Showing 78 results for Zh
Sh Niroomanesh, Gh Behzadiannezhad, M Ebrahimi Torabi,
Volume 56, Issue 1 (30 1998)
Between 270 patients complaining of symptoms of vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis was diagnosed in 68 women (%25) based on at least three of four criteria: 1. Homogenous vaginal discharge 2. Positive amine test 3. pH more than 4.5 4. Clue cell in wet smear. The results were compared to 55 normal controls.
Clue cell with more than %20 of epithelial cells was seen in %87 of cases and %5.5 of controls. A pH more than 4.5 showed the greatest sensitivity (%100) and the smallest specificity (%47). The most frequent complaints included increased discharge, bad odor, and sensing bad odor after coitus.
P Maleknezhad , M Aligholi , S Moosavi ,
Volume 56, Issue 4 (1 1998)
Drug therapy and prophylaxy in infectious diseases, from hygienic and economical point of view, are very important. Infections caused by pseudomonas aeroginosa were particularly severe, with high mortality rates. In the recent years pseudomonas aeroginosa continued to cause the most severe, life-thereating infections in burned patients, in spite of the introduction of a wide variety of antibiotics advised specifically for their anti pseudomonal activity. The aim of this study, in which many cases of ps.aeroginosa infections are assessed is to identify the drug resistance of this bacteria to penicillines, cephalosporins and aminoglycosides by antibiotic sensitivity test (disk ager diffusion). Results as percent of resistance to each antibiotic were 89% to carbenicillin, 55% to piperacillin, 89% to mezlocillin, 89.5% to ticarcillin+clavulonic acid, 85% to ceftriaxone, 95% to tobramycin, 5% of all isolates were not sensitive to any antibiotics.
A Zafarghandi , I Harirchi , M Ebrahimi , N Zamani , S Jarvandi , A Kazemnezhad ,
Volume 56, Issue 5 (6 1998)
A retrospective study was conducted to investigate about breast cancer in Tehran from 1985 to 1995. All breast pathological records at five General District and Teaching Hospitals (18 general surgical wards) were reviewed and data were extracted. Overall, 3085 records were found (7291 female and 294 male). The final diagnosis was made for 2436 female records including 903 breast cancer (37.1%), 1430 benign breast disease (58.7%), 45 breast skin disease (1.8%) and 58 normal pathological report (2.4%). The dominant group age for breast cancer in women was age group of 40-49 years. The most frequent pathological stage was stage III. Breast cancer was also seen in 2.3 percent of women of 25 year old or younger. The diagnosis was also made for 278 men showing 32 breast cancer (11.5%), 23 benign breast disease (86%), 3 breast skin disease (1.1%) and 4 normal pathological report (1.4%). The results suggest that 3.5 percent of the overall breast cancer were men's, all having over 40 years of age with 60 years or older as the most frequent age. The most frequent pathological stage was stage III. The findings have some implications for public health professionals in terms of breast cancer screening in Iran.
M Akhyani , H Ghaninezhad Ahary , Z Safaie Naraghi , A Rezaie ,
Volume 56, Issue 5 (6 1998)
Our purpose was demographic clinical and pathological aspect of BCE in patients seen in Razi Hospital, during a six-month period (75.8.12 to 76.2.12). Results: From the total 20000 patients, 103 cases of BCE were detected. (0.5%). The male female ratio was 1.71 BCE was more frequent in sixth decade. 40.8% of patients were fair skin (Type II), 54.4% tawny (Type III) and 4.9% brown (Type IV, V). 15.5% of patients had a past history of freckles and history of radiotherapy in childhood was present in 41.7% 89.3% had no history of acne and seborrhea. The scalp was the most common site of BCE. The most common clinical type was nodular BCE and solid BCE was the dominant histological feature. Conclusion: BCE was more common in male and fair skin patients with dry skin. In those having history of radiotherapy of the scalp, lesions were seen mostly on the scalp, forehead and neck: pigmented BCE was predominant in this group.
