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Showing 22 results for Keshavarz

A Keshavarz, M Jalali, M Ebrahimi Mamaghani,
Volume 56, Issue 1 (30 1998)

Sixty-nine children with phenylketonuria (PKU) under coverage of Tehran Genetic Research and
Consultation Center, fed Lofenalac and Phenylfree were studied. The 24-hour dietary recall method was used
to determine food intake and blood samples were analyzed for iron parameters. The results showed that over
7% of the children had a low intake of energy, protein and iron. In addition, hemoglobin and hematocrit were
lower than normal in 3.1% of the children, while in 24.2% of them there was decreased serum transferrin
saturation percent. There was a statistically significant relationship between lenght of diet therapy and iron
parameters. The findings show that inadequate nutrient intakes may, over time, cause appearance of anemia signs in the children with PKU dependent on special formulations
M Keshavarz , Sm Karimian , A Dehpoor , M Parviz ,
Volume 56, Issue 6 (9 1998)

In this study the effects of bromocriptine and apomorphine (dopamine receptor agonists) on electrical field induced twitch response of longitudinal muscle of guinea-pig illeum was investigated. Bromocriptine and apomorphine dose dependently inhibited illeal contraction. IC50 for this inhibitory effects were 6.22±0.645×10^-7 M and 5.48±0.647×10^-6 M, respectively. sulpiride (a specific D2 dopamine receptor antagonist) with concentration of 10^-5 M inhibited the effects of these agonists. Yohimbine (an ?2 adrenergic receptor antagonist) only blocked the inhibitory effect of bromocriptine but failed to block apomorphine inhibitory effects. L-NAME (nitric oxide synthetase inhibitor) with concentration of 10^-3 M blocked the effects of bromocriptine and apomorphine. These data suggest that there is inhibitory presynaptic dopamine receptors in cholinergic terminals of guinea-pig ileum and its function is related to formation of nitric oxide.
Sr Mir Damadi , G Setoodeh , F Siasi , Sa Keshavarz ,
Volume 58, Issue 1 (6 2000)

Relationships among lipids, hormones and anthropometric indices of patients in a reproductive endocrinology outpatient clinic were investigated. Subjects were divided into 2 groups according to their hirsutism score (Hirsute score>=8, N=102 And non-hirsute score<8, N=83). Weight (Wt), height (Ht), waist (W) and hip (H) circumferences were measured in all women and serum levels of lipids, hormones and glucose were determined in about one half of them. Hirsute women were heavier and had higher waist to hip ratio (WHR) and waist to height ratio, increased LDL and decreased progesterone levels (In all cases, P<0.04). In 26 subjects with a high serum androgen level (Testosterone, and"or androstenedione and/or DHEAS) there was a significant correlation between triglyceride and testosterone levels (P<0.02). Multiple regression analysis showed that WHR was an independent variable for cholesterol and LDL Age for triglyceride Glucose for HDL And androstenedione for the LDL/HDL ratio. It is concluded that altered blood lipid profiles in women with hirsutism and"or hyperandrogenism may be the result of obesity, testosterone or androstenedione blood levels.
Shahab Jahanloo Ar, Keshavarz A, Shahab Jahanloo Hr, Jahani J ,
Volume 58, Issue 3 (7 2000)

Zinc has an important role in skin health and its deficiency reduces immunity. To evaluate levels of Zinc in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of skin, we studied 44 BCC and 38 SCC cases together with 33 controls. Blood samples were taken and after separation of serum, levels of Zinc, albumin and total protein were measured by atomic absorption, albumin kit and reflectometer consecutively. Serum globulin levels were stimated by substracting albumin from total protein levels. Zinc levels were significantly lower in cancer cases than control (P<0.001). Mean serum albumin of BCC cases was significantly more than controls (P<0.01), but in BCC cases was not significantly different. Significant correlations were seen between levels of serum Zinc and albumin of SCC (R=0.507, P<0.01) and BCC (R=0.43, P<0.01) patients and controls (R=0.35, P<0.01). Mean globulin levels in cancer cases were significantly lower than control group (P<0.01). We concluded that serum Zinc and globulin levels decrease in BCC and SCC of skin.
Bogaee N, Shidfar F, Keshavarz S A,
Volume 62, Issue 1 (12 2004)

Background: Vitamin C is a major antioxidant in lung airways and also functions against external insulting oxidant sources such as smoke and environmental contaminants. The aim of study was to assess the vitamin C in asthmatic patients, by it’s measurement in plasma and white blood cells (WBC).

