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Showing 19 results for Yari

Sh Niro Manesh , A Amiri , Sh Ali Yari ,
Volume 52, Issue 3 (30 1994)

In this study, 1600 pregnant women who had referred to two prenatal clinics (Imam Khomeini and Mirza Kochek-Khan) were investigated. Ninety cases of asymptomatic bacteriuria were observed 77 of those cooperated with us until the end of our study. The subjects, who were within the 14-36 weeks of gestational age, were randomly divided into two groups: Group A received the medicine (Amoxicillin) in a single-dose (3gr.) and, group B received it within seven days (1gr. TDS). The rate of recovery (65% in group A and 56.8% in group B), based on chi-squared test, showed no significant difference (P=0.747%). According to the results of this study, we can conclude that single-dose treatment has the same value as a seven-day treatment and the advantages such as decreased total dose, lower cost, and a better patient compliance.
Mostaan M, Saberi H, Sharyarian Sh, Bahar Joo Hr, Mahdi Zadeh F,
Volume 58, Issue 4 (8 2000)

This is retrospective double-blind research, which was carried out in Imam Khomeini hospital in order to study the accuracy of color Doppler ultrasonography for detecting the site and grade of stenosis in cervical carotid artery. 40 patients with mean age of 62 years studied with color Doppler before DSA angiography. The most common sites of stenosis were left internal carotid (39.5%) and right internal carotid arteries (38.4%). We measured peak systolic and end-diastolic velocities (PSA and EDV) and ratios of PSA and EDV at stenosis sites to CCA (PSV ratio and EDV ratio). Results showed that PSA has the highest sensitivity and accuracy in all grades of stenosis: Mild to moderate stenosis: Sensitivity (90.5%), accuracy (89.5%) Severe stenosis: Sensitivity (82.1%), accuracy (92.8%) Total occlusion: Sensitivity (93.8%), accuracy (96.5%). There is no difference between accuracy of Doppler parameters for detection of total occlusion (96.5%) but in other grades after PSV, EDV (Mild-moderate 86%, severe 87.2%). EDV ratio and PSV ratio (Mild-moderate both 84.8%, severe both 86%) have the highest accuracies. We concluded that color Doppler sonography can reliability detect stenosis in carotid arteries & PSV has the highest accuracy.
Fard Esfahani A, Eftekhari M, Aliyari Zenooz N, Saghari M, Beygi D,
Volume 62, Issue 1 (12 2004)

Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of treatment with radioactive iodine on the function of gonads in males and females with follicular and papillary thyroid carcinoma.

Materials and Methods: Consenting patients in the reproductive age were grouped according to the cumulative dose of received radioiodine and followed for at least 12 months. For all men, serum levels of FSH, LH, and testosterone were measured some (53 cases) were also studied by semen analysis. For women, tests for serum levels of LH, FSH, estrogen, and progesterone were performed.

Results: Overall, 246 patients (159 females, 87 males) were studied. In 87.4% of men, there was an increase in serum FSH level after radioiodine therapy, in 20.7% of whom the level remained high during follow-up period. The average serum level of FSH after each course of treatment was significantly higher than the level before treatment (p<0.01), and there was a meaningful correlation with the cumulative dose of received iodine (p<0.001). Reduced number of sperms was shown in 35.8% of male patients, among whom 73.7% also showed reduced motility. In 36.8% of the patients with reduced sperm number (13.2% of the total), this finding was persistent during the follow-up period. Increased level of FSH was correlated with reduced sperm counts in all doses (p 

Arab Mr, Allahyari A, Sargolzaie Aval F, Rafighdoost H, Karimi M,
Volume 65, Issue 8 (3 2007)

Background: The extracellular matrix is a complex three-dimensional network of proteins and glycosaminoglycans, which have important roles in cellular physiology and cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Any changes in the extracellular matrix of tumors may be implicated in cellular transformation and metastasis. The aim of the present study was to identify changes in the hyaluronic acid of the stroma of colonic carcinoma.