H Ghaninezhad Ahary , M Barzegari , P Babamkhani , R Pirjani ,
Volume 56, Issue 5 (6 1998)
Introduction: Hand eczema is one of the most common causes of disabiliting dermatoses. Objective: Our purpose was to determine the frequency of hand eczema in out patients seen in Razi hospital (university medical center). Design: Of 3754 patients with skin problems, 206 were investigated for hand eczema and the study was carried out with regard to age, sex, occupation, exposure to chemical and physical irritants and predispositional factors. Results: The prevalence of hand eczema was 5.48%. The mean age was 30.8 years. The female: male ratio was 1.6. The highest number of patients were in the occupational group with exposure to reegents and water (we couldn't do patch test because it was not available). The most common complaint was itching (85.5%) and the fingers were the predominant affected sites. Conclusion: The major cause of hand eczema in contact dermatitis (Irritant and Allergic) and patch testing in necessary to determine the allergic agent, that can be helpful in allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) but are sometimes discouraged because of high false-positive rate and also in many instances, simultaneous exposure to irritant factors plays an essential role in the development of ACD.
N Alipoor Ghorbani , A Sarafnezhad , A Mirsalehian , R Malekzadeh , Z Jadali , Gh Behzadian , M Satari ,
Volume 57, Issue 2 (8 1999)
Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) is the most common human infection in the world. This agent has a strong role in pathogenesis of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers. Therefore introducing of simple and cost effective and non invasive tests are important for diagnosis of H.pylori infections. In this study 215 patient suffering from different gastrointestinal disorders referred to GI endoscopy department of Dr. Ali Shariati Hospital were selected as case and another 50 as control group, which were evaluated for H.pylori infection. Direct smear (staining with Giemsa) and urease tests were used as gold standard tests compared with IFA-IgG and culture. Sensitivity and specificity and accuracy for IFA were 94%, 86% and 90%, respectively. Absorption with campylobacter jejoni did not change the level of IgG against H.pylori. Negativity of urease test dose not show the eradication or absence of bacteria, but shows the low number of bacteria in biopsy materials. This report suggest that IFA is an advantageous, sensitive and reliable test in diagnosis of H.pylori infection.
H Seirafi , F Farnaghi , M Daneshpazhooh ,
Volume 57, Issue 2 (8 1999)
Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is the term applied to a group of disorders whose common primary feature is the formation of blisters following trivial trauma. Hereditary EB comprises 3 major classes: simplex, junctional and dystrophic, and includes more than 23 phenotypes. The albopapuloid pasini variant of dominant dystrophic EB is characterized by a distinctive clinical appearance. In this article, we report this disease in three members of a family (father and two sons).
P Pas Bakhsh , M Mehdi Zadeh , Zh Behzadi ,
Volume 58, Issue 1 (6 2000)
In order to understand the function of mammalians serotonin system, we have to know the anatomical structure, because physiological changes are influenced through the anatomical changes. A number of thalamic nuclei are associated with functions known to be influenced by serotonergic input in brainstem, among them mediodorsal thalamic nucleus has relationship with limbic system and prefrontal cortex. The precise topographical projections of mesencephalic raphe nuclei to the MD nucleus of thalamus were identified in the rat using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde tracing substance. Injection of HRP in MD labeled a large number of neurons in rostral to caudal part of dorsal raphe nucleus. It exhibited a strong number of neurons in ipsilateral part of DR and a few cells in its contralateral part. Numerously labeled cells were also observed ipsilateral in rostral and medial part of MnR (86%) and a few cells in it's contralateral part. The present study has provided that the MD innervation by DR is more greater in density than that observed at the MnR. Upon these results and previous study, mesencephalic raphe nuclei are involved in several specific functions of thalamus as limbic system behavioral mechanism. A much more detailed knowledge is needed to show topographic relationships between mesencephalic raphe nuclei and forebrain.
