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Showing 25 results for Mahdavi

Hr Sadeghi Pour Roudsari , A Mahdavi , S Taamoli , Z Jalali ,
Volume 58, Issue 1 (6 2000)

We studied fertility indices of Iranian and non-Iranian populations which were covered by 23 Rays health houses. This cross-sectional study aimed to prove the effect of increasing number of non-Iranian immigrants on health indices of the area covered by Tehran university of medical sciences and health services, consequently giving attention to specific health programs. The data collection method was census of permanent residents of the villages by means of vital horoscopes. 8494 of 27611 persons were non-Iranian. Dependency ratio and natural growth rate was 75%, 1.14% in Iranians and 98%, 1.74% in non-Iranians, respectively. Mortality in non-Iranians was 1.24 times more than Iranians. General fertility rate in Iranians was 60 and in non-Iranians was 110 live births in 1000 women of child bearing age. Total fertility rate in Iranians was 1.73 and in non-Iranians 3.27 neonates for each woman. Age-specific fertility rates were absolutely higher in non-Iranians. Gross eproductive rate was 0.87 in Iranians and 1.59 in non-Iranians. Mean number of girls born by a non-Iranian mother will be double times of an Iranian mother (P<0.01). Modern contraceptive methods coverage was 70% in Iranian couples and less than 40% in non-Iranian couples. 96.94% of Iranian deliveries and 70.9% of non-Iranian deliveries were safe (P<0.01).

Mahdavi M, Masood J,
Volume 60, Issue 3 (14 2002)

Introduction: Alcoholic and aqueous extracts and total alkaloids of the seed of (Syrian rue) peganum harmala L. as scolicidal compound against Hydatid cyst protoscolices were assessed in this study.

Methods and Materials: This study was carried out both invitro and by inoculating inside the intact cysts in the shaking bath and dry incubator at 37°c. Different concentration of suspensions were tested in different exposure times. Mortality of protoscolices was determined by their loss of mortality, ability to take vital stains and inactivity of flame cells.

Results: The results indicated that alcoholic extract had scolicidal effect against protoscolices total alkaloids had stronger action and rapid effect on protoscolices.

Mahdavi Mazdeh M, Moradiance V, Lesan Pezeshki M, Jahan Zad I,
Volume 61, Issue 3 (14 2003)

LP(a) level in uremic patients is high. It has recently considered that the effect of androgens on lipids vary widely. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of nandrolone decanoate on lipid profile in chronic hemodialysis patients.
Materials and Methods: thirty six stable male patients over 40 years who were under maintenance hemodialysis were randomized to receive nandrolone decanoate , 100 mg weekly for six month, by intramuscular injection on nondialysis day (Group A, N=18) or B complex (Group B, N=18). Between September 2001 and 2002, male hemodialysis patients more than 40 years old without history of high prostatic specific antigen (PAS) or sensitization to drug were started on treatment with androgen therapy. The evolution in the liquid profile was prospectively assessed immediately before the first dose of nandrolone decanoate (basal values) and at 2, 4 and 6 month of therapy. The evolution of lipids after withdrawal of androgens at 2 month after the last dose was also studied. The patients underwent hemodialysis 3 to 4 hours three times a week. The dialysis schedule was not modified during the period of study.
Results: Mean decrease of LP(a) level in group A was significantly lower then group B in second month (p<0.05). Surprisingly HP level decreased also in second month. Other lipid parameters did not show significant changes.
Conclusion: In this study we observed that nandrolone decanoate affects on LP(a) leveK but the changes of it did not correlate with those of hemoglobin or other lipid parameters< suggesting that the underlying mechanisms are unrelated. Our finding might be affected by low dose of the drug. Further studies with higher doses will be requied to clarify the beneficial or adverse effects of this type of therapy.
Rassulinejad M, Hossami Roodsari H, Mahdavi Mazdeh M, Hajiabdolbaghi M, Ahmadi F L,
Volume 61, Issue 6 (15 2003)

