Showing 7 results for Shafiee
M Shafiee Ardestani, H Fathi Moghaddam, Aa Hemmati, Z Nazari,
Volume 66, Issue 5 (5 2008)
Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a degenerative neurodopaminergic disease in nigrostriatum pathway of animals and human, the resultant loss of nerve terminals accompanied by dopamine-glutamate and other related neurotransmitters-imbalances in this pathway are responsible for most of the movement abnormalities. Increasing evidence suggests that an inflammatory reaction accompanies the pathological processes caused by Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) seen in many neurodegenerative disorders, including PD. These findings have not indicated any evidence based on the effect of selective and non selective COX-2 inhibitors on the rigidity of PD.
Methods: The rats left substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) was destroyed using the electrical lesion thus PD model was created. Then oral aspirin and celecoxib (200, 400 mg/kg) were administrated to parkinsonian rats acutely and then the rigidity was evaluated using Murprogo's Method.
Results: Both compounds were able to decrease the rigidity of parkinsonian rats (p<0.05) respectively but selective cox-2 inhibitor (celecoxib) was found more effective and potent than that of non selective cox-2 inhibitor (aspirin).
Conclusion: The findings suggest that COX-2 inhibition decreases the rigidity of PD in the animal model. Therefore, as results of the study COX-2 inhibition was shown good evidence based on the use of aspirin and celecoxib and PD affiliated rigidity improvement that this can be beneficial and interest for neuroscientists. These findings are additional pharmacological and medicinal information to further assess of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as alternative therapeutic agents for PD affiliated rigidity treatment. Further experiments seem to be necessary to complete this research such as investigation the effects of NSAIDs on the striatum neurotransmission pathway
Bagheri R, Nurshafiee S,
Volume 68, Issue 5 (6 2010)
Background: Central venous catheters are useful instruments in monitoring of critical patients and are important roots for total parentral nutrition. The catheters are widely used in general wards and intensive care units. Their use may be associated with serious and rare complications.
Case presentation: We reported a 24 years old woman that admitted to Ghaem hospital Mashhad University of Medical Science, in Mashhad, Iran, because of penetrating chest wall injury and surgical exploration indicated due to massive hemorrhage. Central vein (right jugular vein) was canulated for resuscitation and monitoring. Superior vena cava was injured after canulation and presented with delay massive mediastinal hematoma.
Conclusion: We aim to introduce this rare complication and its management. This management could be conservative or surgical intervention according to severity of the vein damage.
B Ghorbani Yekta, M Nasehi, Sh Khakpour, Mr Zarrindast, Y Shafieekhan,
Volume 71, Issue 2 (5 2013)
Background: Previous reports showed that nucleus accumbens involved in the etiology and pathophysiology of major depression, anxiety and addiction. It is not clear that how these mechanisms occur in the brain. In the present study, the influence of direct nicotine injection in the nucleus accumbens in rats’ anxiety-related behavior was investigated.
Methods: Wistar rats were used in this study. Male Wistar rats bred in an animal house, in a temperature-controlled (22±2 ◦C) room with a 12 hour light/darkcycle. Rats were anesthetized using intraperitoneal injection of ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine, then placed in an stereotactic instrument for microinjection cannula implantation The stainless steel guide cannula was implanted bilaterally in the right and left dorsal the nucleus accumbens shell according to Paxinos and Watson atlas. After recovery, anxiety behavior and locomotor activity were tested. We used the elevated plus maze to test anxiety. This apparatus has widely been employed to test parameters of anxiety-related behaviors including the open armtime percentage (%OAT), open arm entries percentage (%OAE), locomotor activity and we record effect of drugs after injection directly in the nucleus accumbens on anxiety-related behavior.
Results: Experiments showed that bilateral injections into the nucleus accumbens Nicotine, acetylcholine receptor agonist, dose 0.1 of the dose (0.05 and 0.1, 0.25, 0.5) microgram per rat caused a significant increase in the percentage of time spent in the open arms (%OAT), compared to the control group. We did not record any significant change locomotor activity and open arm entries percentage (%OAE) in rats.