Methods: Paraffin blocks of 30 patients with colon carcinoma (10 patients at each histological grade) were chosen from the pathology file of Khatam-Al-Anbia Hospital in Zahedan, Iran. Tissue sections (5-6 micrometers thick) were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and the alcian blue critical electrolyte concentration histochemical technique at pH=5.8. The intensity of the staining in each section was graded as 1, 2 or 3, referring to low, moderate or severe staining reactivities, respectively. Statistical data was analyzed with nonparametric tests by SPSS (ver. 10) and histopathological reports were prepared.

Results: The results of this study showed that there is a good correlation between histopathological grading and staining intensity of tumoral stroma for hyaluronic acid (p<0.005). Analysis using the Mann Whitney test revealed significant differences between staining grades 1 and 3 and grades 2 and 3 (p<0.005 and p<0.002, respectively), although there was no significant difference between staining grades 1 and 2 for hyaluronic acid.

Conclusions: The difference in staining intensity of the stroma in colon carcinoma is a result of different amounts of hyaluronic acid in stroma, indicating that increased levels of hyaluronic acid are associated with the invasion and metastasis of neoplastic cells.

Bazyari Delavar H, Fatahi Bafghi A, Fathol Olomi M R, Peyvandi A A,
Volume 66, Issue 3 (2 2008)

Background: Total laryngectomy is the mainstay of treatment for laryngeal cancer. Fistula is one of the most common complications after total laryngectomy. In patients without risk factors such as prior radiotherapy, diabetes mellitus or chronic renal disease, the incidence of pharyngocutaneous fistula is related to wound healing and duration of operation. We have developed a new method that is both simple and without the complication of pharangocutaneous fistula. Herein, we report the efficacy of this innovative method for the closure of total laryngectomy compared to the conventional method for closure.
Methods: In this clinical trial, we included 40 patients with grade T3 or T4 squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx. The total laryngectomy of all patients was performed by the standard method. Twenty patients (case group) were repaired by the new method for closure and 20 patients (control group) were repaired by the standard method. Duration of surgery and hospital stay, bleeding, hematoma, seroma and fistula formation were characterized for every patient and statistically analyzed.
Results: The mean age was 59.8 ±7.8 years for the control group and 61.3 ±6.4 years for the case group. Duration of surgery was 150 ±23.2 minutes and 130 ±18.7 minutes for the control and case groups, respectively (p<0.001). Duration of hospital stay was 10.5 ±1.6 and 3.1 ±0.2 days in the control and case groups, respectively (p<0.002). Bleeding, hematoma or seroma were not seen in either group. Pharyngocutaneous fistula occurred in three patients in control group and was not observed in case group.
Conclusion: This new method for closure shortens the duration of surgery and hospital stay. Furthermore, the patients in the case group avoided the psychological and traumatic side effects of tube feeding associated with fistula. In addition, no other complications were observed with this method. We recommend the use of this simple and efficient method for wound closure after total laryngectomy.

Eshraghi S, Salehipour Z, Pourmand Mr, Rahimi Forushani A, Zahraei Salehi Mt, Agha Amiri S, Bakhtyari R, Abedi Mohtasab Tp, Mardani N, Seyed Amiri S, Soltan Dallal Mm,
Volume 67, Issue 7 (7 2009)

Background: Staphylococcus aureus is a major foodborne pathogen throughout the world. Enterotoxins and toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 are important virulence factors and as pyrogenic toxin superantigens have profound effects on the ir host. Thus circulation of TSST1 producing S.aureus among people and food chain is a worrying issue. The present paper was conducted to study Prevalence of tst, entC, entA and entA/C genes in staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from different foods.
Over 1040 food samples have been analyzed differentially according to Iran national standard (number= 1194) for S.aureus identification. After DNA extraction, PCR reactions were carried out by reference strain as positive control, adequate primers.