Renal transplantation is ideal treatment of chronic renal failure. Pulmonary infection is a common and serious post transplant infection requiring hospitalization and is associated with high mortality. Increased susceptibility to infection is due to a decrease in the patients' immunological response caused by immunosuppression through drug administration, and by other influences.
Materials and Methods: This study was case series and prospective, from July 2001 to July 2002 in Imam Khomeini hospital of Tehran.
Results: 164 renal transplant recipients were studied, 14 patients (8.5%) had pulmonary infection, 11 of them (78.6%) were female and 3 (21.4%) were male. The mean age of them was 42.6 years. The patients were followed up for 9 to 12 months. All patients were on triple immunosuppressive regimens. The interval between transplantation and the appearance of pneumonia was 2 months to 10 years. The time of beginning infection in 3 cases (21.4%) was between 1 to 6 months post transplantation, 11 cases (78.6%) were occurred beyond 6 months after transplantation. In 7 cases (50%), pulmonary infection was occurred during first year after transplantation. None of the 14 patients developed pulmonary infection in first month after transplantation. BAL were used in 6 cases (42.8%) of pulmonary infection, and organism were detected in 5 of them (83.3%). The most common clinical feature was fever. Six cases were due to mycobacterium tuberculosis (42.9%), this organism was the most common ethiology of pneumonia. In this study tuberculosis was seen in 3.6% of renal transplant recipients. One patient had pulmonary mucormycosis. All patients with pulmonary TB were cured, and other cases with unknown case, were cured with empirical treatment.
Conclusion: Our finding indicate the invasive diagnostic procedures are required in order to earlier and reliable diagnosis and then better outcome of transplantation.


Goodarzi A H, Nikufar A R, Boluri B, Mahdavi S R, Ghazikhanloo Sani K,
Volume 64, Issue 11 (7 2006)

Background: During breast three fields radiotherapy, the problem is that the divergency of the field interferes with matching the edges. So the matching point of these supraclav and tangential field will suffer from over-dose and under-dose. To prevent these these divergency, a half- block is often applied at supracluv field. Also in some techniques like collimator and couch rotation, corner blocks and custom blocks are applied at tangential field which it renders its own problem. Hence, this research employ half-block in all three different radiotherapy scheme to some how radiate the cancerous tissue more appropriately to lessen the over exposure and yet deliver the needed dose to the tissue.
Methods: Ten breast cancer patients of Sohadaye Haftome-Tir hospital were considered for this study. The divegency of the fields at the matching point was blocked by using a half-block application and a slope, under patients. Dosimetery was measured by TLD at desired location on the skin before and after the half-block application. The measurement was carried out at 2 groups under 2 different irradiation methods (SSD, SAD).
Results: Dosimetery showed that the mean over-dose values at SSD method before applying half–block was 151% which reduced to 97% after half–block application, and in the SAD method the under-dose was improved from 41% to 80%.
Conclusion: Half–block can solve adjacent filelds problem efficiently, and since making the half-block at low cost is easily possible at any radiotherapy center, it is suggested to use block more often.
Shoja Mr, Mahdavi M, Manaviat Mr, Besharati M.r,
Volume 64, Issue 11 (7 2006)

Background: Diabetes Mellitus is the most common endocrinologic disease in human and retinopathy is one of the most common complications. Etiology of this complication is yet unknown but one of the factors that can be effective on its production or progression is serum lipid. We aim to study the relationship between different degrees of diabetic retinopathy and serum lipids levels.
Methods: An observational cross-sectional study designed to study over 37 patients with diabetes mellitus type one and 157 patients with diabetes mellitus type two. Former was selected as sensus and latter was selected randomly from diabetic patients attending the diabetes clinic in Yazd during 2002. Inclusion criteria was duration of diabetes at least seven years from diagnosis. Statistical analysis performed by SPSS package edition 11 and wit statistical tests as Chi square, Fisher Exact and ANOVA.
Results: Among 194 cases, 74 cases were males and 120 females. 90 cases (46.4%) have normal total serum cholesterol and 104 (53.6%) hypercholestrolemia. In case of triglyceride 94 cases (48.4%) have normal serum triglyceride and 100 (51.6%) hypertriglyceridemia. Distribution of different degrees of diabetic retinopathy was statistically significant due to cholesterol and triglycerides (P-Value<0.05). In different groups of sex, diabetic retinopathy was more prevalent if there was hypertriglyceridemia or hypercholesterolemia. This was correct about different groups of age and type of diabetes. This means that in different groups of age and type of diabetes, diabetic retinopathy was more prevalent if there was hypertriglyceridemia or hypercholesterolemia.
Conclusion: Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy is higher in cases with hypertriglyceridemia or hypercholesterolemia than cases with normal serum triglyceride or cholesterole.
Mahdavi M E, Peyvandi A A,
Volume 65, Issue 3 (2 2007)

