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Showing 1 results for Mir Khani SH

Mir Khani Sh, Foroozan Nia,
Volume 58, Issue 4 (8 2000)

The most common cardiovascular surgery in the world and Iran as well, is CABG. One of the most important post-operative complication of this operation, that increase morbidity and mortality, is peri-operative MI. Incidence of peri-operative MI in CABG operations is between 2.5 to 5.5%. In this study we determined the prevalence and incremental risk factors of peri-operative MI in 300 consequative CABG operation, in the Imam Khomeini hospital. Diagnostic criteria for peri-operative MI were positive ECG finding (New and persistent Q.wave) and positive CPK-MB (Serum level>100 unit) at 3 different time: 1) Just before operation in the ward, 2) Just after operation in the ICU, 3) First post-operation day (At 8 A.M). In 300 patients positive ECG findings were seen in 7% (21 cases), positive CPK-MB was 12.7% (38 cases) and both of them were positive in 5% (15 cases). Therefore the prevalence of peri-operation MI was 5% (15 cases). Incremental risk factors in the patients with peri-operative MI were history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, left main disease, and endarterctomy. Therefore because of high incidence of peri-operative MI in CABG operation we should try to change the risk factors and decrease the prevalence of this complication.

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