Results: At present study, prevalence of foodstuffs contaminated by S.aureus isolates was about 9.5% (100 strains). Of 25% of isolates producing entC, 28% (seven strains) had tst gene at the same time and of 8% of isolates producing entA, 12.5% (one strain) were positive for tst genes simultaneously. Altogether of 9% isolates producing combination of entC and entA, 44.4% (four strains) were also producer of tst gene.

Conclusion: Prevalence of TSST1 producing strains in combination with enterotoxin genes is considerable especially with entC and A plus C. On the other hand, circulation of these isolates in humans, animals, foods and environment has hazardous effect for general public health.

Mousavi Hosseini K, Heidari M, Yari F,
Volume 69, Issue 5 (6 2011)

Background: In recent years, consumption of whole-blood for the treatment of patients has decreased but use of biological plasma-derived medicines such as albumin, immunoglobulin and coagulation factors have increased instead. Paying attention to albumin molecular structure is important for its isolation from human plasma. Albumin is a single-chain protein consisting of about 585 amino acids and a molecular weight of 66500 Daltons. Albumin is a stable molecule and it is spherical in shape. There are different methods for human albumin preparation. Considering the large consumption of this biological drug in clinical settings, methods with fewer steps in production line are of big advantage in saving time and manufacturing more products.

Methods: In this project, we prepared human albumin using hollow fiber cartridges in order to omit the rework on fraction V+VI. Human albumin is usually produced by the application of cold ethanol method, where albumin is obtained from fraction V by doing a rework on fraction V+VI to separate fraction V.

Results: In the current work, human albumin was prepared from fraction V+VI by the help of hollow fiber cartridges. With a concentration of 20%, the obtained albumin had 96.5% of monomer and 3.5% of polymer and polymer aggregate.

Conclusion: Comparing the obtained human albumin with a number of commercial human albumin samples by the use of SDS-page, the results were satisfactory regarding the 3.5 percent polymer and aggregate rate for the prepared albumin.

Mirsharifi R, Zhand N, Shahriyarian Sh, Meysamie A, Mirsharifi A, Aminian A,
Volume 69, Issue 5 (6 2011)

Background: Prevalence of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA), estimated by various studies, ranged from 4.1% to 14.2% in men older than 60 years. Most cases of AAA are asymptomatic and often discovered incidentally. Approximately the initial presentation in 12% of cases of AAA is sudden rupture with subsequent high mortality. This study was performed to evaluate the prevalence and screening necessity of AAA among Iranian men older than 65 years old.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, men older than 65 years, who referred for ultrasound examination to three different centers in Tehran, Iran at the year 2008 were included for evaluation of size of the abdominal aorta and presence of AAA.

Results: A total of 240 men older than 65 years enrolled in this study. AAA was found in 24 of the participants with prevalence rate of 10% in the studied population. Mean diameter of detected aneurysms was 3.931.435 cm. In 4 (1.7%) subjects, aneurysms greater than 5.5 cm in diameter were detected. One of these four subjects had the history of coronary artery disease and one was cigarette smoker. Three out of four had history of hypertension.

Conclusion: Considering the estimated prevalence rate of AAA by the current study and the population of Iranian men older than 65, implementing of mass screening for AAA in this group would detect 986 asymptomatic cases each year. Therefore, the authors recommend further studies about the cost-effectiveness of mass screening for AAA among Iranian men above 65 years.

Kosari F, Yarigarravesh Hr, Rezvan M,
Volume 70, Issue 6 (5 2012)

