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Showing 21 results for Nasri

Nasrin Moghadami Tabrizi , Khadijeh Adabi , Azra Azmoodeh , Sepideh Nekuei, Babak Dabirashrafi, Kamyar Dabirashrafi, Batool Ghorbani Yekta,
Volume 71, Issue 4 (July 2013)

Background: Endometrioma of ovary is one of the common diseases during reproductive age and the effect of laparoscopic cystectomy of endometrioma on infertility is still matter of debate. We designed this case control study to evaluate the ovarian response to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation during IVF (In vitro fertilization) cycle following laparoscopic unilateral cystectomy of endometrioma.
Methods: In a case control study, we enrolled 30 women with history of unilateral laparoscopic cystectomy of ovarian endometrioma in stripping method who underwent IVF cycle in women Hospital, 2009-2012. The numbers of follicles in response to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation during IVF cycle in the ovary with history of  unilateral laparoscopic cystectomy of endometrioma were compared with those from the contralateral ovary.
Results: The mean age (±SD) of patients was 32.3 (±3.4). The mean (±SD) diameter of excised ovarian endometrioma was 42.4 (±10.4) mm. Interval since ovarian surgery to induction ovulation was 2.7 (±2.6) years. Mean number of follicles in the ovary with history of unilateral laparoscopic cystectomy of endometrioma was 2.5 (±1.2) with the range of 1 to 5 and in the control ovary 3.9 (±1.4) with the range of 1 to 6. There was significant difference in the number of follicles in the ovary with laparascopic cystectomy of endometrioma compared with opposite one (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Laparoscopic cystectomy for unilateral endometrioma is associated with a reduced ovarian response to controlled ovarian hyperstimulation during IVF cycle. We did not find any statistically significant difference in reduced ovarian response with regard to patients age, body mass index, size and location of the cyst, and time duration since ovarian cystectomy.

Nasrin Niromand , Fereshteh Gharib Pour , Nasrin Moghadami , Farahnaz Sadat Ahmadi , Batool Ghorbani Yekta ,
Volume 71, Issue 5 (August 2013)

Background: Recent studies have suggested that impaired fetal growth are indicators that may be present in the first trimester. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between crown-rump length (CRL) and pregnancy associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) measurements in first trimester for low birth weight (LBW).
Methods: This prospective cohort study were on 120 pregnant women in first pregnan-cy trimester, in Women's Hospital Mirza Kochak Khan in 2011-2012. Gestational age according to crown-rump length and gestational age according to last menstrual period (LMP), neonatal weight, small for gestational age, pregnancy associated plasma protein-A and low birth weight were recorded. Main outcome measures was weight and gestational age at birth. Statistical tests used included descriptive statistics, t-test, χ² and all tests were two-tailed and differences with P<0.05 were considered to be statistically significant.
Results: Our findings showed that a total of 120 cases were included CRL Z-score and log 10 (MOM PAPP-A) were positively correlated with fetal birth weight. The mean Crown-rump length Z-score was significantly can be reduced in LBW in first trimester pregnancy. (P<0.001) Mean PAPP-A in low birth weight was (0.4±0.11 MOM), but in normal weight infants was (1.04±0.7 MOM). (P=0.011) also mean PAPP-A in pregnant women with SGA infants is significantly less than other pregnant women (0.5±0.2 versus 1.1±0.7) (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Our data suggest that crown-rump length and maternal levels of PAPP-A measured during the first trimester are independent factors that influence fetal birth weight. But their predictive powers are not sufficiently good for them to be used alone for low birth weight screening.

Saeid Abediankenari, Mohammad Shokrzadeh, Hamed Haghi Aminjan, Nafiseh Nasri, Ahad Alizadeh,
Volume 71, Issue 8 (November 2013)

Background: Gastric cancer is the most prevalent cancer with poor survival in gastrointestinal tract. Caspase 3 and 9 play an important role in the development and progression of cancer. Polymorphisms in the genes for these enzymes can affect gene activity and thus may influence susceptibility to gastric cancer. In this study, caspase 3 and 9 genes polymorphisms in patients with gastric cancer were examined.
Methods: In a case - control study, 100 patients with gastric cancer and 100 healthy individuals were evaluated in the region rs4647601: G> T for caspase-3 and -1263 A> G gene promoter for caspase 9. DNA extraction was performed from whole blood according to manufacture protocol. RFLP-PCR method was carrying out for detection of caspase 3 and 9 genes genotype in two groups.
Results: In this study, 143 men and 57 women were evaluated. All of them were selected from the same race and geographical area. The results indicated an increase of the mutant G allele in the control group, which leads to a decreasing in the incidence of gastric cancer (P<0.0001, OR: 0.096, (%0.95CL) =0.04-0.23).
Conclusion: It seems that screening of -1263 A> caspase 9 polymorphism could be a useful marker in personal sensitivity to gastric cancer and help to cancer treatment and prevention process. It is concluded that caspase gene variation may be a diagnostic factor in the gastric cancer.

