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Showing 47 results for Moghaddam

M Zahraei , S Akbar Zadeh Moghaddam ,
Volume 51, Issue 1 (30 1993)

Carnitine is a water-soluble quaternary amine which increases the long-chain fatty acid metabolism by facilitation of their transport to the oxidation site (mitochondria). Carnitine most likely is present in all animal species, in many microorganisms, and in many plants. In this study, we determined the carnitine level of sera in pregnant and non-pregnant women by segade modified method. Average concentration of carnitine in the sera of fifty pregnant women was about 25/83 umol/I: First trimester-30.96 umol/I. Second trimester-29.11 umol/I. Third trimester-25.11 umol/I. concentration of cholesterol and triglyceride in the above-mentioned group was the following: Cholesterol: 258.84 mg/dl triglyceride: 267.02 mg/dl. The above values show that the carnitine level in sera of pregnant women decreases significantly and this decrease is tolerated well by pregnant women. According to our results, the serum carnitine concentration in pregnant women gradually decreases as gestation proceeds. So that the end of this period, is half of its concentration before conception. During pregnancy, there was an inverse correlation between carnitine level and that of cholesterol and triglycerides. Decrease in carnitine concentration and increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels may be due to the following factors: 1) Increase in FFA oxidation in pregnancy. 2) Hormones. 3) Dilution of the blood. 4) Decrease in Fe storage in pregnant women.
P Jabalameli , B Ghazi Moghaddam ,
Volume 52, Issue 1 (30 1994)

The treatment of choice for bladder tumors is TUR, but because of high incidence of recurrence in these tumors, various treatments are suggested. In one study, 32 patients involved with superficial T.C.C. of bladder selected and divided in two equal groups. In the first group, after T.U.R, 10 million IU of a alpha-interferon was injected into the bladder through a catheter and in the other group, after TUR, they treated with injection of BCG into bladders. The results of these two drugs in prevention of recurrence and their side effects were studied and compaired
M Moghaddam, Smr Jazayeri,
Volume 53, Issue 2 (5-1995)

AVNRT, (Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia), atrial tachycardia and atrial flutter are 3 kinds of supraventricular tachycardia, which their mechanism are explained based on reentry. A 60-years-old man is presented with all of the above-mentioned arrhythmias, responsive to intravenous injection of adenosine. Radiofrequency ablation of the slow pathway territories cured all of them. Therefore, we suggest that there was a common pathway among all kinds of these arrhythmias, which were ablated with single RF lesion.
M Moghaddam , A Yaminisharif ,
Volume 56, Issue 2 (30 1998)

AV-node modification by catheter RF energy delivery is treatment of choice in the symptomatic patients with AVNRT. This study included 30 patients with AVNRT (19 women, 11 men). We did slow pathway ablation in 29 cases successfully. Maximum effective energy delivery was 40 watts for 40 msec. 1:1 AV conduction increased from 290±40 msec before ablation to 340±65 msec after ablation. Also AV-node ERP increased from 235±35 msec before ablation to 280±65 msec after that. There was no recurrence of arrhythmia in the group with slow pathway ablation during 28 months follow-up. We did fast pathway ablation in one case. In this patient AH interval increased from 120 to 200 msec, maximum RF energy delivery was 20 watts for 20 msec (2 times). Recurrence of non sustained PSVT occurred in this patients 20 months after RF ablation. There was no case of permanent AV Block. We recommond slow pathway catheter RF ablation in patients with symptomatic AVNRT.
H Aslesoleymani , M Khaleghimoghaddam ,
Volume 56, Issue 2 (30 1998)

Improper drug prescription by physicians due to wrong diagnosis, wrong drug choise or other causes will waste national funds. The annual drug costs in Iran is 900 billions Rials. With approvement of prescription, it can be reduced to 500 billions Rials. Effective factors in costs reduction are: 1) Increasing medical knowledge and persistent education of physicians. 2) Spending more time for each visit. 3) Giving more information to physicians about pharmacological compounds. 4) Teaching symptoms and signs of the common diseases and proper diagnosis of them. 5) Checking the prescriptions of physicians.
Sm Alavi Naeini , Sa Jazayeri , N Moghaddam Banaem , Gh.a Afrooz , Behboodi,
Volume 58, Issue 1 (6 2000)

