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Showing 3 results for Sargolzaie

Arab M R, Sharifzadeh A, Sargolzaie Aval F, Talaei Khoozani,
Volume 63, Issue 4 (13 2005)

Background: Fumes generated during electric welding are one of air pollutants of working place in industrial companies, which can cause some clinical signs and diseases in worker, including mucosal irritation, changing of semen quality and cancer. Chronic exposure of workers with these fumes can cause reduce sperm motility and forward penetration and decrease in normal sperm count. Although a lot of researches were done in this field up to now, there is little information about histopathological effects of these fumes on germinal epithelium. The aim of this study was to identify structural changes of germinal epithelium in Rat as an experimental model after exposure to fumes of electric welding in exposure chamber.
Material and Methods: A total number of 60 Sprague Dawley Rats were chosen and divided into experimental (40) and control (20) groups. Each of groups was subdivided into 2, 4, 6 and 8-week subgroups. The number of Rat in each subgroup of experimental and control group was 10 and 5 respectively. Animals were housed in standard situation. After adaptation experimental group were exposed to fumes of electric welding (AMA 2000 electrode, 100 Ampere, 0.1 cm/s speed of electrode welding) for 2 hour/day and 5 day/week. The rate of air turn over in exposure chamber was fixed to 12-15/hour. The amount of O3, CO, CO2, NO + NO2 and particulate matter were measured by Galtec detectors and Cellulose acetate filter respectively. According to time table animals were killed and specimens from testis were taken and fixed in formaline buffer solution and processed routinely. Sections with 5-7 micrometer in thickness were stained by H-E, PAS, PNA and Alcian blue pH=2.5. The thickness of germinal epithelium was measured and data were analyzed by Kruskall Wallis test.
Results: The results of this study showed a few quantitative and qualitative changes in germinal epithelium. Vasodilatation of vessels in tunica albuginea and interstitial tissue, decreasing of eosinophilia in myoid cells, increase in size of spermatogonia especially dark type, disorganization of association between sertoli and spermatogenic cell lineage and spermatogenic arrests in spermatocyte I period. There were significant difference between experimental and control group for thickness of germinal epithelium (p<0.001).
Conclusion: It seems that although some adaptation response was appeared in experimental group, a lot of structural changes also appeared in germinal epithelium. The amount and severity of these changes were dependent to 3 factors include the amount of fumes, the variety of it and the duration of exposure.
Arab Mr, Allahyari A, Sargolzaie Aval F, Rafighdoost H, Karimi M,
Volume 65, Issue 8 (3 2007)

Background: The extracellular matrix is a complex three-dimensional network of proteins and glycosaminoglycans, which have important roles in cellular physiology and cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Any changes in the extracellular matrix of tumors may be implicated in cellular transformation and metastasis. The aim of the present study was to identify changes in the hyaluronic acid of the stroma of colonic carcinoma.

Methods: Paraffin blocks of 30 patients with colon carcinoma (10 patients at each histological grade) were chosen from the pathology file of Khatam-Al-Anbia Hospital in Zahedan, Iran. Tissue sections (5-6 micrometers thick) were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and the alcian blue critical electrolyte concentration histochemical technique at pH=5.8. The intensity of the staining in each section was graded as 1, 2 or 3, referring to low, moderate or severe staining reactivities, respectively. Statistical data was analyzed with nonparametric tests by SPSS (ver. 10) and histopathological reports were prepared.

Results: The results of this study showed that there is a good correlation between histopathological grading and staining intensity of tumoral stroma for hyaluronic acid (p<0.005). Analysis using the Mann Whitney test revealed significant differences between staining grades 1 and 3 and grades 2 and 3 (p<0.005 and p<0.002, respectively), although there was no significant difference between staining grades 1 and 2 for hyaluronic acid.

Conclusions: The difference in staining intensity of the stroma in colon carcinoma is a result of different amounts of hyaluronic acid in stroma, indicating that increased levels of hyaluronic acid are associated with the invasion and metastasis of neoplastic cells.

Mohadese Zademir, Narjes Sargolzaie, Amirhossein Nourolah ,
Volume 78, Issue 4 (July 2020)

Background: The empty sella syndrome (ESS) is a neurological or pathologic finding in which sella turcica is devoid of pituitary tissue and the subarachnoid space extends into sella turcica, which is either primary or secondary as well as partial and complete. The widespread use of CT scans and MRIs today has made the ESS a common finding in imaging. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of the empty sella syndrome.
Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive-analytic study in which all patients referred to Imam Ali Hospital (Zahedan) for electromagnetic brain imaging (n=1856) were recruited by cross-sectional sampling during the first 6 months from 21 March 2018 to 23 September 2018. Inclusion criteria included the absence of another known problem in the central nervous system and the absence of concurrent underlying disease. The data gathering tool was a questionnaire consisting of demographic and related variable to empty sella disorder.
Results: The results of this study showed that the prevalence of empty sella was 8.2% with a mean age of 37.02±12.51 years. 66.4% of the patients were female. The prevalence of primary empty sella was 78.9% with a mean age of 34.51±11.26 years. 71.7% of the patients had partial empty sella. There was a significant difference between the mean age and sex of patients with empty sella and non-empty sella subjects (P=0.008) and (P<0.0001). There was a statistically significant difference between the mean age of affected patients with type of empty sella (P<0.0001). There was no statistically significant difference between mean age of patients with empty sella and severity of empty sella (P=0.056). There was no significant difference between the frequency of empty sella type and the severity with gender (P=0.224) and (P=0.091).
Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that the overall prevalence of empty sella in the referring patients was relatively low. Most of them were females with primary type and minor severity.

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