Background: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common type of lymphoma. There are various types of DLBCL including immunoblastic and centroblastic. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a member of Herpes virus family found in all human populations inducing different lymphoproliferative disorders. The role of EBV in the development of DLBCL is known. Multiple laboratory methods are available for detecting EBV. This study was conducted to determine the correlation of EBV with DLBCL in samples referred to pathology ward in Shariati and Sina Hospitals by chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) method.
Methods: In this case/control study, pathological specimens of 50 patients with DLBCL as well as 50 reactive lymph nodes and tonsils (control group) were collected from archives of Shariati and Sina Hospitals and were evaluated for EBV encoded RNA (EBER) expression based on CISH method. A peptide nucleic acid (PNA) EBV probe (Dakocytomatin) was used while all the processes were done in RNAase-free conditions using RNAase-free water, sterile gloves and samplers.
Results: Out of fifty specimens in the case group, eight were positive for EBER in comparison with two in the control group (P=0.046). No statistically significant difference was observed between intranodal or extranodal samples (P=0.736) or between males and females (P=0.0746).
Conclusion: Our study showed that EBV positivity for EBER in patient with DLBCL could be determined more effectively by CISH method than immunohistochemistry (IHC). Comparative analysis between CISH, PCR and IHC methods is recommended.

Reza Yarani , Kamran Mansouri , Ali Bidmeshkipour , Maryam Mehrabi , Ali Ebrahimi , Kaikaoos Gholami , Kheirollah Yari , Ali Mostafaie ,
Volume 71, Issue 3 (June 2013)

Background: Primary culture takes place following the cell isolation from tissues. Isolation and culture of melanocytes based on their roll in the protection of body against hazardous sun rays, production of skin, cornea and hair color is really important. This study was done to set isolation, culture and proliferation of melanocytes from children foreskin and adult eyelashes, and also comparison of two types of melanocyte culture medium.
Methods: Human foreskin and eyelash samples were used for melanocyte isolation and culture. After isolation of epidermis from dermis, epidermis cell suspensions were prepared by enzymatic digestion. The isolated cells were cultured in two melanocyte selective culture media. Immunocytochemistary and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays were used for confirmation of isolated and cultured melanocytes.
Results: Our results indicated that isolated melanocyte cultured in the selective medium without phorbol esters is better than the melanocytes cultured in selective medium cont-aining phorbol esters not only morphologically but also physiologically and from the aspect of cell adhesion. In addition, the results showed that isolated melanocyte from adult eyelashes are more dendritic than melanocytes isolated from children foreskin. Conversely, our results indicated that the number of cell passages in melanocyte isolat-ed from foreskin is more than melanocytes isolated from adult eyelashes.
Conclusion: Melanocytes cultured in selective medium containing convenient growth factors in absence of phorbol esters show more native physiological and adhesive properties. In addition, melanocyte isolated from younger tissues such as foreskin have better proliferative and sub-culturing properties so we suggest isolation and culture of younger tissues.
Gholamreza Pouryaghoub , Ramin Mehrdad , Soussan Salehpour , Mehran Shahryari ,
Volume 72, Issue 2 (May 2014)

Background: Cancer is the third cause of death in Iran. Approximately 5-10% of all human cancers are thought to be caused by occupational exposure to carcinogens. Dif-fuse mesotheliomas of the peritoneum and pleura are considered "signal tumors," or pa-thognomonic of exposure to asbestos. There is also evidence that nonasbestos agents can induce malignant mesotheliomas. So, we need to study the history of exposure to asbestos in patients suffering from mesothelima to determine relationship between them in Iran, especially in occupational settings. Methods: We received the data of 272 mesothelioma's patients having been registered in 1385 to 1389 in Cancer Bureau, in Ministry of Health. One hundred fifty four of them had telephone number. Finally we could interview with 60 families and gathered data of patient's history of occupation, cigarette smoking and residence place interred in the designed questionnaire. Then we brought out the variants of age, sex, the province of birth place and the involved organs from the data of Cancer Bureau. Analysis of frequency of variants was carried out and compared once in 272 patients being registered in Cancer Bureau and then in the interviewed 60 patients. Results: Distribution of age, sex, the province of birth and living place and the involved organ were similar in cancer registry's data and the interviewed patients. Distribution of cigarette smoking and exposure to asbestos in the interviewed patients were 28% and 63% respectively. Occupational distribution of interviewed patients consisted of con-struction workers 20%, oil company employees 13.3%, administrative staff 8.3% and drivers 6.7%. Conclusion: The results of our study specified the jobs with high risks of exposure to asbestos and approved the relationship between the exposure to asbestos and the inci-dence of mesothelioma in Iran, according to researches in other countries. So the con-sumption of asbestos in Iran, like 20 other countries in the world is necessary to be banned.
Habib Yaribeygi , Hojjat Taghipour , Hamidreza Taghipour ,
Volume 72, Issue 8 (November 2014)