The effects of taking snacks on the learning ability and educational achievement of elementary school children in district 18 of Tehran educational organization were examined in the school year 1997-98. Other factors such as grade, nutritional status, breakfast eating habits and snack eating habits in the school were also studied. For this purpose 236 boys were selected by random sampling in 4 different schools. The children were randomly assigned to a group, with a low calorie snack (119 subjects), and a low-calorie control group (117 subjects), and then given 3 cognitive functions tests. The test were repeated after 4 months. The data were collected by questionnaires and included family socio-economic conditions, nutritional status and dietary habit of the children. Also, the grades of the major courses and scores of cognitive tests were collected, and the effects of treatment on the mean grades and scores differences were determined by T-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Our findings are presented as follow: The experimental and control groups were similar in the initial assessment. 7.1% of the students were stunted based on height-for-age classification (NCHS). The intervention led to an increase in tests scores, but the increase was only significant in the case of the short-term memory test (P<0.03). The findings of the study showed that the intervention was effective on short-term memory and since short-term memory function in memorization process and retrieval of subjects form long-term memory and congenitive functions, we can conclude that the food intervention with an energy lower than 10% of recommended dietary needs increases learning ability level of the subjects. Stunting and the habit of eating breakfast were related to educational performance of students. Therefore implementation of such programs in the community, such as food intervention and nutritional education may be effective.
Tofighi H, Hassanian Moghaddam H, Naji M, Nikbakht Dehkordi A, Namazi H,
Volume 58, Issue 3 (7 2000)

DNA typing is a new method with important applications in forensic medicine. In the present study, we evaluated application of DNA typing in Iran. Loci Hum LPL, Hum Tpox, Hum F13, Hum vw 31A, Hum TH01 and Hum FES/FPS of DNA short tandem repeats were studied. To determine sensitivity of the test, 85 mother-child couples (1020 chromosomes) that were referred to DNA section of legal medicine organization of Iran were included and for determination of it's specificity 42 brother-sister couples (1200 chromosomes) and 58 non-relative couples were examined. The results show lack of mutations in the studied loci and acceptable sensitivity of the test. Of 12 alleles of siblings, there were 2-6 differences, in contrast with 3-9 differences in non-relatives, so the test has 100% specificity in these loci. Considering polymorphism, power of exclusion of these 6 sites was 99%.
Moghaddam M, Sazgar Aa,
Volume 58, Issue 4 (8 2000)

Sarcoidosis is a chronic multisystem disorder of unknown etiology. All parts of the body can be affected but the organ most frequently affected is the lung. Otolaryngologic manifestations occur in 20% to 40% of cases of Sarcoidosis and the spectrum of lesions that may come under the purview of Otolaryngologist is broad. In this case report a patient is presented with large cervical lymphadenopathy and without other manifestation of disorder.
Moghaddami Tabrizi N, Eazadi Mood N, Tahmasbi M,
Volume 59, Issue 4 (9 2001)

The pre-eclampsia/eclampsia is one of the commonest conditions peculiar to pregnancy, to describe the occurrence of hypertension, proteinuria and edema in pregnancy. It is about seven times more frequent in first gestation and uncommon before 20 week's gestation. Serum BhCG levels were prospectively determined in 260 midtrimester singleton pregnancies where admitted from October 1999 until September 2000 at Mirza Kouchak Khan hospital, prenatal clinic. Obstetric chart review was undertaken after delivery to identify cases in which pre eclampsia developed. The median maternal age was 26.0 years, and the median gestational age at the time of blood collection was 19.0 weeks. Of these, 17 cases (6.5 percent) had pre eclampsia. The median level of the BhCG was 35060.5 mlu/ml in those with pre eclampsia, whereas that in those without pre eclampsia was 33755.1 mlu/ml. The difference was not significant (P=0.28). Although elevated midtrimester serum BhCG levels in clinically normal patients was reported in severaly pre eclampsia women, this is not a good test for early detection of mild pre eclampsia.
Hadian Mr, Otadi K, Oliaei Gr, Talebian Moghaddam S ,
Volume 60, Issue 3 (14 2002)

Introduction: It is suggested that quadriceps muscle has an important role in stability & mobility of Knee joint in athletics and normal individuals therefore, the purpose of this study was evaluation of the strength in Power Athletics (PA) and Normal Un-trained Individuals (NUI) groups.

