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Showing 29 results for heidari

B Heidari , Z Noroozi ,
Volume 55, Issue 5 (1 1997)

Diabetic nephropathy is common in Mazandaran and a significant number of patients under chornic hemodialysis are diabetics. The present study was designed to study the prevalence and predisposing factors of diabetic nephropathy (DN) in Mazandaran. Methods: During a 20 months period from June 1993 through December 1994, 490 (350 female, 140 male) cases of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) were diagnosed according to the criteria of National Diabetes Data Group. DN was diagnosed in 18 (11 male, 7 female) patients with proteinuria of 500 mg or more in a 24-hour urinary sample in at least two separate occasions, and excluding other causes of nephropathy. Results: 3.7 percent of all NIDDM patients had DN, 15+5 years after onset of diabetes. Male patients have higher prevalence of DN (7.8%) than female (2%). Onset of diabetes before 50 years age in male is a risk factor for DN (9.5%) as compared after 50 (4.5%) (P=0.01), in female the prevalence of DN before and after 50 is, 1 and 3.4 percent respectively (P=NS). Conclusions: In Mazandaran DN is not uncommon, it is more common in male patients than female. The age of onset, duration of diabetes and maleness are predisposing factors for DN.
B Heidari, Sh Rezaeemajd, A Makaremi,
Volume 56, Issue 1 (30 1998)

Ingestion of fish oil fatty acids (omega - 3 fatty acids ) inhibits the formation of arachidonic acid - derived cytokines and leads to production of compounds with diminished biological activity. Beneficial effects of dietary supplementation with fish oil in rheumatoid arthritis have been shown in many controlled trials.
Methods : 43 patients with active rheumatoid arthritis entered in a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to recieve either lOgr fish oil daily (treatment group) or corn oil (placebo group). Baseline drugs and usual diet were continued without any changes. Disease variables were evaluated at baseline and after completion of study period.
The changes in disease variables were compared by paired t-tesl in each group. Comparison of the two groups was done by t-test. Functional capacity was compared by Wilcoxon ranks test.
Results : 19 patients in treatment group and 20 patients in placebo group completed the study which lasted eight weeks . In the treatment group, joint pain index decreased from 30±11 at baseline, to 18±11 at the end of study period (P < 0.01). Joint swelling index decreased from 8 ± 4 to 2 ± 4, (P< 0.01), morning stiffness from 87 ± 41 to 24±16 minutes (P < 0.01). In the placebo group the above variable changes were from 19±14 to 25±14 8±8 to 7±6 and 80±71 to 76±75 minutes respectively, which were not significant . The differences between the treatment and placebo groups were significant in joint swelling index (P < 0.05), morning stiffness (P<0.01) and functioal capacity (p< 0.005), the differences in joint pain index and grip strenght did not quite achieve statstical significance. During study period there were no adverese effects with fish oil consumption.
Conclusion : Fish oil supplemention has anti-inflamatory effects in rheumatoid arthritis. Further studies are needed to recommend its long - term usage concomittant with other drugs in all patients

Niroomanesh Sh, Heidari A,
Volume 58, Issue 2 (7 2000)

There are now several tests available that can assess fetal status. A series of 164 cases of high risk pregnancies were studied in order to assess predictive value of a nonstress test. The majority (36%) of patients complained about postdate pregnancy. A nonreactive test was identified in 24 of the patients (14.6%). Fetal distress, low Apgar score in 1 and 10 minutes after birth and mean of Apgar score in 5 minutes, cesarean section due to fetal distress, congenital anomalies, need of neonatal care, IUGR, abnormal presentation and perinatal death were much more common in the group of pregnancies with a nonreactive NST than in the group with reactive test. The difference was statistically significant. A reactive test was found to be a good predictor of the healthy fetus. Negative predictive value and specifity of the test were found 80% and 91.9%, respectively. The nonreactive test could identify a population at risk but it was not helpful as a stand alone modality in decision making, because of the low sensitivity and positive predictive value rates (33.3% and 58%).
Heidari B, Noroozi Z,
Volume 59, Issue 1 (7 2001)

