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Showing 9 results for Shahrokh

M Pezeshki, N Shahrokhi,
Volume 53, Issue 2 (5-1995)

In this study, counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) and latex agglutination (LA) were employed to evaluate rapid detection of streptococcus group B (GBS) specific antigens in sera, urines, CSF and patient's blood cultures of infants suspected of septicemia and meningitidis. Out of 530 specimens which were investigated 73 blood cultures were found to be positive, including 4 (5.5%) specimens from these infants were positive for strep group B. GBS was also detected in the CSF of 1 specimen from these 4 infants. CIE was conducted on sera, urines and CSF of these patients and the number of positive specimens were found to be 3, 3 and 1 respectively. LA was also conducted on the same specimens and the number of positive specimens were found to be 3, 4 and 1 respectively. Detection of GBS specific antigens by LA and CIE on the supernatants of blood cultures after 24 hours incubation showed that all the 4 specimens were positive an indication that the sensitivity of these two imunological methods in 100%.
Gh Khataie , N Shahrokhi ,
Volume 56, Issue 6 (9 1998)

Group B streptococcus (GBS) is the most important pathogen identified in bacterial cultures in neonatal sepsis, sepecially with early-onset in developed countries (approximately 1-5/1000 deliveries). Neonatal colonization with group B streptococcus results primarily from vertical transmission during the birth process. GBS carrier rate in pregnant women varies from 4.6 to 41 percent in different geographic populations. Contamination of neonates during passage through the birth canal is high (more than 50%). Of the 191 pregnant women screened in this study, 28 (14.7%) were found to be colonized with GBS, by the culture method. Direct CIE and SCA tests on SBM (Selective Broth Medium) containing mixed flora showed that only 11.5% and 18.3% had positive reaction. A total of 530 patients were studied. GBS was isolated from the blood of 4 infants (5.5%, 4 vs 73 positive cultures). Of 181 cultures of CSF only one case was positive for GBS (8.3%) and had meningitis. In another part of experiment, two false positive reactions were found using serum specimen for detection of GBS antigen by CIE. Sensitivity of CIE and SCA both were 75%, specificity, 99.3% and 98.7%. Conclusion: Although specimen collection and microbiologic methods are important factors in identification of women colonized with GBS, there is significant variation in the proportion of women colonization with GBS. This study suggests that GBS is a much less important cause of neonatal sepsis, but further studies are needed to explore these important issues.
Haj Abdolbaghi M, Rasooli Nejad M, Yaghoob Zadeh M, Looti Shahrokhi B,
Volume 59, Issue 4 (9 2001)

Brucellosis is an endemic disease in Iran with variety of clinical manifestation. Special characteristics of clinical diagnosis and treatment issues may cause some problems in manegement of patients. In this descriptive study 505 patients with Brucellosis retrospectively were evaluated from clinical point of view, Lab exams and therapeutic issues for 10 years (1990 to 1999). From 505 patients, 321 cases were male and 184 were female. 42.7 percent of cases were in age group of 10 to 30 years. Ingestion of un-pasteurized dairy products was detected in (66.7 percent) and 31.86 percent of cases were sheep herders. The most common symptoms and signs were fever (65 percent), sweating (61 percent), arthritis (30.09 percent), sacroilitis (21.5 percent), orchitis (8.2 percent), spondylitis (2-3 percent) and endocarditis (1.18). In this survery blood culture for Brucella melitensis became positive in 48.5 percent and bone marrow in 61 percent. Standard tube agglutination was positive in 96 percent (?1.80). Doxycyclin plus Rifampin was the most common regimen we used (37.8 percent). 4 patients died, but just one of those was directly because of Brucella Endocarditis. In this article we have discussed about some interesting cases as well.
Noyan Ashraf Ma, Shahrokhi Damavand Sh, Maghsoodloo M, Peiravy Sereshke H,
Volume 67, Issue 2 (5 2009)

Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Background: The prediction of the probability of difficult intubation and the associated problems before Induction of anesthesia could be lifesaving. The aim of this study was the investigation of association between the stage of thyroid cartilage prominency and laryngoscopic view for predicting the difficult intubation.
Methods: Five hundred and thirty five patients aged 18-60 years old, with prominent thyroid cartilage, "Adam's apple", enrolled in a cross -sectional study based on the stage of "Adam's apple" and the relationship with laryngoscopic view. After induction of anesthesia, laryngoscopy performed and laryngoscopic view of larynx was recorded, and analyzed according to Modified Cormackand Lehane's Scoring.
Results: No significant association between laryngoscopic view and thyroid cartilage prominency staging was observed. There was no significant relationship in females and aged under 50 y.o. The relationship in males with poor correlation coefficient was significant. The results are as follows: [male :(p=0.028, r=-0.096), Female: (p=0.821, r=0.082), <50 yrs: (p=0.87, r=0.007) no significant association for age decades and thyroid cartilage prominency stages, were observed. In ages above 50 y.o, difference was significant. Thirty patients had a laryngoscopic view in which the tracheal rings were visible just bellow the vocal cords.
Conclusions: As the increased age was related to laryngoscopic view and thyroid cartilage prominency stage it seems that there is relationship between ages over 50 y.o and difficulty of laryngoscopic view or intubation. With the observation of a view different from the grade I Cormack and Lehane's scoring, we named it the "stage Ia" that the tracheal rings are visible bellow the vocal cords during laryngoscopy.

