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Salimi J, Nassaji Zavareh M, Khaji A,
Volume 65, Issue 14 (Vol 65, Supplement 2 2008)

Background: Trauma is the most common cause of mortality in the first four decades of life. In our country, cardiovascular diseases and trauma are leading causes of mortality, respectively. By gathering information on trauma mortalities, we can learn more about causes, and that knowledge can lead to prevention.
Methods: This is a prospective descriptive study in Tehran during 12 months period (Sep 1999- Sep 2000). Two hundred and forty five trauma deaths in six hospitals were evaluated. The data was collected through a questionnaire, designed in Sina Trauma and Surgery Research Center (STSRC) used for the study. The questionnaires were completed by trained physicians visiting trauma patients in emergency room and wards round the clock. Data obtained included patient demographics, level of prehospital care, medical and operative procedures performed in emergency rooms (ER) and wards (according to ICD-10 coding), Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and vital signs at time of presentation to emergency rooms, Injury Severity Score (ISS), length of hospital stay and outcome of patients.
Results: Twenty and forty five (3%) of 8000 trauma patients was died. Mean age was 40.7 (±23.5) years old and 208 (84.9%) patients were male. The highest mortality rate was seen in the age group of 25 to 30 years. Road Traffic Accident was the main cause of death followed by falling with 174(71%) and 41(16.85), respectively. Among victims of road traffic accident, pedestrians and motorcyclists were prominent with 119 and 28 cases respectively. The majority of cases were dead due to head injuries (69%) and abdominal trauma was the second cause with 19 (7.8%) cases.
Conclusions: Based on our findings the mechanism of injury have the positive effect on trauma outcome .Traffic accidents and assault is preventable and must be attended.
Fatemeh Nassaji , Mehran Ghasemzadeh , Zeynab Pirmohammad Jamaat , Ehteramolsadat Hosseini ,
Volume 74, Issue 1 (April 2016)

Background: Major platelet adhesive receptors that contribute significantly to thrombus formation include platelet receptor glycoprotein Ibα (GPIbα) of the GPIb-IX-V complex and platelet glycoprotein VI (GPVI). GPIbα plays a crucial role in platelet tethering to sub-endothelial matrix, which initiates thrombus formation at arterial shear rates, whereas GPVI is critically involved in platelets firm adhesion to the site of injury regardless of shear condition. During storage, platelets experience some changes that deleteriously affect the expression levels of platelet receptors, which in turn can alter platelet functional behaviors. Considering the important roles of GPIbα and GPVI in platelet adhesion, it seems that any dramatic changes in the expression levels of these receptors can influence adhesive function of transfused platelets. Thereby examining GPIbα and GPVI expression during the storage of platelet concentrates may provide some useful information about the functional quality of these products after transfusion.

Methods: In our experimental study, 5 PRP-platelet concentrates were randomly obtained from Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization (IBTO). All the platelet products met the standard quality assessment based on AABB (American Association of Blood Banks) guidelines. Washed platelets were subjected to flowcytometry analysis for the evaluation of GPIbα and GPVI receptor expression in day 1, 3 and 5 after storage. Data were presented as mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) and analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s multiple comparison test.

Results: The GPIbα expression on first day (MFI=86±5.9) was reduced three days after storage (MFI= 69±6.9). The expression levels continued to reduce until day 5 in which GPIbα expression was markedly decreased to (MFI= 61±7.7) (P= 0.0094). GPVI expression on the days 1, 3 and 5 after storage were 20.6±3.3, 24±2.5 and 14±4.9, respectively. The results showed a significant decrease of expression on day 5, compared to that in day 3 after storage (P= 0.0213).

Conclusion: Our study showed significant decreases in the expression of platelet receptors GPIbα and GPVI after 5 days storage, suggesting a major defect in adhesive function of platelets during this term.

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