To determine the complications of gold sodium thiomalate therapy in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 32 patients with active RA (27 female, 5 male) treated for a mean period of 28 ? 14 weeks were studied. From these patients, 62.5 (46-79) percent showed at least one drug reaction. Pruritus was the most common complication occurred in 59 (42-76) percents, and was accompanied by skin rush in 37 (15-57) percents of cases. Renal, mucosal and post-injection complication developed, each in 16 (3-29) and percents of patients. Hematologic and pulmonary reaction occurred in 12.5 (1-24) and 9 (1-19) percents of cases respectively. Drug reaction resulted to discontinuation of gold therapy in 19 (5-32) percents of patients. Majority of drug reactions occurred during the first 15 weeks of therapy. In comparison to reports coming from other studies, drug reactions in Iranian patients were more frequent but less severe.
Mahmoodzadeh Sagheb Hr, Dezfoulian A, Noori Smh, Heidari Z, Chitnis P ,
Volume 60, Issue 2 (14 2002)

Background: Stereologic methods are used to obtain quantitative information about three dimensional structures from histologic sections. The aim of present study was using new and unbiased stereological techniques to investigated changes in volume and number of glomeruli after chronic lead acetate intoxication. Lead is one of the heavy metals that have adverse effects on renal function. Its effects can involve both renal tubules as well as glomeruli. So many studies based on observation and qualitative reports. Some of which report changes in volume and number of glomeruli.

Materials and Methods: Male Wistar rats were randomly divided to four groups (n=9). During a period of 8 weeks, the treatment groups were given 0.5 percent and 1 percent lead acetate in drinking water and the control and sham control were given distilled water and 0.4 percent acetic acid solution respectively. Stereological analysis based on Cavalierie's principle was performed to determine the reference volume (VRefrence), the fraction volume of glomeruli (VVGlom) and total glomerular volume (VTGlom). Furthermore, for estimating the numerical density (NVGlom) and total number of glomeruli (NTGlom), the physical dissector was utilized.

Results: Results showed that the number of glomeruli in treatment group which received 1 percent lead acetate in drinking water decreased significantly (P<0.05), but no changes occurred in 0.5 percent group (P>0.05). On the other hand glomerular total volume in both 0.5 percent and 1 percent groups increased significantly in comparison to control and sham control groups (P=0.000).

Conclusion: This experiment is in agreement with other qualitative reports by using unbiased method of stereological methods and showed changes in volume and number of glomeruli following lead acetate intoxication.

Heidari Z, Mahmoodzadeh Sagheb Hr, Mohammadi M, Noori Moogehi S M H, Arab A,
Volume 62, Issue 2 (12 2004)

Background: Cephalometry is one of the important branches of anthropometry that has wide uses in identification, forensic medicine, plastic surgery, orthodontics, archeology and determining the origins of races. This research was investigated to determine the head and face phenotypes among one-day newborn boys in two aborigines of Sistani and Baluchi who were resident in Zahedan.

Materials and Methods: The investigation is based on cross-sectional analytical descriptions of 420 newborn aborigine boys (216 Sistani & 204 Baluchi), who were clinically healthy, in Quds hospital in summer 1381, in Zahedan. In this study cephalic and prosopic indices were determined by classical cephalometric.

Results: The mean and the standard deviations of cephalic index were 83.67±4.80 and 83.64±4.77 and prosopic index 86.79±5.87 and 86.53±6.76 for Sistani and Baluchi subjects respectively. Based on the cephalic index, the dominant head types in sistani group were hyperbrachycephalic (37%) and brachycephalic (37%). In Blachui group, the hyperbrachycephalic (37.3%) and brachycephalic (35.3%) type were the dominant one. Furthermore, according to the prosopic index. The dominant face type among sistanis was euryprosopic type (42.6%). In Baluchi group, the dominant face type was also euryprosopic (39.2%).

Conclusion: This research showed no statistically significant differences in terms of head and face type indices between two aborigines of Zahedan. Based on this cross-sectional study, it seems that there is similarities between the aforementioned groups

Sadeghi Poor Roodsari Hr, Heidari Ab, P Ghazy Sherbaf ,
Volume 63, Issue 2 (12 2005)

Background: It was believed that Inhabitant of Islamshahr avoid referring to their health centers and health posts to receive bargain medical services. In search for the rate and causes of such neglect, this study was formed.

Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study from all urban centers and health posts under the supervision of Islamshahr health network, 712 files were selected randomly.