Materials and Methods: In a case–control study 50 asthmatic patients and 50 healthy person were randomly selected. The data were obtained by utilizing socioeconomic questionnaire and 24 hour dietary recall. l0 c.c blood samples were drawn. Plasma and WBC vitamin C concentration were measured colorimetrically. The data were analyzed by FPI and SPSS software.

Results: The results indicate that 38 percent and 92 percent of patients had deficient plasma and WBC vitamin C concentrations respectively. There was a significant difference in plasma and WBC vitamin C concentrations among patients and control group (P<0.0001) Analysis of regression showed that a significant dependence was observed between the duration of asthma and plasma vitamin C status (P=0.03), though a positive significant correlation was obtained between plasma vitamin C status and dietary vitamin C intake (P=0.0001, r =0.56), The interaction of socioeconomic parameters and vitamin C concentration in asthmatic patients in this study was not significant .

Conclusion: Present study indicates that while there is an association between vitamin C status and asthma but WBC vitamin C status is more sensitive in this regard and deserves further study and consideration.

M Khosravi , S.a Keshavarz , M Hoseini ,
Volume 63, Issue 1 (5 2005)

Background, Materials and Methods: In order to evaluation the newborn’s nutrintional status in Bojnoard, 566 healty, Single full term newborn were examined. In this examination, the indicators of weight for age, height for age, weight for height and head circumference for age in the beginning of birth were calculated and compared to National Center of Health Statistics Standards (NCHS), with making use of fifth percentile of reference society for malnutrition edge, was specified that, nutritional status in above newborn’s is better than reference society’s newborns. Results&Conclusion: The data analysis of this research showed that between mother’s near delivery weight (P = 0.037) and mother’s nutritional attitude (P= 0.004) and numbers of family( P = 0.006 ) with height for age, between newborn’s sex (P= 0.004), mother’s age(P= 0.038), mother’s near delivery weight(P = 0.042) and mother’s nutritional practice during pregnancy (P= 0.041) with weight for height and between mother’s age (P= 0.043), mother’s near delivery weight (P= 0.048), mother’s height (P= 0.025), mother’s nutritional knowledge (P = 0.046) with head circumference for age, there is significant statistic connection. Also there was a weak statistic connection between newborn’s nutritional status and grade of birth (P= 0.09), but there is no significant meaningful connection between wanted or unwanted newborn and mother’s nutritional knowledge.
M Taslimi Taleghani , A Djazayery , S.a Keshavarz , H Sadrzadeh Yeganeh , A Rahimi ,
Volume 63, Issue 1 (5 2005)

Background: Adolescence (10-19 years) is one of the most challenging periods in human development. A second period of rapid growth occurs during the teen years. Not much information is available on the effect of the socio-economic status on the outcome of nutrition education in teenage girls. Objective : The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of socio- economic status on the efficacy of nutrition education in promoting the nutritional knowledge, attitude and practice in first-grade guidance school girls in Tehran.

Material & Methods: A total of 300 students were selected from 11 guidance schools by simple sampling and divided into three groups: 1- guide-book, 2- group discussion, 3- control. The knowledge and attitude data were collected using pre-test and post-test questionnaires and the personal-socioeconomic data were collected using general questionnaires. The students in group 1 were given the guide-book and required to study it at home, while group 2 students were told to discuss among themselves the contents of the guide-book. The control group was given nothing to study or to do.