Background: Cortical Evoked Response Audiometry (CERA) refers to prediction of behavioral pure-tone thresholds (500-4000 Hz) obtained by recording the N1-P2 complex of auditory long latency responses. CERA is the preferred method for frequency–specific estimation of audiogram in conscious adults and older children. CERA has an increased accuracy of determination of the hearing thresholds of alert patients with elevated hearing thresholds with sensory hearing loss however few publications report studies regarding the use of CERA for estimating normal hearing thresholds. The purpose of this research was to further study the accuracy of CERA in predicting hearing thresholds when there is no hearing loss.
Methods: Behavioral hearing thresholds of 40 alert normal hearing young adult male (40 ears) screened at 20 dB HL in 500-8000Hz, predicted by recording N1-P2 complex of auditory evoked long latency responses to 10-30-10 ms tone bursts. After CERA, pure tone audiometry performed by other audiologist. All judgments about presence of responses performed visually. Stimulus rate variation and temporary interruption of stimulus presentation was used for preventing amplitude reduction of the responses. 200-250 responses were averaged near threshold.
Results: In 95% of the hearing threshold predictions, N1-P2 thresholds were within 0-15 dB SL of true hearing thresholds. In the other 5%, the difference between the CERA threshold and true hearing threshold was 20-25 dB. The mean threshold obtained for tone bursts of 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 kHz were 12.6 ± 4.5, 10.9 ± 5.8, 10.8 ± 6.5 and 11.2 ± 4.1 dB, respectively, above the mean behavioral hearing thresholds for air-conducted pure tone stimuli.
Conclusion: On average, CERA has a relatively high accuracy for the prediction of normal hearing sensitivity, comparable to that of previous studies performed on CERA in hearing-impaired populations.
Hemmati M, Kadkhodaee M, Zahmatkesh M, Mahdavi-Mazde M, Ghaznavi R, Mirershadi F,
Volume 66, Issue 1 (30 2008)

Background: The risk of atherosclerosis and cancer is high in hemodialysis (HD) patients. There is evidence that HD causes oxidative stress. However, the causative factors of oxidative stress are unknown. It has been suggested that HD imposes an additional oxidative stress on patients with chronic renal failure by activation of granulocytes on dialyzer membranes resulting in an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants. In this regard, a number of reports, either measuring specific analytes or enzymes, or estimating the total antioxidant activity of the plasma have given contradictory and inconclusive results. To investigate the oxidative stress status in Iranian HD patients, in this study, we evaluated GSH and FRAP levels along with Ca and pH in the blood of these patients.

Methods: Along with 20 healthy age and gender matched control subjects, 24 patients underwent dialysis, three times per week, for four hours in each session. Before and after dialysis, blood was taken for biochemical and liver function tests and to evaluate oxidative stress markers and measure Ca and pH levels.

Results: There was a significant decrease in FRAP and GSH levels after dialysis compared to those before treatment. Dialysis caused an increase in pH and Ca levels compared to levels in control subjects after dialysis.

Conclusion: In general, before dialysis, there is a balance between oxidants and antioxidants however, due to higher levels of oxidants as well as the possible binding of antioxidants to the dialyzer membrane during dialysis, an imbalance occurs. The instability in the balance of oxidants and antioxidants may be the major cause of cellular oxidative damage found in HD patients. This study indicates that there is a significant level of oxidative stress in renal chronic patients and this stress is augmented by dialysis. Antioxidant therapy should be considered in these patients.