Results: Investigating the selected files it revealed that 25% were complete, 51% were defective and 24% were blank. In other words, only 25% of the files were complete and 75% of the files showed lack of full participation in primary care services. In the process of evaluation of each separate service unit, more defective files were found in family planning and oral health programs. But in the prenatal care and growth observation units, the number of complete files was a little higher than the number of defective ones. This is probably justifiable de to free vaccination of children and pregnant women, which causes the customer to refer to the mentioned units. In search for the causes of this lack of participation, 533 defective files were selected and those families were interviewed through some questionnaires.

Conclusion: In family planning and growth observation and prenatal care, the interviewees believed that there was no need for them to seek such services. This in turn shows their lack of knowledge about the necessity of these cares. In case of oral health, lack of such unite in the health center was mentioned as the reason. More details are discussed in the article.

Akrami Sm, Heidari J,
Volume 64, Issue 11 (7 2006)

Our understanding of the pathogenesis of endocrine disorders increase rapidly by genetic studies at the molecular level. Common endocrine disorders such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, osteoporosis, dyslipidemia and cancer follow the multifactorial model in the genetic aspect. This review tries to clarify the approach in molecular studies of such diseases for clinicians in different specialties. How to evaluate a possible association between a single nucleotide polymorphism and an endocrinopathy or its complication is the main concern of this review. Two approaches for gene mapping will be discussed as well as main challenges regarding each approach. All such genetic studies ideally include some test of the association between genome sequence variation and the phenotype of interest such as the trait itself, the presence of a given complication, or measures of some endocrinopathy-related intermediate trait. Despite different advances in this analysis, there are major concerns regarding the overall performance and robustness of genetic association studies. By using powerful new high-throughput methods, further insights to molecular basis of such endocrine disorders can be expected. Close correlation between geneticists and clinicians can effectively bridge between basic sciences and clinical investigations.
Kiani Asiabar A, Heidari M, Mohammady Tabar Sh, Faghihzadeh S,
Volume 65, Issue 6 (3 2007)

Background: Sexual function in women may be affected by their menstrual cycle. Lack of sexual drive is a deficiency or absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity. This study aims at determining the changes in sexual desire during the menstrual cycle and those associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and evaluates sexual desire during the menstrual cycle and the associated changes with PMS.

Methods: The sample for this cross-sectional study includes 150 women employed in factories in Tehran. The instruments for data collection were questionnaires and journals of premenstrual experiences.

Results: Analysis of the data showed that the mean age of the subjects was 31 years )standard deviation = 8.46(. The most frequent decrease in sexual desire was during the week prior to the start of menstrual bleeding (27.3%) and the least frequent was from the end of bleeding to one week before the next period of menstrual bleeding (5.3%). In 24.7% of the cases, an increase in sexual desire occurred during the middle of the menstrual cycle and 27.3% during the course of menstrual bleeding. Moreover, 10.7% of the subjects had an increase in sexual desire during the week before bleeding. Furthermore, a positive correlation was found between changes in sexual desire and PMS (p<0.001). In addition, a positive correlation was found between changes in sexual desire and breast tenderness, joint and muscle pain.

Conclusions: The sexual desire of women, with or without PMS, changes during the menstrual cycle. The greatest decrease in sexual desire occurs during the first week before menstrual bleeding in women with PMS. Such information can greatly help toward understanding and treatment in sexual therapy for couples.

Ahani R, Derakhshandeh Peykar P, Raoofian R, Heidari M,
Volume 67, Issue 1 (4 2009)

Background: Leukemia is one of the most common pediatric malignancies. T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL) accounts for 15% of hematopoetic cancers. It has been well understood that identification of genetic alterations associated with leukemias is very critical. The molecular genetic techniques have promoted the identification of leukemia-associated genetic changes that may characterize the most accurate predictors of clinical outcome. These considerations reinforce the requirement for rapid identification of the abnormalities.

Methods: Multiplex RT-PCR, a highly sensitive and specific method applied to screen simultaneously three most frequent transcription factors, TLX1/HOX11, TLX3/HOX11L2 and TAL1/SCL which are associated with T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL).

Results: We describe here our efforts to establish a multiplex RT-PCR analysis system that facilitates the detection of HPB-ALL and K562 cell lines, respectively.

Conclusion: The multiplex RT-PCR technique is a sensitive, valuable and cost-effective diagnostic tool which could improve our ability to accurately and rapidly risk-stratification of patients with childhood T-ALL. In order to perform multiplex RT-PCR technique researchers do not need bone marrow samples and they can employ this method using peripheral blood samples. Therefore, the status of treatment could be followed by assessment of the level of mRNA expression of oncogenic transcriptional factor using peripheral blood sample. Use of this procedure not only provides the best results in short term for specialist, but also clinicians could have opportunities to choose suitable treatment strategies with decrement of drug side effects.

