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Showing 8 results for Khaleghi

H Aslesoleymani , M Khaleghimoghaddam ,
Volume 56, Issue 2 (30 1998)

Improper drug prescription by physicians due to wrong diagnosis, wrong drug choise or other causes will waste national funds. The annual drug costs in Iran is 900 billions Rials. With approvement of prescription, it can be reduced to 500 billions Rials. Effective factors in costs reduction are: 1) Increasing medical knowledge and persistent education of physicians. 2) Spending more time for each visit. 3) Giving more information to physicians about pharmacological compounds. 4) Teaching symptoms and signs of the common diseases and proper diagnosis of them. 5) Checking the prescriptions of physicians.
Jafari S, Khaleghi S, Basi A, Ramim T,
Volume 70, Issue 2 (4 2012)

Background: Patients with endometrial or ovarian cancer have an increased risk for breast or colon cancer. The aim of this study was to assess the individual and age-related characteristics of patients with a combination of these malignancies.

Methods: In this retrospective descriptive study, we reviewed the medical records of 100 patients admitted for endometrial or ovarian cancer in Rasol Akram, Akbarabadi and Firozgar educational Hospitals in Tehran, Iran, during 2010- 2011. Colon polyps were evaluated by immunohistochemistry assay.

Results: The mean age, weight and BMI of the patients were 50.21, 65.9 and 26.07, respectively. Among 100 cases participating in this study, five (5%) patients had colon polyps. All the five cases with colon polyp had positive familial histories of ovarian cancer.

Conclusion: With considering the low prevalence of colorectal polyps among women with ovarian and endometrial cancers, patient's follow-up for screening test is not recommended.

Malihea Khaleghian , Issa Jahanzad , Abbas Shakoori , Neda Zargari, Maryam Mohamadi , Cyrus Azimi ,
Volume 73, Issue 4 (July 2015)

Background: The incidence rate of gastric cancer in Western countries has shown a remarkable decline in recent years although it is still the almost common cancer between men in Iran. The proto-oncogene MYC, located at 8q24.1, regulates almost 15% of human genes and is activated in 20% of all tumors. MYC amplification and overexpression of its protein product are observed in 15-30% of gastric neoplasia. The objective of this study was to find the preference of CISH or IHC in the diagnosis and prognosis of gastric cancer. Methods: In this cross-sectional investigation, 102 paraffin blocks samples of Iranian patients with gastric cancers were studied. All the patients had undergone primary surgical resection at the Cancer Institute Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences from 1987 to 1993. CISH and IHC techniques were applied to the samples. CISH was carried out on 3-µm-thick tissue sections and with a ZytoDot CISH Implementation Kit (ZytoVision GmbH, Germany). IHC was down using the HRP method with the monoclonal antibody. A universal peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody kit was used for the detection system. All samples were gastric adenocarcinoma and were selected randomly. Results: Our data revealed that both diffuse and intestinal types of gastric cancer occurred significantly in men more than women. Our results showed an indication of some correlation between grades and CISH results, although the difference was not significant. Our data also showed that CISH+ patients (43.1%) were more frequent in comparison with IHC+ patients (14.7%). There was a correlation between CISH and IHC. This result revealed that there was a significant difference between grades and IHC. There was also no statistically significant difference between CISH amplification in diffuse and intestinal types. Conclusion: Our conclusion is that for the treatment, management of stomach cancer, and monitoring of progress and prognosis of the tumor that is almost important for patients and clinicians, CISH test is a better and feasible to IHC test, with regards to sensitivity and specificity.
Farshid Farhan , Cyrus Azimi , Majid Mahmoodi , Mohammad-Ali Mohagheghi , Farideh Farzanfar , Azam Noor-Mohammadi, Malihea Khaleghian , Abbas Jafari , Mehrangiz Ghaem-Maghami , Kouros Divsalar ,
Volume 74, Issue 1 (April 2016)

Background: It is reported that high frequency of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes of individuals is a marker of cancer predisposition. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro frequency of chromosomal damage in lymphocytes of patients with head and neck cancer against gamma irradiation compared with those in healthy individuals.

Methods: In a case and control study, peripheral blood lymphocytes of 101 patients with head and neck cancer were collected before the onset of radiotherapy. Lymphocytes of 40 healthy individuals were also collected as controls. Head and neck cancer patients and the control group were consecutively recruited between April 2012 and February 2015 from Clinics of Cancer Institute, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Lymphocytes of patients or control group were cultured and exposed to gamma radiation in G2- and G0- phase of the cell cycle. The induced chromosomal aberrations such as chromosome and chromatid breakages, chromosome and chromatid gaps, chromatid exchanges and micronuclei were scored in one-hundred metaphase cells of each individual. The mean of each chromosomal aberration was compared in patient and control groups. Early and late tissue reactions were scored during radiotherapy treatment or thereafter.