Nastaran Khosravi , Nasrin Khalesi , Samileh Noorbakhsh , Shima Javadinia , Ramin Asgarian , Azardokht Tabatabai ,
Volume 71, Issue 11 (February 2014)

Background: Meningitis is one of the serious and dangerous infections in the infancy and childhood and rapid diagnosis of meningococcal disease is important, especially in infants. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein found in blood and is an acute phase protein. CRP sensitive reactive that used for diagnosis of infection. This study conducted to assessment of the relationship between cerebrospinal fluid C-reactive protein, and neonatal meningitis, as well as diagnostic value of test. Methods: Forty nine hospitalized infant that suspected to meningitis were enrolled in this analytic cross sectional research via non probable accessible sampling. 28 patients (52.7%) of all the patients were male and 21 patients (42.8%) were female. The average age of the patients was 22.6±11.88 days. Data from clinical examinations and laboratory tests entered in a questionnaire and all of samples divided in two bacterial (septic) and non-bactria (aseptic) meningitis group. All data including cerebrospinal fluid CRP of newborns were statistically analyzed. Results: In total, the mean and standard deviation of age was 22.6±11.88 days. 57.2% of infants were male and 42.8% were female. In total, 40.82% of infants were diagnosed with septic meningitis. There was no significant difference between septic and aseptic groups in terms of sex (P= 1.00) also in terms of age (P= 0.1). The mean and standard deviation of CRP level in septic meningitis group was 0.95±0.68 mg/L and in aseptic group was 0.16±0.36 mg/L. The CRP level difference in septic meningitis group compare with aseptic group was statistically significant (P<0.000). The finding showed that cut off point for CRP level as a diagnostic test was 0.17 mg/L, sensitivity was 95% and specificity was 86%. Conclusion: In the present study, newborns with septic meningitis had higher cerebrospinal fluid CRP level than newborns with aseptic meningitis, and CSF-CRP can be used in rapid diagnosis of septic and aseptic meningitis. Although this result has been seen in many studies, but more research is needed.
Seyed Mohammad Hossein Noori Mugahi, Tahmineh Mokhtari , Ameneh Omidi , Nasrin Takzaree ,
Volume 72, Issue 2 (May 2014)

Background: Considering nitric oxide (NO) has an important role in many biologic processes of cells and tissues such as in the digestive system and in this system act as a second messenger in pathological and physiological events in gastrointestinal region, in this study we investigated the effects of L-NG-Nitro arginine Methyl Ester (L-NAME) as the NO formation inhibitor on parietal cells of stomach in pregnant rats. Methods: Twenty four female rats were prepared and with eight weeks old and 200-250 g weight were used in this study. After matting of the female rats with the male rats, time of observing vaginal plaque considered as the zero day of pregnancy. Then the animals were divided into three groups of studying. Each group was containing eight rats. In this study, except the control group, the saline group received 2 ml/kg normal saline and experimental group received 20 ml/kg L-NAME interaperitoneally (IP), respectively on third, fourth, and fifth days of pregnancy for evaluation of its effects. On the 18th day of pregnancy, after anesthesia with ether, the animals were killed and dissected and the laparotomy was performed to separate the mother’s stomach. Then, the stomach was fixed in 10% formalin and after tissue passage, the sections were stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin (H&E). Then the changes of count and diameter in parietal cells were observed via light microscopy and Image Tools III. Results: Results of this study after analysis showed the significant changes in parietal cells count (mean 61.3±4.32) and its diameters (mean 16.12±1.18 µm) in L-NAME group in comparison to control and the sham groups in pregnant rats (P≤0.05). Conclusion: Results of this study showed L-NAME with effects on NO synthesis can reduce the count of parietal cells and increase its diameter in pregnant rats and has destructive effects on structure of stomach parietal cells in pregnancy rats.
Nastaran Khosravi , Nasrin Khalesi , Samileh Noorbakhsh , Azardokht Tabatabaei , Bahman Ahmadi , Ramin Asgarian , Shima Javadi-Nia,
Volume 72, Issue 8 (November 2014)