Soltan Dallal Mm, Yazdi Mh, Hassan Zm, Holakuyee M, Abedi Mohtasab Tp, Aminharaty F, Agha Amiri S, Mahdavi M,
Volume 67, Issue 11 (4 2010)

Background: In according to immunomodulatory effect of probiotics and effect of these bacteria on the effectiveness of immune responses, at the present work we proposed the evaluation of oral administration of L.acidophilus on the immune statues in BALB/c mice bearing breast cancer.
Methods: A total of 30 In-bred BALB/c mices aged from six to eight weeks weighting 25-30g were randomly enrolled in our study, in two groups each consist of 15 mices. The L.acidophilus ATCC4356 strain used in this study was inoculated in MRS broth and cultivated for a day at 37°C under anaerobic conditions, collected by centrifugation and resuspend in Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS). After preparation of proper amount of these suspensions it was orally administered to the mice with a gastric feeding, Control mices received an equal volume of PBS in duration of study.
Results: Results showed the increase in production of IFnγ (p<0.005), and decrease in production of Th2 cytokines such as IL4 (p=0.347) in the L.acidophilus administered mice in comparison to control group of mice. In addition the proliferation of immune cells in probiotic group was significantly higher than controls, and most importantly probiotic administered mice showed an increase in survival rate of this group compared to control mice (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Results of our study suggested that daily consumption of Lactobacillus acidophilus can regulate immune responses skewed Th1 balance that is needed against tumor, further studies is needed to investigate the other mechanisms of this effect.

Soltan Dallal Mm, Mokarrari S, Yazdi Mh, Paymaneh Abedi Mohtasab T, Shirazi L, Mahdavi M,
Volume 70, Issue 1 (3 2012)

Background: Regarding the immunomodulatory effects of lactobacillus bacteria, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of oral administration of Lactobacillus reuteri, as probiotic bacteria, on natural killer cell cytotoxicity and tumor-specific lymphocyte proliferation in Balb/c mice with breast adenocarcinoma.

Methods: A total of 30 female mice, aged 6- 8 weeks and with a weight of approximately 17- 19 g, were randomly divided into two groups of 15 mice. The case group received Lactobacillus reuteri at a dose of 2.7× 108 bacteria in half a milliliter of sterile phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and the control group only received PBS. The probiotic group received the regimen for two weeks prior to tumor transplantation, as they did for 30 days after transplantation with three-day intervals and durations of seven days. For the evaluation of natural killer cell cytotoxicity and also tumor-specific lymphocyte proliferation response, LDH and BrdU assays were performed respectively according to the manufacturers' instructions.

Results: The study showed that the mice in the case group which were receiving Lactobacillus reuteri had statistically significant differences in the replication of tumor -specific lymphocytes, natural killer cell cytotoxicity and delayed hypersensitivity responses Compared to the mice in the control group.

Conclusion: Daily consumption of probiotics seems to regulate the immune system and consequently it can be helpful in people with cancer. Moreover, consumption of probiotics in healthy individuals can also boost the efficiency of the immune system against a variety of abnormalities.

Soltan Dallal Mm, Shirazi L, Yazdi Mh, Mahdavi M, Mokarrari S, Rahimi Forushani A, Ghasemi B, Peymaneh Abedi Mohtasab T,
Volume 70, Issue 11 (3 2013)

Background: Several reports indicate that the probiotics can increase body resistance against malignant tumors. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of Lactobaci-llus reuteri Persian type culture collection (PTCC) 1655 in preventing tumor growth, improving weight and survival rate in mice with breast cancer.
Methods: Twenty mice, the BALB/c at six weeks age, weighing approximately 17 gram were divided into two groups. Oral administration of 500 micro liters of Lactobacillus reuteri suspension performed for the first group 14 days before tumor transplantation. The second group (control) received the same volume of phosphate buffer saline (PBS). Then the mice had tumor transplantation surgery. Lactobacillus reuteri was prescribed in the first group in seven-day period and three-day interruption pattern. At the same time the second group (control) received PBS. This process was continued until 45 day. The tumor growth, histology and body weight were evaluated in both group and the mortality of mice was recorded.
Results: In the mice transplanted tumors that had received probiotics, tumor growth decreased in comparison with control group. In this group the body weight increased (P>0/05). In addition, the survival of these mice had significantly increased compared to control group (P=0.002). The evaluation of tumor tissue also showed increased immune system function in mice receiving the probiotic (P>0/05).
Conclusion: Lactobacillus reuteri can improve immune system function and have an important role to help treatment of cancer.