Results: Nutrition education did not have a significant effect on the increase in the attitude score in the students whose grade-point average and their mother’s education level were high. (p= 0.13, p=0.29). Only mother’s education level independently from the type of education was associated with the difference of knowledge score means (p =0.07).There was interaction between nutritional education and monthly pocket- money with regard to the increase in the knowledge score (p =0.03).

Conclusion: Overall, exception of monthly pocket money, the effect of education on the nutritional knowledge and attitude was independent from other variables. Only mother’s education associate with the difference of knowledge score means.

A Keshavarz Zirak , S.s Frooghi Al Davoov , A Soltani , B Ardashir Larijani ,
Volume 63, Issue 3 (12 2005)

Background: Sub clinical hyperthyroidism is a state of subnormal serum TSH and T3,T4 within normal range, although usually without overt clinical manifestation but many disastrous complications especially in senile patient. In Iranian people, serum TSH is generally assayed by IRMA method. This study is aimed to determine the value of low serum TSH in these patients, better management and decision when encountered.

Materials and Methods: The populations under study are guys with serum TSH lower than 0.5mu/l and normal thyroid hormones without known thyroidal and non-thyroidal illness. A basal serum TSH and TSH 30 minutes after TRH injection intra venous were sampled and correlation of clinical signs and symptoms and basal TSH with sub clinical hyperthyroidism was considered.

Results: The population under study was categorized into five groups and prevalence of sub clinical hyperthyroidism was noted. In patients with b.TSH equal or lower than 0.1mu/l, 100%, 0.1-0.2mu/l, 75%, 0.2-0.3mu/l, 38.5%, 0.3-0.4mu/l, 14.3% and TSH levels greater than 0.4mu/l, were all normal. After analyzing of these data and determination of sensitivity and specificity of IRMA, it was concluded that IRMA is not sufficient to distinguish sub clinical hyperthyroidism, although there is a good linear (r=0.68 P<0.001) and cubic (r=0.79 P<0.001) relationship between b.TSH and d.TSH.

Conclusion: Since TRH test is not cost effective for all cases, TSH levels lower than 0.25mu/l, can be considered as sub clinical hyperthyroidism and levels more than 0.4mu/l, as normal. In cases with TSH level between 0.25 and 0.4mu/l, TRH test is needed in high-risk patients.

M. Hozoori, S.a. Keshavarz, M. Hosseini, Sh. Farajzade, A.a. Sabour, H. Sadrzadeh,
Volume 64, Issue 4 (1 2006)

Background: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of two different regimes, containing different carbohydrate to protein ratios on performance, serum glucose and insulin after exercise in soccer players in Tehran Iran.

Methods: Nineteen male soccer players under training [age = 17/5 +/- 1.5 (SE) yr] were selected and completed two sequential trials separated by 1 week, in a paired cross-over study design. In each trial, subjects after running to fatigue received one of three regimes, using a random- order design as follows: HPRO ( CHO 56%, PRO 19% & fat 25% of total energy) HCHO ( CHO 64%, PRO 11% & fat 25% of total energy) or control ( CHO 60%, PRO 15% & fat 25% of total energy). The calorie of 3 regimes were equal. After consumption of meal up to120 min, blood was obtained before and at intervals. After 3 hours athlete performance was measured.

Results: The study indicates no significant difference in the serum insulin and glucose response among three regimes (P > 0.05). There was no difference in performance between three regimes after 3 h (p > 0.05).

Conclusion: The results suggest that post exercise regimes have no influence on performance, serum glucose and serum insulin. Thus total energy content and carbohydrate content may be important in recovery after exercise.

M. Keshavarz, P. Hasanain, M. Parviz, M. Mansoori, N. Soltani, N. Mirazi,
Volume 64, Issue 6 (3 2006)

Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that is associated with numerous complications like peripheral neuropathies. It has been shown that hyperglycemia may contribute to its development but the exact pathophysiology underlying this complication has not been fully understood. Since it has been suggested that oral magnesium supplementation can prevent hyperglycemia induced by diabetes, this study was designed to examine the protective effect of oral magnesium administration on thermal hyperalgesia in streptozocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats.

