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Showing 2 results for Sadeghi Poor

H R Sadeghi Poor , M Samarkhah , M Effat Panah , A Bahiraei , Sh Khaghani, R Ansari Toroghi ,
Volume 62, Issue 4 (11 2004)

Background: This research was conducted for the purpose of determining the effect of hormonal and non-hormonal contraception on the mother milk and infants growth among lactating women received by south Tehran’s Health Centers. In this regard a broad spectrum study from December 2000 until February 2001 was done by Tehran university.

Materials and Methods: By sampling method, 200 lactating women were chosen randomly. They were divided into two groups according to their preferred method of contraception: 67 women chose hormonal method and 133 women chose non –hormonal method.

Results&Conclusion: During the time of the study on infants growth (increase in head circumstances, increase in height, increase in weight), There was no significant difference between the two groups. If we take the effect of contraceptive methods into consideration, the Triglyceride levels in non-hormonal group were increased considerably compared to the other group. Other ingredients were almost the same.

Sadeghi Poor Roodsari Hr, Heidari Ab, P Ghazy Sherbaf ,
Volume 63, Issue 2 (12 2005)

Background: It was believed that Inhabitant of Islamshahr avoid referring to their health centers and health posts to receive bargain medical services. In search for the rate and causes of such neglect, this study was formed.

Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study from all urban centers and health posts under the supervision of Islamshahr health network, 712 files were selected randomly.

Results: Investigating the selected files it revealed that 25% were complete, 51% were defective and 24% were blank. In other words, only 25% of the files were complete and 75% of the files showed lack of full participation in primary care services. In the process of evaluation of each separate service unit, more defective files were found in family planning and oral health programs. But in the prenatal care and growth observation units, the number of complete files was a little higher than the number of defective ones. This is probably justifiable de to free vaccination of children and pregnant women, which causes the customer to refer to the mentioned units. In search for the causes of this lack of participation, 533 defective files were selected and those families were interviewed through some questionnaires.

Conclusion: In family planning and growth observation and prenatal care, the interviewees believed that there was no need for them to seek such services. This in turn shows their lack of knowledge about the necessity of these cares. In case of oral health, lack of such unite in the health center was mentioned as the reason. More details are discussed in the article.

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