Mahmoodzadeh A, Morady A, Zarrinnahad H, Pooshang Bagheri K, Ghasemi-Dehkordi P, Mahdavi M, Shahbazzadeh D, Shahmorady H,
Volume 70, Issue 12 (5 2013)

Background: Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide and in Iran. Conventional therapies are surgery and chemotherapy. Current studies are evaluating natural compounds in inhibiting growth of cancer cell. In this study isolated peptide melittin with 26 amino acids from bee venom and its impact on the viability and proliferation of gastric cancer cells was investigated.
Methods: At first melittin was purified from honeybee venom using a reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP- HPLC) and C18 column. In order to investigate whether melittin, a 26 amino acids peptide which is the main components of honeybee venom, inhibits proliferation of human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line (AGS cells), MTT ((3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5- diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay was performed. Hemolytic assay carried out in order to confirm the biologic activity of the isolated melittin. AGS cells were plated in a 96-well plate and treated with serially diluted concentrations of melittin for 6 and 12 hours. The mortality of the cells was measured via MTT assay at 540 nm.
Results: The obtained chromatogram from RP-HPLC showed that melittin comprises 50% of the studied bee venom. SDS-PAGE analysis of melittin fraction confirmed purity of isolated melittin. Hemolytic activity assay indicates that isolated melittin shows a strong hemolytic activity (HD50=0.5). MTT assay showed that melittin strongly inhibits proliferation of gastric cancer cells at concentrations more than 2µg/ml. This inhibitory effect is dependent to melittin concentration and incubation time.
Conclusion: This study provides evidence that melittin inhibits proliferation of the gastric cancer cells. Results showed that isolated melittin from honey bee venom have cytotoxic effect on AGS cell line with a trend of increasing cytotoxicity with increasing concentration and incubation time.

R Afzalipour, Sr Mahdavi, H Khosravi, A Neshasteh-Riz, A Fatemeh Hosseini,
Volume 71, Issue 2 (5 2013)

Background: Today, a CT scan examination play an important role in disease diagnosis and thus allocates a significant dose of medical X-ray examinations. One of the important principles in the use of ionizing radiations is to observe radiation protection principles. Evaluating patient's absorbed dose and implementing the strategies for reducing dose are prior in safety issues. To achieve this purpose, sufficient studies should be performed in this regard. Therefore, patient's absorbed dose and the factors affecting have been studied in this research. This study aims to present and develop an acceptable level of absorbed dose in CT scan examinations.
Methods: Diagnostic reference dose level in the adult age group (older than 15 years) has been studied in eleven CT scan centers in Tehran. For this purpose, CT scan examinations prevalent in above-mentioned centers were chosen and Weighted Computed Tomography dose index (CTDIw) and dose length product (DLP) parameters were studied. Standard phantoms with 16 and 32 diameters of Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) origin have been used in the centers for CT scan calibration process. CTDIw third quartile has been considered as the diagnostic reference dose level (DRL).
Results: Rate of diagnostic reference dose in the adult age group (older than 15 years) for the head, sinus, lungs, abdomen and pelvis are 50.87, 38.27, 8.05 and 9.11 mg, respectively. Dose measurements made in this survey have been used to set up local DRLs and can be used as a template for national DRLs.
Conclusion: Value of diagnostic reference dose for the head examinations is more than the other parts and diagnostic reference dose in Tehran city in the Adult age group and the protocols compared is less than national reference dose.

Sedigheh Bahrami Mahne, Seyed Alireza Mahdaviani , Nima Rezaei ,
Volume 72, Issue 5 (August 2014)

