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Showing 11 results for Yaran

H Saberi , M Shaabani , M Mostaan , Sh Shahryaran , Sm Mirbaghery , A Forooghi ,
Volume 57, Issue 2 (8 1999)

102 patients with ascites were enrolled in a sonographic study of abdomen and pelvis without awaring of history, clinical and paraclinical findings. So with only sonographic finding we suggested the diagnosis and etiology of ascites. All patients were hospitalized. Finally all the patients were diagnosed definitely and were compared with sonographic diagnoses done before. Results: In this survey 42% of patients had cirrhosis, 20.5% had malignancy, 14.7% had renal disease. Overall sensivity of sonography in diagnosing etiology was 91.1%, overall specifity was 97.8%, overall accuracy was 94.4%. Sensivity, specifity and accuracy of each group have also been determined separately.
Davari Tanha F, Poor Matrood E, Kaveh M, Yarandi F, Khademi Afsaneh, Hantoosh Zadeh S, Eftekhar Z,
Volume 63, Issue 4 (13 2005)

Background: We conducted this study To find relationship between maternal glucose challenge test (GCT) levels and fetal body weight (BW).
Materials and Methods: We analyzed five hundred women with singleton pregnancy, who had GCT at 24-28 week during pregnancy. All of them had no history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus or other medical disease before pregnancy or during previous pregnancy, and all of them had weight gain appropriate with their pre pregnancy body mass index (BMI). Also nobody had history of drug abuse or smoking. In this descriptive–analytic survey, maternal age, gravidity, BMI,GCT level ,gestational age (GA) , sex of neonate, rout of delivery , newborn weight and apgar score were evaluated .The student’s T-test and logistic regression were used for statistical analysis. We used Pearson coefficient and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and chi-square test for determination GCT threshold.
Results: We found rate of small for gestational age (SGA) in newborns statistically was significant, who their maternal GCT level was ≤ 80mg/dl, P value: 0/018, specificity 89%, sensitivity 58% and confidence interval: 95% (0/162-0/545).
Conclusion: Low GCT level has association with SGA and can be used as a predictive test and may be an indication for dietary intervention.
Eftekhar Z, Mohagheghi S, Yarandi F, Izadi Mood N, Moghaddami Tabrizi N, Rezaee Z,
Volume 64, Issue 11 (7 2006)

Background: Endometrial cancer is the most common malignancy of genital system which is commonly seen after menopause. Rises in the age of marriage non-surgical methods, using systemic progestins, have been evaluated to treat the young patients with well-differentiated endometrial cancer who wish to preserve their fertility.
Methods: Twenty one infertile patients with stage Ia well-differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma were enrolled in a quasi-experimental study. The treatment initiated with 160mg/d of megestrol acetate then continued with 320mg/d for non-responsive cases. Patients follow up with FD&C and hysteroscopy. Patients divided in two groups on the basis of response to therapy and persistent. The responsive patients were introduced to IVF group and evaluated for later fertility and birth of alive newborns for three years.
Results: This study showed a response rate of 85.71% and 14.29% undergoing TAH. The mean duration of treatment was 5.85±2.00 month. The response to therapy was observed in 27.78% with dose of 160mg/d and the remaining patients with 320mg/d. Pregnancy occurred in 27.78%, 2 of which ended up in a term delivery and the others ended before term. Recurrence happened in 16.67% that 66.67% of them experienced remission again.
Conclusion: Use of 320mg/d seems to be associated with a better therapeutic response. Serious complications were not observed with this dose. Furthermore, continuance of the drug for three month following a normal pathology report was decreased the rate of recurrence.
Yarandi F, Izadi Mood N, Eftekhar Z, Niakan R, Tajziachi S,
Volume 65, Issue 14 (Vol 65, Supplement 2 2008)