Conclusion: Nicotinic receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell involved to anxiety-like behavior in male rats.
Ali Reza Jafari, Ali Akbar Shafiee , Ali Mirzajani , Peyman Jamali ,
Volume 72, Issue 1 (April 2014)
Background: The application of CAM visual stimulation returns to the date of more than fifty years ago. However, the reports of previous studies in this field vary from no effect to significant effects of this method in amblyopia treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of CAM visual stimulation along with conventional occlusion therapy in anisometropic amblyopic children.
Methods: Forty amblyopic children aged 4 to 6 years old with no previous treatment were enrolled in this randomized clinical trial study. The subjects were randomly as-signed in two different groups. The group 1 included conventional occlusion therapy and group 2 includes occlusion therapy with complementary CAM visual stimulation. In terms of visual acuity and stereopsis improvement and reduction of amblyopia sever-ity, two groups were compared using the repeated measure ANOVA and LSD Post Hoc tests.
Results: In group 1 including conventional occlusion therapy, visual acuity improved from 0.444±0.077 logMAR to 0.138±0.023 logMAR, i.e., improvement of 0.306 log-MAR (P< 0.001) whereas in group 2 including complementary CAM usage, visual acu-ity improved from 0.398±0.075 logMAR to 0.047±0.022 logMAR, i.e., improvement of 0.351 logMAR (P< 0.001). Regarding Stereopsis, the improvements were 157 (from 258±34 to 101±13 seconds of arc, P< 0.001) and 171 (from 237±33 to 66±12 seconds of arc, P< 0.001) for groups 1 and 2 respectively. All subjects of group 2 gained the normal vision at the end of the treatment period, whereas only 47% of subjects of group 1 could achieve this level of vision in that time. Improvement of visual acuity in group 2 was significantly better than group 1 (P< 0.05).
Conclusion: Using of CAM visual stimulation along with conventional occlusion will further improve visual acuity and stereopsis in amblyopic children. These findings recommended the CAM visual stimulation as an accompanying and complementary method in amblyopia treatment.
Khosro Barkhordari , Samaneh Yaghooti , Sepideh Nikkhah , Afsaneh Aein , Arash Jalali , Akbar Shafiee ,
Volume 74, Issue 9 (December 2016)
Background: We retrospectively compared the clinical outcome of post-cardiac surgery tracheal extubation between patients extubated with a lower than normal pH and patients extubated according to our routine institutional protocol. Our main goal was to clarify that strict adherence to the current criteria is dispensable.
Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we recruited 256 patients who met our study criteria and divided them into the exposed group (n= 95) and the control group (n= 161). The inclusion criteria consisted of coronary artery bypass grafting alone and age> 18 years. The exclusion criteria comprised the use of corticosteroids in the preceding 2 weeks, Serum creatinine (SCr)> 2 mg/dL, uncontrolled diabetes, liver dysfunction, Glasgow coma scale <13, and acetazolamide and sodium bicarbonate use. The arterial blood gas (ABG) characteristics before and 6 hours after extubation, extubation failure rate, length of stay in the in ICU, length of stay in the hospital and mortality were compared between the two groups.
Results: In the control group, the males outnumbered the females and the ejection fraction was higher relative to that in the exposure group (P= 0.01 and P= 0.02, respectively). There were more patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the exposure group (P< 0.005) and also the euroSCORE was higher (P< 0.002). There were no significant differences between the groups regarding the ABG values at the time of ICU admission. Significantly higher levels of FiO2 and PaCO2 (P< 0.001 for both) as well as lower HCO3 and pH (P< 0.001 for both) were observed in the exposure group immediately before extubation. Following extubation, there was a significant increase in pH and a significant reduction in FiO2 need in the exposure group (P< 0.001 for both). The extubation failure rate, length of stay in the in ICU, length of stay in the hospital, and mortality rate were not different between the 2 groups.
Conclusion: The patients with a lower than normal pH, tracheal extubated at the discretion of the ICU anesthesiologist did not have a clinical outcome worse than that of the patients extubated in accordance with our routine institutional protocol.