Methods and Materials: 31 Females (20 NUI & 11 PA) participated in this study. For measuring the strength, each individual performed 5 continuous concentric-eccentric maximal contraction at angular velocities of 90°/s, 135°/s. Twenty five percent of each individual (Maximum Voluntary Isometric Contraction) MVIC was determined and used as Pre-load force.

Results: Averages concentric & eccentric torques were greater in PA group in comparison with NUI group. The significant difference (P<0.02) existed between PA and NUI groups. Average concentric torques of quadriceps muscle decreased (with increasing of speed from 90°/s to 135°/s) and average eccentric torques increased. Average eccentric torques were greater (P<0.01) in PA & NUI groups in comparison with average concentric torques.

Conclusion: PA group strength was greater in comparison with NUI group. This is possibly due to the type of muscle fibers in this group have (greater type II fibers). Accordingly, it is critical to consider the role of eccentric exercise in PA group for preventing sport injury.

Noorolahi Moghaddam H, Naphisi Sh,
Volume 61, Issue 6 (15 2003)

Autonomic nervous system dysfunction in diabetics can occur apart from peripheral sensorimotor polyneuropathy and sometimes leads to complaints which may be diagnosed by electrodiagnostic methods. Moreover glycemic control of these patients may prevent such a complications.
Materials and Methods: 30 diabetic patients were compared to the same number of age and sex-matched controls regarding to electrophysiologic findings of autonomic nervous system. Symptoms referable to autonomic disorder including nightly diarrhea, dizziness, urinary incontinence, constipation, nausea, and mouth dryness were recorded in all diabetic patients. Palmar and plantar SSR and expiration to inspiration ratio (E: I) and Valsalva ratio were recorded in all diabetics and control individuals by electromyography device. In addition NCS was performed on two sensory and two motor nerves in diabetic patients.
Results: There was no relation between age of diabetics and abnormal D: I ratio, Valsalva ratio and degree of electrophysiologic autonomic impairment. Also no relation between peripheral sensorimotor polyneuropathy and electrophysiologic autonomic impairment was found. Plantar SSR was absent in 80% of diabetics with orthostatic hypotension (p~ 0.019). Palmar and plantar SSR were absent in many diabetics in comparison to control group (for palmar SSR p~ 0.00 and for plantar SSR p< 0.015). There was no relation between diabetes duration since diagnosis and electrophysiologic autonomic impairment.
Conclusion: According to the above mentioned findings diabetic autonomic neuropathy develops apart from peripheral sensorimotor polyneuropathy and probably with different mechanisms. Remarkable absence of palmar SSR in diabetics with orthostatic hypotension can be due to its sympathetic origin. Absence of any relation between diabetes duration and electrophysiologic autonomic impairment can be due to late diagnosis of type 2 diabetes or no pathophysiologic relation between chronic hyperglycemia and autonomic neuropathy.


Moghaddam M, Feizpoor H, Noroozi A, Gharibdoost M,
Volume 62, Issue 1 (12 2004)

Background: ‏Today, coronary artery disease is a leading cause of death and morbidity in the world and recognition of all aspects of this problem appears to be necessary and important. In recent years in addition to traditional coronary risk factors, other new risk factors are presented that can affect coronary arteries and accelerate atherosclerosis process. One of the most important of these, are infections, specially with Chlamydia pneumonia. We aimed to study this possibility that is whether correlation between infection with Chlamydia pneumonia and Acute Myocardial Infarction. (AMI).

Materials and Methods: This research is a descriptive case-control study which evaluates frequency of infection with Chlamydia pneumonia in the 100 patients with AMI and 105 patients without any history or evidence of CAD admitted in sections of CCU and surgery, in Dr. SHARIATI and SINA hospitals in 2001. For this purpose we took 5ml blood sample from all of the patients, and tested for specific anti Chlamydia pneumonia antibodies (IgG & IgM) by ELISA method.

Results: Our study showed that 38 percent of control group patients and 54 percent of patients with AMI had positive titer of anti Chlamydia pneumonia antibody and so they were infected with Chlamydia pneumonia {OR= 1.9 (95% CI: 1.34 to 2.46)} (P< 0/001).