Background: Assessment of the serum lead’s concentration in the newborn immediately after birth can be effective for the detection of lead poisoning in the early stages and prevent of developmental disorders and neuropsychiatric behaviors. This study aimed to assess the serum lead levels of cord blood in some of the hospitalized newborns. Methods: This cross-sectional analytic study conducted in the newborns ward of two hospitals (Rasoul Akram and Akbar Abadi) From December 2011 to October 2012 in Tehran, Iran. After non-probability sampling, 60 newborns in the first days after birth, underwent the cord blood sampling and the cord blood lead levels were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Then all of data were collected and analyzed. The serum lead concentration greater than 5 μg/dl was considered valuable. Results: In total, 61.4% of samples were boys. The mean (±SD) of gestational age was 37.4±2.64 weeks and mean (±SD) of birth weight was 2701±642.8g. The mean (±SD) of maternal age was 29.20±6.73 years. 70% of mothers were urban. 13% of mothers had a history of drug use, and 5% were current smokers. The mean (±SD) of the serum lead level of cord blood was 2.97±2.24 μg/dl. This level was not associated with fetal gender, place of residence, drug history and current smoking. This level in the 16.7% of samples was greater than 5 μg/dl (high risk cases). High risk level was associated with maternal age, weight and fetal age (P=0.02, P=0.004, P=0.03), but this level was not associated with fetal gender, place of residence, drug history and current smoking. Conclusion: Serum lead level of cord blood was relatively higher than other studies, although the prevalence of the high risk newborns (serum blood lead levels greater than 5 μg/dl) was low. Further research has recommended assessing the serum lead level in other newborns in the different areas to identify risk factors of neuromotor outcome in infants to prevent.
Nasrin Takzaree , Gholamreza Hassanzadeh , Mohammad Reza Rouini , Abbasali Keshtkar , Azadeh Manayi , Abbas Haajiakhondi ,
Volume 73, Issue 9 (December 2015)

Background: One of the most important issues in medical sciences is wound healing and repair. Application of natural ingredients and herbs for treating ulcers has been in the history of human life. Nowadays, due to the lack of side effects of medicinal plants and a variety of effective compounds in plants, as well as numerous disadvantages of synthetic drugs there has been tendency to use medicinal plants in clinic. Aloe vera is an herbal drug used for treatment of dermal diseases. In this study we evaluated, effects of aloe vera on the wound healing through the microscopic techniques and cell counting.

Methods: In this experimental study, sixty Wistar rats weighing 200-250 g were placed under general anesthesia and sterile conditions. Then a square shape wound with 1.5´1.5 mm dimension was made on the back of the neck. Rats were randomly divided to control and experimental group’s. Each group was divided to three subgroups with 4, 7, and 14 study days. In 1st experimental group aloe vera was used twice on the wound surface and in 2nd experimental group was used once daily and the positive control group were applied phenytoin cream 1% from the zero days of surgery. The control group did not get any treatment on the wound surface. For histological studies, during the fourth, seventh and fourteenth day’s rats were sacrificed and samples were taken from the wound area and adjacent skin. After histological staining with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and Masson's trichrome stains, the cells were counted, wound surface and wound healing were investigated.

Results: The macroscopic and microscopic evaluation showed that wound healing increased because the fibroblast numbers in two experimental groups improved compared with control group. The percentage of wound healing on different days in the experimental and control groups were significant. Data were analyzed by using one-way ANOVA test and P< 0.05 was significant.

Conclusion: Present study showed that the twice application of topical aloe vera mucilage can result in rapid wound healing in rats.

Nahideh Pazhohan , Azar Pazhohan , Nasrin Niromand , Mahbod Ebrahimi ,
Volume 73, Issue 10 (January 2016)

Background: Receptivity of endometrium has a critical role in the establishment of pregnancy after embryo transfer in the treatment process of infertile couples. As the glycoprotein CA-125 is a product of human endometrium and is measurable in the peripheral circulation, it is investigated whether it might serve as an indicator of endometrial receptivity and predictor of pregnancy following Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Methods: In an observational diagnostic study, over a twelve-month period (from August 2013 to July 2014), all couples with male-factor infertility who attended to infertility clinic of Moheb Yas Hospital, Tehran and were candidate of performing ICSI, were invited to participate in the study. Based on the inclusion criteria of study, 64 women were eligible to take part in the study. They were assessed for serum CA-125 levels on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) administration and also on the day of oocyte retrieval. After ICSI, the possibility of pregnancy was assessed by measuring serum concentration of &beta-HCG on 14 days after embryo transfer and also by visualizing the gestational sac by trans-vaginal ultrasound examination on four to five weeks after transfer. The pregnancy rate was compared between those with normal and high CA-125 levels.

