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Showing 2 results for Shajari H

Akbari M, Sobhani A, Kashani I R, Amini E, Rezai Z , Shajari H, ,
Volume 61, Issue 3 (14 2003)

The aims of this study were to determine incidence and types of observable congenital abnormalities among births of Mirza Kochak-Khan, Imam Khomeni and Shariatti hospitals between first of Novermber 2000 to the end of September 2001.
Materials and Methods: We used neonates that survived for 24 hours after delivery. A questionnaire was specially designed to explore each of the objectives for our study. A group of experts that were thoroughly trained to completed questionnaires by interview to mothers and evaluation of neonates. Data analysis was performed and by Excel and SPSS.
Results: Results showed that congenital abnormalities were present in 205 (3.2 %) of 6424 neonates, from 3 hospitals. The most frequent abnormalities consisted of musculoskeletal defects (37.3 %), Nervous system defects (24.7 %), urogenital defects (24.3 %) head and neck defects (13.6 %).
Conclusion: The result of this study showed that incidence of visible congenital abnormalities ratio in contrast to other countries have not significant difference but the types abnormalities were significant.
Shajari H, Ashrafi M R, Ghanjizadeh F, Seyyed Ali Naghi S A, Zandieh S, Hosseini S M,
Volume 65, Issue 13 (Vol 65, Supplement 1 2008)

Background: Mongolian spots are the most frequently encountered pigmented lesions in newborns. The patches appear at birth or shortly there after, rarely later the MS in term newborns in always present at birth. The shape of MS was commonly either irregular or indefinite, with its borders gradually blending with the surrounding skin. The color most frequently observed in all ethnic groups was blue- green. For the Negro population the color was commonly greenish– blue the next most common color in the total population was blue- gray. Brown coloration in the form of brown specks on a back ground of blue was present in ten percent Negro Newborns. The most common location is the sacragluteal region, which frequently is the only part affected. MS occasionally are found in the extremities in those cases with extensive involvement, particularly in the shoulders. The presence of MS in the head or neck has been called aberrant Mongolian spot. The macula has been variously described as irregularly round, oval, roughly triangular, heart shaped, resembling a tennis racket, and angular. The size may vary from a dot of a few millimeters to six or more centimeters in diameter the mark of ten disappears during the first or second year of life. Those marks distant from the sacral region are said to be more apt to persist than the typical sacral one and the buttocks was the site of predilection. Its incidence varies from over 80% in Asians (Mongolian and Chinese) to 10% of white infants. Only a limited number of studies were carried out in Iran. Our objective was to study Mongolian spots incidence and common locations in newborns at Shariati hospital.
Methods: During 2004-06, 2305 consecutive newborns were examined at Shariati hospital. Diagnosis of Mongolian spot was based on clinical impression with Pediatricians.
Results: Mongolian spot was observed in 11.4% neonates. The most frequent site of involvement is the sacral, followed by the gluteal area. Mongolian spot did not show a significant relationship to sex, gestational age, mother’s age groups and delivery type (p>0.05) but the relationship between Mongolian spot and birth weight groups was significant (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Incidence of mongolian spots in our patients was simila

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