Conclusion: This study demonstrates that, there is significant correlation between infection with Chlamydia pneumonia and occurrence of AMI so treatment of this infection could be of profit.

Abbasi Moghaddam M A, Razavi S M, Nooraei S M,
Volume 62, Issue 1 (12 2004)

Background: The idea of integration of medical education into health care system with the goal of comprehensive self sufficiency and complete response to public health needs were initiated in 1985. There were many prose and cones in this procedure which raised many controversies. The dilemma about strengths and weaknesses increased in 2002 during which Iran parliament tried to change the situation. In this study we tried to conclude and exit the dilemma.

Materials and Methods: We studied the attitude of key academic person regarding the integration. In a cross-sectional study using a pretested questionnaire, we assessed the attitude of 556 academic staffs and managers from eight randomly selected medical universities.

Results: Most of respondents agreed the positive out come of integration like establishment of disease surveillance and improving in health indicators, but they believed that the quality of medical education has decreased. Most of respondents suppose that dissociation of medical education may cause a lot of problems.

Conclusion: There are a lot of controversies regarding the strengths and weaknesses of integration. External factors were causes of decreasing the quality of education so it is important to decide about the future by considering external factors.

Mohyeddin Bonab M, Moghaddam K A, Alijanipoor P, Beshtar M, Ghavam Zadeh A,
Volume 62, Issue 1 (12 2004)

Background: Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation has brought the possibility of the use of high dose chemotherapy in the treatment of malignant hematopoietic diseases. Short-term HSC preservation at 4˚C is the most common method for autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT).

Materials and Methods: Thirty-seven mobilized PBSC samples from thirteen hematological patients (4 AML, 4 MM and 5 Lymphoma cases) who were selected for autologous PBSCT and 24 normal candidates for allogenic PBSCT were preserved in five separate sterile 2 ml tubes in 4˚C. Each sample was evaluated for total nucleated cell (TNC) count, dye exclusion cell viability and Granulocyte-Macrophage colony forming unit (GM-CFU in semisolid medium after 16 days) in days 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8. The results were converted to percentages of day 0 measures. The data were analyzed by SPSS 10.0 using Paired Samples T test, Independent Samples T test and Regression.

Results: The mean percentages (and standard deviations) of TNC count, cell viability and GM-CFU for days 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 are shown below: No significant correlation was found between age, sex, weight and the kind of donor with TNC, viability and GM-CFU.

Conclusion: In this study, we have found that during storage of mobilized PBSC in 4˚C, TNC count and cell viability still remains higher than 70% after eight days, while GM-CFU decreases more rapidly and falls to less than 50% after day 4.Therefore, TNC count and cell viability do not decrease as fast as GM-CFU.

Kalbasi G, Talebian Moghaddam S, Ebrahimi Takamjani S, Oliaei Gr, Maroofi N, Galaei S,
Volume 63, Issue 2 (12 2005)

Background: One of the most important concerns in orthopedic medicine is the low back. Considering the importance of muscle function in preventing LBT by controlling too much load and stress applied on the spinal joints and ligaments.

Materials and Methods: The aim of this research was to determine the timing and level of activities of lumbopelvic muscles in response to postural perturbations caused by unexpected loading of the upper limbs in standing on three different supporting surfaces (neutral, positive slope, negative slope) in 20 healthy females 18 to 30 years old ( = 23.20 SD = 2.55 ). The electromyographic signals were recorded from the deltoid, gluteus maximus, internal oblique abdominis and lumbar paraspinal muscles of the dominant side of the body to evaluate the onset time, end time, level of muscle activity (RMS) and duration of different muscles in one task and one muscle in different tasks.

Results: The results showed that the agonists (posterior muscles) activated at first to compensate the flexor torque caused by loading and then the antagonists (anterior muscles) switched-on to compensate the reaction forces caused by agonist activities. With regards to continuous activity of internal oblique and its attachments via thoracalumbar fascia to the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae, it can be considered as one of the major stabilizer muscles of the trunk .

Conclusion: Finally the results indicated that supporting surface type didn’t have any effect on timing and scaling of muscle activities in different tasks suggesting that probably spinal and trunk priprioceptors are just responsible for triggering postural responses and they don’t have any role in determining timing and scaling.