Results: Among the subjects, 15 patients (23.4%) had high CA-125 levels, and totally 19 patients (29.7%) experienced pregnancy. Among those with normal and high CA-125 levels, 16 patients (32.7%) and 3 subjects (20%) experienced pregnancy, respectively, that showed no statistically significant difference according to Chi-square test (P=0.348). Also, according to the Fisher’s exact test, there was no correlation between CA-125 levels and the rate of pregnancy on the basis of body mass index (BMI).

Conclusion: Totally, according to the obtained results in current study, it may be concluded that serum CA-125 levels has no prognostic value in prediction of the outcomes of ICSI among infertile couples with male-factor infertility.

Nasrin Dodangi , Nastaran Habibi ,
Volume 74, Issue 3 (June 2016)

Background: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common and mostly chronic mental health condition that affects children, adolescents, and adults. Stimulants and atomoxetine are first-line agents for the treatment of ADHD. Despite the impressive track record of stimulants in the treatment of ADHD, they fail in 25% of patients due to lack of efficacy or the emergence of unwanted side effects. Accordingly, this study carried out to compare efficacy and safety of duloxetine (a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) and methylphenidate (a short acting stimulant) in the treatment of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Methods: Twenty-four children diagnosed with ADHD participated in this 6 weeks open clinical trial. Patients were between 6 to 11 years old that had been referred to psychiatry clinic at Akhavan and Rofide Medical and Rehabilitation Center in Tehran from September 2012 to July 2014. Diagnosis was made by two child psychiatrist according to DSM-IV TR criteria. Thirteen patients received duloxetine and others received methylphenidate. Conner’ parent rating scale-revised-short form (CPRS-RS) and ADHD-rating scale (ADHD-RS) were used at the beginning and then each two weeks to assess efficacy of treatment. Routine laboratory tests and electrocardiogram (ECG) was carried out in the beginning and end of the trial.

Results: Twenty children with ADHD completed the study (Ten in methylphenidate and ten in duloxetine group). In both groups, scales of CPRS-RS and ADHD-RS were reduced from baseline to endpoint, but this reduction in methylphenidate group was significantly greater than duloxetine group (P= 0.000). The most common side effect was gastrointestinal problems in duloxetine group and anorexia in methylphenidate group. No serious side effects and no changes in laboratory and ECG indexes were seen in both groups.

Conclusion: Duloxetine is not efficacious as well as methylphenidate in treatment of children with ADHD. Although more research are needed to achieve more accurate results.

Leila Pourali , Sedighe Ayati , Atieh Vatanchi , Parvaneh Layegh , Nasrin Pourmoghadam ,
Volume 74, Issue 3 (June 2016)

Background: ″Wernicke’s Korsakoff″ syndrome is the most important complication of severe thiamine deficiency. The term refers to two different syndromes, each representing a different stage of the disease. Wernicke’s encephalopathy (WE) is an acute syndrome requiring emergent treatment to prevent death and neurologic morbidity. Korsakoff syndrome (KS) refers to a chronic neurologic condition that usually occurs as a consequence of WE. It is a rare complication of hyperemesis gravidarum that confusion, ocular signs, and gait ataxia are the most prevalent symptoms, respectively. Typical brain lesions of wernicke’s encephalopathy (WE) are observed at autopsy in 0.4 to 2.8 percent of the general population in the western world and the majority of affected patients are alcoholic. The prevalence of wernicke’s encephalopathy lesions seen on autopsy was 12.5% of alcohol abusers in one report. Among those who with alcohol-related death, it has been reported to be even higher, 29 to 59%. The aim of this study was to report a case of wernicke’s encephalopathy following hyperemesis gravidarum.

Case Presentation: A 28-year-old-pregnant woman in 19th weeks of gestation referred to the hospital with hyperemesis, gait ataxia, and dysarthria before that she had hyperemesis gravidarum with weight loss and unresponsive to outpatient and inpatient medical therapy. MRI showed hyperdense lesion around thalamus which was characteristic of wernicke’s encephalopathy. Rapid improvement in patient’s condition occurred after high dose thiamine infusion.

Conclusion: In hyperemesis gravidarum, presence of either symptoms of ocular or mental disorder or ataxia must be considered to rule out and appropriate treatment of Wernicke’s syndrome which can cause maternal and fetal death.