Background: Cardiovascular complications have very high incidence and are the main cause of mortality in human. Although the cardiovascular risk factors among apparently healthy subjects have been studied, these factors among patients who have undergone coronary artery bypass graft surgery have not evaluated clearly. Methods: The present study is a descriptive, cross-sectional survey on 1592 patients which suffered coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) from May 2009 to May 2013 in Baqiyatallah Hospital, Tehran. Before surgery, all patients were carefully assessed and typical and atypical cardiovascular risk factors were determined and the desired data were collected. Results: More than 70.8% of subjects were men and 29.2% were women. Average age of all patients was 60.39±7.5 years and the mean weight was 73.91±6.3 kg. Typical risk factors including: smoking, plasma cholesterol level, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and family history of cardiac problems, were common in these patients. Forty seven percent of patients had diabetes mellitus, 79.4% had hypercholesterolemia, 34.3% had a smoking history, 64.5% had hypertension and 44.2% of patients had a family history of cardiovascular disease. Among atypical risk factors, various types of angina (chest pain) had high prevalence (88.8% of all). Also, mean body mass index (BMI) were higher than normal (27.46±2.1) which showed the incidence of obesity among these patients. But, other atypical risk factors did not have high incidence. Conclusion: We demonstrated that typical and well known risk factors have also high prevalence in CABG patients. Our results indicates that we can recognize high risk persons with continuous and accurate screening as a safe and inexpensive preventive tool. This can be done in both apparently healthy subjects and in cardiovascular patients. We can prevent the occurrence of severe degrees of atherosclerosis and also CABG. So the cost and performing surgeries will be decreased.
Saeed Khodayari , Hamid Khodayari , Ali Mohammad Alizadeh ,
Volume 74, Issue 4 (July 2016)

It was assumed that the loss of cardiomyocytes is irreversible. The main goal is to develop widely available and clinically applicable treatments for heart diseases. The several studies have showed that the use of stem cells can improve complicacies such as cardiovascular diseases. Stem cells have a potential benefit of the self-renewal and cell differentiation into the cell types that can play an important role in the organogenesis and the embryonic development. In a lifetime, the heart muscle has a population of cardiac stem cells (CSCs) in which a dramatically increase after cardiovascular damages. So far, seven types of CSCs have been discovered with the different molecular phenotype and the cell differentiation potential. In this regard, the proliferation and the differentiation increase of CSCs in the cardiac ischemic areas can be a key factor to improve heart complicacies. Paracrine and/or autocrine factors, the extracellular matrix and the genetic mediators including microRNA can control the function of CSCs. It has clearly been understood that the factors mentioned previously have the ability to improve these complicacies. The differentiation, the survival and the self-renewal of CSCs are largely under the control of factors in the heart microenvironment. Several studies showed that the cytokines and the growth factors play the important role in the proliferation and the migration of CSCs. Taking advantage of these factors together CSCs to repair damaged heart can enhance this method efficiency. This review will discuss the different kinds of CSCs, their molecular phenotype and cardiac regeneration potential in order to improve cardiovascular diseases. It seems that CSCs-based therapy is emerging as a novel approach for myocardial repair over conventional cardiovascular therapies. Therefore, understanding the new aspects on the molecular mechanisms and the signaling pathways involving CSCs is critical for the development of the therapeutic strategies in cardiac patients that would be valuable for researchers in both fields of molecular and clinical cardiology.

