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Mohagheghi M A, Nahvi Jou A, Sedighi Z,
Volume 61, Issue 2 (14 2003)

Opioids are increasingly being recognized as the primary treatment for cancer pain management. Optimal treatment of cancer pain involves assessing its characteristics, considering different management strategies, evaluating side effects and adverse drug reactions and establishing the most appropriate therapeutic regimen. This study was designed to review the current status of pain management for advanced cancer cases using opioid analgesics.
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire was used to collect data on demographics, disease characteristics, and opioids use indicators in 700 cases of advanced cancer patients.
Results: A total of 700 cancer cases, 42 percent females and 58 percent males, between 17-80 years age range (Mean age of 57.25) were studied retrospectively. Cancers of breast (21 percent), colorectal (12 percent), lung (7 percent), stomach (7 percent) and bone either primary or metastatic (6 percent ) in women and stomach (17 percent), lung (12 percent), colorectal (11 percent), prostate (9 percent ), and bone (8 percent ) in men were the most common causes of opioids prescription in study group respectively. Advanced primary cancer (in 52 percent), bone metastasis (in 32 percent), and treatment complications (in 7 percent ) were considered as physical basis for pain in patients. Morphine (by injection), Opium (by oral intake) and methadone (injection and/or oral) were the most common opioids prescribed. Using equianalgesic conversion chart, the daily dosages and therapeutics schedules of morphine administration were as follows:
43 percent received 21-30 mg. in 2-4 divided doses
27 percent received >30 mg. in 3-5 divided doses
21 percent received 11-20 mg. in 2-3 divided doses
9 percent received 5-10 mg. in 1-2 divided doses
Conclusion: Pain management of cancer patients is not adequate and opioid use is not rational. New educational and managerial strategies are needed to optimize cancer pain treatment in routine medical practice. To overcome current barriers, WHO stepwise model for cancer pain control and palliative care is recommended. Publishing Standard Treatment Guidelines for different levels of health care system is another recommended approach to optimize cancer pain.


Sedighi S, Mohagheghi M, Memari F, Jahangir R, Mousavi Jarrahi A, Montazeri A, Sedighi Z, Mostaghimi M Tehrani, Zanganeh M,
Volume 64, Issue 7 (9 2006)

Background: This prospective phase III study was designed to compare the activity of two combinations chemotherapy drugs in advanced gastric adenocarcinoma
Methods: In a double blinded clinical trial, From Jan. 2002 to Jan. 2005, ninety patients with advanced gastric adenocarcinoma were randomly assigned to 1) Cisplatin and continuous infusion of 5FU and Epirubicin (ECF), and 2) Cisplatin and continuous infusion of 5FU with Docetaxel (TCF). Reduction in tumor mass, overall survival (OS), time to progression (TTP), and safety were measured outcome.
Results: About 90% of patients had stage III or IV disease and the most common sites of tumor spread were peritoneal surfaces, liver and Paraaortic lymph nodes in either group. The objective clinical response rate (more than 50% decreases in tumor mass) was 38% and 43% in ECF and TCF group respectively. Global quality of life increased (p=0 002) and symptoms of pain and insomnia decreased after chemotherapy. Patients in TCF had more grade one or two skin reactions, neuropathy and diarrhea. Fourteen patients underwent surgery. Complete microscopic (R0) resection had done in two of ECF and six of TCF tumors (p=0.015). Two cases in TCF group showed complete pathologic response. Median TTP was nine months and 10 months in ECF and TCF group respectively. Median OS was 12 months in both groups.
Conclusion: Although there wasn’t statistically significant difference regarded to clinical response or survival between two groups, TCF showed more complete pathologic response.

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