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Showing 2 results for Niromanesh

Shirin Niromanesh, Nima Mousavi Darzikolaei, Fatemeh Rahimi-Shaarbaf, Mahboobeh Shirazi,
Volume 74, Issue 6 (September 2016)

Background: Chorionic villus sampling refers to a procedure in which small samples of placenta are obtained for prenatal genetic diagnosis, generally in the first trimester of pregnancy in 11 weeks till 13 weeks+6 days. This procedure provides prenatal diagnosis in pregnancy. Amniocentesis is a technique for windrowing amniotic fluid from the uterine cavity using a needle via a trans abdominal approach. Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling are invasive prenatal procedure. Their complications are fetal loss vaginal bleeding, rupture of membrane chorioamnionitis and limb reduction. There are some probable predictors of fetal loss after chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis including maternal age, gestational age, number of needle insertion, previous miscarriage, and placental location. The aim of this study was to compare procedure related complications of amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling in a tertiary referral hospital in Iran.

Methods: This retrospective cohort study was done in pregnant women who were high risk in genetic screening tests. The pregnancy outcome of women who underwent amniocenthesis and chorionic villus sampling was assessed in Yas Women General Hospital (Mirza Kuchak Khan), Tehran, Iran, from 2001 to 2011. Group one, pregnant women who underwent amniocentesis, was compared with group two, pregnant women that underwent chorionic villus sampling. The statistical analyses were performed with SPSSv.20 using a significant level of α<0.05.

Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups in procedure related fetal loss before 24th weeks of pregnancy (1.1% in chorionic villus sampling group versus 0.6% in amniocentesis group, P=0.318). A significant relationship between the number of needle insertion in the chorionic villus sampling group and fetal loss before 24th weeks of pregnancy was seen P<0.028. There were no significant differences between the two groups in the occurrence of vaginal bleeding, rupture of membrane, pre-term birth, placenta location, low birth weight and very low birth weight. The risk of chorioamnionitis was higher in chorionic villus sampling group (P=0.019). No significant difference was observed between the liquid and bloody amniotic fluid and pregnancy complications.

Conclusion: There was no significant difference between the procedure related complications of amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling.

Mahboobeh Shirazi , Fatemah Azadi , Mamak Shariat , Shirin Niromanesh , Mahmoud Shirazi,
Volume 74, Issue 7 (October 2016)

Background: There are evidences that suggest the impact of stress on pregnancy outcome. Prolong antenatal depression and anxiety may cause lots of adverse pregnancy outcomes such as abortion, still birth, low birth weight and preterm labor. The aim of this pre-posttest randomized control trial study was to determine the role of stress management training in the first trimester on stress reduction in pregnant women referring to General Yas Women Hospital related to Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, Iran, from May 2014 to January 2016.

Methods: Anxiety status of 75 pregnant women in the first trimester was assessed by standard anxiety questioner using Hamilton anxiety rating score. Scores 18-25, 25-35 and >35 were considered for mild, moderate and severe anxiety, respectively. According to the level of anxiety, women with moderate and severe anxiety as the interventional group were arranged for participation in stress management workshops, applying mindfulness technique including: body scan, setting meditation and passing thought technique in 5 an hour sessions. For this experimental group were made available CD training for practicing lessons during the week. All groups didn’t need to medical treatment according to the psychiatrist interview. In the ending of therapy, clinical groups were assessed by anxiety scale again. Women with mild anxiety as the control group received only regular prenatal care without any psychological interventions. The validity and reliability of questioner were approved by experts in this field. This research was supported by Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services grant and also the study approved by ethics committee of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Data were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS version 18, and Student’s t-test analyses were performed.

Results: The level of anxiety and stress was decreased significantly between women in clinical groups, 27.5 to 14.1 for moderated level stress (P= 0.001) and 40.1 to 16.6 for high level of stress (P= 0.0001) respectively.

Conclusion: First trimester of pregnancy is a crucial stage of fetal growth and development. Based on our findings, stress management training in this period has beneficial effects on stress reduction and enhances maternal health status.

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