Showing 47 results for Moghaddam
Omid Moradi Moghaddam, Mohammad Niyakan Lahiji , Valiollah Hassani , Farid Kazemi Gezik, Ehsan Farazi ,
Volume 73, Issue 2 (May 2015)
Background: Bispectral Index (BIS) may be used in traumatic brain injured patients with different anatomical sites of injury to evaluate the level of consciousness. The objective of this study is to evaluate the relation between type of brain injury and the presence or absence of frontal lobe damage based on brain CT-scan with BIS monitoring in intubated acute head trauma patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU).
Methods: Participants of this cross-sectional study consisted of 30 intubated head trauma patients over the age of 15 years old, without any known history of visual or hearing impairments, neurologic disorders, mental retardation, or frontal skin laceration, who were admitted to the ICU in Rasool Akram University Hospital, Tehran. Patients who needed muscle relaxant administration, or those who showed instability of vital signs, hypoxemia, disorders of the blood biochemistry, or blood gases, liver or kidney failure, convulsion or hypoxic encephalopathy during the study were excluded. In the first three days of admission, each patient underwent monitoring of BIS every sixty minutes for just six hours a day. All the hypnotic drugs were discontinued six hours prior to the start of monitoring and fentanyl was the only opioid, which was administered if an analgesic was required. Statistical analysis were used to evaluate the data and p-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: Mean age of all patients was 43.6 years with a Standard Deviation (SD) of 18.96. Presence or absence of frontal lobe injury, had no statistically significant correlations with mean BIS in each three days of study and the mean BIS total. However, mean BIS in the second and third days had statistically significant differences in different types of cranial lesions (contusion, subdural hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, etc) which usually have different prognoses.
Conclusion: Different kinds of acute traumatic cranial lesions with different prognosis may have different values in BIS monitoring. Presence or absence of frontal lobe injury, had no statistically significant correlations with BIS values.
Soheila Aminimoghaddam , Sara Norouzi ,
Volume 74, Issue 1 (April 2016)
Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), commonly referred to premature ovarian failure, is defined as ovarian failure before the age of 40 years. It is the loss of ovarian function caused by a process directly affecting ovaries. Cancer therapy which includes surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy influence ovarian function, leading to premature menopause and loss of fertility. POI is idiopathic in most cases (74-90%). The known causes, in addition to anticancer treatment, are other processes like chromosomal abnormalities, autoimmunity, and natural aging can result in secondary ovarian failure, which is detected by an increase in serum gonadotropin levels (FSH and LH). There are evident risks of POI in women treated for cancer. Those who receive anticancer treatments have an increased risk of developing POI. There by, anticancer drugs and radiation therapy are considered as the most common toxins of ovaries. Although cancer incidence rates in women less than 50 years old continue to increase during recent years, mortality rates are dramatically decreasing due to modern advances in treatment. Increasing numbers of survivors are now confronted with the long-term consequences of exposure to these treatments. The pool of primordial follicles in the ovary is fixed and any injury to the ovary can potentially reduce this ovarian reserve, effectively advancing the patient’s reproductive age, thus narrowing the window of reproductive opportunity. Ovarian failure occurs in a significant percentage of childhood cancer survivors and many of them will seek care for reproductive dysfunction. Nevertheless, Embryo cryopreservation, oocyte cryopreservation, ovary tissue cryopreservation, ovarian suppression and oophoro-pexy are some options to preserve fertility in these groups. As a result, having foreknowledge of potential treatment related ovarian failure will allow the physician to give a better counsel to patients and their family regarding the importance and timing of fertility preservation by giving an estimated window of fertility. The objectives of the current review are to report on the etiology of POF induced through cancer therapy.
Mansoureh Ghaoomi , Soheila Aminimoghaddam , Hasan Safari , Ahmadreza Mahmoudzadeh ,
Volume 74, Issue 3 (June 2016)
Background: Cervical cancer is known to be preventable because of long period of pre-invasive stage, availability of screening tools, and effective treatments for early invasive cervical lesions. Screening is main measures to prevent the disease and Pap smear is a screening strategy for cervical cancer. Current paper aimed to evaluate levels of awareness and practice regarding Pap smear screening among women aged between 20 to 65 years in Tehran (Iran).
Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical study conducted in Tehran City of Iran in 2015 at Firoozgar Hospital. The research population included all married, widowed and divorced women aged 20-65 years. Data analysis was performed using the Pearson correlation and Student’s t-tests in SPSS, ver. 23 (Chicago, IL, USA).
