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Showing 2 results for Omrani Poor

Omrani Poor R, Noori S,
Volume 59, Issue 5 (9 2001)

Regarding the prevalence of cancer in tongue and the management procedure of cases who have recurrence in cervical lymph nodes after partial glossectomy and in order to determine appropriate management of neck in early oral tongue cancer it was decided to conduct a study. A retrospective review of 62 patients with T1,2 N0 M0 SCC of the oral tongue treated by only partial glossectomy at Cancer Institute of Tehran university was conducted (from 1991 to 2000). Most of these patients were in 7th decade of life, men were affected more than women. Cervical lymph node recurrence at 2 years was 45.1 percent (28 patients from 62). In 34 patients (54.9 percent) who had not any recurrence in neck, 12 patients had received prophylactic neck radiation therapy after operation. With excluding this group of patients, the rate of cervical recurrence in early oral tongue cancer will rise to 56 percent. According to these findings, it is recommended that elective node dissection should be considered in the initial management of T1,2 N0 M0 oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma in our country.
R Omrani Poor , Ay Taheri , H Mahmood Zadeh , A Arab Kheradmand ,
Volume 63, Issue 1 (5 2005)

Background: To evaluate the accuracy of 5node sampling as an alternative to classic axillary dissection in operable breast cancer(stage I and II )     Method and Material: 5 largest nodes of level one were sampled in 26 consecutive patient with breast cancer undergoing modified radical mastectomy and axillary clearance between june 2002 to march 2004.

Result: False negative rate for 5 node sampling was 7.7%, of 14 cases with negative 5 node sampling 2 (7.7%) were found to have disease elsewhere in the axilla.

Conclusion: Sampling of 5 largest nodes accurately (92%) identifies patients with metastatic nodes.

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