Sattarzadeh Badkoubeh R, Tavoosi A, Heidari K, Rezaei Hemami M,
Volume 68, Issue 5 (6 2010)

Background: Estimation of Left Ventricular End Diastolic Pressure (LVEDP) among patients with Mitral Stenosis (MS) helps to diagnose diastolic dysfunction and to explain their symptoms. However, Conventional Doppler measurements have limitation in predicting of LVEDP. This study sought to establish whether the correlation between measurements derived from Tissue Doppler echocardiography and LVEDP remains valid in the setting of severe mitral stenosis.

Methods: Thirty three patients with moderate to severe MS who had indication for left heart catheterization enrolled during 1387-88 in Imam Khomeini Hospital in Tehran, Iran. The mean diastolic transmitral pressure gradient and mitral valve area (MVA) were calculated, and Two-dimensional, M-mode, color Doppler and tissue Doppler Imaging indices such as: early diastolic mitral inflow velocity (E), annular early diastolic velocity (Ea), E/A ratio, Isovolemic relaxation time (IVRT), Pulmonary Vein systolic and diastolic flow velocities, Velocity Propagation, LA size, TE-Ea, Tei Index were obtained in maximum three hours before cardiac catheterization. The echocardiography analysis was performed offline without knowledge of hemodynamic data Linear correlation and multiple linear regression were used for analysis. p< 0.05 was considered significant.

Results: In univariate analysis, E/Ea was associated with LVEDP significantly (p = 0.04, r = 0.38). There was also a significant correlation between TE-Ea and LVDP (p = 0.01, r = -0.44). In multiple linear regression Tei Index (ß = 0.4, p< 0.02), and TE-Ea (ß = 0.5, p = 0.02) were showed as independent predictors of LVEDP (R2 = 49%).

Conclusion: Although we observed a moderate correlation between Doppler measurements and LVEDP in patients with severe MS, more similar studies are required.
Mousavi Hosseini K, Heidari M, Yari F,
Volume 69, Issue 5 (6 2011)

Background: In recent years, consumption of whole-blood for the treatment of patients has decreased but use of biological plasma-derived medicines such as albumin, immunoglobulin and coagulation factors have increased instead. Paying attention to albumin molecular structure is important for its isolation from human plasma. Albumin is a single-chain protein consisting of about 585 amino acids and a molecular weight of 66500 Daltons. Albumin is a stable molecule and it is spherical in shape. There are different methods for human albumin preparation. Considering the large consumption of this biological drug in clinical settings, methods with fewer steps in production line are of big advantage in saving time and manufacturing more products.

Methods: In this project, we prepared human albumin using hollow fiber cartridges in order to omit the rework on fraction V+VI. Human albumin is usually produced by the application of cold ethanol method, where albumin is obtained from fraction V by doing a rework on fraction V+VI to separate fraction V.

Results: In the current work, human albumin was prepared from fraction V+VI by the help of hollow fiber cartridges. With a concentration of 20%, the obtained albumin had 96.5% of monomer and 3.5% of polymer and polymer aggregate.

Conclusion: Comparing the obtained human albumin with a number of commercial human albumin samples by the use of SDS-page, the results were satisfactory regarding the 3.5 percent polymer and aggregate rate for the prepared albumin.

Ghadir Mr, Habibinejad H, Heidari A, Vahedi H,
Volume 69, Issue 6 (6 2011)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Background: The current treatment of IBS is often unsatisfactory and frustrating. Several controlled trials have demonstrated benefits of tricyclic antidepressants for irritable bowel syndrome, especially when pain is a prominent symptom but the efficacy of antidepressants in irritable bowel syndrome is controversial. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of doxepin and nortriptyline on diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome.
Methods: Seventy-five patients with IBS according to Rome III criteria were treated for two months. The patients were randomly assigned to one of three groups treated with doxepin, nortriptyline or placebo. Subjects were assessed clinically one month and two months after treatment. The symptoms and adverse effects of the drugs were recorded in the questionnaire. The total score was considered as the number of the symptoms for each patient, which ranged between zero and six.
Results: Improvements in abdominal pain and bloating in the doxepin group were significantly higher than the nortriptyline or the placebo groups (P=0.001 and P=0.012, respectively). However, improvement in diarrhea in patients on nortriptyline was significantly higher than the other groups (P=0.018). The average improvement of symptoms in the patients after two months of treatment in doxepin, nortriptyline and placebo groups, respectively were 2.56, 2 and 0.6 (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Both doxepin and nortriptyline are effective for the treatment of diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome in a period of two months but doxepin seems to be more efficacious than nortriptyline in this regard. However, larger comparative trials are suggested.

