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Showing 35 results for Noori

Z Heydari , B Minaiy Zangi , M Noori , M Akbari ,
Volume 55, Issue 5 (1 1997)

Amount of environmental lead pollution is increased with progression of industry. This pollution is able to damage the living beings in many ways. Blood and Immune systems are more sensitive to toxic effects of lead. 30 female and 6 male rats from Sprague dawley race are chosen by simple random sampling. After copulation and vaginal plug observation, expectant rats are calssified in test and control groups. Since the first day of pregnancy, test group is given a drink containing lead acetate 0.13% in distilled water and control group is given distilled water. After delivery, for ultrastrectural studies, spleen specimens of newborn rats are fixed in glutaraldehyde solution 2% and after processing are studied by T.E.M. Sinusoidal endothelial cell show: morphological changes in mitochondria, appearance of primary & secondary lysosomes and multivesicular bodies and swelling in ER. It seems that these changes are caused by interaction of lead with enzymathic functions or lead accumulation in these cellular organels.
M Noori Dalooei , A Mojoodi ,
Volume 56, Issue 4 (1 1998)

Back in 1957, when investigators produced a triple-stranded form of DNA while studying synthetic nucleic acids, few researchers paid much attention to the discovery. However, triplex DNA was never entirely forgotton and especially since 1987 its structural and functional importance in biological systems as well as its medical applications and therapeutic potentional have been extensively studied. It was suggested that in triplex DNA, the third strand was hydrogen bonded and positioned in the major groove of the Watson-Crick duplex. Protein binding assays show that triplex formation by HR21ap inhibits Sp1 binding to the Ha-ras promoter. These results suggest that the triplex formation by the Ha-ras promoter targed oligonucleotide may provide a means to specifically inhibit transcription of this oncogene in vivo. Triplex DNA can disrupt gene transcriptions and can be used as of this oncogene in vivo. Triplex DNA can disrupt gene transcriptions and can be used as a new strategy for treating viral diseases, such as AIDS, by blocking virus reproduction. As discussed in this article, for a number of reasons, interest in oligonucleotide designed for triplex helices on dsDNA is being steadily increased (including their potential artificial repressors of gene expression, mediator of site specific DNA cleavage and therapeutic use for genetic diseases, cancer and diseases caused by viruses).
H Sadeghipoor , M Vosooghi , M Mirnoori Langroody ,
Volume 56, Issue 4 (1 1998)

Due to the important role of the trace elements (i.e. zinc and copper) in the biochemical processes of body and the effects of exogenous and endogenous hormones in distribution, absorption and excretion of these elements, we decided to determine the rate of the zinc and copper content of serum in women taking (LD) OCPs. Our finding indicates that the rate of the zinc content decreased significantly (P<0.001), whereas the copper content of women serum during this period showed a significant increase (P<0.001). In regard to previous months, the process of increasing were lasting for six months. Therefore, we would like to suggest that the serum content of these two elements should be monitored during the period of medication with OCPs, to avoid the deleterious effect of flactuation rates of these elements in serum.
Moradmand S, Eshagh Hosseini Sm, Noori Sn,
Volume 59, Issue 1 (7 2001)

This is a mortality study in internal medicine wards of Amir-Alam Hospital, since the beginning of 1374 to end of 1376. Here, we reviewed, prevalence of disease lead to death, the ward and invasive interventions and duration of admission of patients before death. In this study, records of 85 patients were reviewed. 68.2% of patients were men and 31.8% women. Mean of age was 61.6% with minimum of 18 and maximum 95 years. The most prevalent diseases leading to death were cardio vascular (41.2%), cancer 29.4%, GI tract diseases (10.6%), pulmonary diseases (8.3%), CNS (7.1%), hemathologic (4.7%), DM (3.5%). Mean duration of stay in hospital before death was 6.6 days (max 30-min 1). This figure in different wards were: ward 1 (7 days), ward 2 (11 days), ward 3 (5.9 days) ICU (5 days) and CCU (4.7 days). 90.5% of patients died due to their diagnosed illnesses. Invasive tests and intervations were performed in 40% of them. As a whole 35 patient were died in CCU. This research and others like it showes the failures of our patient management system and can guide us in approaching to better medical care.
Ghaem Maghami Noori F, , ,
Volume 59, Issue 4 (9 2001)

