50 μM dose (P< 0.001) had the highest effect on cancer cells of the T98G cell line, due to the expression of the THRIL gene.

Asghar Aghamohammadi , Mohammadreza Shaghaghi , Hassan Abolhassani , Reza Yazdani , Seyed Mohsen Zahraie , Mohammad Mehdi Goya , Susan Mahmoudi , Nima Rezaei , Shohreh Shahmahmoodi ,
Volume 78, Issue 1 (April 2020)

Primary immunodeficiency diseases (PIDs) is a diverse group of diseases, characterized by a defect in the immune system. These patients are susceptible to recurrent respiratory infections, gastrointestinal problems, autoimmune diseases, and malignancies. In most cases, patients with primary immunodeficiency disorders have genetic defects and are monogenic disorders that follow a simple Mendelian inheritance, however, some PIDs recognize a more complex polygenic origin. Overall, almost 70 to 90 percent of patients with primary immunodeficiency are undiagnosed. Given that these patients are exposing to respiratory infectious agents and some live-attenuated vaccines, thus they have a high risk to some clinical complications. The administration of oral polio vaccine in patients with PIDs especially can increase the possibility of acute flaccid paralysis. These patients will excrete the poliovirus for a long time through their feces, even though they are not paralyzed. Long-term virus proliferation in the vaccinated individuals causes a mutation in the poliovirus and creates a vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPVs), which is a major challenge to the final stages of the worldwide eradication of polio. 
To increase the diagnosis and identification of patients with immunodeficiency and carrying out a national plan for screening patients with immunodeficiency from the fecal excretion of the poliovirus, a possible polio epidemic can be prevented during post-eradication. Development of laboratory facilities in provincial and city centers, improvement of communications among physicians regarding medical consultation and establishment of referring systems for patients by national network lead to improve status of diagnosis and treatment of patients with primary immunodefiicencies. In this context, launching and activating the national network of immunodeficiency diseases is essential for improving the health of children and reducing the cost of the health system of the country. A national network of immunodeficiency can lead to increase awareness of physicians regarding primary immunodeficiency disorders, improve collaboration among physicians about genetic consultation and establish a practical referral system in Iran that results in increased diagnosis and improve treatment of patients with primary immunodeficiency disorders.

Fateme Saljoughi, Hamideh Estabraghnia Babaki , Mehdi Hassaniazad, Shahla Sohrabipour ,
Volume 78, Issue 12 (March 2021)

In 2019 a newly emerged coronavirus was detected by the Center for disease control (CDC) in China. Nucleic acid sequencing from nose and throat swab samples of patients revealed that it was like severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV). World Health Organization (WHO) named it coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and reported more than 100000 positive tests until March 2020 for COVID-19. During the past 20 years, the world has been affected by three coronavirus epidemics, SARS-COV, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and COVID-19 that make world attention. The mortality rate of COVID-19 was more than other coronaviruses, but because of more people affected by it, it seems that it has a less fatality rate compared with MERS- CoV. Initial data showed that more than 80% of patients did not have any symptoms or may had light symptoms. 15% showed severe pneumonia, 5% became critically ill, and developed multiorgan dysfunction and septic shock. Due to the epidemic of emerging viruses and the lack of information about it, this study aimed to provide a quick overview of the most recent studies in the world. To perform this review, keywords such as COVID-19, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, and Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 were retrieved using the medical subject headings (MeSH) system and then searched in English in PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Web of Science databases.
COVID-19 virus enters its genome into the cells by binding to Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in some organs such as the lungs. Although the transmission route is unclear, it enters the body through respiratory droplets. The clinical symptoms includ fever, cough, dyspnea, myalgia, confusion, headache, sore throat, rhinorrhea, chest pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, malaise, and convulsion. The standard diagnostic method is Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), but due to the time-consuming and sensitivity and the existing errors in this technique, chest CT and hematologic data are preferred. No definitive cure for the virus has been suggested so far, but antiviral drugs such as Oseltamivir, Ganciclovir, Lopinavir, Ritonavir and Remdesivir, and the anti-malarial drug Chloroquine phosphate and Interferon are in use until the discovery of the vaccine.

Saeedeh Keyvani-Ghamsari , Kiana Nouri, Ali Khaleseh Nejad , Shokoufeh Hassani,
Volume 81, Issue 11 (February 2024)

Today, despite vast advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment, breast cancer is still the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women. Various factors such as race, age, family history, mutation in the BRCA1/2 gene, diet, inactivity, alcohol consumption, and estrogen levels have been identified as risk factors for breast cancer. In recent years, microbiota has also been recognized as a new risk factor in breast cancer. In fact, the change in the microbial balance that occurs due to many environmental and internal factors of the body can be effective in the spread of cancer by affecting the intracellular pathways and signals. Studies have shown that intestinal dysbiosis affects the spread of breast cancer by affecting the metabolism and production of estrogen, or mechanisms unrelated to estrogen, such as the production of microbial metabolites that affect the immune system and lead to chronic inflammation. In addition, it has been proven that the breast tissue also has its microbiota, the types of which are different in healthy people, patients, even in different stages of breast cancer, and its subgroups. In such a way that a large amount of Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Lactobacillus, and Actinobacteria are observed in healthy breasts, while their ratio changes in cancerous tissues. Considering the relationship between microbiota and breast cancer, maintaining a healthy microbiota is a new and significant approach to reducing the risk of developing, spreading, and managing this cancer. In this regard, compounds such as probiotics that can affect the balance of intestinal microbiota are considered as an effective approach to prevent and treat breast cancer. Probiotics can stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria by causing physicochemical changes and affecting the metabolism of the intestinal microbiota. Furthermore, the consumption of probiotics can prevent the proliferation of cancer cells and reduce the tumor size by balancing the immune system, reducing inflammation, and inducing apoptosis in the cancer cells. This study describes the importance of microbiota in breast cancer, the difference between microbiota in a healthy person and a sick person, and the role of probiotics in the treatment of breast cancer.

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