Methods: Male adult wistar rats were divided equally into control, magnesium-treated control, diabetic and magnesium-treated diabetic groups. In magnesium-treated diabetic rats, magnesium sulfate (10 gr/L) was added into drinking water since diabetes was established (10 days after STZ injection) and continued for 8 weeks. Mg-treated control animals received magnesium sulfate in the same dose and time period. The other two groups control and diabetic animals, only received tap water.

Results: A significant decrease in thermal pain threshold and plasma magnesium levels and also a dramatic increase in plasma glucose levels were seen in diabetic rats eight weeks after diabetes induction. Eight weeks magnesium therapy after the diagnosis of diabetes, could prevent reduction in thermal pain threshold and also restore plasma magnesium and glucose levels in magnesium-treated diabetic animals.

Conclusion: Oral magnesium can prevent hypomagnesaemia, hyperglycemia and thermal hyperalgesia in diabetic rats.

Babaee Gh, Amani F, Biglarian A, Keshavarz M,
Volume 65, Issue 7 (4 2007)

Background: An outlier is an observation that lies an abnormal distance from other values in a random sample from a population. Outliers sometimes deal with to abnormality in obtained results from collected data and information. known outlier data by researchers, physicians and other persons that work in medical fields and sciences is important and they must control data before getting result about outlier data, effect of them in information bias and how to remove & control to obtain minimum bias and exact data .in this paper we had trying by known technique and tests to control them and minimized the errors related to them.
Methods: This paper has been done on 30 student's height in Tarbiat Modares University that measured by meter in smoothing area. We applied some methods such as Z-test, Grub test and graphical methods to determine outliers. In this paper the advantage and disadvantage of methods were evaluated and finally compares with each other.
Results: The above tests showed that the data values 153, 110 among collected data were outliers. All of the methods showed that the above data were outliers. Calculation quartiles and intermediate quartiles showed that the observations under 125 and upper 141 were mind outliers and if the observation under 119 and upper 147 is the sever outliers. According to upper situations the amounts of 110 and 153 is the sever outliers and resulted from all methods.
Conclusion: The results showed that all methods were useful in determine outlier data and between them Quartiles were important to known severe and mild outliers. Also Grub test with p-Value is very useful to report outliers.
Pourhashemi S.j., Golestan B.2., Keshavarz S.a.,
Volume 65, Issue 12 (2 2008)

Background: Proper nutrition has an important role in the physical and psychological development of children. The aim of this survey is to compare the nutrition of a community to the recommended daily amount (RDA) to determine deficiencies and present recommendations for improvement.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study conducted in Tehran, Iran, 788 children, all seven years of age, were selected via cluster sampling and evaluated using standard questionnaires with a 24-hr recall regarding the frequency and type of food intake. Then by measurement of weight and height, their anthropometric and DMFT (decayed/missing/filled teeth) indices were determined using the Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance, and Mann-Whitney U and chi-square tests.

Results: Relative to the RDA, 23.6% of children had low intake of Ca, and 3.2% and 5.2% were deficient for Fe and Zn, respectively. Anthropometric measurements showed that 15.7% were malnourished based on weight for age, 10.5% based on height for age and 16.8% based on weight for height indices. The DMFT indices for children with dietary Ca levels under 75% of the RDA were significantly higher than those with sufficient Ca intake (P<0.001). The mean DMFT indices for dental development were 0.22 for permanent teeth (four molars SD=0.64) and 4.64 for primary teeth (SD=3.24). We found a significant correlation between DMFT indices and low Fe intake: the DMFT indices of children with iron deficiency were much higher than those with sufficient iron intake.

Conclusions: Children in Tehran do not receive enough Ca Fe and Zn from their diets. This problem causes mild malnutrition and increases the risk of dental caries.