Background: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer of the women worldwide. It is also an important cause of cancer-related mortality in women, after breast cancer. Nearly half million of new cases are identified yearly. The incidence rate in developing countries is greater than the developed countries. Epidemiologic studies have shown that the association of genital human papilloma virus (HPV) with cervical cancer is strong, independent of other risk factors, and consistent in several countries. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of HPV in patients with high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CINIII, CIN II) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of cervix.
Methods: Hundred specimens from patients with SCC and CINIII, CIN II, confirmed by histological review, referring to Mirza Koochak Khan Hospital from 1999-2004 were enrolled in a cross sectional study. Polymerase chain reaction was utilized for identification and typing of HPV DNA. To increase the sensitivity of HPV detection, nested PCRs were performed using MY09/MY11 as outer and GP5/GP6 as inner primers.
Results: It was possible to extract 77 of 100 specimens that HPV DNA was detected in 47 of 77 specimens. Infection with HPV was present in 32 specimens (86.5%) among SCC patients and in 15 specimens (37.5%) among CINIII, CIN II patients. The most frequent HPV types in SCC patients were HPV 16 and 18 (59.38%) and then 33 (34.38%) and in CINIII, CIN II patients was 16 (53.33%) and 18 (40%). the most frequent co-infection in both groups was HPV 16 and 18 which was present in 40.62% and 26.7% of cases respectively.
Conclusions: The most frequent HPV types in patients with SCC and CINIII, CIN II was 16 and 18 that is identical to many other countries infection pattern.
Sadighi S, Mohagheghi Ma, Haddad P, Omranipoor R, Moosavi Jarrahi Ar, Meemari F, Raafat J, Abdi Rad A, Khatib Simnani R, Shahriyaran S, Shahbazkhani B, Khalili N,
Volume 66, Issue 9 (5 2008)

Background: Although postoperative chemoradiotherapy should be considered for all patients at high risk for recurrence of adenocarcinoma of the stomach, curative surgery occurs in less than 50% of nonmetastatic gastric cancers. A regimen of docetaxel, cisplatin and infusional fluorouracil improves survival of patients with incurable locally-advanced gastric adenocarcinoma. So we assessed the perioperative regimen of docetaxel, cisplatin and infusions 5FU (TCF) and postoperative chemoradiotherapy to improve outcomes in patients with potentially resectable gastric adenocarcinoma.

Methods: Between March 2005 and March 2008, we 100 enrolled patients with stage II to IV (M0) adenocarcinoma of the stomach who had not been treated previously. Treatment consisted of three preoperative and one postoperative cycles of TCF followed by chemoradiotherapy. The primary end point was overall survival. The secondary end points were progression-free survival and toxicity of treatment.

Results: A total of 100 patients participated, 83 of whom received neoadjuvant and 17 received adjuvant chemotherapy. Seventy-five patients underwent at least D0 gastrectomy. After chemotherapy, tumor stages were significantly lower than before beginning the protocol. Out of 100 patients, 44 had stage IV before chemotherapy versus 15 after the treatment. Three patients showed complete pathologic response. The median survival time was 25 months.

Conclusion: Docetaxel, cisplatin and 5FU combination chemotherapy is an active preoperative treatment in locally advanced gastric cancer. Perioperative chemoradio-therapy should be considered as an option to lengthen patient survival.

Yarandi F, Shirali E, Eftekhar F, Khazaeipour Z,
Volume 68, Issue 9 (6 2010)

Background: Surgery is the most effective treatment of well-differentiated endometrial cancer. But using systemic progestins, have been evaluated to treat the young patients with well-differentiated endometrial cancer who wish to preserve their fertility. The aim of this study was the evaluation of megestrol acetate on endometrial adenocarcino-ma with regard to the receptors.

Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study. In 16 infertile patients with stage Ia well-differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma. The treatment initiated with 160mg/d of megestrol acetate and continued with 320mg/d for non-responsive cases. All of the patients followed with FD&C and hysteroscopy. The responsive patients were referred to IVF group and they were followed for three years.

Results: Of nine patient in the first step of the study, 4 (25%) became pregnant. Eight patients underwent Total Abdominal Hysterectomy (TAH), and one was retreated conservatively. Of seven patient of second step of the study, five are under treatment at the time of closing the paper (three cases candidate for IVF and two are under 320 mg/d megestrol acetate), one patient is a candidate for hysterectomy, and one exited of study because of male infertility. All of the patients were progesterone receptor positive, and only one was estrogen receptor negative.

Conclusion: Conservative treatment of early stage well-differentiated endometrial adenocarcinoma with progestins may be used in highly selected young patients who have not completed their family. Close long- term follow up in this special group of patients is necessary. The evaluation of estrogen and progesterone receptors assay may be useful in predicting response to the treatment.