S Moradmand , M Rasooli Nezhad ,
Volume 58, Issue 1 (6 2000)
Two factors changed the clinical course of infective endocarditis dramatically: 1) The discovery and evolution of techniques for identifying and treating its microbiologic causes and 2) Valvular surgery. We retrospectively evaluated 43 (33.5%) patients (8 female, 35 male) from 4 to 65 years old of 128 patients with infective endocarditis who underwent surgical intervention. Indication for surgery were: Refractory congestive heart failure 14 (32.5%), prosthetic valves 10 (23.2%), large vegetation 6 (13.9%), recurrent endocarditis 4 (9.3%), ring abscess 4 (9.3%), brucella endocarditis 2 (4.6%), staph aureus endocarditis 3 (6.9%) and recurrent emboli 2 (4.6%). 30 to 50% of patients with infective endocarditis are operated during the active phase of the disease, this percentage is higher in case of aortic valve endocarditis, prosthetic valve endocarditis, some microorganisms such as staph aureus, gram negative bacilli, fungus and brucella. We suggest that internists refer patients for surgical intervention with infective endocarditis as early as possible in the active stage of infection.
H Seirafi , F Farnaghi , H Ghani Nezhad ,
Volume 58, Issue 1 (6 2000)
Kindler syndrome is characterized by acral blister formation in infancy and childhood, poikiloderma and cutaneous atrophy. Undoubtedly, similarities of the clinical features exist between Kindler syndrome and Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with mottled pigmentation. In this article, we report 3 patients with Kindler syndrome. Until the Bullous component of Kindler syndrome is more completely understood, we believe that this disorder should continue to be classified as a separate disease.
Tarighat Monfared Mh, Moezi H, Rajavi Zh,
Volume 58, Issue 2 (7 2000)
Recently, small incision cataract extraction by phaco and implantation of a foldable intraocular lense with topical anesthesia has used in an attempt to decrease the complication of general anesthesia and peribulbar injection. To compare effects and complications of topical, local and general anesthesia, 92 patients admitted to Imam Hosein hospital for cataract surgery, were randomly assigned to three groups and surgery was done under different methods of anesthesia. During routine ECCE, lid and globe movements, miosis and viterous bulg were observed more in topical anesthesia than the other techniques, but serious complications such as posterior capsular rupture and viterous loss were not seen. Because of less systemic and local complications and rapid return of vision and possibility of outpatient surgery, topical anesthesia should be considered as an alternative to local and general methods.
Hashemi Sh, Khanlari M, Mamishy Zh,
Volume 58, Issue 2 (7 2000)
Accurate measurement of refractive error in uncooperative patients and young children, requires cycloplegia. The aim of the present study was to determine whethere cyclopentolate by itself or in combination with 4 times instillation of atropine can be used as a substitute for 10 times instillation of atropine. From 1994 to 1996, 39 patients aged 2-12 years were included in this study. Cycloplegia was undertaken by four different methods in subsequent visits: cyclopentolate 1%, 4 times instillation of atropine, 10 times instillation of atropine plus tropicamide and 10 times instillation of atropine. 26 patients (53% male, mean age: 6.4 years) completed the four stages of the study. Spheric refraction was significantly different between cyclopentolate and 4 times and 10 times atropine groups, but we didn't find any significant difference in cylindric refraction between groups. It seems that 10 times instillation of atropine is still the best method of cycloplegia in pediatric eye examination.