Azadeh Meamarian , Shayesteh Ashrafi Esfahani , Shahrokh Mehrpisheh , Atoosa Mahdavi Saeedi , Kamran Aghakhani ,
Volume 73, Issue 3 (June 2015)

Background: The relationship of the base of appendix to the cecum remains constant, whereas the tip can be found in a retrocecal, pelvic, subcecal, preileal, or right pericolic position. These anatomic considerations have significant clinical importance in the context of acute appendicitis. The knowledge about the correct anatomical position of appendix may facilitate in generating an accurate diagnosis of appendicitis as well as assist in achieving a better prognosis and early treatment. The present study aimed to determine the anatomical location of the appendix in Iranian cadavers. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 200 cadavers who were referred to the Forensic Center of Tehran from March to September 2013. The data including age, sex, weight, and appendix length and position were collected and analyzed using SPSS software, version 16 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Results: In the present study, 200 cadavers were evaluated accidentally, of which 173 (86.5%) were males and 26 (13%) were females, and the mean age was 39.96 years±16.31 (SD). The mean wall thickness of the appendix was 9.78 cm±16.31 (SD). The mean appendix length was 9.86 cm±1.79 (SD) in men and 9.30 cm±1.56 (SD) in women. The appendix height was long in 20 cadavers (10%), short in 3 cadavers (1.5%), and moderate in 177 cadavers (88.55%) cadavers. The appendix position was posterior in 120 (60%), ectopic in 32 (16%), and pelvic in 48 (24%) cadavers. Conclusion: Majority of appendices examined in the present study were positioned at the posterior (Retrocecal) of pelvis. According to different positions of appendices in different populations and different races, the knowledge of appendix position in various populations is necessary for early diagnosis and treatment and fewer complications for related disease.
Shirin Izadi , Hounaz Akbari , Behzad Farahani , Shahrokh Izadi ,
Volume 73, Issue 4 (July 2015)

Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart failure are prevalent comorbidities affecting a vast proportion of the world population, responsible for significant morbidity and mortality, their coexistence is more frequent than previously recognized that poses important diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. We intend to determine the prevalence of concomitant left ventricular dysfunction in COPD patients. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study in patients who had referred to Firuzgar University Hospital in Tehran from March 2011 to March 2013 in period of 2 years. All participants were compatible for including and excluding criteria’s. In all cases of COPD, pulmonary function test was done also Echocardiography was performed as the diagnostic assessment of heart failure. Results: Out of 74 participants there was 56(75.7%) male and 18(24.3%) female with the mean age of 67.712.9 (SD), the prevalence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) was 25.70%, also the prevalence of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD) was 74.60% among 71 patients. The prevalence of LVSD in patients with and without history of coronary artery disease (CAD) was 33.30% and 15.60% respectively. The prevalence of LVDD was 85.40% in patient with history of CAD and 60% in patients without it. The presence of ventricular dysfunction (neither systolic nor diastolic) in COPD patients was not statistically associated with presence of CAD or the intensity of underlying COPD disease. Conclusion: Knowledge about the prevalence of concomitant left side heart failure in COPD patients is limited, but it seems the presence is rather common, so more attention should be paid to coexistence of ventricular dysfunction in COPD patients disregarding presence of CAD or COPD intensity in clinical practice.
Soraya Shahrokh , Seyed Abolhasan Emami , Mohammad Javad Fatemi , Mir Sepehr Pedram , Saeid Farzad Mohajeri , Seyed Jaber Mousavi , Seyed Aboozar Hoseini , Tooran Bagheri , Shirin Araghi ,
Volume 75, Issue 1 (April 2017)

Background: Cartilage grafts is one integral component in the various fields of plastic surgery particular rhinoplasty. Surgeons usually use from various sources, including the septum of the nose, ears and rib. Complications such deformity and reabsorbtion may be created with use of the cartilage. Area of the removal of cartilage can prevent these complications. The aim of this study was to compare the absorption rate and viability of cartilage autograft between two common donor site, the rib and the concha.

Methods: This experimental study was performed on October 2014 in animal laboratory of Hazrat Fatima Hospital, Tehran, Iran. In this study, 15 New Zealand white male rabbits, weighing 2000-2500 g, approximately 12 to 16 weeks of age were used. In each rabbit, a piece of one ear and one cartilage was excised. After careful weighting of grafts, we implanted the rib cartilage graft into the left pocket and the conchal cartilage graft into the right one. After 8 weeks, the grafts were removed and weighed precisely and photography was carried out. The specimens were fixed in 10% formalin solution for histologic examination was. An example of hematoxylin and eosin staining and cut (H&E) were performed and samples of live chondrocytes and fibrosis were examined by a pathologist.