Mitra Gholami , Shahram Nazari, Ahmad Reza Yari , Seyed Mohsen Mohseni , Soudabeh Alizadeh Matboo ,
Volume 75, Issue 2 (May 2017)

Background: Electrolysis is an electrochemical method for the treatment of water. recently water disinfection by electrochemical methods has been increasingly carried out. The aim of this applied research was to investigate the removal of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) bacteria from drinking water by using electrolysis method with Al-Fe electrodes parallel with the monopole mode.

Methods: An experimental study was conducted in the laboratory of microbiology, Iran University of Medical Science in May 2017. In this study, the contaminated water samples were prepared through adding 103, 104 and 105 E. coli and S. aureus bacteria per 1 milliliters (mL) of drinking water. Independent variables Included: different concentrations of E.coli and S. aureus bacteria (103, 104 and 105 CFU/ml), reaction time (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 min), initial pH (7, 8 and 9), electrode gap (1, 2 and 3 cm), current density (0.83, 1.67 and 3.3 mA/cm2) to determine the optimum conditions were investigated. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the results.

Results: The results show that in the optimum conditions with increasing the pH from 7 to 9 removal efficiency of bacterial strains of E. coli and S. aureus were decreased significantly from 98 to 73% and 99.1 to 76%, respectively. In initial concentration of 104 CFU/ml, optimum conditions were obtained for current density, reaction time and electrodes gap, 1.67 mA/cm2, 20 min and 2 cm, respectively. With increasing current density and reaction time in both strains of bacteria, were decreased significantly. The electrodes gap do not have much impact on the efficiency of the process. The amount of electrical energy consumed in optimal conditions was calculated 0.5128 kilowatt-hour (kWh/h). Statistical analysis shows that exist significant relationship (P<0.01) between initial concentrations of bacterial strains and efficiency of the process.

Conclusion: According to the results, E. coli and S. aureus, removal efficiency were obtained more than 98%, therefore electrolysis process can be used in the removal of pathogenic bacteria from drinking water.

Mahboobeh Sadat Hosseini , Mohammad Javad Bahoosh , Gholamhossein Alishiri , Nahid Khalili , Habib Yaribeygi ,
Volume 75, Issue 11 (February 2018)

Background: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus due to existence of various factors is growing rapidly. The insulin resistance phenomenon is one of the main underlying causes of this disease, due to various reasons such as a decrease in serum levels of vitamin D3. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between plasma level of vitamin D3 and some other main plasma factors.
Methods: This clinical trial study carried out on type 2 diabetes mellitus subjects who referred to diabetes clinic of Baqiyatallah Hospital in Tehran city during June to September 2016. First demographic data of all patients were collected. Then the blood samples for evaluation of blood glucose, HbA1c, triglyceride, cholesterol, HDL, LDL and vitamin D3 were obtained. Based on plasma level of vitamin D3, diabetic subjects were divided into two separate treatment groups (with and without vitamin D3 deficiency) and then above-mentioned factors were compared between these two groups. Afterward, in group with vitamin D3 deficiency, treatment by vitamin D3 triggered (50000 unit per week for eight weeks orally) until plasma level of vitamin D3 reached above 30 ng/mL. Then, treatment continued by vitamin D3 (50000 Unit per week orally) and calcium (1.5 g/day PO) until 60 days. Finally, the patients were evaluated about fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, HDL, LDL and blood pressure.
Results: In total, 187 subjects (99 men and 88 women) were evaluated in this study. Total hypovitaminose incidence was 0.65% which was higher in subjects with higher body mass index (BMI). Serum content of vitamin D3 and calcium, significantly changed the values of fasting blood sugar (FBS), HbA1c, HDL and TG, but has no significant effects on other factors.
Conclusion: Our results clearly revealed that hypovitaminose vitamin D3 is one of the main factors that can leading to rise in plasma glucose and dyslipidemia occurrence. Also, our data are demonstrated that treatment by vitamin D3 and calcium can modify fasting blood glucose and dyslipidemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus subjects.