Mansoori M, Parviz M, Keshavarz M, Soltani N, Gharibzadeh Sh,
Volume 65, Issue 13 (Vol 65, Supplement 1 2008)

Background: Diabetes mellitus is a common metabolic disorder accompanied with structural and functional changes in central and peripheral nervous system. Researches showed, memory disturbance were occurred in the course of diabetes. On the other hand, magnesium deficit has been described in diabetic patients. Some researches were showed that, appropriate magnesium supplementation can play a positive role in diabetic control.
Methods: Locally produced male rats were used. Diabetes was induced with intravenous injection of 40 mg/kg streptozotosin. In treatment groups, the animals were received magnesium sulfate via drinking water (10 g/l). Eight weeks after diabetes confirmation, the animals were assessed on Morris Water Maze.
Results: A significant decrease in time of platform finding (latency) and distance of swimming in all four experimental days were seen in all groups. Mean latency in diabetic group was significantly higher than the other. This weak response was almost completely prevented by magnesium sulfate administration.
Conclusion: It seems that after eight weeks magnesium sulfate administration (10g/l), spatial memory of the animals was improved in comparison to diabetic group that can suggest role of magnesium in recovery of diabetic animal memory.
Angoorani P, Keshavarz A, Sadrzadeh H, Rahimi. A,
Volume 65, Issue 14 (Vol 65, Supplement 2 2008)

Background: Nutrition as an important factor in health can be effective in educational success of students. Malnourished students have less concentration and attention. Lack of breakfast consumption for a long period has negative effect in behavior and health. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of a nutritional teaching booklet about breakfast on the knowledge of fourth grade girls at Tehran’s 6th educational and teaching district.
Methods: This interventional study performed on 100 fourth grade girls from 10 schools in Tehran city, randomly divided into two groups case who received booklet and control group. Subject: At first a pretest of knowledge was done for all the students (case and control). The case group was given the booklet to read by themselves. No teaching provided for the control group. A knowledge posttest was performed two weeks later. Two types of questionnaires (general and knowledge) were used to collect data. The following methods were used: chisquare test for comparing case and control groups from the aspect of independent variables, pair t- test for comparing the knowledge scores between case and control groups and one-way ANOVA for assessment of independent variables effect on the mean difference of knowledge in samples.
Results: The mean score of knowledge in the case group against the control increased 2.22 (p<0.001). The one-way ANOVA method showed that none of the independent variables (family size, parents’ career and educational level, dinner breakfast sleeping and waking up time, the person who prepares breakfast at home, breakfast consumption status in other members of family) had significant effect on the mean of the knowledge scores’ difference.
Conclusions: The results of this study showed the nutritional teaching booklet about breakfast caused an increase in the knowledge of this age group of girl students.
Babaee Gh, Keshavarz M, Parsinia M, Ashkvari P,
Volume 66, Issue 1 (30 2008)

Background: This study have conducted in order to determine of direct or indirect effective factors on mortality of neonates with low birth weight by path analysis.

Methods: In this cohort study 445 paired mothers and their neonates were participated in Tehran city. The data were gathered through an answer sheet contain mother age, gestational age, apgar score, pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) and birth weight. Sampling was convenience and neonates of women were included in this study who were referred to 15 government and private hospitals in Tehran city. Live being status of neonates was determined until 24 hours after delivery.

Results: The most changes in mortality rate is related to birth weight and its negative score means that increasing in weight leads to increase chance of live being. Second score is related to apgar sore and its negative score means that increasing in apgar score leads to decrease chance of neonate death. Third score is gestational age and its negative score means that increasing in weight leads to increase chance of live being. The less changes in mortality rate is due to hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.

Conclusion: The methodology has been used could be adopted in other investigations to distinguish and measuring effect of predictive factors on the risk of an outcome.

Vasaghi Gharamaleki B, Keshavarz M, Gharibzadeh Sh, Marvi H, Mosayebnejad J, Ebrahimi Takamjani E,
Volume 66, Issue 6 (5 2008)

Background: The typical features of eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage are delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and prolonged loss of muscle strength. It has been shown that passive warmth is effective in reducing muscle injury. Due to the interaction of different systems in vivo, we used isolated perfused medial gastrocnemius skeletal muscle to study the direct effect of temperature on the eccentric contraction-induced force loss.

