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Showing 4 results for Mobasheri

M Mohammadzadeh, H Mobasheri,
Volume 71, Issue 2 (5 2013)

Background: Widespread of telecommunication systems in recent years, have raised the concerns on the possible danger of cell phone radiations on human body. Thus, the study of the electromagnetic fields on proteins, particularly the membrane nano channel forming proteins is of great importance. These proteins are responsible for keeping certain physic-chemical condition within cells and managing cell communication. Here, the effects of cell phones radiation on the activity of a single nanopore ion channel forming protein, OmpF, have been studied biophysically.
Methods: Planar lipid bilayers were made based on Montal and Muller technique, and the activity of single OmpF channel reconstituted by electrical shock was recorded and analyzed by means of voltage-clamp technique at 20 ˚C. The planar lipid bilayers were formed from the monolayers made on a 60 μm diameter aperture in the 20 μm thick Teflon film that separated two (cis and trans) compartments of the glass chamber. In this practical approach we were able to analyze characteristics of an individual channel at different chemical and physical experimental conditions. The voltage clamp was used to measure the channel’s conductance, voltage sensitivity, gating patterns in time scales as low as microseconds in real time. 
Results: Our results showed that exposure of single voltage dependent channel, OmpF, to EMF of cell phone at high-frequency has a significant influence on the voltage sensitivity, gating properties and substate numbers of the single channel but has no effect on single-channel conductance. Regarding to the relaxation time, the channel also recovers in the millisecond time range when the field is removed.
Conclusion: We observed an increase in the voltage sensitivity of the OmpF single channel while it had no effect on the single-channel conductance, which is remained to be further elucidated.

Niusha Samadaian , Mohammad Hossein Modaresi , Maryam Mobasheri , Reza Ebrahim Zadeh Vesal , Seyed Mohammad Akrami ,
Volume 72, Issue 5 (August 2014)

Background: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world. Non-coding RNA especially miRNAs have important regulatory roles in cancer. miRNAs are small non coding RNA 21-23 nucleotides long which have different levels of expression between tumors and normal tissues. This study was designed to compare expression level of miRNA-21 between Iranian population colorectal cancer tissues and normal tissue. Methods: This case-control study has performed in medical genetics department of Tehran University of Medical Sciences from January to November 2013. We used 35 samples. The samples were isolated from tumor and adjacent normal tissues of colon. Thirty-five samples were divided into different groups according to cliniopathologic features including tumor size (>4 and <4 cm), metastasis (+ and -) and stage. After small RNA extraction from tissues by small RNA purification kit the quality and quan-tity of extracted RNA was determined using spectrophotometry. cDNAs were synthe-sized and real-time polymerase chain reaction carried out. Finally expression levels were statistically analyzed by LinRegPCR and REST software. Results: miRNA-21 expression ratio in stages I, II and III were 1/804 and 4/574, re-spectively, the increase from stage III was statistically significant (P= 0.037). The ex-pression were also studied according to different clinicopathologic status of colon can-cer, tumor size (>4 and <4 cm) and metastatic (+ and -), miRNA-21 over expressed in both groups, however the increase was not statistically significant. Conclusion: In this study, we found miR-21 over-expression in advanced stage in tu-moral tissue comparing with normal adjacent tissue. This means perhaps in the future it would be possible to use miRNA-21 as an informative prognostic biomarker to guide for better treatment strategies for colorectal cancer patients. Our findings also indicate that miRNA-21 is a promising new molecular target for designing novel therapeutic strategies to control colorectal cancer.
Soroosh Aminolsharieh Najafi Aminolsharieh Najafi, Mahin Nomali , Zahra Goudarzi , Azita Maslahati , Elham Mobasheri ,
Volume 72, Issue 12 (March 2015)

Background: Maternal Body Mass Index (BMI) is considered as one of most effective determinant of delivery rout, by increase in this index, risk factor of cesarean section enhanced. Based on high prevalence of obesity in women, this study designed to assess the relationship between admission BMI and type of delivery. Methods: Five hundred and forty pregnant women in third trimester of pregnancy (≥37weeks) were studied within 1 year (from June 2012 to June 2013), at Sayad Shirazi Referral Hospital, Gorgan, Iran, through a analytic cross-sectional study. BMI was calculated for each mother at the time of labor admission. Height and weight were measured, and were categorized into 3 groups according to their BMI which included of underweight and normal (BMI<25), overweight (BMI=25-29.9) and obese (BMI≥30). And in each group route of delivery (cesarean or natural delivery) were assessed. Pregnant women with the previous cesarean delivery, history of diabetes type 1, 2 or gestational diabetes, hypertension, twin pregnancy and unwilling to participate in study were excluded from study. Results: Mean of age and mean of gestational age were 25.8±5.4 years and 38.2±2.6 week, respectively. 50.6% of mothers were undergone cesarean delivery and there was a significant relationship between BMI and type of delivery (P<0.0001). For each unit increase in BMI, risk of cesarean section rose 1.08 times (CI95%=1.04-1.13, P<0.0001) and the risk of cesarean delivery in obese pregnant women was 2.8 (CI95%=1.7-4.4, P<0.0001) times higher than those with underweight and normal weight. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between maternal BMI at the time of labor admission and type of delivery and increasing of BMI is associated with increasing of cesarean section rate. Thus, keeping the BMI in normal range during pregnancy is suggested to pregnant women to reduce the pregnancy complications.
Farzaneh Rahmani Rad, Maryambeigom Mobasheri, Mohammad Hossein Modarressi ,
Volume 73, Issue 4 (July 2015)

Cancer/Testis antigens (CTAs) as a group of tumor antigens are the novel subjects for developing cancer vaccine and immunotherapy approaches. They aberrantly express in tumors with highest normal expression in testis, and limited or no expression in normal tissues. There are important similarities between the processes of germ-cell and cancer cell development Spermatogenesis begins at puberty when expression of novel cell-surface antigens occurs when the immune system has been refined the ability to distinguish self from non-self. Whereas macrophage and lymphocytes are commonly found within interstitial spaces of the testis, these antigen-presenting cells are rarely seen within the seminiferous tubules. These observations have led to the concept of the immune privileged site for testis. Localized normal expression of the CT genes in testis that makes them immunogenic for immune system, in one side, and their abnormal expression in different kinds of cancer cells, in the other side, has make them as promising target for developing cancer vaccines and new cancer therapeutics approaches. In malignancies, gene regulation is disrupted which results aberrant expression of CT antigen in a proportion of tumors of various types. For some CTAs, data support their fundamental role in tumorigenesis. Several authors believe it is not clear whether they have an essential role in tumorigenesis or they are by-products of chromatin variations in cancer. There is a growing list of CTAs within them advanced clinical trials are running by using some of them in cancers like lung cancer, malignant melanoma and neuroblastoma. In this review we discuss the gene TSGA10 as an example of CT genes. TSGA10 expresses in its highest levels in elongating spermatids and localized in the fibrous sheath of mature sperm. This gene is proposed as a serological biomarker in cutaneous lymphoma. Its abnormal expression has been reported in different cancers such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia, breast, brain, gastrointestinal and a range of other cancers either in mRNA or protein levels. It has an important role in angiogenesis in cancer tumors because of its effects in the gene hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF1). Absence or lack of TSGA10 expression has been reported in ascosporic infertile men.

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