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways, associated with airway re-modeling and hyperresponsiveness. It is expressed that asthma influences about 300 million people around the world, which is estimated to increase to about 400 million by 2025. The prevalence rate is 15 to 20 percent in children and 5 to 10 percent in adults, while its trend is still increasing. Inflammation plays an important role in the patho-physiology of asthma, which involves an interaction of different types of the immune cells and mediators. It leads to a number of pathophysiology changes, including bron-chial inflammation, airway obstruction, and clinical episodes such as cough, wheeze and shortness of breath. Asthma is now greatly being introduced as a heterogeneous disorder and it is pointed out to the role of T cells, including Th1, Th2, Th17, and regu-latory T cells. Other immune cells, especially neutrophils, macrophages and dendritic cells, as well structural cells such as epithelial and airway smooth muscle cells also pro-duce disease-associated cytokines in asthma. Increased levels of these immune cells and cytokines have been recognized in clinical samples and mouse models of asthma. Different cytokines, including pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as TNFα, IL-1, and IL-6), T helper 2 cytokines (such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13), and growth factors (such as GM-CSF, PDGF) play a role in the pathogenesis of asthma. Indeed chemokines (such as MPC-1, RANTES , MIP-1) and the chemokine receptors (such as CCR3, CCR4, CCL11, CCL24, and CCL26) play an important role in the recruitment of circu-lating inflammatory cells into the airways in asthmatic patients and also is related with increased T helper 2 cytokines after inhaled allergens. Among new approaches, treat-ment of asthma with anti-cytokine drugs such as antibodies blocking IL-4, IL-5, IL-9 could reduce recruitment inflammatory cells into the airways and remodeling. The final perspective of asthma treatments would be to alter from the symptomatic treatments to disease modifying.
Batool Mottaghi , Reza Safaralizadeh , Morteza Jabbarpour Bonyadi, Saeid Latifi-Navid, Mohammad Hossien Somi, Majid Mahdavi ,
Volume 72, Issue 9 (December 2014)

Background: Helicobacter pylori vacA (vacuolating toxin A) gene is comprised of mid- (m), intermediate- (i) and signal-regions. Recently, the vacA-i region genotype has been suggested to be a better predictor of disease severity than either the s- or m-region. The main aim of the present study was to determine the associations of i region poly-morphisms of vacA gene with gastric cancer (GC) and peptic ulcer disease (PUD) in Azerbaijan Province patients. Methods: A number of 89 patients were enrolled. The biopsy samples were taken from patients referring to the endoscopy units of Imam Reza and Shahid Madani Hospitals, Tabriz, Iran from August 2012 to May 2013. The genotype frequencies of vacA-i1 and i2 in were studied using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: The frequency of vacA-i1 and i2 was 51.68% and 48.31%, respectively. The genotypic frequency of vacA-i1 in patients with GC (21/24, 87.5%) was significantly higher than in those with non-atrophic gastritis, NAG (19/48, 39.58%). In contrast, the genotypic frequency of vacA-i2 in patients with NAG, PUD, and GC was 60.42%, 64.70%, and 14.28%, respectively. The results of multiple linear and logistic regression analyses confirmed the intensity of correlation of vacA-i1 allele with GC compared with control group (NAG). No significant correlation was found between the vacA-i-region alleles and PUD risk. Conclusion: We have proposed that the H. pylori vacA-i1 genotype could be an im-portant biomarker for predicting the gastric cancer risk in Azerbaijan Province in Iran. However, due to the difference in the allelic frequency of this gene in H. pylori strains from different parts of the world, the vacA-i1 genotype usefulness in predicting the gas-trointestinal diseases is dependent to the geographic origin of the strains.
Sayyed Alireza Talaei , Abolfazl Azami , Elham Mahdavi , Mahmoud Salami ,
Volume 73, Issue 3 (June 2015)