Alireza Tavassoli , Sadjad Noorshafiee , Ahmadreza Tavassoli , Saeedeh Hajebi Khaniki ,
Volume 75, Issue 12 (March 2018)
Background: The benefits of aspirin have been proven by repeated examinations, especially in secondary prevention in cardiac infarction, stroke, and after interventional angiography and stent insertion.
Methods: This is a retrospective study on all patients who underwent non-cardiac surgeries between June 2005 and March 2013 in Ghaem hospital in Mashhad and aspirin continued due to many reasons. Most frequent surgeries included laparoscopic appendectomy and cholecystectomy. Information such as bleeding and its amount both during surgery and post-operative, hematoma after surgery, requiring re-operation due to bleeding and cardiovascular events in hospital were recorded and analyzed. Moreover, all patients were followed within one month after discharge from hospital to check whether any cardiovascular events had been happened. Furthermore, bruising in the skin, and bleeding after discharge were evaluated. Data were analyzed using SPSS Version 16 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA).
Results: One hundred seventy patients enrolled in the study and all of them underwent general anesthesia. Of all patients 37.06% were male and 62.94% were female. The mean age was 52.78±5.01 years. Majority of operations included laparoscopic cholecystectomy (41.62%). Also in most of the patients (58.38%) surgery were emergency and discontinuation of aspirin were impossible. 91.37% of patients were taking less than 80 mg aspirin per day. Mean bleeding amount during surgery was 100 ml. 13 patients (6.59%) who undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy and one patients in appendectomy group had bleeding more than 110 ml due to inadequate artery ligation and they underwent conversion to open surgery and bleeding were controlled successfully. Other eight patients (4.06%) treated conservatively without need to conversion to open surgery. In 7.61% of patients, ecchymosis happened which were healed within one month. No patient underwent reoperation due to post-operative hemorrhage. No vascular event and hematoma had been reported during one month follow up after surgery.
Conclusion: Continuing aspirin in perioperative period of non-cardiac surgeries were without additional risk of bleeding and it also helped to reduce risk of vascular evets post-operatively.
Sara Ranji, Mojtaba Shahbazi , Mahdi Shafiee Sabet , Abbas Tafakhori,
Volume 81, Issue 4 (July 2023)
Background: Stroke is one of the most important causes of chronic pain. In patients with chronic pain medical therapy with analgesic drugs, anti-epileptic drugs, and serotonin receptor modulators is the first choice. However, for patients who are refractory to the usual medical treatments, different strategies have been proposed to treat these pains. One of these treatments involves the implantation of deep brain electrodes and deep brain stimulation in the thalamus nucleouses. In this article we are reviewing the first case done in Iran.
Case Presentation: A 51-year-old male presented with sudden-onset left side hemiparesis and impaired sensation on the left side of the body, eight years ago. He complained of gradually developing pain on the left side of the body, adding to his symptoms. In his examination, he had dysarthria and his left extremities were spastic and their forces were decreased. Despite numerous medical treatments with gabapentin, pregabalin, duloxetine, carbamazepine and the replacement of an intrathecal baclofen pump during the last few years, he didn't respond very well. This goes so far as to induce severe depression symptoms, which disturbed his daily routine and even induced suicidal ideas. Due to the debilitating symptoms which were resistant to medical treatment, the patient underwent deep brain electrode implantation and deep brain stimulation in the ventral posterior lateral/posterior medial nucleuses in April 2023 at Imam Khomeini Hospital. No remarkable adverse effects were observed after implantation. In the patient’s follow-up, he had a significant improvement in pain and some other symptoms.
Conclusion: Deep brain stimulation of the thalamus nucleus is a known treatment in patients with Parkinson's disease and dystonia. However, for patients with chronic refractory pain, deep brain stimulation is a controversial therapy and has been introduced recently as an effective alternative treatment. In our patient, who suffers from severe unilateral refractory pain after stroke, a deep brain electrode was implanted and after deep brain stimulation significant improvement in pain was seen.