Results: We lost 3 rabbits during our study. The results showed that the average weight of a graft from the ear within 2 months, but this increase was not statistically significant (P= 0.152). In the rib graft weight loss over 2 months, and this reduction was statistically significant (P= 0.009). The resorption between two group was not significant but the amount of fibrosis was more in conchal cartilage graft.

Conclusion: According to the study it can be concluded that absorption rib cartilage is somewhat better results than the cartilage of the ear. More studies, in addition to cartilage implants longer human studies can contribute to more accurate conclusions.

Leyla Abdolkarimi, Farrokh Taftachi , Faranak Hayati, Shahrokh Mehrpisheh, Negar Seify Moghadam ,
Volume 76, Issue 4 (July 2018)

Background: Burns are one of the most devastating forms of trauma worldwide. In the elderly, flame and scald burns, or scalds alone, are the major causes of burns, occur at home, particularly in the kitchen and bathroom. Because elderly burned patients suffer from greater morbidity and mortality than younger patients with similar burn extents, preventing burns is paramount to continuing functionality and quality of life. Burns are largely explainable by characteristics of both the individual and the physical environment. Our study aims to analyses the epidemiologic characteristics of burn in the elderly (above 60 years old) in Iran.
Methods: Records of elderly patients (aged 60 and older) admitted with acute burns to the Burn Center of the Shahid Motahari Hospital, Tehran, Iran, between March 2007 and March 2014 was carried out. Patient demographics, etiology of burn, mechanism of injury, burn extent, mortality, severity of burn, length of stay in hospital, and outcomes were reviewed. The information was analyzed by SPSS software, version 18 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). T-test, oneway anova and K square were used.
Results: A total of 374 elderly patients were admitted. Majority of the patients were men 231 (61.8%) and the number of women were 143(38.2%). The most common etiologies were scalds (20.3%) and (oil-benzine-gasoline) (19.8%). The mean age of the patient was 71.5 years, which was average in women (72) and men (70.5 years). There was a statistically significant difference between the mean age in both male and female groups, so that the mean age of women was significantly higher than men (P=0.004). There was a significant correlation between gender and (etiology, hospital stay-mortality) and between treatment outcome and (etiology and motivation) and between motivation and etiology (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Boiling water was the main cause of burning in older women. Diminished senses, concentration disorders, slower reaction time, reduced mobility, and bedridden states may decrease elder's ability to identify fire and also to escape harm.

Kambiz Javadzadeh Siahkelrodi , Shahpour Shoja, Karim Naseri, Farzad Sarshivi, Shahrokh Ebnerasouli, Mohamad Aziz Rasouli , Shaho Shoja ,
Volume 79, Issue 7 (October 2021)

Background: Bier block is a reliable technique used in extremity surgeries. Typically, angiocatheters are palced in the distal portion of the extremity that is going to be operated. Although, it is not the case in every operation. Therefore, determining the effectiveness of the local anesthetic injection site on the quality of the upper-extremity block can be helpful.
Methods: In this double-blinded randomized clinical trial that took place in Kowsar Hospital (Sanandaj, Iran) at 2020, 60 patients after complete monitoring and sedation were assigned randomly into proximal bier block (32 in experimental) and distal bier block (28 in control) groups. 10ml/kg Ringer serum was prescribed for patients in both groups on the non-surgical hand. Depending on the patients’ placement in either group, an angiocatheter (22 or 24) was attached to the ante-cubital area (proximal bier block group) or on the back of the patient's hand (distal bier block group). Respectively, after blood was drained by a Smarch band from the extremity that was to be operated, the tourniquet was inflated up to 150mmHg above the patient’s systolic pressure and the smarch band is untied from the hand. For every patient regarding the group they were assigned, 3mg/kg lidocaine 0.5% was administered through an angiocatheter. After 5 minutes, the depth of patient's anesthesia and pain intensity were measured. Sensory and motor recovery was assessed every 10 minutes after surgery. Patient satisfaction with anesthesia was measured after the surgery and characterized by excellent, good, moderate (pain relief), and unsuccessful (need for pain medications) indicators. In case insufficient depth was reached, intravenous Remifentanil was injected.
Results: According to the results of the chi-squared test, there were no significant differences in gender distribution (p=0.063), anesthesia class type (p=0.964), type of surgery (p=0.694), anesthesia satisfaction (p=0.578), sensory block of hand (p=0.529), motor block of hand (p=0.059), pain intensity (p= 0.634), pain relief medication requesting (p=0.755) and also body mass index (T-test used P=0.099) variables comparing both groups together. Additionally; according to the T-test results no significant differences were reported in the mean systolic pressure, mean diastolic pressure and mean heart rate variable in designated times.
Conclusion: There is no significant difference between the two groups. Therefore, using a distal Bier block can be an alternative if needed.

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