Results: Among 90 individuals who have fill questionnaire completely, 66.6% subjects had Pap smear tests. 40% of the individuals aged between 30 to 39 and the education level is distributed equally between Intermediate, Diploma and graduate and only 3 percent of them, continue their education to higher level. There was a significant relationship between the awareness of Pap smear and educational level (of both wives and husbands). The people who have graduate degree, have the best awareness. Working women revealed higher level of awareness about Pap smear. Shame and fear of taking the cancer were the most common reasons which lead to avoidance in doing the test by the women, while the most encouraging factors for performing the test were the information mostly provided by physicians and after that, the information provided by friends.
Conclusion: The awareness of Pap smear test which was measured by weighting different questions in the questionnaire by experts, prove that the women aged above 39, have an average level of awareness of Pap smear test. Due to high prevalence of cervical cancer and prolonged pre invasive course, role of Pap smear for early diagnosis necessitate the use of proper and inexpensive instructional methods to increase awareness in women about cervical cancer and preventive strategies.
Soheila Aminimoghaddam, Sara Norouzi, Elham Nasrolahi, Narmin Karisani,
Volume 74, Issue 6 (September 2016)
Background: Cervical cancer is the third most common gynecologic cancer in women worldwide. Cervical cancer has lower incidence and mortality rates than uterine corpus and ovarian cancer, as well as many other cancer sites. Unfortunately, in countries that do not have access to cervical cancer screening and prevention programs, cervical cancer remains the second most common type of cancer. Staging of the disease is made clinically. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for diagnosing the invasion of cancer to organs and staging of cervical cancer and the relationship between clinical and pathological findings and the sensitivity and specificity of the assay in cervical cancer.
Methods: The study included records of 40 patients with cervical cancer that undergo surgery or Chemoradiation in Firoozgar University Hospital. In this study that made retrospectively, non-randomized, the MRI reports and clinical findings records and pathology results was discussed. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI for diagnosing the invasion to parameters, bladder, rectum, vagina, pelvic wall and it’s accuracy to determine tumor stage has been set.
Results: A total of 40 patients with pathology information of cervical cancer was retrospectively reviewed in the study. The patients were 28-83 years old by mean age of 49.3 Pathology of cervical cancer in 80% of cases was SCC, 15% adenocarcinoma and 5% melanoma. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI for diagnosing invasion of parameter was 76% and 88%. The sensitivity of MRI in the detection of bladder invasion was 100% and specificity of 100%. The sensitivity of MRI in the diagnosis of rectal invasion was 50% and specificity of 100%. The sensitivity of MRI in the diagnosis of pelvic wall invasion was 100% and specificity of 86%. Sensitivity in detecting invasion into the upper third of the vagina was 100%.
Conclusion: Overall, this study showed a good sensitivity and specificity for detecting invasion into the bladder, vagina, pelvic wall and parameters and good specificity for the diagnosis of rectal invasion and acceptable accuracy at 67.5% for detection of tumor stage by MRI show.
Soheila Aminimoghaddam , Sara Norouzi , Arefeh Fayazi ,
Volume 75, Issue 4 (July 2017)
Background: The histological terminology of persistent gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is an excessive abnormal trophoblast. GTN will mostly occur after the molar pregnancy; while, it might occur after each kind of pregnancy such as abortion, ectopic pregnancy (EP), etc. too. The follow-up process is to interest to scholars as a mandatory procedure in patients with GTN for detecting the recurrence. This disease is frequently seen in reproductive ages. It should be noticed that an approach for assessing the success in this procedure carried out by monitoring outcomes of pregnancy after chemotherapy.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted on patients with GTN who were referred to Firoozgar and Mirza Koochak Khan teaching hospitals during 10 years, starting from 2004. The inclusion criterion was patients with low-risk persistent GTN after molar pregnancy, EP, and abortion, that treated with single agent chemotherapy actinomycin-D. After following the patients for 12 months, patients with serum βHCG lower than 5 mIU/ml, who intended to have child were allowed to become pregnant. The following items were observed in the study: age, body mass index (BMI), parity, chemotherapy duration, and pregnancy outcomes such as spontaneous abortion or preterm labor, pre-eclampsia, stillbirth, fetal malformation, and repeated molar pregnancy.
Results: 74 patients were monitored, 83.78% of them had uncomplicated pregnancy and labor, 4.05% had the abortion, 4.05% had second molar pregnancy, 2.7% had pre-eclampsia, 5.40% had preterm labor. Moreover, stillbirth and malformation did not occur in this study even after chemotherapy treatment. There was not any significant correlation between age, BMI, parity, and chemotherapy duration with pregnancy outcomes.
