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Behshsd Pazooki , Orkideh Olang, Ali Afshari , Nasim Khajavirad , Batool Ghorbani Yekta,
Volume 74, Issue 8 (November 2016)

Background: To assess patient' reaction towards bedside teaching in the nephrology ward of Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex (Tehran) and to identify the factors that may influence it.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the nephrology ward of Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex from march to September, 2014. All inpatients present on the day of the study were interviewed using a structured questionnaire.

Results: 146 patients were examined in this study that 62 patients (42.5%) were women and 84 cases (57.5%) were men. 112 (76.7%) of patients had a good feeling about the training to physicians. The behavior of students was evaluated respectful by 132 individuals (90.4% of patients). Total number of 106 individuals (72.6% of patients) had trusted to the health care team and 120 people (82.2% of patients) knew that the physicians’ behaviors are associated with the respect to their religious beliefs. Not being same sex of the examiners was important for 47 individuals (32.2% of patients). The number of 123 cases (84.2% of patients) evaluated the physicians' behavior with respect to their privacy. The number of 119 individuals (81.5% of patients) received their responses from the examiners. Statistical tests indicate a significant relationship between the respectful behavior of students with patient and good feeling about training to physicians, so that the 95.5% of people who have seen the respectful behavior of students to oneself had a good feeling about training to physicians (P˂0.001). The relationship between the presence of teacher with students and good feeling on training to physicians was significant (P=0.013). Positive feeling about practicing physicians was associated with patient age. So the age average of people who feel good about practicing physicians was significantly lower than the other people (47.2±17 versus 55.6±18 and P=0.028).

Conclusion: The relationship between respectful behavior and presence of teacher with students and age and good feeling on training to physicians was significant.

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