Ovarian cancer is second prevalent cancer among gynecologic malignancies and the most common type of ovarian cancer is epithelial form (85-90 percent). To detect the risk factors for the epithelial ovarian cancer, a case-control study was conducted in Valieasr hospital in 1988. In this study, 118 cases with epithelial ovarian cancer (according histological records) and 240 controls without any gynecological cancer in gynecologic clinic had been interviewed. For data analysis, T-test, Chi2 test and logistic regression have been used at a =0.05 as level of significance. The mean age in cases was 50±13 and in controls was 49.9±12 years, without significant different. The mean number of pregnancies and parity in cases was less than controls, significantly (P<0.03). The mean months of breast feeding in cases was less than controls (54.9±71.2 versus 82.4±62.7) (P<0.001). The cases had a lower mean age of menarch than controls (P=0.03). 58 percent of cases and 21.3 percent of controls hadn't used any contraception methods (P=0.00001). The mean years of contraception was significantly less in cases versus controls (P<0.001). The odds ratio for epithelial ovarian cancer was 0.24 (95 percent CI: 0.13-0.48) in OCP users, 0.47 (95 percent CI: 0.005-0.43) in TL method, and was 0.41 (95 percent CI: 0.22-0.76) in other contraception methods, relative to women who hadn't used any contraception methods. This study reveals that epithelial ovarian cancer risk increases significantly with earlier menarch, decreasing number of pregnancy, deliveries duration of breast feeding and use of contraception methods. Use of contraception pill and tubal ligation method decreases risk of epithelial ovarian cancer.
Omrani Poor R, Noori S,
Volume 59, Issue 5 (9 2001)

Regarding the prevalence of cancer in tongue and the management procedure of cases who have recurrence in cervical lymph nodes after partial glossectomy and in order to determine appropriate management of neck in early oral tongue cancer it was decided to conduct a study. A retrospective review of 62 patients with T1,2 N0 M0 SCC of the oral tongue treated by only partial glossectomy at Cancer Institute of Tehran university was conducted (from 1991 to 2000). Most of these patients were in 7th decade of life, men were affected more than women. Cervical lymph node recurrence at 2 years was 45.1 percent (28 patients from 62). In 34 patients (54.9 percent) who had not any recurrence in neck, 12 patients had received prophylactic neck radiation therapy after operation. With excluding this group of patients, the rate of cervical recurrence in early oral tongue cancer will rise to 56 percent. According to these findings, it is recommended that elective node dissection should be considered in the initial management of T1,2 N0 M0 oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma in our country.
Hr Falahat Pisheh, A Gharavi Noori,
Volume 59, Issue 6 (11-2001)

World health organization has introduced concentration of vitamin A in breast milk as a proper indicator for characterization of vitamin A deficiency in lactating mothers and their infants (<6 mo). A normal phase high performance liquid chromatography with spectrofluorometric detection as a specific and sensitive detector was used for characterization of all-trans retional from 13-Cis retinal. The method was sensitive (0.009 ppm) and accurate (1±0.054 µ mol/l) and had a good recovery percentage (99.36%). This method was more better than before methods and was compatible with the other useful methods. Effect of freezing and defreezing on all-trans retinol content of milk sample was investigated. The result was interesting, whatever all-trans retinol content was bigger, it’s destroying was bigger too. Because of that reseon, day today reproducibility wasn’t good. Standard of retinol was 95% all-trans and pure so we should use this method because two retinol isomers wasn’t separated from each other by reversed phase chromatography and UV detection.
Mahmoodzadeh Sagheb Hr, Dezfoulian A, Noori Smh, Heidari Z, Chitnis P ,
Volume 60, Issue 2 (14 2002)

Background: Stereologic methods are used to obtain quantitative information about three dimensional structures from histologic sections. The aim of present study was using new and unbiased stereological techniques to investigated changes in volume and number of glomeruli after chronic lead acetate intoxication. Lead is one of the heavy metals that have adverse effects on renal function. Its effects can involve both renal tubules as well as glomeruli. So many studies based on observation and qualitative reports. Some of which report changes in volume and number of glomeruli.