Nastaran Khosravi , Nasrin Khalesi , Samileh Noorbakhsh , Mazyar Tarkhani ,
Volume 74, Issue 4 (July 2016)

Background: Fungal infections especially Candida species are frequent cause of mortality and morbidity in very low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants receiving intensive care; Candida infections are tissue invasive. This infection increases the risks of adverse neurodevelopmental sequelae. Prevention and treatment of fungal infection is so important in very VLBW infants. The aim of this study was to determine the prophylactic effect of fluconazole in decreasing the mortality and morbidity in VLBW infants (less than 1500gr) admitted in NICU.

Methods: This prospective case control study were conducted among 102 Infants (weighing less than 1500gr at birth at born) admitted in NICU department of Ali Asghar University Hospital from 2012 to 2013, Tehran, Iran. Weigh of birth in cases and groups were less than 1500 gr and both were culture negative. Cases received oral fluconazole 3 mg/kg in 3 days in 1st and 2nd weeks, alternate day in 3rd and 4th weeks, daily in 5th and 6th weeks. Control groups had not received fluconazole. Mortality and morbidity and hospital stay were compared between cases and controls groups.

Results: We studied 49 very low-birth-weight infants with negative culture as cases (received fluconazole prophylaxis), 46 VLBW infants without fluconazole profilaxy (controls). No significant difference in gestational age (P=0.2), and mean weights (P=0.4) were observed between cases and controls. The mortality rate 8.7% (n=4) in controls (without prophylactic fluconazole) observed vs 2% (n=1) mortality rate in VLBW cases (with prophylactic fluconazole). Although the mortality rate in controls was 4 times higher than cases, but without significant differences (P=0.1). Indeed, mean duration of hospital stay in controls was longer than cases (28.41±9.93 vs 19.85±6.19 days, P=0.00001).

Conclusion: Although prophylactic fluconazole in VLBW could decrease the mortality of cases (control the fungal infection) 4 fold in compare with controls (no treatment), it was not significant. The prophylactic effect of fluconazole might decrease the length of hospital stay of VLBW neonates in NICU. Due to limited number of cases and control. For further decision about prophylactic use of fluconazole, prospective RCT studies with larger cases and control would be helpful in future.

Hossein Ghayoumi Zadeh, Sogol Masoumzadeh, Shirin Nour, Sogol Kianersi, Zahra Eyvazi Zadeh, Farinaz Joneidi Shariat Zadeh, Javad Haddadnia, Farnoosh Khamseh, Nasrin Ahmadinejad,
Volume 74, Issue 6 (September 2016)

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and one of the leading of death among them. The high and increasing incidence of the disease and its difficult treatment specifically in advanced stages, imposes hard situations for different countries’ health systems. Body temperature is a natural criteria for the diagnosis of diseases. In recent decades extensive research has been conducted to increase the use of thermal cameras and obtain a close relationship between heat and temperature of the skin's physiology. Thermal imaging (thermography) applies infrared method which is fast, non-invasive, non-contact and flexibile to monitor the temperature of the human body. This paper investigates highly diversified studies implemented before and after the year 2000. And it emphasizes mostly on the newely published articles including: performance and evaluation of thermal imaging, the various aspects of imaging as well as The available technology in this field and its disadvantages in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Thermal imaging has been adopted by researchers in the fields of medicine and biomedical engineering for the diagnosis of breast cancer. With the advent of modern infrared cameras, data acquisition and processing techniques, it is now possible to have real time high resolution thermographic images, which is likely to surge further research in this field.  Thermography does not provide information on the structures of the breast morphology, but it provides performance information of temperature and breast tissue vessels. It is assumed that the functional changes occured before the start of the structural changes which is the result of disease or cancer. These days, thermal imaging method has not been established as an applicative method for screening or diagnosing purposes in academic centers. But there are different centers that adopt this method for the diognosis and examining purposes. Thermal imaging is an effective method which is highly facilitative for breast cancer screening (due to the low cost and without harms), also, its impact will increase by combining other methods such as a mammogram and sonography. However, it has not been widely recognizesd as an accepted method for determineing the types of tumors (benign and malignant) and diseases of breast tissue.

