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Showing 4 results for Poorang H

Poorang H,
Volume 58, Issue 3 (7 2000)

Abdominal mass is one of the commonest clinical findings in children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate abdominal masses in different age groups in a referral children surgical center. We retrospectively reviewed records of 325 patients (57% boys, mean age 37.7 months) admitted to Amir Kabir hospital in period of 12 years for abdominal mass surgery. The 4 most common abdominal masses was Wilm's tumor (22.4%), abdominal lymphoma (13.5%), neuroblastoma (12.5%) and hydronephrosis (12.3%). These masses composed 60% of abdominal masses and the remaining were: Hydatid cyst of liver, ovarian masses, liver masses, choledochal cyst, mesentery and omental cyst, etc. This results were found to be similar with little differents to results of other centers.


Poorang H,
Volume 58, Issue 4 (8 2000)

Hemorrhoid is one of the anorectal disorders in children, which is reported to be complication of portal hypertension. This condition is not common in children. We found only 7 cases from 30000 operation done in Tehran university hospital on pediatric group between 1983-99. The main complain of these 7 cases was anorectal mass (43%) and pain due to thrombosis (28.5%) treatment of all 7 cases was successful and no other pathology found.
Askarpoor Sh, Poorang H,
Volume 59, Issue 1 (7 2001)

Abdominal masses in neonatal period is one of the main causes of patients bed ridden in infantal surgery wards. The rapid encounterance with these patients has caused a decrease in mortality and morbidity. This study is a kind of historical research which has been conducted on data base management systems of two above mentioned hospitals between years 1361-1378. The final outcome was only 25 cases. From these neonatus, 68 percent were male and 32 percent were female. Most of the patients were in their first neonatal week. The etiologies related to urinary system (56 percent), were found to be in the first place. Tumors of different origins (20 percent), ovarian masses (12 percent) and gastrointestinal tract (12 percent) had their own places respectively. Majority of cases have had surgical operations (92 percents). The case fatality rate among these patients was 24 percent which most of it was because of benign causes. The rate of mortality in male was much larger than female neonatus. We concluded that the inspection of embryo's urinary system with ultrasound and primary examination of neonatus, is vital and in most of the cases, an urgent surgery is indicated. Also laboratory assessment and radiological examination in suitable therapeutic procedures in first 48-72 hours in recommended.
Poorang H,
Volume 59, Issue 4 (9 2001)

Teratomas are emberyonal neoplasms derived from totipotential cells that contain tissue from at least two and more often three germ layers (ectoderm, enoderm and mesoderm) in the midline or paraxial location from brain to sacrococcygeal region. The primary objective of this study is to determine this rather common newborn and children teratomas in different areas of the body. The secondary objective is studying the incidence and its pathology and comparison of the data with literatures. In this research, 91 involved children in two hospital of the Tehran university of medical sciences from 1982 to 1999 has been studied. From 91 children 60 cases were sacrococcygeal teratoma, 14 cases were sacrococcygeal and pelvic (tot...74), 9 cases in ovaries, 3 cases in the retroperitoneum 2 cases oropharyngeal, 2 cases in testis and one case in neck area. From these cases, 71 were neonate, the rest were infant or were more than 2 years old. From the cases 88 underwent surgical treatment, 3 cases died because of surgical complications and 3 cases died before operation. In this study, 84 percent of teratomas were benign and 16 percent were malignant. The comparison of these findings with literature showed little differences.

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