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Showing 23 results for Farzaneh

Samaneh Salari, Atessa Pakfetrat, Nooshin Mohtasham, Farzaneh Khosravi, Mahdi Saeedi ,
Volume 81, Issue 2 (May 2023)

Background: Jawbone involvement and destructive bone lesions in the mandible and maxilla are reported in 30% of patients with multiple myeloma. In general, plasma cell neoplasia rarely occurs in the maxillofacial area, and an incidence of 2.6-3.3 per 100,000 people is reported for solitary plasmacytoma in jawbones. This study aims to present and evaluate a patient with multiple myeloma and the first symptoms in the maxillofacial area.
Case Presentation: The patient was a 52 years old woman complaining of painful swelling in the left area of the face that had enlarged during the last month. She was referred to the maxillofacial disease department of the Dental School of Mashhad, Iran in Feb 2022. The patient has had paresthesia in the left area of the face since 6 months ago. In the extra-oral examination, a 4×10 cm mass was observed in the left mandibular angle extending anteriorly toward the sublingual area. The oral mucosa was normal. According to the clinical profile, malignancy was considered a differential diagnosis. Incisional biopsy of the lesion revealed the proliferation of neoplastic plasma cells. The positive result of immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining for CD138, performed on the specimen to confirm plasmacytoma and detection of small primary lytic lesions in the skull and spine confirmed multiple myeloma. The usual symptoms of multiple myeloma, including low back pain, were not observed. The patient underwent chemotherapy under the supervision of a hematologist.
Conclusion: Jawbone involvement is often less mentioned as the first symptom of multiple myeloma; however, compared to the vertebral column or skull lesions, these areas are easily biopsied, providing the possibility of early detection and treatment of multiple myeloma, hence a promising disease prognosis. The concurrence of destructive bone lesions and sensory changes in the maxillofacial area is a red flag. Precise radiographic evaluation and blood tests can help early detect multiple myeloma. Awareness of general dentists about the possibility of blood dyscrasia such as multiple myeloma with such early symptoms in patients can lead to early diagnosis of patients. This report reminds inexperienced clinicians of the special importance of sensory changes in the head and neck.

Farzaneh Boluki Moghaddam , Zhaleh Yousefi, Ali Baghery Hagh , Masoud Latifipour, Mahdi Raei,
Volume 81, Issue 3 (June 2023)

Background: Respiratory support during the patient's anesthesia is done in different ways, such as endotracheal intubation and laryngeal mask. Endotracheal intubation is inevitably used for respiratory support in general anesthesia patients. The use of alternative methods for respiratory support during the process of general anesthesia is one of the most significant ways to control anesthesia complications. The laryngeal mask is placed around the larynx to allow spontaneous and controlled ventilation. Both of the respiratory support methods can cause complications. The purpose of this study is to compare the side effects of sore throat and hoarseness caused by two methods in surgical patients.
Methods: This study was conducted in the period from September to November 2022 on patients who were referred and underwent surgery at Baqiyatallah Hospital. The study is a cohort study that was conducted retrospectively on 60 patients who underwent any surgery with two methods of anesthesia by ETI and LMA. In order to evaluate hoarseness, the standard Voice Handicap Index (VHI-10) questionnaire was used. In order to evaluate the complication of sore throat caused by the respiratory support method, a 4-point pain checklist was used for 24 hours and 14 days after the surgery.
Results: The findings of our study showed that the average amount of sore throat 24 hours after surgery in the LMA and ETI groups was 2.13 and 2.2, respectively, and these values 14 days later were 1.17 and 1.07, respectively. The average level of hoarseness in the 24 hours after surgery in LMA and ETI groups was 2.66 and 3.13, respectively. The statistical comparison of the severity of side effects between the two groups showed that in the LMA method, the amount of sore throat and hoarseness is less than the ETI method, although this reduction does not have a significant difference.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the rate of complications of sore throat and hoarseness in the laryngeal mask group is reduced compared to the endotracheal intubation group, although this difference is not significant.

Roshan Nikbakht, Samira Panahandeh, Farideh Moramezi, Maryam Farzaneh ,
Volume 82, Issue 3 (June 2024)

Background: Infertility is defined as the inability to achieve conception after one year of unprotected intercourse. This study aimed to explore the factors associated with infertility in men referred to the infertility center at Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ahvaz.
Methods: This descriptive study utilized a cross-sectional questionnaire during March 2016 to September 2019, involving 800 infertile couples with complete records. We extracted demographic data, including age, occupation, duration of infertility, smoking habits, surgical history, semen analysis, and sperm condition and quality from the files of these men referred to the IVF department. The collected details were systematically entered into an information form. Quantitative results are presented as mean±standard deviation, with differences of p<0.05 between groups deemed statistically significant.
Results: In this study, the average age of the men referred for evaluation was 33.5 years. The analysis of semen quality revealed a mean semen volume of 2.34 mL, which falls within the acceptable range for normal ejaculate volume, typically defined as being greater than 1.4 mL. The average sperm count recorded was 16,365,000 per mL. Additionally, our study demonstrated that only 5.8% of the sperm exhibited normal morphology. Sperm motility, another key factor in male fertility, averaged at 9.24%, significantly lower than the normal standard. Regarding employment status, a significant majority of participants were employed (89%), while 11% were unemployed. The surgical history among the referred men primarily included varicocelectomy (n=108), hemorrhoid surgery (n=29), urinary tract procedures (n=28), testicular hernia repairs (n=23), and appendectomies (n=18). Additionally, 24% of the subjects reported drug use, with a notable distinction made between smoking and other forms of drug use.
Conclusion: The findings from this study underscore significant concerns regarding male fertility among the referred men, particularly in terms of sperm count, motility, and morphology. These metrics suggest that many individuals may face challenges in achieving conception without medical intervention. Understanding these factors is crucial for developing effective treatment plans and improving reproductive outcomes for men facing infertility issues.

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