Materials and Methods: Male Wistar rats were randomly divided to four groups (n=9). During a period of 8 weeks, the treatment groups were given 0.5 percent and 1 percent lead acetate in drinking water and the control and sham control were given distilled water and 0.4 percent acetic acid solution respectively. Stereological analysis based on Cavalierie's principle was performed to determine the reference volume (VRefrence), the fraction volume of glomeruli (VVGlom) and total glomerular volume (VTGlom). Furthermore, for estimating the numerical density (NVGlom) and total number of glomeruli (NTGlom), the physical dissector was utilized.

Results: Results showed that the number of glomeruli in treatment group which received 1 percent lead acetate in drinking water decreased significantly (P<0.05), but no changes occurred in 0.5 percent group (P>0.05). On the other hand glomerular total volume in both 0.5 percent and 1 percent groups increased significantly in comparison to control and sham control groups (P=0.000).

Conclusion: This experiment is in agreement with other qualitative reports by using unbiased method of stereological methods and showed changes in volume and number of glomeruli following lead acetate intoxication.

Nasiri E, Noori Mogehi S M J, Dehpour A, Abolhasani F, Sadeghipour H,
Volume 61, Issue 6 (15 2003)

Obstructive cholestasis is associated with overproduction of endogenous opioids (EOP), nitric oxide (NO), and cytokins in the blood streams. Therefore we investigated the relationship between obstructive cholestasis and function of germ cells in adult male rats.
Material and Methods: To study this, we used three groups of animals: No-surgery, Sham-surgery, and surgical ligation of the bile duct. After 3 weeks all animal were killed by ether, serum concentrations of FSH, LH and testosterone were determined by Radioimmunoassay, apoptosis was evaluated by DNA fragmentation detected by in situ terminal deoxynucloetidyl Transfrase-mediated dUTP nike end labeling (TUNEL).
Results: The mean of FSH level in cholestatic, control and sham groups were 13.22+ 1.038, 18.14+ 1.276, and 16.92+ 1.072 ng/ml, respectively. The mean of LH level in cholestatic, control and sham groups were 0.83 + 0.21, 2.058 ± 0.26, and 1.84 + 0.17 ng/ml, respectively. In addition, the mean of testosterone level in cholestatic, control and sham groups were 1.52 ± 0.16, 2.41 ± 0.18, and 2.31 + 0.14 ng/ml, respectively. The results of this study were indicated that serum FSH, LH and testosterone were significantly lower in cholestatic than control and sham groups (p=0.0195, P= 0.0029, and P=0.0023, respectively). However there was no significant difference in apoptotic index between all of groups (P=0.195). The apoptotic index in cholestatic, control and sham rats were 9.897± 1.374, 7.086 + 0.91, and 7.729 + 1.101, respectively.
Conclusion: These findings have been shown which as obstructive cholestasis was decreased the levels of serum gonadotropins and testosterone but it has no significant effector testicular germinal cells apoptosis.


Heidari Z, Mahmoodzadeh Sagheb Hr, Mohammadi M, Noori Moogehi S M H, Arab A,
Volume 62, Issue 2 (12 2004)

Background: Cephalometry is one of the important branches of anthropometry that has wide uses in identification, forensic medicine, plastic surgery, orthodontics, archeology and determining the origins of races. This research was investigated to determine the head and face phenotypes among one-day newborn boys in two aborigines of Sistani and Baluchi who were resident in Zahedan.

Materials and Methods: The investigation is based on cross-sectional analytical descriptions of 420 newborn aborigine boys (216 Sistani & 204 Baluchi), who were clinically healthy, in Quds hospital in summer 1381, in Zahedan. In this study cephalic and prosopic indices were determined by classical cephalometric.

Results: The mean and the standard deviations of cephalic index were 83.67±4.80 and 83.64±4.77 and prosopic index 86.79±5.87 and 86.53±6.76 for Sistani and Baluchi subjects respectively. Based on the cephalic index, the dominant head types in sistani group were hyperbrachycephalic (37%) and brachycephalic (37%). In Blachui group, the hyperbrachycephalic (37.3%) and brachycephalic (35.3%) type were the dominant one. Furthermore, according to the prosopic index. The dominant face type among sistanis was euryprosopic type (42.6%). In Baluchi group, the dominant face type was also euryprosopic (39.2%).