Ehsan Aghaei Moghadam , Mohammad Reza Mirzaaghayan, Azadeh Sayarifard , Marjan Kouhnavard , Azin Ghamari ,
Volume 77, Issue 7 (October 2019)

Background: Growth disturbance is a common phenomenon in children with congenital heart diseases (CHD). Malnutrition and nutritional disturbances have a higher prevalence among children with down syndrome, especially children with Down syndrome; on the other hand, the prevalence of CHD is higher among syndromic children, which needs surgical repair as the definitive treatment. The nutritional status plays an important role in determining the postoperative complications and recovery. The purpose of this study was to investigate the growth status of children with Down syndrome and congenital heart disease before cardiac surgery.
Methods: This study was conducted as a retrospective study by evaluating the records of all syndromic patients undergoing cardiac surgery at Children’s Medical Center of Excellence, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, from March 2011 to March 2017. Age, weight, height, weight-for-age z-score (WAZ), weight-for-height z-score (WHZ), height-for-age z-score (HAZ), mortality and hospitalization rate in an intensive care unit (ICU) were recorded in these patients. The z-scores more than -1 were considered as normal, between -1 and -2 as mild malnutrition, between -2 and -3 as moderate malnutrition and below -3 as severe malnutrition.
Results: 35 (51.5%) patients were female and 33 (48.5%) were male. The mean age, weight, and height of these children were 26.9±24.9 months, 9.1±4.95 kg, and 79.55±17.95 cm, respectively. The mean of WHZ, WAZ, and HAZ in these children was -2.18+1.65, -1.95+2.25 and -1.22+3.11, respectively. Based on the values of WAZ, WHZ, and HAZ, 85.3%, 77.9% and 75% of patients have malnutrition (mild to severe forms, z-score less than -1). The most common cardiac defect was ventricular septal defect (VSD) accompanied by pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Conclusion: Considering the high prevalence of impaired nutritional status in these children and considering the effect of preoperative malnutrition on surgical outcomes, including mortality, assessing the nutritional status is much important. The adequate nutritional support in these patients leads to a reduction of the mortality, postoperative complications and morbidities.

Parham Mardi, Sorour Shojaeian, Nooshin Taherzadeh-Ghahfarokhi, Ghazaleh Molaverdi, Maedeh Amiri Roudy , Ali Salahshour, Mahmood Bakhtiyari, Sayed-Hamidreza Mozhgani ,
Volume 78, Issue 11 (February 2021)

  SARS-CoV-2 emerging from Wuhan, China is a member of the Coronaviridae family, which has so far infected and killed many people. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic affected various aspects of life in Iran and Worldwide, and governments have imposed quarantines and travel bans on an unprecedented scale. The virus causes COVID-19, which can spread through close contact with the infected person, contaminated equipment, and suspended air droplets. The most common symptoms of the disease include fever, cough, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal symptoms, and diarrhea. In severe cases, the lung infection can occur, which causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome that leads to ICU admission and even death.
  Besides, this infection can cause gastrointestinal, neurological, and renal impairments. Not merely, this new coronavirus has infected many more people worldwide in comparison to MERS and SARS, but also it has killed more people. Patients with underlying diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, respiratory problems, kidney disease, heart disease and Immunodeficiency are at higher risk of infection and potential death. Also, the risk of death and complication increases in older adults, while most of the infected children are asymptomatic. Some infected people may have mild or no symptoms but can still transmit the disease and spread it to others.
To diagnose COVID-19, serology tests, and level of ESR, CRP and other acute-phase reactants are helpful, whereas molecular tests, such as RT-PCR tests, that detect the virus’s genetic material are still the golden standard. Also, CT scan detects lung involvement; Ground-glass opacification, especially in lower lobes and subpleural region, is the most common CT characteristic, although it is not specific for COVID-19. Because the disease is difficult to diagnose, hard to prevent and challenging to treat, it has become a major concern for many countries. This review aims to gather existing information in the fields of virology, molecular pathogenesis, disease symptoms, epidemiology, clinical presentations, diagnosis, treatment, and the spread of the disease. This study also provides evidence-based prevention and treatment strategies for health policymakers, doctors, nurses, and practitioners in the field of public health, including researchers and students.