Moghaddamy Tabrizi N, Mirzaei M, Eazadi Mood N,
Volume 63, Issue 4 (13 2005)

Background: In 2-4% of couples in fertile ages, recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) occurs which consisted one out of 300 pregnancies. The aim of this study was to comparison insulin resistance (IR) in patients with RPL to normal individuals.
Materials and Methods: In a case-controlled, prospective study, 49 non-pregnant, non-diabetic women with early RPL as the case group and 49 non-pregnant, non-diabetic women without RPL who had at least one live infant as the control group, and were matched by age, weight, and height, were enrolled. In both groups fasting insulin and glucose levels were measured and insulin resistance, which was defined as a fasting insulin (FI) level ≥20 microU/mL or a fasting glucose to insulin ratio (FGI ratio) of <4.5, was calculated.
Results: The RPL and control groups were similar with respect to age, BMI, fasting glucose levels and glucose to insulin ratios. FI was significantly higher in RPL group than control group (15.20±5.82 vs. 12.23±5.64 microU/mL). Also the frequency of patients with high FI (FI≥20µU/ml) in RPL group was significantly higher than in control group (22.45% vs. 6.12%, Odds Ratio=4.44, Confidence Interval 95%=1.15-17.07). Among the RPL group, 24.49% demonstrated insulin resistance, whereas only 8.16% of the matched controls were insulin resistant (Odds Ratio=3.65, Confidence Interval 95%=1.08-12.26). The RPL and control groups had similar in frequency of low FGI ratio. Also there was no significant difference between mean of FGI ratio in patients with fewer than 12 weeks miscarriage compared to over 12 weeks in RPL group.
Conclusion: Women with RPL have a significantly increased prevalence of insulin resistance when compared with matched fertile controls. It's recommended that in all women with RPL the glucose and insulin measurement should be carried.
Eftekhar Z, Mohagheghi S, Yarandi F, Izadi Mood N, Moghaddami Tabrizi N, Rezaee Z,
Volume 64, Issue 11 (7 2006)

Background: Endometrial cancer is the most common malignancy of genital system which is commonly seen after menopause. Rises in the age of marriage non-surgical methods, using systemic progestins, have been evaluated to treat the young patients with well-differentiated endometrial cancer who wish to preserve their fertility.
Methods: Twenty one infertile patients with stage Ia well-differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma were enrolled in a quasi-experimental study. The treatment initiated with 160mg/d of megestrol acetate then continued with 320mg/d for non-responsive cases. Patients follow up with FD&C and hysteroscopy. Patients divided in two groups on the basis of response to therapy and persistent. The responsive patients were introduced to IVF group and evaluated for later fertility and birth of alive newborns for three years.
Results: This study showed a response rate of 85.71% and 14.29% undergoing TAH. The mean duration of treatment was 5.85±2.00 month. The response to therapy was observed in 27.78% with dose of 160mg/d and the remaining patients with 320mg/d. Pregnancy occurred in 27.78%, 2 of which ended up in a term delivery and the others ended before term. Recurrence happened in 16.67% that 66.67% of them experienced remission again.
Conclusion: Use of 320mg/d seems to be associated with a better therapeutic response. Serious complications were not observed with this dose. Furthermore, continuance of the drug for three month following a normal pathology report was decreased the rate of recurrence.
Dabirmoghaddam P, Baradarnfar M H, Ayatallahi V, Shakibapoor M,
Volume 65, Issue 5 (3 2007)