Rezvan Esmaeili , Tannaz Samadi , Nasrin Abdoli , Keivan Majidzadeh-Ardebili , Leila Farahmand , Malihe Salehi ,
Volume 74, Issue 10 (January 2017)

Background: Researchers are always trying to find specific markers which express specifically in cancer. These specific markers help to diagnose and treat cancer without affecting normal tissues. Cancer-testis antigens are among the new promising biomarkers, especially for targeted therapy. These markers are specially expressed in testis. Various studies have been reported individual expression of these proteins in some tumor tissues. Since testis is an immune privilege organ, abnormal expression of the above mentioned genes raises immune response and the serum antibody against them (CT antigene) can be detected as a marker of cancer. However, understanding their differential role in normal and cancer tissues may introduce them as new candidates of cancer biomarkers. The aim of this study was to evaluate AKAP3 gene expression in breast cancer and its correlation with clinicopathologic features of the disease.

Methods: This study is a case-control study conducted at the Brest Cancer Research Center (BCRC)- Iran, between October 2014 to May 2016. AKAP3 gene expression was investigated with real-time PCR in breast samples including: 74 tumors, 73 normal adjacents and 15 normal tissues. On the other hand the correlation between gene expression, clinicopathologic features of the tumors and treatment regimen were evaluated.

Results: Statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between lack of AKAP3 expression, tumor size (P=0.01) and stage (P=0.04). The association between poor prognosis and the absence of AKAP3 expression in normal adjacent tissues were observed. Kaplan Meier plot showed a significant better disease free survival in the normal adjacent patients group that are expressed AKAP3.

Conclusion: It was observed that the better free survival in the normal adjacent group is because of the different AKAP3 expression, not treatment variations between two patient groups. As a result, AKAP3 can be a suitable candidate biomarker for breast cancer patients. Also, the study of gene expression in normal tissue of patients may be used to predict response to therapy.

Hossein Ghayoumi Zadeh , Mostafa Danaeian , Ali Fayazi , Cyrus Ahmadi Toussi , Nasrin Ahmadinejad , Mitra Navid ,
Volume 76, Issue 7 (October 2018)

Background: Breast cancer is a common malignancy in which early breast cancer detection by the help of imaging can improve the treatment outcome. Thermography utilizes infrared beams which are fast, non-invasive, and non-contact and the output created images by this technique are flexible and useful to monitor the temperature of the human body.
Case presentation: Our patient is a 25-year-old woman who was referred to Tehran's Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, in October 2014 and June 2017 to perform clinical examinations of breast cancer at the Invasive and New Radiology Research Center of Tehran. The results of the sonography for the left breast and bilateral axillary regions and sonography guided biopsy from the left axillary region indicated that:  it was consistent with the tangential prominence at 11-12 O’ clock in the left breast tissue and echo gene was found without any suspected findings. Then, using the non-contact infrared imaging camera VisIR 640 (Thermoteknix Systems Ltd, Cambridge, UK), the feasibility of thermography method in the patient's follow-up was investigated.
Conclusion: Thermography can be used to detect abnormal areas in the breast tissue that may have cystic origin. The results indicated that the accuracy of the identification and matching of patient cysts in mammography and ultrasonography with the results of thermography in both periods of October 2014 and June 2017. Considering the results, it is noteworthy that the diagnostic clock of the breast cysts in the patient is consistent with the results of the clinical trials with the thermography. Moreover, in a 2 years intervals, the status of thermal morphology status of the cystic region did not considerably change which showed a relatively stable status.

Negin Farshchian , Maryam Shirzadi , Firouzeh Farshchian , Sepideh Tanhaye , Sahel Heydarheydari , Nasrin Amirifard ,
Volume 78, Issue 1 (April 2020)

Background: Melatonin is one of the drugs which are used in the treatment of sleep problems, including insomnia and sleep deprivation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the melatonin effect on sleep quality in patients with cancer.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study was performed on cancer patients with trouble sleeping who were treated with melatonin (3 mg per day) for a month. Sleep quality according to the Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) questionnaire was evaluated before and after taking melatonin. This study was conducted in the Oncology Clinic of Imam Reza Hospital, Kermanshah City in Iran from August 2016 to February 2018.
Results: There was a significant difference between the sleep quality of patients with cancer before and after taking melatonin (P<0.05). In other words, before taking melatonin, sleep quality of none of the patients was not optimal but after taking melatonin, the sleep quality of 52% of patients was satisfactory. Also, there was a significant difference between the components of subjective sleep quality (P<0.001), sleep latency (P<0.001), sleep duration (P<0.001), sleep efficiency rate (P<0.001), sleep disturbances (P=0.001), and daytime dysfunction (P<0.001) of patients with cancer before and after taking melatonin. There was no significant difference between the components of subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency rate, sleep disturbances, and daytime dysfunction of cancer patients with age, sex, kind of cancer, and kind of metastasis before and after taking melatonin (P˃0.05).
Conclusion: According to the mentioned findings, it seems that the administration of melatonin to enhance sleep quality in patients with cancer is effective.