Vahid Varmazyari , Amirreza Rashti, Ali Darakhshandeh, Ayda Moghaddas, Azadeh Moghaddas,
Volume 80, Issue 10 (January 2023)

Background: Since numerous chemotherapy regimens for the treatment of patients suffering from acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) have been recently developed, having basic information about the previous results of using the Hyper-CVAD regimen in order to compare with other common chemotherapy regimens is essential. The aim of this study was to evaluate demographic, clinical and outcome of ALL patients receiving Hyper-CVAD regimen.
Methods: In this retrospective study, nighty eligible ALL patients treated with the Hyper-CVAD chemotherapy regimen in Omid Hospital, Isfahan, Iran during April 2016 till April 2019 were considered. We evaluated the demographic variables, pathological data and other clinical factors by an information sheet designed by main investigator. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate overall survival, progression-free survival, and overall response rate of patients along with patients’ clinical characteristics and other relevant factors using Kaplan-Meier or Cox-regression and other statistical analyses. 
Results: The mean overall survival and the median survival of patients were 44.8±2.93 and 36.7±7.47 months; respectively. Also the mean progression free survival of patients was 44.44±3.30 months. More than 84.4% of patients encountered complete remission (CR) after receiving Hyper-CVAD regimen. Reaching to CR had positive significant effects on patients’ overall survival and median survival. However, the bone marrow transplantation variable alone did not affect the patients’ overall survival. The variables such as being B/T Cell ALL, Philadelphia, myeloid marker, and central nervous system involvement did not affect the overall survival of patients but the relapse index indicated the significant effects. The median survival time is higher in patients with no relapse episode. None of the initial lab data had any significant effects on patients’ overall survival.
Conclusion: For the first time in Iran, we have obtained the mean survival outcome of ALL patients after applying the Hyper-CVAD regimen. According to the results, the mean overall survival, progression free survival and other survival items in Iranian patients suffering from ALL and receiving Hyper-CVAD regimen were in consistent with previous studies in the world.

Arghavan Afra, Pouriya Nafari, Masoud Foroutan, Mahboobeh Momtazan , Naser Kamyari,
Volume 81, Issue 9 (December 2023)

Background: Correct clinical decision-making has a significant impact on the treatment process, achieving the expected clinical outcome and increasing patient satisfaction, and identifying the factors affecting it is essential for evidence-based medical education. This study aimed to determine the relationship between evidence-based medicine with academic self-efficacy and research self-efficacy of medical students.
Methods: This descriptive analytical study conducted from October 2022 to October 2023 on 45 medical students at Abadan University of Medical Sciences. After obtaining consent from the students and registering demographic and educational information, data collection was performed using evidence-based medicine, academic self-efficacy, and research self-efficacy questionnaires. Then data analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman correlation coefficient, and regression model in SPSS.
Results: The findings of our study showed that research self-efficacy in students who had research experience (189.03) was significantly higher than students who did not have research experience (140.76).  In addition, the average score of academic and research self-efficacy and evidence-based medicine in students who had a history of membership in the student research committee was significantly higher than students who did not have a history of membership. Finally, it was found that evidence-based medicine had a direct and significant relationship with research self-efficacy (r=0.361, P<0.05) and academic self-efficacy (r=0.457, P<0.001). In examining the relationship between academic self-efficacy and research self-efficacy, it was also found that these two variables have a direct and significant relationship with each other (r=0.714, P<0.001). As well as, there was no significant relationship between academic self-efficacy, research self-efficacy, and understanding the characteristics of evidence-based practice with any of the variables of age, gender and entry year (P>0.05).
Conclusion:  According to the obtained results, it can be concluded that academic self-efficacy and research self-efficacy have an effect on evidence-based medicine, and all of the above can be improved by teaching  medical students to participate in student research committees and doing research work. In this way, it improves the quality of treatment in doctors.

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