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Fatemeh Noughani , Mahtab Bayat Rizi , Zohreh Ghorbani , Tayeb Ramim ,
Volume 73, Issue 2 (May 2015)

Background: Personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, disability, age, goals and personal expectations and academic variables such as the number of classes and grades are among the factors that could have an important role in the development of student satisfaction. Besides these factors, the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and academic satisfaction has received little attention. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was done in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, 2013. Cluster sampling was applied in this study. First, faculties randomly selected from Tehran University of Medical Sciences then randomly selected classes from the faculties. Self-report and Barr-On's emotional Intelligence questionnaires were used to collect data and measuring the variables of educational satisfaction. Questionnaires were completed by students. Overall reliability test using Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.73. The cut-off point of questionnaires was considered 70. This means that scores below 70 points showed the low level of satisfaction and scores more than 70 points were considered as a high level of satisfaction. Results: One hundred sixty eight students participated in the study. Average emotional intelligence was 3.25±0.45, the scale of consciousness 3.44±0.59, the self-control scale 3.90±0.59, scale spontaneous 3.17±0.46, Social skills 3.30±0.59, social consciousness 3.24±0.67, satisfactory academic 96.55±14.66 respectively. There was a significant relationship between self-consciousness and educational satisfaction (P=0.002) but self-control variable did not significantly correlated with educational satisfaction (P=0.249). The results showed that emotional intelligence on academic satisfaction can be explained. A change in the variance in one unit emotional intelligence was as much as five unit of the variance student satisfaction in based on standardized beta coefficient. There is a positive and direct relationship between them. Conclusion: The promotion of education satisfaction will increase indirectly possibility of job satisfaction in students in the future. Our results showed self-awareness and motivation skills in students increase their educational satisfaction.

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