Conclusion: This research showed no statistically significant differences in terms of head and face type indices between two aborigines of Zahedan. Based on this cross-sectional study, it seems that there is similarities between the aforementioned groups

Noorizadeh M, Hajati J, Hoseinali Eazad M, Moosavi Shabestari T,
Volume 62, Issue 2 (12 2004)

Background: Role of cytokines in regulation of immune system has been the subject of studies and clinical investigations. One of these cytokines, IL-2 has been well initially introduced as T cell Growth factor (TCGF), but subsequently it appeared that IL-2 is one of the important mediators affecting growth, development and activity of T, B, NK and LAK cells. Nowadays this cytokines has extensive use in clinical and research fields of immunotherapy of cancer and infectious disease.

Materials and Methods: In this study, we used Jurcat cell line for production and partial purification of IL-2 106 cell/ml were stimulated by PHA (1 µg/ml) and PMA (10 µg/ml) at the third day of the culture and then supernatant were collected after 22 hrs.

 Results & Conclusion: In order to obtain sufficient amount of IL-2 and eliminate interfacing materials, supernatants were concentrated using Amicon 10 and 30 PM filters. After concentrating, bioassay and Elisa were performed to detect the biological activity and amount of produced IL-2. Reversed phase-HPLC was used to confirm the IL-2 identity and purification.

M Rasolinejad, A Haddadi, A Noori , S.h Niknejad,
Volume 64, Issue 1 (30 2006)

Background and Aim: Tuberculosis is one the major health care problems in developing countries. Miliary tuberculosis is induced by blood dissemination of multiple tubercle bacilli, the paramount importance of accurate diagnosis of military tuberculosis is because of its dismal outcome if untreated and the chance of cure if diagnosis happens early in the course of the disorder. In this study we describe the demographic and risk factors related to military tuberculosis, which enables us to control and reduce the incidence of military tuberculosis. This ultimately reduces the mortality and morbidity consistent with this disorder.

Materials and Methods: we conducted a retrospective case control study, which compares 28 patients with military tuberculosis and 56 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis as control. We reviewed all the patients&apos documents registered between years 1994-2004, after extracting raw data we analyzed them with chi-square and Fisher exact tests.

Results and Conclusion: We found that HIV (P< 0.05) infection and lack of BCG vaccination (P< 0.05) increases the number of military tuberculosis among our patients. In addition we did not find any other significant risk factor.

M.r. Noori Daloii, E. Alvandi,
Volume 64, Issue 6 (3 2006)

MicroRNAs form a class of small non-coding RNA molecules. With only 21-23 nucleutide in length, they have an important role in gene expression. These molecules bind to their target mRNA molecules and repress the protein expression via mRNA degradation or blocking the translation machine of the cell. From the advent of molecular biology microRNA molecules were out of focus, however huge amount of studies in the past few years revealed a lot of facts about their nature. Nowadays around 1600 different microRNA are discovered in human, animals, plant and even viruses. In this review article the most recent data in the history, genes, expression and process of these molecules are introduced. Furthermore, the findings about diverse roles of these molecules in normal and abnormal conditions, cancer in particular, are shown. Finally, the differences to siRNA molecules and the prospect of microRNA have been explained.
P. Pasbakhsh, S. Saeednia, F. Abolhasani, M. Noori, M. Maphi, K. Mehran Nia, A Sobhani,
Volume 64, Issue 6 (3 2006)

Background: The aim of this study was to determine the level of lipid peroxidation and tissue protein after superior mesenteric artery occlusion tissue damage. The effect of melatonin as anti oxidant and free radical scavenger in prevention of tissue damage, were also evaluated.

Methods: Thity six young male Wisatr-Albino rats (weight: 80-120 gr), were divided equally in 6 group with different concentrations of melatonin (10,20,30 mg/kg) treatment. Group 1was control, group 2 the sham that surgical process was applied until superior mesenteric artery dissection and received vehicle solution only in equally volume by intra muscular route. Group 3 was ischemia- reperfusion (I/R), group 4 was I/R plus melatonin 10 mg/kg, group 5 I/R plus melatonin 20 mg/kg and finally group 6 I/R plus melatonin 30 mg/kg. After laparatomy, a microvascular atraumatic clip was placed across the superior mesenteric artery under general anaesthesia and itbremoved after ischemia for 30 minutes. The first dose of melatonin was applied just beforereperfusion, second dose, after reperfusion and third dose on the second day .On third day rats were killed and their bowels were removed. The level of tissue melandialdehyde (MDA) as index of lipid peroxidation and tissue protein was determined.