Background: Environmental signals have an essential role in the maturation of neural circuits during critical period of brain development. It has been shown that, change in visual signals during critical period of brain development changes structure and function of glutamate receptors in the visual cortex. After processing in visual cortex, part of visual signals goes to the hippocampus and makes memories. The aim of this study was evaluating effects of visual deprivation during critical period of brain development on AMPA receptor subunits expression in rats’ hippocampus. Methods: This experimental study was done in Physiology Research Center, Kashan University of Medical Sciences at winter 2014 on male Wistar rats. Animals were divided to 2 groups (n= 36 for each) were kept in standard 12 hours light/12 hours dark condition (light reared, LR) or in complete darkness (dark reared, DR) from birth to the end of the experiments. Using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blotting techniques respectively, expression of mRNA and protein of GluR1 and GluR2 subunits was evaluated in rats’ hippocampus at ages 2, 4 and 6 weeks in both groups. After quantification of the expressions, the data were compared by two way analysis of variance. Results: The relative expression of GluR1 subunit decreased about 24% (P=0.004) in the hippocampus of 6 WLR rats in comparison to 2 WLR ones. The relative expression of the other AMPA receptor subunit, GluR2, also increased about 190% in the hippocampus of the 6WLR animals when compared to the 2 WLR rats (P< 0.0001). Dark rearing increased the relative expression of both subunits of AMPA receptors, GluR1 and GluR2, about 20 percent (P= 0.01) in the hippocampus of 6 WDR rats in comparison to 2 WLR animals. Conclusion: Dark rearing of rats during critical period of brain development changes the relative expression and also arrangement of both AMPA receptor subunits, GluR1 and GluR2 in the hippocampus, age dependently.
Azadeh Meamarian , Shayesteh Ashrafi Esfahani , Shahrokh Mehrpisheh , Atoosa Mahdavi Saeedi , Kamran Aghakhani ,
Volume 73, Issue 3 (June 2015)

Background: The relationship of the base of appendix to the cecum remains constant, whereas the tip can be found in a retrocecal, pelvic, subcecal, preileal, or right pericolic position. These anatomic considerations have significant clinical importance in the context of acute appendicitis. The knowledge about the correct anatomical position of appendix may facilitate in generating an accurate diagnosis of appendicitis as well as assist in achieving a better prognosis and early treatment. The present study aimed to determine the anatomical location of the appendix in Iranian cadavers. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 200 cadavers who were referred to the Forensic Center of Tehran from March to September 2013. The data including age, sex, weight, and appendix length and position were collected and analyzed using SPSS software, version 16 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Results: In the present study, 200 cadavers were evaluated accidentally, of which 173 (86.5%) were males and 26 (13%) were females, and the mean age was 39.96 years±16.31 (SD). The mean wall thickness of the appendix was 9.78 cm±16.31 (SD). The mean appendix length was 9.86 cm±1.79 (SD) in men and 9.30 cm±1.56 (SD) in women. The appendix height was long in 20 cadavers (10%), short in 3 cadavers (1.5%), and moderate in 177 cadavers (88.55%) cadavers. The appendix position was posterior in 120 (60%), ectopic in 32 (16%), and pelvic in 48 (24%) cadavers. Conclusion: Majority of appendices examined in the present study were positioned at the posterior (Retrocecal) of pelvis. According to different positions of appendices in different populations and different races, the knowledge of appendix position in various populations is necessary for early diagnosis and treatment and fewer complications for related disease.
Mahdiye Bazmi, Mitra Haghayeghi , Roya Lari , Nasser Mahdavi Shahri , Morteza Behnam Rasouli,
Volume 73, Issue 4 (July 2015)

Background: Bone is a hard and dynamic tissue, which continually undergoes remodeling process. Longitudinal growth of bone is mediated by growth plate that is a cartilage structure at the end of long bones. During puberty, along with the closure (ossification) of growth plate, the longitudinal growth of bone will stop. Diazinon is one of the widely used organophosphorus pesticides that have been known to cause damage to the cells and tissues of the body by enhancing oxidative stress. Due to the dynamism and active process, bone and growth plate tissues are suitable models to investigate the effect of diazinon on bone development and bone growth. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of diazinon on the epiphyseal growth plate width (including the proliferating cells zone and hypertrophy cells zone) of immature rat. Methods: This is an experimental study. This study was performed on 12 immature male in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in May 2014, Wistar rats that randomly divided into 2 groups: control group and diazinon group. All treatments were done by oral gavage during 28 days. The animals were sacrificed on day 28 and left femur bones were removed for histomorphometric studies of epiphyseal growth plate width. Assessments were done by ImageJ software, version 1.40g (Wayne Rasband, NIH, USA) and the significance of the results were performed by ANOVA analysis and Tukey’s test. Results: Epiphyseal growth plate width of diazinon group was significantly reduced (P=0.0126) in compared to control group. This reduction was associated with reduced of width of the proliferating zone (P=0.0001) and increased width of the hypertrophy zone (P=0.0166). Conclusion: Diazinon leads to reduction in the Epiphyseal growth plate width of immature male rats. Therefore it could be a factor in the impairment of bone longitudinal growth and premature closure of the growth plate.
Morteza Arab Zozani , Seyyed Alireza Hosseini , Ali Akbari Sari , Mitra Mahdavi-Mazdeh, Seyyed Reza Majdzadeh , Ashraf Velayati ,
Volume 73, Issue 5 (August 2015)