Methods: After femoral artery cannulation of a rat, the left medial gastrocnemius muscle was separated and then the entire lower limb was transferred into a prewarmed (35oC) chamber. With the chamber temperature at 31, 35 and 39oC before and during eccentric contraction. Isometric force loss was measured after 15 eccentric contractions (N=7-9).

Results: Maximum contraction force reduction has been used as an index for eccentric contraction-induced force loss. In this study eccentric contraction caused a significant reduction in maximum isometric tension (p<0.01), but no significant difference was seen in isometric force loss at 31oC and 39oC compared with that at 35oC.

Conclusions: Our results suggest that temperature changes before or during eccentric contractions have no effect on eccentric contraction-induced force loss.

Keshavarz M, Babaee Gh R, Dieter J,
Volume 67, Issue 5 (6 2009)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Background: Many studies have demonstrated that pre-term neonates gained more weight over the 10 days stimulation period. This research has been conducted to determine the effects of five days Tactile- Kinesthetic stimulation (TKS) on weight gaining of pre-term infants hospitalized in Fatemiye neonatal intensive care unit.
Methods: Fifty one babies who graduated from the NICU to the intermediate care nursery were randomly allocated into test and control groups (24 and 27 neonate respectively). TKS was provided for three 20 minute periods per day for five consecutive days to the test group, with the massages consisting of moderate pressure strokes in left and right lateral position and kinesthetic exercises consisting of flexion and extension of the limbs. They were observed for changes in physiologic parameters and weight gaining during five days stimulation in hospital.
Results: Over the five days TKS an increase in weight was seen in the test group (p=0.018, 43.1 vs 5.4). Infants in both the test and control groups were matched for mean weight before study and days in which they received antibiotics and photo therapy. Mean temperature and O² saturation had no meaningful difference, but an increase in respiratory rate (p=0.047, 32.9 vs 32.5) and heart rate (p<0.001, 148 vs 145.7) (within physiologic range) was seen in the test group during stimulation, so that no one excluded from study.
Conclusion: Tactile- Kinesthetic stimulation has no adverse effects on physiologic parameters, meanwhile has a beneficial effect on weight gaining in pre-term neonates, So touch and massage therapy which are both beneficial and cost effective could be placed in policy of care programs in nurseries in Iran.

Keshavarzi F, Nafissi N, Sirati F, Fallah Ms, Salehi R, Harriry Z, Shahab Movahead Z, Vahidi M, Sharifi Z, Sharafi Farzad M, Zeinali S,
Volume 69, Issue 9 (6 2011)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Background: Breast cancer is the most common form of hereditary cancer worldwide and is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Approximately 5-10% of breast and ovarian cancers are due to the highly penetrating germline mutations in cancer predisposing genes. Two genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, account for at least half of these cases. The demand for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation screening is rapidly increasing as their identification will affect the medical management of people at increased risk for the disease. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate BRCA1/2 mutations in 100 high risk Iranian families.
Methods:  One hundred families who met the minimal risk factors for breast/ovarian cancer were screened among the families referred to Kawsar Human Genetics Research Center for the diseases in 2009-2011. The entire coding sequences and each intron/exon boundaries of BRCA1/2 genes were screened for by direct sequencing and MLPA in both patients and the controls.
Results:  In the present study, we could detect the following novel mutations: p.Gly1140Ser, p.Ile26Val, p.Leu1418X, p.Glu23Gln, p.Leu3X, p.Asn1403His, p.Asn1403Asp, p.Lys581X, p.Pro938Arg, p.Thr77Arg, p.Leu6Val, p.Arg7Cys, p.Leu15Ile, p.Ser177Thr, IVS7+83(-TT), IVS8 -70(-CATT), IVS2+9(G>C), IVS1-20(G>A), IVS1-8(A>G), p.Met1Ile, IVS2+24(A>G), IVS5-8 (A>G), IVS2(35-39)TTcctatGAT, IVS13+9 G>C in BRCA1 and p.Glu1391Gly, p. Val1852Ile, IVS6-70(T>G), 1994-1995 (InsA) in BRCA2.
Conclusion: Ten mutations seemed to be pathogenic and the disease-causing mutations were seen in 16% of the families. In addition, from the total number of substitutions and reassortments (42), 80% related to BRCA1 and 20% to mutations in BRCA2 genes.