Ghafarnezhad M, Shams Mr,
Volume 58, Issue 2 (7 2000)
Asymptomatic bacteriuria is prevalent during pregnancy. It can lead to pyelonephritis, premature pregnancy and low birth weight. In this prospective study, to determine prevalence and risk factors of asymptomatic bacteriuria, 205 consecutive pregnant women who visited our prenatal care clinic in Mirza-Koochakkhan Hospital and had no urinary symptom were entered. Patients data were recorded using a questionnaire and urine samples were obtained for urinalysis and urine culture. We analysed data by using fisher exact and chi-squared test. 14 cases had positive urine culture (6.8%). Significant correlation was seen between asymptomatic bacteriuria and age, parity, past history of kidney stone, pyelonephritis, urinary tract infection, preterm delivery and pyuria pvalue <0.05. We suggest routine urine culture in first visit of high risk and 16th week of low risk pregnancies.
Tadjeddein A, Khorgami Zh,
Volume 65, Issue 1 (5 2008)
Background: Respiratory failure and crisis is one of major complications of thymectomy
in myasthenia gravis patients. There are different medication regimes for preparing these
patients for surgery and reducing post-operative side effects. The goal of this study is to
compare respiratory complications of oral vs. Parenteral preoperative administration of
anticholinesterase agents for thymectomy in myasthenia gravis patients.
Methods: This randomized controlled trial included 101 patients in class IIA or IIB of
myasthenia gravis according to the Osserman classification system. The control group
fasted for eight hours before surgery and oral anticholines-terase agents were replaced
with parenteral ones. The case group also fasted for 8 hours before surgery, but
pyridostigmine was continued at its usual dose until the time of operation and the last
dose was given to patients with a small amount of water in the operating room on the
operating bed.
Results: There was no statistically meaningful difference between the two groups in
terms of age, sex and pathologic findings. In comparison, the mean hospital stay for the
case group was 3.98 days and 6.34 for the control group (p value = 0.003). There were
eight cases of respiratory crisis or failure (16%) in the control group but only 1 case (2%)
was observed in case group (p value = 0.014). Only one patient in the case group required
re-intubation after the surgery however, six patients in control group were re-intubated
(p value = 0.053). Plasmapheresis was required for five patients in the control group and
one patient in the case group (p value = 0.098). Tracheostomy was performed on two
patients in the control group to accommodate prolonged intubation, but none of the case
group required this procedure.
Conclusion: This study shows that continuing oral anticholinesterase agents up to the
time of operation, with the last dose at the operative theater, lowers the incidence of postoperative
myasthenia crisis and respiratory failure, need for plasmapheresis and shortens
the hospital stay. This method may also decrease the need for re-intubation, mechanical
ventilation and tracheostomy, thus decreasing the chance of death resulting from
complications of the thymectomy.
Bahador M, Esmaeilpoor S, Bahador M, Ebrahimi Nezhad A,
Volume 66, Issue 9 (5 2008)
Background: Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a group of idiopathic disorders characterized by the proliferation of specialized bone marrow-derived Langerhans cells and mature eosinophils. The estimated annual incidence ranges from 0.5-2 cases per 100,000 persons per year. The pathogenesis of LCH is unknown. The prevalence of LCH seems to be higher among whites and males. The most common complaints at presentation are those related to bone lesions. Treatment consists of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy alone or in combination. The age of onset varies according to the variety of LCH. Solitary lesions may occur in bones or skin. Cutaneous lesions present with firm, painless papulonodules or vesicles.
Case report: This six-month-old baby presented with firm papulonodules on her temporal skin, but fortunately her other organs were healthy. She underwent two surgeries, separated by a one-month interval. Due to local recurrence after a short period of time, she underwent a 10-Gy dose of radiation. Her response proved good during follow-up.
Conclusion: Radiotherapy is good for controlling local recurrence in LCH, with few sequelae related to treatment.
Karimian F, Moghadamyeghaneh Zh, Aminian A, Pasha Meysami A, Fazely Ms, Kazemeini A,
Volume 67, Issue 4 (6 2009)
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Background: Polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution can induce
complications when used as preoperative bowel preparation. The aim of this study
was to compare two methods for mechanical bowel preparation in elective
operations of colon.