Heidari Beni M, Ebrahimi Mamaghani M, Hajimaghsood M, Tarzamani Mk, Mohtadinia J,
Volume 69, Issue 6 (6 2011)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Background: Abnormal iron homeostasis such as iron deficiency or iron excess is associated with the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases including diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Iron may stimulate the progression of atherosclerosis by increasing the oxidative stress. Changes in carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) have been validated as a vascular indicator of atherosclerosis progression. The purpose of this study was to apply CIMT to investigate the association between iron status and the initial stages of atherosclerosis.
Methods: 140 healthy premenopausal women aged 18 to 50 years who had no chronic or acute disease were selected randomly from one of the Tabriz university sub specialized clinics. Blood samples were taken to assay iron status parameters. CIMT was measured noninvasively by ultrasonography. Based on CIMT results, the subjects were classified as "healthy" (CIMT ≤0.8 mm) or "at risk" (CIMT >0.8 mm). Student's t-test was used to determine the mean differences between the two groups.
Results: The mean±SD age of the participants was 32.76±8.1 years. The mean iron, ferritin, hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) were significantly higher and the total iron binding capacity (TIBC) was lower (P<0.05) among the "at risk" group. However, there was no significant differences in red blood cell count or hemoglobin levels between the two groups (P>0.05).
Conclusion: Results of this study showed a relative correlation between iron status parameters and CIMT as the initial indicator of CVD. Regarding the contradictions found in the literature, more research is needed to clarify the situation.

Seyyed Saeed Eshraghi , Mehdi Fatahi Bafghi , Ali Ghafouri , Parvin Heidarieh , Shadi Habibnia , Masoumeh Rasouli Nasab , Hojat Yazdanbod , Hosein Keshavarzi ,
Volume 71, Issue 7 (October 2013)

Background: Nocardia species are Gram-positive, partially acid fast, non-motile, catalase positive, aerobic and saprophytic actinomycetes found all around the world. They invade the human body from the environment via trauma and respiratory tract and cause cutaneous, pulmonary and systemic diseases. They are able to grow in various media.The organisms opportunistically infect both immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals. Behcet's disease is an autoimmune disease and immunocompromised patient which may suitable host for Nocardia bacterium. The present study is the first case report of isolation of Nocardia from the thigh abscess in a patient with behcet’s disease from Iran.
Case Presentation: A 39-year-old man with Behcet’s disease in August 2011 was admitted to Shariati hospital Tehran, with swelling and pain in the left flank and left thigh. Microscopic identification from direct microbiological slide of thigh abscess discharge demonstrated number of lymphocytes, neutrophils and macrophages foamy and white blood cells together with filamentous bacteria. Further microbiological characterization using phenotypic and antibiogram tests with disk diffusion method, demonstrated that the isolated bacterium is Nocardia asteroides complex. The bacteria were sensitive to ampicillin, vancomycin, ceftriaxone, amikacin and cotrimoxazole but it was resistant to clindamycin, erythromycin, penicillin G, cephalothin and gentamicin. The patient was treated with cotrimoxazole.
Conclusion: Because of the high incidence and high mortality of Nocardia infection in immunocompromised cases, rapid detection and timely treatment for these patients is necessary.

