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Showing 3 results for Shakour

S Fazelipour, A Shakour, Z Tootian,
Volume 64, Issue 3 (1 2006)

Background: Heroin is a simple derivative of morphine that is the most used drug in Iran among opioids. Its harmful effects on body organs have been studied. Considering the important effects on the genital system and fertility, studying the effects of heroin on testes seems to be necessary.     

Methods: In this study a total of 30 male mice (Balb/c) were selected and divided into 5 groups of control (Intact, sham I, sham II), experimental I and experimental II. After addiction of the experimental groups to heroin via intra peritoneal injection, the histological structures of testes were studied microscopically.

Results: Histological study of heroin on testes showed that the thickness of the basement membrane of the germinal epithelium and reduction in cell accumulation around some of the seminiferous tubules. Irregularity in spermatogonia, spermatocyte and spermatid, increased distance and degeneration in seminiferous tubules were observed. Increasing connective tissue between seminiferous tubules, decreased number of leydig cells, with a hypochromatic cytoplasm and reduction in their secretory granules, and congestion of testical tissue were also observed.

Conclusion: The results of this study show that heroin used in Iran can result in changes in the structure of testes. Consequently using heroin can influence the reproductive system.

Akbari H, Fatemi Mj, Shakour Z, Mousavi Sj, Madani P, Pedram Ms,
Volume 70, Issue 10 (4 2013)

Background: Autograft is the best option in nerve defects when end-to-end repair can not sufficiently preserve nerve continuity. Theoretically, if the severed nerve is reversely grafted, it may prevent axonal growth into nerve branches, and larger amounts of axons will reach the target organ and more satisfactory results will be obtained. In this study we aimed to compare conventional versus reverse nerve grafting.
Methods: This study was performed in Animal laboratory of Hazrat Fatemeh Hospital from April till August 2011. We randomly divided 40 Wistar rats into two groups. We excised 1.5 cm of the right sciatic nerve and anastomosed it conventionally between the proximal and distal ends of the nerve in rats in group A and in a reverse manner in rats in group B. The rats’ footprints were recorded in the first and 16th weeks after surgery. In week 16, the grafted nerves were removed under anesthesia for pathological examination and axon count. Subsequently, the results were compared clinically by sciatic functional index (SFI) through footprint analysis and paraclinically by axon count. A p-value smaller than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: Conventional and reverse nerve grafting no had statistically significant differences in clinical assessment in the first and 16th weeks (P=0.87) post-surgically and also no difference in paraclinical assessment in week 16 (P=0.68).
Conclusion: We had no significant clinically or para clinically differences between two approaches. It should be considered that the diameter and length of nerves and muscles in human is larger than rats, so the results of nerve repair may differ in human. We suggest a study in animal model which is anatomically more similar to human.

Sadegh Norouzi , Fateme Esfandiarpour , Ali Shakouri Rad , Nasim Kiani Yousefzadeh , Zeinab Helalat , Reza Salehi , Mehrnoosh Amin , Farzam Farahmand ,
Volume 77, Issue 8 (November 2019)

Background: The amount of anterior tibial translation during rehabilitation exercises is a key factor in organizing exercise regimen after anterior cruciate ligament injury. Excessive anterior tibial translation could increase the magnitude of tension imposed on injured and reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament knees. Forward lunge and open-kinetic knee extension exercises are commonly used in anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation. However, there is insufficient data about the amount of anterior tibial translation in the eccentric and concentric phases of these exercises. This study compared the amount of anterior tibial translation in the eccentric and concentric phase of the lunge and seated knee extension in anterior cruciate ligament deficient and intact knees.
Methods: Using a non-probability sampling method, 14 men with unilateral anterior cruciate ligament rupture were selected for participation in this cross-sectional study. Participants were recruited from the university’s physiotherapy clinics. A uni-plane fluoroscope was used to image the knee joint while participants performed the forward lunge and open-kinetic knee extension exercises with the intact and injured legs in random order. Fluoroscopy imaging was performed in the radiology center at Sina Hospital, Tehran, Iran, from September 2013 to February 2014. Two factorial mixed ANOVA was used to analyze the data.
Results: There were no significant differences in the anterior tibial translation between the limbs and contraction phases during the lunge exercise. During open-kinetic knee extension, the anterior tibial translation in anterior cruciate ligament deficient knees was significantly more than that of healthy knees at 0⁰ (P=0.007). The anterior tibial translation in the eccentric phase of open-kinetic knee extension at flexion angles of 0⁰ (P=0.049) and 15⁰ (P=0.024) was significantly greater than that in the concentric phase.
Conclusion: In the lunge exercise, the amount of anterior tibial translation was similar between the eccentric and concentric phases and the intact and anterior cruciate ligament deficient knees, however, during open-kinetic knee extension exercise, in the eccentric phase was greater than that in concentric, and in the intact knees was greater than that in the intact knees, at 0-15⁰ angles.

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