Background: Tonsillectomy is the second most common pediatric surgery. Despite improvements in anesthetic and surgical technique, post-tonsillectomy pain continues to be a significant clinical concern for the patient, family, and physician. Young patients undergoing tonsillectomy experience postoperative pain and vomiting resulting in delays in oral feeding and in discharge from the hospital. Reduction of these side effects will lead to the improved quality of postoperative care. This study was performed to compare the efficacies of local Bupivacaine and intravenous Dexamethasone with that of a placebo on post-tonsillectomy pain and vomiting.
Methods: This clinical trial included 120 ASA I children, aged 3-15 years, undergoing tonsillectomy. The patients were randomly categorized into three groups: 1- local infiltration of 2 ml normal saline into the tonsillar pillar as a placebo 2- IV Dexamethasone (0.5 mg/kg, with a maximum of 16 mg) 3- local infiltration of 2 ml 0.5% Bupivacaine into the tonsillar pillar. After the operation, patients were observed regarding vomiting and pain at 0.5, 4, 24, 120 hours postextubation.
Results: Of 120 patients, 70 were male and 50 were female. The mean age of patients was 8.4 years. Three patients were missed in follow up. The questionnaire was completed for 117 patients. The mean duration of operation was longest in the placebo group (55 minutes) and shortest in Dexamethasone group (50 minutes). We noticed significant reduction in postoperative pain only in the Bupivacaine group and at the fourth postoperative hour. In the Dexamethasone group, during the first 24 hours, we could not statistically analyze the effect on vomiting. Since Bupivacaine and Dexamethasone reduce postoperative pain and vomiting, respectively, and are safe, cost-effective and available, we recommend using these drugs for tonsillectomy patients.
Conclusion: Considering the greater efficacy of Dexamethasone in the reduction of vomiting and that of Bupivacaine in pain reduction in other studies, we recommend further study to assess the use of these two drugs together.
Dabirmoghaddam P, Baradaranfar Mh, Gouinee F, Ayatallahi V,
Volume 65, Issue 8 (3 2007)

Background: In rhinoplasty, periorbital edema and ecchymosis is due to soft tissue trauma and small vessel injury with subsequent exudation and bleeding. The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of dexamethasone in reducing periorbital edema and ecchymosis and intraoperative bleeding in rhinoplasty patients.

Methods: This double-blind study included 90 patients who underwent rhinoplasty from October 2004 to March 2005. In group A, 8 mg of intravenous dexamethasone was administered only preoperatively. In group B, 8 mg of dexamethasone was administered preoperatively and continued every 8 hours postoperatively. Group C, the control group, received no dexamethasone.

Results: The degree of upper lid edema in groups A and B was significantly less than that of group C. During the first and second day the severity of upper lid edema in group B was less than that of group A, but the difference was not significant. The degree of lower lid edema during the first and second days in groups A and B was significantly less than that of group C, although it was identical in all groups during the fifth and seventh days. The degree of upper lid ecchymosis during the first and fifth days in group C was significantly more than that of groups A and B, but it was similar on the seventh day in all groups. The degree of lower lid ecchymosis on the first day in groups A and B was significantly less than that of group C however, it was similar in all groups during the second, fifth and seventh days. The volume of intraoperative bleeding in the three groups was similar. The mean period of recovery (12 days) was comparable in all groups.

Conclusions: Dexamethasone administration leads to the reduction of upper lid edema, ecchymosis and lower lid edema during the first and second postoperative days, and reduction of lower lid ecchymosis on the first postoperative day.

M Shafiee Ardestani, H Fathi Moghaddam, Aa Hemmati, Z Nazari,
Volume 66, Issue 5 (5 2008)

Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a degenerative neurodopaminergic disease in nigrostriatum pathway of animals and human, the resultant loss of nerve terminals accompanied by dopamine-glutamate and other related neurotransmitters-imbalances in this pathway are responsible for most of the movement abnormalities. Increasing evidence suggests that an inflammatory reaction accompanies the pathological processes caused by Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) seen in many neurodegenerative disorders, including PD. These findings have not indicated any evidence based on the effect of selective and non selective COX-2 inhibitors on the rigidity of PD.
Methods: The rats left substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) was destroyed using the electrical lesion thus PD model was created. Then oral aspirin and celecoxib (200, 400 mg/kg) were administrated to parkinsonian rats acutely and then the rigidity was evaluated using Murprogo's Method.
Results: Both compounds were able to decrease the rigidity of parkinsonian rats (p<0.05) respectively but selective cox-2 inhibitor (celecoxib) was found more effective and potent than that of non selective cox-2 inhibitor (aspirin). Conclusion: The findings suggest that COX-2 inhibition decreases the rigidity of PD in the animal model. Therefore, as results of the study COX-2 inhibition was shown good evidence based on the use of aspirin and celecoxib and PD affiliated rigidity improvement that this can be beneficial and interest for neuroscientists. These findings are additional pharmacological and medicinal information to further assess of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as alternative therapeutic agents for PD affiliated rigidity treatment. Further experiments seem to be necessary to complete this research such as investigation the effects of NSAIDs on the striatum neurotransmission pathway

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