Results: There was no significant difference in demographic characterization between the two study groups. The frequency of radiation- induced G2 aberrations in lymphocytes of patients was significantly higher than in those of healthy donors (P= 0.001 for chromosomal breaks). The frequency of radiation-induced micronuclei in G0 assay was also higher in patients than in those in controls (P= 0.05). The results also indicate that there is no correlation between the two assays. No significant correlation was also observed between aberration frequencies in lymphocytes and the degree of both early and late normal tissue reactions.

Conclusion: The results indicate that the in vitro chromosomal radiosensitivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with head and neck cancer against gamma irradiation was significantly higher than that in healthy individuals.

Fatemeh Shirani , Siamak Khaleghi , Mehrdad Nikfam , Ali Pourmojarab,
Volume 74, Issue 8 (November 2016)

Background: Psoriasis is a T-cell mediated chronic inflammatory disorder with multiple skin, nails and joints involvement. The reported prevalence of psoriatic arthritis varies from 5 to 42 cases per 100 psoriasis patients. Insulin resistance is believed to be central to the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome, a constellation of major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, including atherogenic dyslipidemia, truncal adiposity, hypertension and hyperglycemia. The association of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis with metabolic syndrome is increasingly being reported. Although the literature relating psoriatic arthritis to metabolic syndrome is accumulating, there is still a paucity of evidence, especially from Asia. Here, we examined the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components in patients with psoriatic arthritis.

Methods: The study was performed among outpatients attending the specialty clinic and rheumatology ward of Rasoul-e-Akram general hospital between January 2014 and April 2015. A consecutive sample of 80 patients diagnosed as having psoriatic arthritis was studied. Age, gender, body mass index, blood pressure and waist circumference, and history of smoking of patients were measured and asked at the enrolment visit. Venous samples were taken after 8 h of overnight fasting for the estimation of serum lipid profile, glucose and uric acid levels. Also an ultrasonographic examination was done for detection of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Results: 46 patients (57.5%) were male and 34 patients (42.5%) were female. Mean age of the participants was 43 years (SD: 11.3). The prevalence of abnormal components of metabolic syndrome was 53.8% for BMI, 48.8% for TG level, 50% for HDL, 46.3 for LDL, 45% for Cholesterol, 23.8% for FBS, 46% for waist circumflex in men and 47.7% in women and 42.5 for uric acid. 40% of the patients had abnormal SBP and 41.2% had abnormal DBP. Thirty percent of the participants were current smokers and 43.8 had NAFLD on ultrasonographic examination.

Conclusion: 51.3% of patients had metabolic syndrome according to the adult treatment panel III criteria for adult Asian patients.

Ali Asghar Khaleghi,
Volume 81, Issue 6 (September 2023)

Mostafa Kazemi , Mohammad Hossain Dadkhah Tehrani , Ali Asghar Khaleghi, Masoud Mohammadi ,
Volume 81, Issue 9 (December 2023)

Background: Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world, which is associated with a high prevalence, especially in the elderly male population. Treatment options for non-metastatic prostate cancer usually include active surveillance, radiotherapy and surgery, so the aim of the present study is a systematic review of brachytherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer.
Methods: The study conducted is a systematic review article in which a review of the treatment of prostate cancer with brachytherapy has been done. The information used is taken from articles published in Persian and English in Google scholar, SID and PubMed databases from 2000 to 2022. The selected keywords in this article included Brachy therapy, Prostate cancer, Radio therapy, Prostate neoplasms, High dose rate, Low dose rate and External beam radio therapy. Selection of studies was done according to PRISMA guidelines.
Results: Brachytherapy can be classified into 2 types of permanent implantation and temporary implantation based on the length of the treatment period. In permanent brachytherapy implants for prostate cancer, iodine (125I) or palladium (103Pd) are used as radioactive sources for low dose rate cases and for high dose rate brachytherapy. Iridium (192Ir) is used. Brachytherapy is usually used in two ways, either as a monotherapy in which LDR and HDR are used to treat some low-risk patients, or as a booster treatment after other treatments such as EBRT, which here may be part of the treatment process before, after, or during treatment. In contrast to brachytherapy alone, brachytherapy plus EBRT is an appropriate approach in patients with intermediate-risk and high-risk disease. In high-risk patients, the combined use of EBRT and HDR-BT can lead to better results than EBRT alone. Brachytherapy treatment is not suitable for every disease.
Conclusion: One of the main advantages of this treatment method is the ability to administer a high dose of radiation while minimizing radiation exposure to adjacent healthy organs. Since optimal dose distribution occurs in the treatment, quality treatment can be ensured. The results obtained from both forms of brachytherapy are generally suitable and comparable to other treatment methods with fewer side effects.

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