Methods: In a randomized clinical trial, 129 patients elected for
anastomosis of colon and referred to the surgical clinic of Imam Khomeini
Hospital of Tehran between March 2008
and March 2009 were included. They
were randomly allocated into two groups of PEG1
(1liter of PEG or 70gr
plus 15 mg bizacodil, n=63)
and PEG4 (4 liter
of PEG), according to the way of bowel preparation
and on the day before surgery, they received oral and IV
prophylactic antibiotics and cleared solutions. In the morning of the surgery,
they received their medication during 240
minutes. Then, they underwent anastomosic surgery of colon. The principle variables
recorded were nausea, vomiting, flatulence, Na and K
in the night before surgery, patients' and surgeons' satisfaction from bowel
preparation and postoperative infection and leakage.
Results: The majority of the patients were male (62%).
Nausea (28.57% vs. 98.48%,
p=0.001), flatulence (36.51%
vs. 95.45%, p=0.001),
and vomiting (4.76% vs. 75.76%,
p=0.001) were significantly lower in PEG1
and the patients' satisfaction were significantly higher (59.02%
vs. 1.52%, p=0.001)
Peroperative Na was significantly higher in PEG4
group (141.21±3.63 vs. 139.94±2.97mg/l,
p=0.001) and serum K
was significantly lower (3.55±0.25 vs. 3.76±0.21,
p=0.001). Surgeons' satisfaction were significantly
higher in PEG4 group (good to very
good 72.73% vs. 43.54%,
p=0.001). Postoperative infection of surgical site,
anastomosis leakage and ICU admission were
comparable between study groups.
Conclusions: Bowel
preparation with 1
liter of PEG plus
bizacodile pills instead of 1 liter of
PEG in
patients undergoing elective anastomosis of colon is not only associated with
lesser nausea, vomiting, flatulence, but also increases the patients'
satisfaction and tolerance, lessens electrolyte disturbances and do not
influence postoperative infection of surgical site and anastomosis leakage.
Ali Bidmeshkipour, Abaslt Hosseinzadeh Colagar, Maryam Gholinezhad Chari, Pourya Biparva,
Volume 67, Issue 12 (6 2010)
Background: Defective sperm function is now recognized as
one of the most important causes of male infertility. Seminal plasma possesses
a rich source of different enzymatic and
non-enzymatic antioxidants such as vitamin C (ascorbic
acid) that protect spermatozoa against oxidative stress as one of the mediators
of infertility causing sperm dysfunction and low sperm quality. The
aim of this study was investigation of seminal total antioxidant capacity and determination
of vitamin C effects on sperm
Methods: We designed a case-control study with a total
subject of 62 males. Sperm
parameters were analyzed according to World
Health Organization
guidelines (WHO, 1999).
Total antioxidant capacity and vitamin C
level of seminal plasma were measured in the 32
normozoospermic as the control group and 32
asthenospermic men as the case group using FRAP
(Ferric Reducing of Antioxidants
and RP-HPLC (Reverse Phase
High Performance
Liquid Chromatography)
methods, respectively.
Results: Our results indicated that total antioxidant
capacity levels in the seminal plasma of asthenospermic men were significantly
lower than healthy men (p=0.002).
In addition, we found a positive correlation
between reduced total antioxidant capacity levels and low sperm motility. Vitamin
C levels of seminal plasma in asthenospermic men
were statistically lower than control men (p=0.01).
Conclusions: It is suggested that asthenospermia could be
related to an antioxidant deficiency or it&aposs reduction.
Ali Ghafouri, Zhamak Khorgami, Saadat Moulanaei,
Volume 67, Issue 12 (6 2010)
Background: Intraabdominal schwannomas are rare tumors mostly occur in patients with neurofibromatosis. Tumors arisen from vagus nerve are rarer especially in sporadic cases.
