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Showing 5 results for Minai

B Minai , M Jamali , M Reza Zadeh , Sh Shariat ,
Volume 52, Issue 3 (30 1994)

Ito cell (Fat Storing Cell=FSC) is one of the cells which forms the liver sinusoidal wall it also forms the connective tissue of the liver. The cell was first identified in 1963 by a scientist named Ito. It will get damaged due to the plasma fat increase which is resulted from a diet of corn oil 10% and fish oil 10% the damage wil be in form of fat storing cell. The FSC morphology may represent the damage to the liver tissue. The biopsy of an infant's liver reveals that, Ito cell has a very small cell body which contains a core in the middle occupying 2/3 of the area of cytoplasm its basal cytoplasm is hollow and very clear. This study indicated that not only the ultrastructure of Ito cell is circular and three dimensional, but also its presence may show the damage to the liver tissue.
Z Heydari , B Minaiy Zangi , M Noori , M Akbari ,
Volume 55, Issue 5 (1 1997)

Amount of environmental lead pollution is increased with progression of industry. This pollution is able to damage the living beings in many ways. Blood and Immune systems are more sensitive to toxic effects of lead. 30 female and 6 male rats from Sprague dawley race are chosen by simple random sampling. After copulation and vaginal plug observation, expectant rats are calssified in test and control groups. Since the first day of pregnancy, test group is given a drink containing lead acetate 0.13% in distilled water and control group is given distilled water. After delivery, for ultrastrectural studies, spleen specimens of newborn rats are fixed in glutaraldehyde solution 2% and after processing are studied by T.E.M. Sinusoidal endothelial cell show: morphological changes in mitochondria, appearance of primary & secondary lysosomes and multivesicular bodies and swelling in ER. It seems that these changes are caused by interaction of lead with enzymathic functions or lead accumulation in these cellular organels.
M Karimfar , Smh Nuri , B Minaiy , M Barbarestani ,
Volume 56, Issue 2 (30 1998)

To study the lead effect, we selected 14 females rats in which we had observed vaginal plague after mating, and divided them into a group of 8 female rats as the case group and 6 females as the control group. As drinking water the case group was given 0.13% lead acetate solution and the control group pure distilled water. Immediately after parturition the pups were killed and their livers removed. A small part of the liver was fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide in order to be studied with transmission electron microsope. The fixated parts were dehydrated and embed in Epon 812. using ultramicrotomoe, we prepared semithin seclions of the tissues, stained them with toludine blue, and studied them under light microscope. Further more we prepared thin sections of the tissue to be placed on grids coated with formvar. These sections were stained by uranyl acelate and lead citrate. Electron microscopic study was performed on them. Results: T.E.M. study showed the swelling and blebbing of nuclear envelop and endoplasmic reticulum and mithochondria of hepatocytes.
Smh Nuri , B Minaiy , M Shamshiri , J Anarluki ,
Volume 56, Issue 2 (30 1998)

With the intention of research of various methods of epithelial tissue culture we've studied five French Albino rabbits with an average of 8 weeks. In order to evaluate and control growth and proliferation of autologus cultured tissue samples were obtained on 1st, 5th and 8th days. After fixation of these samples and passing them through various processes, histologic sections were prepared. These sections were stained with H-E and studied by light microscope, we succeeded in developing the original donor surface by 18 times.
Azardokht Tabatabaei , Nastaran Khosravi, Monireh Monfaredi , Sara Minaieyan , Najmeh Sadat Atefi , Hamideh Hassanpour , Ali Badamchi ,
Volume 78, Issue 1 (April 2020)

Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a highly prevalent, serious and chronic infection. It been associated causally with a diverse spectrum of gastrointestinal disorders including chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma. We conducted a study to Evaluation of the role of breastfeeding and breast milk on the colonization of H. pylori in the gastrointestinal tract of 2-24 month old.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 92 children referred to Ali Asghar Hospital of Iran University of Medical Sciences for two years (from July 2015 to June 2017). At first, a questionnaire was recorded by the neonatal specialist including demographic and clinical characteristics of the infants. Stool samples were taken from infants at 2, 6, 12, and 24 months of age. We used the H. pylori stool antigen test to detection infection in the selected group of children. H. pylori status was evaluated by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Results: In the study of breastfeeding at 12 months of age, 51.1% were fed only dry milk and 28.3% were breastfed only. At 24 months, 22 infants (24%) were breastfed with supplemental feeding and 54 children (58.7%) were  formula-fed only and 8 children (8.7%) were breastfed only. In our study, the prevalence of H. pylori in infants of Tehran, at 2, 6, 12, and 24 months, were 0%, 6.5%, 15.21%, and 34.4%, respectively. Of the 92 children studied, during the first month, 25 children (27.2%) only formula-fed and 49 children (53.3%) were breastfed only and (19.6%) 18 infants were breastfed with dry milk. The prevalence of H. pylori infection was 28.3%. The prevalence of H. pylori infection was 20% in the breastfeeding group and 44% in the infant dry milk feeding group. The prevalence of H. pylori antigen was greater than 12 IU/ml in infants 2, 6, 12, and 24 months of age, including 19.92 (20.6%), 19.92 (20.6%), 24.92 (26.1%) and 21.92 (22.8%), respectively.
Conclusion: According to the findings of the article, breastfed children compared to formula-fed children were less infected by Helicobacter pylori.

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