Seyyed Saeed Eshraghi , Mehdi Fatahi Bafghi , Ali Ghafouri , Parvin Heidarieh , Shadi Habibnia , Masoumeh Rasouli Nasab , Hojat Yazdanbod , Hosein Keshavarzi ,
Volume 71, Issue 7 (October 2013)

Background: Nocardia species are Gram-positive, partially acid fast, non-motile, catalase positive, aerobic and saprophytic actinomycetes found all around the world. They invade the human body from the environment via trauma and respiratory tract and cause cutaneous, pulmonary and systemic diseases. They are able to grow in various media.The organisms opportunistically infect both immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals. Behcet's disease is an autoimmune disease and immunocompromised patient which may suitable host for Nocardia bacterium. The present study is the first case report of isolation of Nocardia from the thigh abscess in a patient with behcet’s disease from Iran.
Case Presentation: A 39-year-old man with Behcet’s disease in August 2011 was admitted to Shariati hospital Tehran, with swelling and pain in the left flank and left thigh. Microscopic identification from direct microbiological slide of thigh abscess discharge demonstrated number of lymphocytes, neutrophils and macrophages foamy and white blood cells together with filamentous bacteria. Further microbiological characterization using phenotypic and antibiogram tests with disk diffusion method, demonstrated that the isolated bacterium is Nocardia asteroides complex. The bacteria were sensitive to ampicillin, vancomycin, ceftriaxone, amikacin and cotrimoxazole but it was resistant to clindamycin, erythromycin, penicillin G, cephalothin and gentamicin. The patient was treated with cotrimoxazole.
Conclusion: Because of the high incidence and high mortality of Nocardia infection in immunocompromised cases, rapid detection and timely treatment for these patients is necessary.

Jalal Moludi , Seyedali Keshavarz , Hosseinzadeh-Attar Mohammad Javad, Abas Rahimi Frooshani , Ali Sadeghpour , Sajad Salarkia , Farhad Gholizadeh ,
Volume 73, Issue 2 (May 2015)

Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia after cardiac surgery. AF leads to longer duration of hospitalization, thromboembolism, and impaired hemodynamics after heart surgery. One of the most important causes of postoperative AF, inflammation, and oxidative stress status. For this reason, it is useful to control the dysrhythmia. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) as an antioxidant that has an important role in reducing the incidence of postoperative AF. The present study aimed at administering CoQ10 as a way to reduce the incidence of post-CABG atrial fibrillation. Methods: In this double-blind randomized controlled trial study, 80 patients with coronary artery disease who underwent coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) in Rajaie Cardiovascular, Medical and Research Center from April to November 2014, randomized are divided into intervention and control groups to receive placebo or CoQ10 The surgical characteristics of the patients in two groups were similar. The intervention group will receive the oral CoQ10 supplement 150 mg/d for 7 days before surgery. After operation two groups were compared regarding important outcomes such as postoperative arrhythmia, intensive care unite (ICU) stay and hospital stay. Atrial arrhythmias are considered significant If more than 10 minutes duration atrial and with a shorter duration of arrhythmia, but with recurrence again. Results: Thirty-eight women and forty-two men with a mean age of 58.37±7.98 years were enrolled in the study in two CoQ10 and placebo groups (each consisting of 40 patients). The incidence of postoperative AF was 45% in the control group to 20% in the intervention group decreased after supplementation (P=0.030). ICU stay and length of in-hospital stay did not significant. The incidence of arrhythmias ventricular tachycardia (VT) and VF in this period was not significant (P=0.865). Conclusion: Q10 supplements have low side effects. Due to the reduction in the incidence of AF in patients after, CABG, these supplements can be recommended for the prevention of AF.

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