Fariba Jafari , Mohammad-Ali Nilforooshzade , Samane Porajam , Motahar Heidari-Beni ,
Volume 72, Issue 6 (September 2014)

Background: Insulin resistant is important risk factors of diabetes and leads to development of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Recent studies showed association between androgenic alopecia and insulin resistant. However, findings are controversial. Alopecia in women is a common heritable hair loss in central part of head. Aim of this study was investigation of androgenic alopecia distribution in type II diabetes and healthy women and hypothesis testing of relationship between diabetes and androgenic alopecia. Methods: This is a case-control study. Case and control groups were selected from type II diabetes and healthy women respectively that were refered to clinics of Alzahra, Noor and Amin Hospitals in Isfahan City, Iran in 2011. Participants were selected based on random sampling. Sample size was estimated 141 subjects in each group. Participants were visited by doctor and severity of androgenic alopecia was determined based on Ludwish criteria. Data were analyzed with SPSS software and 2 test. P<0.05 was considered as significant. Results: Mean age and body mass index were 58.96±12.8 year and 25.6±4.15 kg/m2 respectively in whole population. Findings not show any significant association between type II diabetes and androgenic alopecia (P<0.05). Comparison of distribution of alopecia severity according to Ludwish criteria separately showed similar result. In addition to, there was not any significant relationship between diabetes and alopecia after adjusting with body mass index as confounding factor (P<0.05). Conclusion: In the present study, there was not any significant relationship between type II diabetes and androgenic alopecia among diabetes and healthy women. However, more researches need to investigate this relationship in both gender and assess insulin resistant indices as homeostasis model assessment-estimated insulin resistance and androgenic alopecia.
Soheila Hosseinzadeh , Maryam Zahmatkesh , Gholam-Reza Hassanzadeh Hassanzadeh , Morteza Karimian , Mansour Heidari , Mahmoud Karami ,
Volume 73, Issue 8 (November 2015)

Background: Seladin-1 protein protects the neural cells against amyloid beta toxicity and its expression decreased in vulnerable regions of Alzheimer's disease (AD) brains. On the other hand, changes in serum levels of S100 have been considered as a marker of brain damage in neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, this study was carried out to determine the relation between the change profile of serum S100&beta protein levels and hippocampal Seladin-1 gene expression in a rat model of sporadic AD. Methods: In this experimental study that established in Department of Neuroscience, School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Science, from March 2011 to April 2013, 72 animals were randomly divided into control, 4, 7, 14, and 21days ICV-STZ/Saline administrated rats. Alzheimer's model was induced by intracerebroventricular (ICV) injections of streptozotocin (STZ) [3 mg/kg] on days 1 and 3. Serum levels of S100&beta and hippocampal Seladin-1 gene expression were evalu-ated in experimental groups. The initial and step-through latencies (STL) were deter-mined using passive avoidance test. Results: Serum levels of S100&beta were significantly different between the STZ-7 day and STZ-14 day groups in comparison with the control, saline and STZ-4 day groups. As well as, there was a significant difference between the STZ-7 day group in comparison with the STZ-14 day and STZ-21 day groups (P=0.0001). Hippocampal Seladin-1 gene expression in STZ-14 day and STZ-21 day groups significantly decreased as compared to the control, saline and STZ-4 day groups (P=0.0001). However, significant correla-tion was detected between serum S100&beta protein decrement and Seladin-1 down regula-tion (P=0.001). Also, the STL was significantly decreased in 21 days ICV-STZ adminis-trated rats as compared to the control or saline groups (P=0.001). Conclusion: Monitoring the changes of serum S100&beta protein levels by relationship with changes in hippocampal Seladin-1 gene expression can be a useful indicator of neu-ronal damage in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Parisa Safaee , Rassoul Noorossana , Kamran Heidari , Parya Soleimani ,
Volume 74, Issue 1 (April 2016)

Background: Data mining is known as a process of discovering and analysing large amounts of data in order to find meaningful rules and trends. In healthcare, data mining offers numerous opportunities to study the unknown patterns in a data set. These patterns can be used to diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of patients by physicians. The main objective of this study was to predict the level of serum ferritin in women with anemia and to specify the basic predictive factors of iron deficiency anemia using data mining techniques.

Methods: In this research 690 patients and 22 variables have been studied in women population with anemia. These data include 11 laboratories and 11 clinical variables of patients related to the patients who have referred to the laboratory of Imam Hossein and Shohada-E- Haft Tir hospitals from April 2013 to April 2014. Decision tree technique has been used to build the model.

Results: The accuracy of the decision tree with all the variables is 75%. Different combinations of variables were examined in order to determine the best model to predict. Regarding the optimum obtained model of the decision tree, the RBC, MCH, MCHC, gastrointestinal cancer and gastrointestinal ulcer were identified as the most important predictive factors. The results indicate if the values of MCV, MCHC and MCH variables are normal and the value of RBC variable is lower than normal limitation, it is diagnosed that the patient is likely 90% iron deficiency anemia.

