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Showing 2 results for Khorasanizadeh

Shayesteh Khorasanizadeh , Faranak Behnaz , Masih Ebrahimy Dehkordy , Houman Teymourian , Homeyra Kouzekanani ,
Volume 77, Issue 6 (September 2019)

Background: Hypoglycemia is a condition when blood glucose level is lower than 70 mg/dl in people without diabetes. The symptoms of hypoglycemia include tachycardia, sweating, pallor, pupillary dilatation. Hypoglycemia is a non-lethal and often preventable clinical problem in non-diabetic patients that can occur during fasting or after dining.
Case presentation: A 52 years old man referred to Shohada-e-Tajrish Hospital, Tehran, with diagnosis of kidney stones candidate for percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). The patient underwent general anesthesia and after 40 minutes, the surgeon requested injection of tranexamic acid because of bleeding, but unintentionally the patient received 100 unites of crystalline insulin by nurse anesthesia. Vital signs were stable, the patient's blood glucose was 85 mg/dl and he had no sweat. Then the therapeutic intervention consisted of administering a bolus dose of 50 cc 50% dextrose water (DW) and then infusion of 50% dextrose water over that time. The patient was monitored for 10 hours in recovery and also received 1 mg of glucagon. The blood glucose was checked frequently. Fortunately, there were not any detectable hypoglycemic attacks (blood glucose less than 70 mg/dl) during that time. Throughout the first three hours in ICU, he suffered from severe hypoglycemic episodes and treated by DW 50% (bolus stat and infusion) and after stabilization of vital signs he transferred to ward.
Conclusion: The mortality of iatrogenic hypoglycemia is lower than other causes of hypoglycemia. However, on time diagnosis and aggressive treatment can prevent serious complications. In addition, proper communication between health care providers and precise checking of drugs labels before injection can dramatically decrease these events.

Hamidreza Azizi Faresani , Shayesteh Khorasanizadeh, Noormohammad Arefian , Houman Teymourian , Gholamreza Mohseni , Faranak Behnaz , Hamideh Ariannia ,
Volume 79, Issue 5 (August 2021)

Background: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of intravenous Ibuprofen Apotel analgesia in comparison with intravenous Morphine alone regimen in patients undergoing lubmar disc surgery.
Methods: This study was a double-blind clinical trial that was performed on patients with moderate to severe lumbar disc pain (VAS score or Visual analog scale more than 4) in August 2019 at Shohada Tajrish hospital. Patients in the Ibuprofen-Apotel group (group A) recieved intravenous Ibuprofen (800 mg) in 100 cc Normal saline in the first 30 minutes of Recovery, then 400 mg in 100 cc Normal saline every 6 hours (48 hours after surgery), plus 30 mg Apotel for each kilogram in100 cc Normal saline in 15 minutes every 8 hours. In group B, Morphine has injected with 70 µg/kg bolus and then 20µg/kg/h infused with a PCA pump with a Maximum Rate of 1mg/hr. Then 60 minutes after surgery, patients' pain was measured using an analog scale.
The primary outcome was defined as a reduction in pain intensity of 3 or more VAS units (which was considered as therapeutic success) and the incidence of side effects was considered as secondary outcomes.
Results: Based on the results of this study, the mean age of the subjects was 33.28±12.48 years. Also, the mean age in the group of Ibuprofen-Apotel and Morphine alone were 35.4±13.6 and 31.16±11.75 years. So, there is not a significant difference between the groups. 77.14% of the subjects (54 people) were male and 22.86% (16 people) were women. In comparing the frequency distribution of individuals in terms of gender and the method of creating analgesia, no significant difference was observed between the groups studied.
According to the results, after the intervention, the highest pain intensity in both groups was significantly decreased. However, no significant difference was observed between the two groups.
Conclusion: The study indicated that Ibuprofen can be effective in controlling postoperative pain. 

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