Conclusion: The outcomes of pregnancy after chemotherapy with actinomycin-D is similar to the general population who did not have chemotherapy. The abortion rate and repeated molar pregnancy were similar between population and sample too. Thus, the study shows that the cured patients with low-risk GTN have as much chance of having a normal pregnancy as normal women. In other words, treatment with actinomycin-D does not have any adverse effect in future pregnancies. |
Rhoghaye Tighnavard Bejarbane , Roshanak Daie Ghazvini , Shahram Mahmoudi , Reza Soltani Moghaddam, Mahin Safara, Heidar Bakhshi , Parivash Kordbacheh ,
Volume 75, Issue 5 (August 2017)
Background: Keratomycosis is a fungal infection of the cornea which could be sight-threatening and even causes eye loss. Considering the high humidity and the dominance of agriculture as important predisposing factors of keratomycosis in north of Iran, this study was carried out for diagnosis of fungal keratitis in patients with corneal lesions in Rasht, Gilan province, Iran.
Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from July 2015 to November 2016 on 56 patients with corneal lesion suspected to keratomycosis and referred to eye emergency ward of Amiralmomenin hospital, Rasht, Iran. Corneal scraping was performed in all cases and specimens were subjected to direct examination and culture. Only colonies grown in sites of corneal scraping inoculation were considered significant. Fungal isolates were identified according to their macroscopic features of colonies and microscopic characteristics in slide cultures. Data were analyzed in SPSS software, version 21 (IBM SPSS, Armonk, NY, USA) and P<0.05 was considered significant.
Results: The patients included 42 (75%) men and 14 (25%) women with the mean age of 49.5 years (9 to 90 years). Positive culture was observed in 9 cases but, only in one of these patients direct examination was positive and fungal elements were seen in 10% KOH preparation. Though, fungal keratitis was confirmed in 9 (16%) patients including seven (77.8%) men and two (22.2%) women. The majority of cases (88.9%) had a history of corneal trauma with plants and they were mainly farmer. According to statistical analysis, there was a significant association between corneal trauma and keratomycosis (P=0.007). The most common etiologic agents were Fusarium spp. (n: 4, 44.4%), followed by Aspergillus flavus (n: 2, 22.2%), Penicillium sp. (n: 1, 11.1%), Acremonium sp. (n: 1, 11.1%), and Cladosporium sp. (n: 1, 11.1%) respectively.
Conclusion: In the presence of sufficient predisposing factors such as corneal injuries caused by plants, keratomycosis could be caused by a variety of fungi. Furthermore, low sensitivity of direct examination in this study, revealed the necessity of culture in diagnosis of keratomycosis. |
Soheila Aminimoghaddam, Saeedehsadat Batayee , Mahsa Velaei ,
Volume 75, Issue 5 (August 2017)
Background: About 90% ovarian cancers are epithelial and 10-15% of this group are mucinous. The treatment is the hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. However, most of these tumors occur in young women that have not yet given birth in which preservation of fertility should be considered. We present a case of huge mucinous cystadenoma and massive ascites managed by preserving uterus and ovaries. Meigs’ syndrome is found in fibroma, and thecoma of ovary, however, in rare occasion this syndrome is occurred in mucinous cystadenoma.
Case presentation: A 21-year-old unmarried woman presented with the complaint about weight gains and irregular menstruation for four months to gynecology clinic of Firoozgar hospital in Tehran in October 2016. Preop lab data including tumor marker was gathered, and sonography with CT scanning of pelvic and chest was performed. The ascitic fluid was negative for malignancy. Also, laparotomy with staging the ovarian tumors was carried out including cytology of ascitic-fluid, cytology of diaphragm, ovarian cystectomy, biopsy of the paracolic gutter, exploring abdomen and pelvis. Histopathology report revealed mucinous cystadenoma. Moreover, according to the normal appearance of the appendix in this case, the appendectomy was not performed.
Conclusion: Ovarian cysts in young women who are associated with elevated levels of tumor markers and ascites require careful evaluation. Management of ovarian cysts depends on patient's age, size of the cyst, and its histopathological nature. Conservative surgery such as ovarian cystectomy or salpingo-oophorectomy is adequate in mucinous tumors of ovary. Multiple frozen sections are very important to know the malignant variation of this tumor and helps accurate patient management. Surgical expertise is required to prevent complications in huge tumors has distorted the anatomy, so gynecologic oncologist plays a prominent role in management. In this case, beside of the huge tumor and massive ascites uterine and ovaries were preserved by gynecologist oncologist and patient is well up to now.