Results: The level of tissue MDA were significantly lower in group 4, 5, 6 than group 3 (p<0.05). Tissue protein levels were significantly upper in group 4 than group 3. (p<0.001). There was no significant difference tissue protein level in group 5, 6 than group 3(p>0, 05).

Conclusion: These results suggest that melatonin 10 mg/kg has antioxidant effect in prevention of inducing tissue damage during SMA occlusion in rat intestine.

Talaiezadeh Ah, Noori M,
Volume 65, Issue 14 (Vol 65, Supplement 2 2008)

Background: Inguinal hernia accounts for about 80% of all hernias and are the most common surgical procedure done in infants. There are different methods for repairing of inguinal hernia such as tissue repair rate of recurrence by this method is 1-3%. The purpose of this study was to introduce new method for this surgery and assessing recurrence and complications.
Methods: This was a semi clinical trial. 174 patients were considered after five years. (During 1998-2002). In this method after removing of hernia's sac, the floor of inguinal canal was torn in two layers continuously. One of them was torn from cooper ligament to fascia transversalis and the other one was torn from inguinal ligament to conjoint tendon and finally the fascia of external muscle was torn on spermatic cord. The patients were assessed by a questionnaire composed of two sections one about the site of inguinal hernia and age of patients and the other was composed of questions about complication and recurrence of surgery. Data was compared to other conventional tissue repair using Z test.
Results: The mean age of patients were 28-48 years, 164(94%) were males and 10(5/7%) were females, 59(34%) of patients had left inguinal hernia (56 male and 3 female), 92(52%) had right inguinal hernia (88 male and 4 female) and 23(13%) had bilateral inguinal hernia (20 male and 3 female). Two patients (1/1%) had recurrence two years after surgery and no complication were seen after 5 years.
 Conclusions: There were no significant difference between methods of surgery (1/1% recurrence) and other conventional tissue repair methods (1-3% recurrence). More long evaluation is required to recommend this fast and simple method for routine repair of inguinal hernias.
Noori Daloii Mr, Ebrahimzadeh Vesal E,
Volume 67, Issue 1 (4 2009)

The prostate is a small gland located below the bladder and upper part of the urethra. In developed countries prostate cancer is the second common cancer (after skin cancer), and also the second leading cause of cancer death (after lung cancer) among men. The several studies have been shown prostate cancer familial aggregation. The main reason for this aggregation is inheritance included genes. The family history is an important risk factor for developing the disease. The genes AR, CYP17, SRD5A2, HSD3B1 and HSD3B2 are all intimately involved in androgen metabolism and cell proliferation in the prostate. Each shows intraspecific polymorphism and variation among racial-ethnic groups that is associated with the risk of prostate cancer. Some of genes expressed in the prostate are in association with the production of seminal fluid and also with prostate cancer. Epigenetic modifications, specifically DNA hypermethylation, are believed to play an important role in the down-regulation of genes important for protection against prostate cancer. In prostate cancer numerous molecular and genetic aberrations have been described. It is now well established that cancer cells exhibit a number of genetic defects in apoptotic pathways. In this review article, the most recent data in molecular genetic, prevention and especially gene therapy in prostate cancer are introduced.

Noori-Daloii Mr, Hesami Ss,
Volume 67, Issue 9 (6 2009)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Telomere, by which is a terminal structure of eukaryotic chromosomes was discovered at first in 1938 and has a vital role in chromosome protection. Telomere in human and other vertebrates consists of thousands of 5′-TTAGGG-3′ tandem repeats at the end of the chromosome, has a main role in the chromosome stability. Telomere protects the end of the chromosome from degeneration, rearrangement and end to end fusion. There is a telomere loss at every cell division. Progressive loss in telomere length results in disassociation of telomere binding proteins and change in gene expression profiles. Adjacent genes are suppressed by the telomere effect so the telomere loss results in adjacent gene expressions. Apoptosis and replicative senescence are caused by progressive telomere loss. There are three mechanisms for increasing telomere length in eukaryotes and telomerase is the predominant mechanism. Telomerase can synthesize telomere, without the template. Telomerase is overexpressed In 90% of cancers. Therefore cancerous cells compensate the telomere loss in every cell division because of telomerase. In conclusion, telomerase is a proper target for cancer therapy and many methods including direct inhibition of telomerase and immunotherapy have been introduced.