Dariush Afshari Aliabadi , Nasrin Moradian , Elham Rahmanian , Masoud Mohammadi ,
Volume 78, Issue 3 (June 2020)

Background: Guillain-Barré syndrome is an autoimmune inflammatory disease, which manifests itself as an acute motor weakness of the organs, diagnosed as affecting the motor spinal nerve roots generally and causing muscle and motor weakness, the cause of this disease is the presence of active antibodies against the myelin sheath around the spinal nerve roots. Guillain-Barré syndrome is the most common and most severe unpleasant neuropathy that affects about 100,000 people worldwide annually.
Methods: This is a descriptive analytical study, the data of 354 admitted patients were reviewed and 262 cases, which matched the criteria for entering the study, was included. The criterion for entering the study was clinical diagnosis.Required information were included age, sex, complaints of disease, and visitation period. Data was analyzed by using Microsoft Excel 2013 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA) and study was performed on Imam Reza and Farabi Hospitals of Kermanshah in Iran, from March 1993 to February 2013.
Results: 59.5% were male and 40.5% female, and the mean age of the patients was 44.6±22.9. The most affected individuals were at the age of 30-50 and the highest prevalence was observed in spring. Acute inflammatory demyelinating poly-radiculoneuropathy with 53.4% was the most common backward disorder in patients and 5.7% among deaths among patients.
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that Acute inflammatory demyelinating poly-radiculoneuropathy had the highest prevalence in patients and decreased with increasing age, and this syndrome was more prevalent in the spring.

Mahmoud Keyvanara, Mohammad Satari, Majid Jangi, Nasrin Sharbafchizadeh, Rahele Rahele,
Volume 78, Issue 9 (December 2020)

Background: Infectious diseases in the pandemic stage have significant life-threatening, psychological and social effects. Identifying the characteristics associated with people's cooperation in self-care leads to greater immunity for themselves and others. Therefore, this study was conducted to predict the self-care of the Iranian people according to their individual and social characteristics in face of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Methods: A survey study was conducted on 1056 adults aged 18 and over in different provinces of Iran through a form of answering online researcher-made questions (n=40, α=0.9) in social networks in four days. This paper studies the level of self-care of people against Covid 19 pandemic which was conducted with the support of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in April 2016. Data were analyzed using Student t-test and variance. Moreover, "decision tree technique" was used to identify communication patterns.
Results: The findings showed that the average self-care score in women, the most educated, married women, women aged 41 to 55, housewives and some other occupations was very high. However, the average self-care score of single men with a diploma was average. In general, the mean score of women's self-care was higher than men (P<0.0001) and the educated were more than the less educated literate (P=0.007). There was no significant difference between the self-care scores of the respondents in terms of their marital status and employment.
Conclusion: The results showed that the average scores of self-care in women, more educated people, married women, women in the age group of 41 to 55 years, housewives and some other occupations were reported to be very high; While the average self-care score reported in single men with a diploma was average. Overall, the mean score of self-care reported in women was higher than men (P<0.0001) and people with doctoral education reported more self-care than illiterate people (P=0.007). Besides, there was no significant difference between the self-care scores of the respondents in terms of their marital status (single and married) and their employment status (employed and non-employed).

Nasrin Moazzen, Hamid Ahanchian, Mehrdad Sarabi, Abdolreza Malek, Zahra Abbasi Shaye ,
Volume 79, Issue 2 (May 2021)

Primary Immune Deficiencies are a group of heterogeneous disorders that involve the innate or acquired immune system, or a combination of them. The underlying disorder may be related to decreased levels or function, or a complete lack of one or more components of the immune system in general. These diseases can occur with a prevalence of about 1 in 10000 live births. According to the fourth update on the Iranian national registry of Primary Immune Deficiency in October 2018, the total number of registered PIDs in Iran are 3056 patients. However, it is supposed to be more prevalent and it seems increasing awareness shall reveal many new cases, especially in societies with prevalent consanguineous marriages like Iran. These disorders predispose patients to recurrent infections, autoimmunity and malignancy and can cause a huge burden on health care systems. This group of diseases has a wide range of symptoms, which quick recognition and timely treatment of them, can greatly reduce the complications of the disease. These symptoms may include recurrent or severe infections, failure to thrive, autoimmune disorders, as well as articular-skeletal manifestations. A variety of skeletal manifestations are seen in patients with primary immunodeficiency, among which septic arthritis caused by pyogenic bacteria or mycoplasma arthritis is the most common joint-bone manifestation. Joint and skeletal involvement is less commonly seen as a sign of primary immune defects. This issue is importance in reducing the cost of diseases and improving the patients’ quality of life. Our review attempted to introduce the most common manifestations of bone and joint in patients with primary immunodeficiency and available treatments for these manifestations. Because of the wide range of symptoms in these patients, it is recommended to observe the rare and suspicious manifestations in the patients with any atypical bone and joint presentations such as: recurrent septic arthritis, infection with unusual germs, immunodeficiency in their relatives, and any history of well-known red flags of PIDs. The Rheumatologist should consider these manifestations and think about the possibility of deficiency disorder.

