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Showing 4 results for Mosavi

Modarres M, Mosavi A, Mohammadifar M, Behtash N, Ghaemmaghami F, Soltanpour F,
Volume 64, Issue 11 (7 2006)

Background: Access to a safe and efficient chemotherapy regimen for improving the survival and live quality is a goal in ovarian carcinoma. Despite surgery is the base treatment of ovarian cancer, but in most patients chemotherapy is used due to progression of their disease. This study designed to compare two important chemotherapy regimens.
Methods: This historical cohort study compared two chemotherapy regimen cisplatin (75mg/m2)+ cyclophosphamide (750mg/m2), versus taxol (175mg/m2)+ carboplatinium (GFR+25)AUC between 1998-2005 in valiasr hospital. In this study toxicities of two regimes were compared. The survival function in these two groups were analysed with Kaplan-Meire curve.
Results: Gastrointestinal and mucosal toxicity were significantly higher in CP group compared TC group (p=0.02). Also there were no significant relation between decrease of serum CA125 and patient remission length in CP group but in other group with decrease of CA125 in lower than three cycle we had an increase in patient remission period. (P=0.02). Disease free interval in cisplatin group was longer versus taxol group (p<0.05), there was no significant difference in overall survival in two group.
Conclusion: This study revealed that cisplatin plus cyclophosphamide regimen can yet be used as a chemotherapy treatment in ovarian cancer. In this study there was no significant benefit in taxol regimen compared CP. In the adjuvant therapy of epithelial ovarian carcinoma.
Rezaie A, Mosavi Gh, Ahmadizadeh Ch, Jafari B,
Volume 69, Issue 3 (5 2011)

Background: Rosa damascene has a special role in the Iranian traditional medicine due to its sedative, anticonvulsant and analgesic effects. Regarding its alkaloid, flavonoid and other organic compounds, this plant has always been used to reduce nervousness and treat depression and chronic insomnia. In the present time, synthetic drugs with sedative and anxiolytic properties are used for such problems but due to their side- effects and economic issues, the significance of natural medicines with fewer side- effects is of interest. Considering the importance of sedative and anxiolytic effects of Rosa damascene, we decided to compare this plant with synthetic drugs of the same properties. Methods: Two different groups of male Wistar rats received either Rosa damascene extract in doses of 150, 300, 450 mg/kg or Diazepam and dimethyl sulphoxide in doses of 1.2 mg/kg intraperitoneally 30 minutes before assessing the sleep duration, sedation and preanesthetic effects induced by intraperitoneal ketamine, 40 mg/kg. The anti- anxiety effect was evaluated by using an elevated plus maze and a rota rod. Results: The results showed a meaningful increase in the period of sleep induced by Ketamine (P≤0.01) and also a meaningful increase in time spent at the open arms of the device in the group receiving Rosa damascene extract (P≤0.01). Conclusion: The results showed that the Rosa damascene extract dose 450mg/kg has sedative, preanesthetic and anxiolytic effects (P≤0.01).
Azam Azargoon , Raheb Ghorbani , Sahar Mosavi ,
Volume 72, Issue 4 (July 2014)

Background: The use of Methotrexate (MTX) is a good and common practice for the treatment of women who were diagnosed early with ectopic pregnancy (EP). The aim of this study is to determine the predictors of treatment failure with a single dose of MTX injection. Methods: In this quasi-experimental research, we studied 70 women with ectopic preg-nancies who were treated with MTX, according to a single dose protocol from 2010 to 2013. EP was diagnosed whenever an intrauterine gestational sac was not identified by transvaginal ultrasonography (TVUS), accompanied by an abnormal rise or plateau in human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG) concentration. Briefly, women with ectopic pregnancies were considered candidates for MTX treatment if they were hemodynami-cally stable did not desire surgical therapy, agreed to weekly follow-up and did not have hepatic, hematologic, or renal disease. A Patient was considered a treatment suc-cess (group 1) if her beta-hCG levels decreased ≤10 m IU/ml after the first dose of MTX. Treatment failure (group 2) was defined as the need for a second or a third dose of MTX or surgery. The following risk factors were compared between the two groups: serum beta-hCG on the days 1 and 4, a ≥ 15% decrease in serum beta-hCG between the days 1-4 of the treatment, age, parity, gravidity, the size of the ectopic mass and the endometrial thickness. Results: The success rate of MTX treatment was 77.1%. There were no significant dif-ferences between the two groups in regard to the age, parity, gravidity, the size of ec-topic mass and the endometrial thickness in vaginal sonography, but the mean serum beta-hCG concentration on days 1 and 4 was lower in the success group than the failure group. We also observed a ≥ 15% decrease in serum beta-hCG in 80.9% of the women from the success group and in 38.5% of the cases whose treatment had failed. The presence of fetal heart activity was seen in only one patient and this patient’s treatment failed. Two patients had previous history of ectopic pregnancy and the treatment of both ended in failure. Conclusion: Among women with ectopic pregnancies who were candidates for MTX treatment, a high serum beta-hCG concentration on the days 1-4 and also a ≤ 15% fall in serum beta-hCG between the days 1-4 treatment, are the most important factors associated with the failure of the treatment with a single dose MTX protocol. It is better to use these factors for making decisions about the initiation of the treatment or the continuation of it.
Raika Jamali , Ebrahim Mosavi Jahan Abad, Tayeb Ramim ,
Volume 74, Issue 5 (August 2016)

Background: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) includes steatosis, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, fibrosis and liver cirrhosis. The oxidative stress enzymes are the diagnostic markers to prediction of histologic status of liver in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis disease. The aim of the study was to assessment of relationship between serum Zinc (Zn) levels with pathologic manifestation in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

Methods: This cohort study was done in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis that had been visited in gastrointestinal clinic of Sina Hospital, Tehran, Iran from April, 2014 to April, 2015. Control group included the patients with no clinical manifestation of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and normal liver ultrasonography, lab test and liver biopsy. Serum Zn level was measured with atomic absorption spectroscopy. Normal Serum level of Zn was considered 10.7-22.9 µmol/L (70-150 µg/dL) and less than 7 µg/dL was considered as Zn deficiency. Pathological findings were grading according to NAFLD activity score.

Results: One hundred twenty patients were selected for the study in two equal groups. Six and 26 patients were excluded in case and control groups, respectively due to no consent to lab test. Finally, 54 patients (35 male/19 female) and 34 patients (22 male/12 female) in control group were participated in data analysis. The mean age on case and control group was 37.02±9.82 year and 33.24±12.01 year, respectively (P= 0.111). Zn level in case and control groups were 90.82±13.69 and 88.82±13.10, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between two group in serum Zn level (P= 0.50). Also, there were no statistically significant differences between pathological grading in case group participants (steatosis: P= 0.640; Lobular inflammation: P= 0.882; fibrosis: P= 0.531).

Conclusion: The finding of the study showed no significant association between serum zinc level and hepatic steatosis, lobular inflammation and fibrosis of the liver in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

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