Case: A 34-year-old man admitted in surgery ward Milad Hospital, in Tehran, Iran with long-lasting vomiting, dysphagia, and cachexia for four years. Multiple previous paraclinical assessments were normal, he had been treated as anorexia nervosa for three years without improvement. Our evaluations showed a mass in diaphragmatic hiatus. Explorative laparotomy revealed a mass parallel to distal esophagus, which was resected completely. Immunohistochemical examinations revealed a benign schwannoma. After surgery, the patient&aposs symptoms recovered and he returned to normal life.
Conclusions: Vagus nerve schwannoma can present with dysphagia and cachexia with normal endoscopic evaluations. It is important to rule out physical causes in patients with cachexia who are treated with psychiatric diagnoses.
Omolbanin Paknezhad, Khatereh Amiri , Marzieh Pazooki ,
Volume 68, Issue 8 (November 2010)
Background: Because bronchial hyper responsiveness (BHR) has been shown to be a risk factor for asthma and lung function decline, interest has focused on diagnosing BHR. The aim of our study was to measure the association between airway caliber relative to lung size expressed as the ratio between forced expiratory flow, mid expiratory phase, divided by forced vital capacity (FEF25-75/FVC) and BHR measured by methacholine challenge test (MCT) to obtain a cutoff for this ratio and positive MCT.
Methods: We carried out a cross- sectional study on general Iranian population in 376 subjects aged 7-73 years who were referred to Shariati hospital in Tehran, Iran in an outpatient setting. There were 190 male (50.5%) and 186 female (49.5%) subjects. They had chronic respiratory symptoms such as cough and dyspnea. The physical examination was normal. Baseline spirometry was normal or equivocal. MCT was done for all subjects over a two year period (2009- 2010). Positive MCT was defined by PC 20≤4mg/ml.
Results: The methacholine challenge test was positive in 191 (50.8%) and negative in 185 (49.2%) patients. The mean of FEF25-75/FVC in positive MCT was 0.86±0.27 Vs. 0.91±0.28 in the negative ones (p=0.070). The sensitivity and specificity of FEF25-75/FVC for prediction of MCT results were 57.1% and 60.2% based on cutoff point of 0.85 in all patients, and 87.5% and 70.7% based on cut off point of 1 in allergic patients, respectively.
Conclusion: The FEF25-75/FVC appears to be a useful predictive ratio in allergic patients but not in general population.
Kabiri F, Nejati V, Tukmechi A, Delirezh N, Nikbakhsh P,
Volume 68, Issue 12 (6 2011)
Background: Lactobacillus species are genetically diverse groups of Lactic Acid
Bacteria (LAB) that have been
introduced as probiotics, because of some characteristics such as their anti-tumor properties, helping the intestinal flora balance, production of
antibiotics, stimulation of host immune response, etc. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of cytoplasmic extraction and cell wall of
Lactobacillus species isolated from the intestine of common carp on human chronic myelocytic leukemia or K562 cancer cell lines.
Methods: The intestinal contents of 115 common carp captured from the natural resources of West Azerbaijan province in Iran were examined for LAB. After isolation, the identification of Lactobacilli was done according to traditional and molecular bacteriological tests. Subsequently, a suspension of each bacterium was prepared and the protein content of the cytoplasm was extracted. Cell wall disintegration was done by cell lysis buffer and sonication. The effects of cytoplasmic extraction and cell wall on K562 cell line proliferation were investigated by MTT
Results: The cytoplasmic extraction of the isolated Lactobacilli had significant (p<0.05)
anti-proliferative effects on K562 cells. The cytoplasmic extractions of Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus casei inhibited K562 cell proliferation by 66.56% and 54.28% at 83.33 μg/ml concentration, respectively.Nevertheless, the Lactobacillus cell wall could not inhibit the proliferations
of K562 cells (p<0.05).
Conclusion: In this study, the cytoplasmic extractions of the isolated Lactobacilli from the
intestine of common carp had anti-proliferative effects on K562cell line.