Yarandi F, Ahmadi Fs, Rezaei Z, Izadi N, Sarmadi S, Abbasi S, Aghaamoo Sh, Akrami M,
Volume 71, Issue 1 (4 2013)

Background: Steroid cell tumor is one of the rare ovarian tumors and forms 0.1% of all ovarian tumors, divided to three subgroups. Steroid cell tumor that are not otherwise specified (NOS) are the most common type and represent 60% of steroid cell tumors. One of the most known signs of this tumor is hormonal function, especially androgenic effects of it. Primary treatment consists of eradication of tumor via surgery.
Case presentation: The patient is a 29 years old female with history of poly cystic ovarian syndrome since 10 years ago, who attended to the clinic of General Women Hospital of Tehran in January 2011. In pelvic ultrasonography, there was a 6449mm mass in the right adnexa consisting of homogeneous component. She underwent laparotomy and unilateral salpingoophorectomy was done. Pathological report was steroid cell tumor of ovary.
Conclusion: The aim of this study is reporting one of the rare tumors of ovary and assessment of the correct way of diagnosis and treatment of it.

Reza Yarani , Kamran Mansouri , Ali Bidmeshkipour , Maryam Mehrabi , Ali Ebrahimi , Kaikaoos Gholami , Kheirollah Yari , Ali Mostafaie ,
Volume 71, Issue 3 (June 2013)

Background: Primary culture takes place following the cell isolation from tissues. Isolation and culture of melanocytes based on their roll in the protection of body against hazardous sun rays, production of skin, cornea and hair color is really important. This study was done to set isolation, culture and proliferation of melanocytes from children foreskin and adult eyelashes, and also comparison of two types of melanocyte culture medium.
Methods: Human foreskin and eyelash samples were used for melanocyte isolation and culture. After isolation of epidermis from dermis, epidermis cell suspensions were prepared by enzymatic digestion. The isolated cells were cultured in two melanocyte selective culture media. Immunocytochemistary and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays were used for confirmation of isolated and cultured melanocytes.
Results: Our results indicated that isolated melanocyte cultured in the selective medium without phorbol esters is better than the melanocytes cultured in selective medium cont-aining phorbol esters not only morphologically but also physiologically and from the aspect of cell adhesion. In addition, the results showed that isolated melanocyte from adult eyelashes are more dendritic than melanocytes isolated from children foreskin. Conversely, our results indicated that the number of cell passages in melanocyte isolat-ed from foreskin is more than melanocytes isolated from adult eyelashes.
Conclusion: Melanocytes cultured in selective medium containing convenient growth factors in absence of phorbol esters show more native physiological and adhesive properties. In addition, melanocyte isolated from younger tissues such as foreskin have better proliferative and sub-culturing properties so we suggest isolation and culture of younger tissues.
Narges Izadi-Mood, Soheila Sarmadi , Banafsheh Rajabian , Fariba Yarandi , Afsaneh Rajabiani ,
Volume 71, Issue 10 (January 2014)

Background: Recently the use of “two tier" grading system in which ovarian serous carcinoma was classified as low-grade or high-grade in comparing to preceding system has improved authority in prognosis and survival. This approach is simplistic, reproducible, and based on biologic evidence. In this study, we reclassified ovarian serous carcinoma by a new two-tier system for grading and then evaluation of P53 expression in these tumors by immunohistochemistry method. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 32 cases of ovarian serous carcinoma with previous diagnosis of well differentiated (eight cases) and moderate to poorly differentiated serous carcinoma (24 cases) and according "two tier" grading system in low-grade vs. high-grade serous carcinoma reclassified. Subsequntly all cases immunostained by P53 marker. Also clinical data related to survival of patients (with or without recurrence of tumor and death) and paraclinical findings such as presurgical blood serum level of CA125 are gathered. Results: Out of total eight patients with previously diagnosis well diferentiated serous carcinoma and of 24 patients with moderate to poorly differentiated serous carcinoma reclassified as low-grade and high-grade ovarian serous carcinoma respectively and a statistically significant difference was found between two groups. (P<0.005) Also of total 24 cases with high grade serous carcinoma, in 12 cases (54%) P53 immunostaining was detected but in non of all low grade serous carcinoma was seen. All 8 low grade serous carcinoma were alive without recurrence of tumor. In 10 and 12 out of 24 cases with high grade serous carcinoma recurrence of tumor and death were seen respectively. Conclusion: Since the presence of P53 negative expression in all of low-grade serous carcinoma by immunostaining and low-grade serous carcinoma accounts for small pupulation of all ovarian serous carcinoma and also few cases in our study, we did not find significant differences between P53 expression and survival in two low-grade vs high-grade serous carcinoma groups.
Behrooz Ataei , Morteza Pourahmad , Ali Fotoohi , Katayoun Tayeri , Majid Yaran ,
Volume 75, Issue 11 (February 2018)