Background: Everolimus is an immunosuppressive agent with a novel mode of action but has a different clinical role with calcineurin inhibitors (CNI). The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of everolimus compared with sirolimus and tacrolimus in preventing kidney transplantation rejection. Methods: Search was conducted for finding randomized clinical trials (RCT) until the end of 2013 in main databases include Cochrane, Medline and other related databases in February 2014. To find the ongoing trials two databases were searched ( and Two independent reviewers checked studies for quality and eligibility and finally extracted the data. Data extraction was performed using Cochrane data extraction form for clinical trial. Discrepancies were resolved via consultation with third person. The studies examined in term of heterogeneity with I2 and Chi-square test. The mata-analysis was carried out using RevMan 5.2 (Wintertree Software Inc, Ontario, Canada) when there was homogeneity. Results: Finally, seven reports from six RCTs included in this study. All reports were in english language and total numbers of participant in these studies were 824. No studies were found in comparison of everolimus and sirolimus and all seven reports were combination of everolimus, tacrolimus and other relative drugs. Follow up time of studies were different from 6 to 36 months. Due to the heterogeneity of included studies, only two studies were entered into meta-analysis. The recorded mean values for glomerular filtration rate, serum creatinine and creatinine clearance were between 60-80 ml/min, 50 to 80 ml/min and 1.2 to 1.9 mg/dl respectively. The results of meta-analysis in three outcomes include serum creatinine, creatinine clearance and glomerular filtration rate were significantly in favor of low dose tacrolimus plus everolimus. Conclusion: In general, everolimus showed better results in combination with tacrolimus. Given the available evidence in this study, everolimus in combination with low dose tacrolimus showed better safety and effectiveness in preventing kidney transplantation rejection.
Arian Rahimi , Arash Arashkia , Amir Mirzaie , Hassan Noorbazargan , Seyed Ataollah Sadat Shandiz , Roghayeh Rahimi , Mehdi Mahdavi ,
Volume 73, Issue 9 (December 2015)

Background: Human papilloma virus is a DNA virus from the papillomavirus family that is most prevalent in human cervical cancers and many studies showed the E6 and E7 proteins are present in the majority of cervical cancer cases. Development of universal HPV peptide-based vaccine with more serotypes coverage has considerable value. The aim of the study was to design a multi-epitope universal vaccine for major HPV based on E6 and E7 proteins and optimization the expression of polytopic construct contains E6 and E7 genes from different genotypes of human papilloma virus as a candid vaccine.

Methods: In this experimental study that was carried out in Pasteur Institute of Iran, Virology Department from October 2013 to November 2014. In order to design the polytypic construct, we predicted the most probable immunogenic epitopes of E6 and E7 from common high risk HPV16, 18, 31, 45 along with high prevalent type 6 and 11 using bioinformatics methods. The synthetic pET28a expression vector harboring E6 and E7 protein was transformed into Escherichia coli hosts and its expression was analyzed by SDS-PAGE and western blotting. Finally, in order to expression optimization of recombinant protein, cell density, induction time, growth temperature, IPTG (Isopropyl &beta-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside) concentration and cultures media were studied.

Results: In the present study the recombinant fusion protein was expressed successfully and the highest expression of target protein was achieved in super broth medium containing 0.1% glucose and 0.2% L-arabinose. In Super broth medium, the optimum condition for recombinant protein expression was occurred at OD600 of 0.8, 0.1mM IPTG, one hour’s incubation time at 37 °C and BL21 (A1) host.

Conclusion: The results of this study show that the optimum expression of E6 and E7 proteins from different genotypes of human papilloma virus can be performed. Moreover, by purification of recombinant protein and evaluation of its immunogenicity in mice, it can be used as a vaccine candidate against the human papilloma virus.

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