Ingestion of fish oil fatty acids (omega - 3 fatty acids ) inhibits the formation of arachidonic acid - derived cytokines and leads to production of compounds with diminished biological activity. Beneficial effects of dietary supplementation with fish oil in rheumatoid arthritis have been shown in many controlled trials.
Methods : 43 patients with active rheumatoid arthritis entered in a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to recieve either lOgr fish oil daily (treatment group) or corn oil (placebo group). Baseline drugs and usual diet were continued without any changes. Disease variables were evaluated at baseline and after completion of study period.
The changes in disease variables were compared by paired t-tesl in each group. Comparison of the two groups was done by t-test. Functional capacity was compared by Wilcoxon ranks test.
Results : 19 patients in treatment group and 20 patients in placebo group completed the study which lasted eight weeks . In the treatment group, joint pain index decreased from 30±11 at baseline, to 18±11 at the end of study period (P < 0.01). Joint swelling index decreased from 8 ± 4 to 2 ± 4, (P< 0.01), morning stiffness from 87 ± 41 to 24±16 minutes (P < 0.01). In the placebo group the above variable changes were from 19±14 to 25±14 8±8 to 7±6 and 80±71 to 76±75 minutes respectively, which were not significant . The differences between the treatment and placebo groups were significant in joint swelling index (P < 0.05), morning stiffness (P<0.01) and functioal capacity (p< 0.005), the differences in joint pain index and grip strenght did not quite achieve statstical significance. During study period there were no adverese effects with fish oil consumption.
Conclusion : Fish oil supplemention has anti-inflamatory effects in rheumatoid arthritis. Further studies are needed to recommend its long - term usage concomittant with other drugs in all patients
Background: Nowadays, cancer is one of the main causes of mortality in the world and many mutagens are the cause of death in millions of patients. Due to the side effects of anticancer drugs, scientists are in search of natural drugs with fewer side effects and more therapeutic efficacy. This study aims to, firstly, investigate the antimutgenic effects of different Aloe vera gel and latex extracts on mutated Salmonella typhimurium bacterium by using Ames test and to, secondly, study the probable effects of the habitat conditions on the antimutagenic effects of the plant.
Methods: After preparing different Aloe vera gel and latex extracts, the antimutagenic effects of the extracts were evaluated by Ames test. In this test, a mutated strain of S. typhimurium was grown on culture media containing a minimum of salt and glucose in the presence of a mutagen substance (NaN3). Subsequently, only those bacteria that had turned HIS+ by reverse mutation formed colonies. As different alcoholic and aqueous extracts of Aloe vera reduced reversed mutations, the difference between the means of revertant mutants per plate was calculated by one-way ANOVA using SPSS software (version 18).
Results: The ethanol extracts of latex from Karaj had a maximum (91%) and aqueous extract from Dezfoul had a minimum (42%) percentage of inhibition.
Conclusion: Maximum percentage of inhibition was observed in the extracts of the plant cultivated in Karaj reflecting the impact of environmental conditions on the construction of antioxidant compounds in plants.
Background: Sexual dysfunction could be under the influence of some underlying medical problems. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between medical problems and sexual function in post-menopausal women.
Methods: This is a community-based, descriptive-correlation study of 405 post-menopausal women residing in Chalus and Nowshahr cities, North of Iran, aged 40 to 65 years old from October 2013 to May 2014. A multistage, randomized sampling was conducted. The data was acquired through interviews using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire and a researcher-made questionnaire, and was analyzed using descriptive and analytical tests such as multiple linear regression and logistic regression models.
Results: 51.4% of the subjects had medical conditions. Cardiovascular disorders were the most common diseases among the subjects. 61% of the women were suffering from female sexual dysfunction (FSD). Sexual dysfunction in patients with medical conditions was significantly higher (P= 0.037). Scores of arousal (P= 0.000), orgasm (P= 0.018), and satisfaction (P= 0.026), as well as the FSFI total score (P= 0.005), were significantly lower in subjects with cardiovascular disorders. Scores of desire (P= 0.001), arousal (P= 0.006), lubrication (P= 0.010), orgasm (P= 0.004), and satisfaction (P= 0.022), as well as the FSFI total score (P= 0.017), were significantly lower in subjects with diabetes. Scores of pain were significantly lower in subjects with musculoskeletal disorders (P= 0.041), they experienced more pain during intercourse. In domains of arousal (P= 0.030), satisfaction (P= 0.040), and pain (P= 0.044), the scores of those taking antihypertensive medications were significantly lower than the scores of the rest of the subjects. Scores of desire (P= 0.001), arousal (P= 0.006), orgasm (P= 0.006), and satisfaction (P= 0.048), as well as the FSFI total score (P= 0.006), were significantly lower in those taking antidiabetic drugs. And lastly, the mean satisfaction score in women whose spouse had medical conditions was significantly lower (P= 0.040).
Conclusion: Cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, and musculoskeletal disorders could have a negative impact on sexual function in post-menopausal women. Thus, these diseases must be considered and treated in order to improve women’s health, particularly their sexual function.
Results: This study showed most of the patients in this study were male (80%) with mean age of 45.23±15.19 years. Most patients were transferred from the emergency department to intensive care units and had endotracheal tubes. At the time of admission to the intensive care unit, 8 patients were infected with E. coli and 6 patients were infected with Klebsiella. The results also showed that the use of chlorhexidine 0.2% had no significant effect on the reduction of micro-organisms in the oropharyngeal area. Forty-eight hours after admission to ICUs, the incidence of E. coli infection increased (P=0.01) but there was no significant increase in the klebsiella infection rate (P=0.25).
Conclusion: This study showed that the use of chlorhexidine solution 0.2% did not affect the reduction of micro-organisms in the oropharyngeal areas of patients. Therefore, oral care protocols that include mechanical movements and toothbrushing should be considered to reduce the occurrence of micro-organisms. This study also found that most patients who were referred to the intensive care unit were contaminated with pathogenic micro-organisms. Therefore, consideration should be given to appropriate strategies to reduce infections in the emergency department. |
Results: 10 people participated in the final analysis. The mean age of patients was 33.20 years (26-46 years). Three patients had a history of perianal abscess surgery, two patients had a history of fistula surgery and 1 patient had a history of Fisher surgery. The mean closing time of the cavity was 14.2 days (10-22 days). Two patients (20%) had a fever and two patients (20%) had a surgical site infection. Bleeding and recurrence were not observed in any of the patients. The mean preoperative Wexner score was 0.80±0.76 Which decreased to 0.68±0.50 postoperatively (P=0.045).
Conclusion: Finally, the findings of the study showed that the use of PRF to repair a complex fistula is a method that can be easily repeated with minimal side effects and can heal wounds caused by fistulas with supralevator collection. This treatment can play an important role in the treatment of complex fistulas that have moderate or extensive involvement with the sphincter, or the occurrence of fistulas with sphincter dysfunction. |
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