Background: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is from Hepeviridae family and genus Hepevirus. This virus is in 4 genotypes. These 4 genotypes are classified in 2 classes. In first class there are genotypes 1 and 2 which are specific for human. Genotypes 1 and 2 are not developed to chronic hepatitis is spite to genotypes 3 and 4 which may develop to chronic hepatitis in immunocompromised patients. It should say that in middle east genotypes 3 and 4 are not frequent. One of the immunodeficiency syndrome is human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in which in the late phases of the disease the power of the immunity will be severely decreased in the patients. Therefore, in patients with HIV infection, HEV (specially genotypes 3 and 4) may be a problem and it may progress to a chronic viral hepatitis which may lead to liver failure. Therefore, it may need treatment and prophylactic strategies in some areas. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of HEV infection in HIV patients by molecular assay.
Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 111 random selected, known HIV infection patients in 2016 in Isfahan, Iran. This study was done under supervision of Immunodeficiency Research Center of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. The criteria for enrolling in the study, was positivity of HIV infection, and samples were selected from all known HIV infected patients in Isfahan. After blood sampling from the selected patients, HEV RNA was surveyed by RealStar® HEV RT-PCR Kit 1.0 (Altona Diagnostics, Hamburg, Germany). At the end, after isolation of HEV RNA, the cDNA was prepared and evaluated.
Results: Patients were between 5 to 68 years old and mean of the patients age was 38.5±11.5 years. 75 (67.6%) and 36 (32.4%) of the patients were men and women respectively. Mean count of the CD4 cells in these patients was 317.2±187.8. HBsAg and HCVAb was positive in 6 (5.4%) and 39 (35.1%) of them. No one of the studied patients were positive for HEV infection.
Conclusion: On the results of this study, there is no chance for having hepatitis E infection in Iranian HIV patients. Therefore, it seems that, hepatitis E is not an important problem in this group of patients in Iran.

Zohreh Habibi, Seyed Morsal Mosallami Aghili , Seyed Amir Hossein Javadi , Arash Seifi, Kourosh Karimi Yarandi, Seyed Ali Dehghan Manshadi , Fereshteh Naderi Behdani ,
Volume 79, Issue 2 (May 2021)

Background: Neurosurgery practice conflicts with many challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic; Including the lack of beds in intensive care units, as well as the use of some methods such as drills and trans-nasal and trans-oral approaches that produce aerosols or are directly in contact with patient discharge. Due to these challenges, developing a clinical guideline to help neurosurgeons and medical staff in decision making and improving patients and medical staff safety during the COVID-19 pandemic is the purpose of this study.
Methods: First, all of the relevant clinical guidelines to neurosurgical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic were extracted from the data centers. Finally, five clinical guidelines were selected. The questions and the items were designed according to these guidelines. The answers to each of the questions were extracted from these guidelines. The complementary evidence was extracted by searching in the data centers again. Finally, the answers were edited and the edited answers were considered as the recommendations. These recommendations were sent to 4 experts in the Neurosurgery field and 2 experts in the infectious diseases field. The appraisers evaluated the recommendations according to the AGREE-REX instrument.  This instrument has 9 items and 3 domains including clinical applicability, values and preferences, and implement ability. Recommendations with above 80% agreement were considered as the final recommendations.
Results: The final recommendations were presented as “Clinical guideline of neurosurgical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic” in the results section.
Conclusion: This clinical guideline was developed by using similar guidelines and available evidence. Proper usage of personal protective equipment, reduction of unnecessary contacts between medical staff and patients, use of Telemedicine for follow-up, proper air conditioning, screening patients for COVID-19, reduction of elective surgery, use of less invasive methods, management of aerosol production and reduction of trans-oral and trans-nasal approaches are the most important recommendations of this clinical guideline.

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