Mohammad Ali Nilforoushzadeh, Sona Zare, Rahim Ahmadi, Nasrin Zoroufi, Mina Mahmoodipour,
Volume 79, Issue 3 (june 2021)

Background: The number of patients suffering from diabetic ulcers has been increased in recent years and the current therapies have faced failure. This study aimed to investigate the effects of Wharton’s jelly stem cells (WJMSCs) on the diabetic wound in an animal mode.
Methods: During this laboratory experimental study carried out in Skin and Stem Cells Research Center from March 2021 to November 2021, WJMSCs were isolated and their differentiation capability to osteocytes and adipose cells was assessed using the colorimetric method, and the expression of specific markers was evaluated using flow cytometry. 12 male Wistar rats weighing 200 to 250 grams were purchased from the Pasteur Institute and kept in the animal room in standard condition. Streptozotocin was used to induce diabetes in male Wistar rats. Animals were divided to control (normal saline injection: n=6) and WJMSCs injection (n=6) groups. Wounds with 0.8 cm in diameter were made on the back of rats. After subdermal injection of normal saline and WJMSCs, wound healing was evaluated 7, 14 and 21 days using the photography method. Data were analyzed using a t-test and analysis of variance.
Results: The results showed that the isolation process should be performed no later than a few hours after the cesarean section. Storing the sample for one day or more caused sample contamination leading to significant failure in cell proliferation and differentiation. WJMSCs were positive for specific mesenchymal stem cell markers (CD44, D73, CD90 and CD 105, and negative for CD45 and CD 34. They were capabale to differentiate into osteocytes and adipose cells and had a high viability rate (83.1%). Subdermal injection of WJMSCs in diabetic rats resulted in acceleration of diabetic wound healing compared with the control group.
Conclusion: Subdermal injection of WJMSCs can effectively accelerate diabetic wound healing. According to which, applying Wharton’s jelly stem cells can be considered in cell therapy particularly in the field of diabetic wound healing.

Ahmad Shalbaf , Nasrin Amini, Hadi Choubdar, Mahdi Mahdavi, Atefeh Abedini, Reza Lashgari,
Volume 79, Issue 12 (March 2022)

Background: Early prediction of the outcome situation of COVID-19 patients can decrease mortality risk by assuring efficient resource allocation and treatment planning. This study introduces a very accurate and fast system for the prediction of COVID-19 outcomes using demographic, vital signs, and laboratory blood test data.
Methods: In this analytic study, which is done from May 2020 to June 2021 in Tehran, 41 features of 244 COVID-19 patients were recorded on the first day of admission to the Masih Daneshvari Hospital. These features were categorized into eight different groups, demographic and patient history features, vital signs, and six different groups of laboratory blood tests including complete blood count (CBC), coagulation, kidney, liver, blood gas, and general. In this study, first, the significance of each of the extracted features and then the eight groups of features for prediction of mortality outcomes were considered, separately. Finally, the best combination of different groups of features was assessed. The statistical methods including the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC) based on binary Logistic Regression classification algorithm were used for evaluation.
Results: The results revealed that red cell distribution width (RDW), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) in CBC features have the highest AUC with values of 85.29, 80.96, 79.94 and 79.70, respectively. Then, blood oxygen saturation level (SPO2) in vital features has a higher AUC with a value of 79.28. Moreover, combinations of features in the CBC group have the highest AUC with a value of 95.57. Then, coagulation and vital signs groups have the highest AUC with values of 85.20 and 83.84, respectively. Finally, triple combinations of features in CBC, vital signs, and coagulation groups have the highest AUC with the value of 96.54.
Conclusion: Our proposed system can be used as an assistant acceptable tool for triage of COVID-19 patients to determine which patient will have a higher risk for hospitalization and intensive care in medical environments.

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