Conclusion: Regarding the simplicity and the low cost of the complete blood count examination, the model of decision tree was taken into consideration to diagnose iron deficiency anemia in patients. Also the impact of new factors such as gastrointestinal hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal surgeries, different gastrointestinal diseases and gastrointestinal ulcers are considered in this paper while the previous studies have been limited only to assess laboratory variables. The rules of the decision tree model can improve the process of diagnosing and treatment of the patients with iron deficiency anemia and reduce their costs.

Khadijeh Dolatshah , Rassoul Noorossana , Kamran Heidari , Parya Soleimani , Roohallah Ghasempour ,
Volume 74, Issue 2 (May 2016)

Background: Anemia disease is the most common hematological disorder which most often occurs in women. Knowledge discovery from large volumes of data associated with records of the disease can improve medical services quality by data mining The goal of this study was to determining and evaluating the status of anemia using data mining algorithms.

Methods: In this applied study, laboratory and clinical data of the patients with anemia were studied in the population of women. The data have been gathered during a year in the laboratory of Imam Hossein and Shohada-ye Haft-e Tir Hospitals which contains 690 records and 15 laboratory and clinical features of anemia. To discover hidden relationships and structures using k-medoids algorithm the patients were clustered. The Silhouette index was used to determine clustering quality.

Results: The features of red blood cell (RBC), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), ferritin, gastrointestinal cancer (GI cancer), gastrointestinal surgery (GI surgery) and gastrointestinal infection (GI infection) by clustering have been determined as the most important patients’ features. These patients according to their features have been seg-mented to three clusters. First, the patients were clustered according to all features. The results showed that clustering with all features is not suitable because of weak structure of clustering. Then, each time the clustering was performed with different number of features. The silhouette index average is 80 percent that shows clustering quality. Therefore clustering is acceptable and has a strong structure.

Conclusion: The results showed that clustering with all features is not suitable because of weak structure. Then, each time the clustering was performed with different number of features. The first cluster contains mild iron deficiency anemia, the second cluster contains severe iron deficiency anemia patients and the third cluster contains patients with other anemia cause.

Niloufar Majdabadi, Mehraban Falahati , Fariba Heidarie-Kohan , Shirin Farahyar , Parvaneh Rahimi-Moghaddam, Mahtab Ashrafi-Khozani ,
Volume 75, Issue 11 (February 2018)

Background: 2-phenylethanol is a colorless and aromatic compound with antimicrobial effects which is used extensively in perfumes and cosmetics, as well as in the food industry. Chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis is a vulvovaginal inflammation which is caused by Candida spp. Resistance to clotrimazole which is one of the most common drugs in the treatment of this disease was reported in many patients. In order to improve the treatment, the effect of 2-phenyl ethanol was investigated in combination with clotrimazole on Candida species isolated from chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis.
Methods: This interventional study was performed in Iran University of Medical Sciences from February, 2016 until December, 2016 on Candida species isolated from women with chronic candidial vulvovaginitis who had been referred to Lolagar Hospital of Tehran. All specimens were examined by direct microscopy, culturing on Candida CHROMagar medium (to primary identification), sabouraud dextrose agar medium) to preservation the isolates) and determining the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence (in order to final determination of Candida species). Then clotrimazole and 2-phenyl ethanol alone and in combination, was examined on isolated species, according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) M27-A3 protocol (micro-broth dilution method). Finally, findings were analyzed.
Results: From 40 detected strains of Candida species in this study, 95% were Candida albicans and 5% were Candida africana. The mean minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) of clotrimazole were 24.73±28.87 µg/ml and 30.18±33.004 µg/ml, respectively and the mean MIC and MFC of 2-phenylethanol were 2580±932.38 µg/ml and 3200±1403.29 µg/ml, respectively. The MIC50 and MIC90 of clotrimazole were 16 and 64 µg/ml, respectively. The MIC50 and MIC90 of 2-phenylethanol were both 3200 µg/ml. Most of the isolates were resistant to clotrimazole (82.5%). In combination test, the mean MIC of 2-phenylethanol and clotrimazole alone were 3200±0 µg/ml and 56±40.16 µg/ml, respectively. The fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) range was 0.14-0.37. Also, there was a significant difference between clotrimazole MIC values alone and in combination (P= 0.021).
Conclusion: The synergistic effect was observed in combination of clotrimazole and 2-phenylethanol.

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