Mehdi Golchin, Fatemeh Noori, Ali Akbar Khalili-Yazdi,
Volume 67, Issue 12 (6 2010)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 !mso]> ject classid="clsid:38481807-CA0E-42D2-BF39-B33AF135CC4D" id=ieooui> Background: Recombinant antibodies are new versions of monoclonal antibodies that are produced by recent molecular biology techniques. These antibodies can be isolated by phage display technology from immune or non-immune libraries. Recombinant antibodies are applied to treatment of some diseases and also are increasingly used for diagnosis and detection of many antigens. In the latter case, the presence of antigen-antibody complexes has to be detected by further approaches. The aim of current research was to stain an anti-K99 phage antibody with two different protein dyes and to apply them directly for detection of E. coli K99 fimbriae.
Methods: In order to stain above antibody, a phagmid vector carrying the anti-K99 single-chain Fv (scFv) antibody was isolated, purified and transformed into TG1 strain of E. coli. Afterward, the antibody was expressed in this cell as phage-scFv antibody. Phage antibodies were subsequently eluted, purified and stained with Disperse Red dye 60 and Coomassie Brilliant Blue. Finally, the binding activity of coloured phage antibodies towards the purified K99 fimbriae was verified by immunoblotting.
Results: The results showed that anti-K99 phage antibody was stained with both dyes and the coloured phages were able to recognize the corresponding antigen.
Conclusions: These protein stains that they usually do not alter the protein structure can be used for staining phage antibodies. The coloured phage antibodies retain their binding affinity for the antigens, and therefore can be applied to detection of relevant antigens.

Mohammad Reza Noori-Daloii, Nazanin Jalilian,
Volume 68, Issue 1 (4 2010)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Since the recognition of true number of human chromosomes in 1956, many techniques have been developed to detect chromosomal aberrations. A number of those, such as karyotyping and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), are valuable tools in both research and diagnostics. But these techniques have defects that limit their application. One of the important limitations is resolution resolution limitations make it impossible to detect small aberrations. The other major defect is the disability to analyze whole genome. In 1997 Solinas-Toldo introduced a new technique that could cover other techniques' defects. This new technique called microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH). Array CGH, with the powerful resolution of FISH and also the ability of whole genome analysis in single experiment accelerated the genetic research. Array CGH has resulted in to a great progress in oncology and genetic disorders research. In addition, this technique has the ability to be used in diagnostics too. This review article, witch include the data of recent published papers and our experiences, gives an overview of the array CGH and compare it with the other molecular cytogenetic techniques. Its application in oncology and genetic disorder is also discussed.

Noori Daloii Mr, Maheronnaghsh R, Sayyah Mk,
Volume 69, Issue 6 (6 2011)

Background: With approximately 386,000 deaths per year, esophageal cancer is the 6th most common cause of death due to cancer in the world. This cancer, like any other cancer, is the outcome of genetic alterations or environmental factors such as tobacco smoke and gastro-esophageal reflux. Tobacco smoking is a major etiologic factor for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in western countries, and it increases the risk by approximately 3 to 5 folds. Chronic gastro-esophageal reflux usually leads to the replacement of squamous mucosa by intestinal-type Barrett’s metaplastic mucosa which is considered the most important factor causing esophageal adenocarcinoma. In contrast to esophageal adenocarcinoma, different risk factors and mechanisms, such as mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, play an important role in causing esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Molecular studies on esophageal cancers have revealed frequent genetic abnormalities in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, including altered expression of p53, p16, cyclin D1, EGFR, E-cadherin, COX-2, iNOS, RARs, Rb, hTERT, p21, APC, c-MYC, VEGF, TGT-α and NF-κB. Many studies have focused on the role of different polymorphisms such as aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 and alcohol dehydrogenase 2 in causing esophageal cancer. Different agents including bestatin, curcumin, black raspberries, 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) and COX-2 inhibitors have been found to play a role in inhibiting esophageal carcinogenesis. Different gene therapy approaches including p53 and p21WAF1 replacement gene therapies and therapy by suicide genes have also been experimented. Moreover, efforts have been made to use nanotechnology and aptamer technology in this regard.

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