Shahrzad Sheikhhasani , Nadereh Behtash , Soheila Aminimoghaddam ,
Volume 75, Issue 10 (January 2018)
Uterine sarcomas comprise a group of rare tumors with different tumor biology, natural history and response to treatment, contain just 3-7% of total uterine malignancies and about 1% of all gynecologic cancers. Although they cause important part of women death due gynecologic cancers. These tumors have aggressive behavior and high recurrence rate, even when confined to the uterine corpus at the time of diagnosis. The most common of uterine sarcomas is leiomyosarcoma. The incidence of leiomyosarcoma is increased after age 50. Traditionally, carcinosarcomas were named as Malignant Mixed Mullerian tumor (MMMT), but in recent classification according to their pathologic structure and its behavior, these tumors are classified as carcinomas. The rare group of sarcomas is endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS), which occurres in younger women. In a medical studies search from 2000 to 2017, all kinds of uterine sarcomas, pathologic diagnostic methods, primary treatment and supportive treatment have been analyzed. Last histological classification is based on FIGO 2009 and WHO. According to such classification, sarcomas divided into three subtypes: leiomyosarcoma, endometrial stromal sarcoma and carcinosarcomas. Diagnosis of sarcoma before treatment and discrimination from benign myoma by current diagnostic methods is difficult. Preoperative endometrial sampling identifies only 25% of sarcomas. It may be the myometrial origin of tumor. Currently, MRI, ultrasound and PET scan may be used for the diagnosis of tumor. The gold standard of treatment is complete and intact resection of tumor considereing free margins. In advanced or recurrence disease, cytoreductive surgery followed by chemotherapy is the choice of treatment. If technically it is not possible or there are extra abdominal metastases, palliative chemotherapy should be considered. Combination of gemcitabine and docetaxel is an acceptable choice. Recent studies are going to approve the effective role for targeted agents with or without cytotoxic chemotherapy in these group of aggressive tumors. The only drug in this group has approval is pazopanib. However, it did not achieved acceptable responses in phase I, II studies. As regards of tumor biology and inappropriate response to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, sarcoma have poor prognosis in all stages.
Niloufar Majdabadi, Mehraban Falahati , Fariba Heidarie-Kohan , Shirin Farahyar , Parvaneh Rahimi-Moghaddam, Mahtab Ashrafi-Khozani ,
Volume 75, Issue 11 (February 2018)
Background: 2-phenylethanol is a colorless and aromatic compound with antimicrobial effects which is used extensively in perfumes and cosmetics, as well as in the food industry. Chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis is a vulvovaginal inflammation which is caused by Candida spp. Resistance to clotrimazole which is one of the most common drugs in the treatment of this disease was reported in many patients. In order to improve the treatment, the effect of 2-phenyl ethanol was investigated in combination with clotrimazole on Candida species isolated from chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis.
Methods: This interventional study was performed in Iran University of Medical Sciences from February, 2016 until December, 2016 on Candida species isolated from women with chronic candidial vulvovaginitis who had been referred to Lolagar Hospital of Tehran. All specimens were examined by direct microscopy, culturing on Candida CHROMagar medium (to primary identification), sabouraud dextrose agar medium) to preservation the isolates) and determining the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence (in order to final determination of Candida species). Then clotrimazole and 2-phenyl ethanol alone and in combination, was examined on isolated species, according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) M27-A3 protocol (micro-broth dilution method). Finally, findings were analyzed.
Results: From 40 detected strains of Candida species in this study, 95% were Candida albicans and 5% were Candida africana. The mean minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) of clotrimazole were 24.73±28.87 µg/ml and 30.18±33.004 µg/ml, respectively and the mean MIC and MFC of 2-phenylethanol were 2580±932.38 µg/ml and 3200±1403.29 µg/ml, respectively. The MIC50 and MIC90 of clotrimazole were 16 and 64 µg/ml, respectively. The MIC50 and MIC90 of 2-phenylethanol were both 3200 µg/ml. Most of the isolates were resistant to clotrimazole (82.5%). In combination test, the mean MIC of 2-phenylethanol and clotrimazole alone were 3200±0 µg/ml and 56±40.16 µg/ml, respectively. The fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) range was 0.14-0.37. Also, there was a significant difference between clotrimazole MIC values alone and in combination (P= 0.021).
Conclusion: The synergistic effect was observed in combination of clotrimazole and 2-phenylethanol.
Parvaneh Sadeghi-Moghaddam , Elham Farasat, Hosein Heydari , Zahra Movahedi, Mohammad Aghaali,
Volume 77, Issue 2 (May 2019)
Background: With the increase in the number of premature neonates, there are concerns about the complications of this group. One of the common complications of preterm neonates is fungal sepsis. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of intravenous fluconazole on fungal sepsis and other complications related to premature newborns under 1200 g in a neonatal intensive care unit.
Methods: The study was conducted by field trial. The intervention included intravenous injection of fluconazole (3 mg/kg, twice per week for 6 weeks) in neonates weighing less than 1200 gr in the Izadi Hospital in Qom, Iran. The intervention was conducted on September 2016 in entire population of the study. The control group was retrospective and from neonates admitted to Izadi Hospital, which were hospitalized before intervention. The outcomes (such as the need for amphotericin injection, death, fungal sepsis, time taken to reach enteral feeding and length of stay) were compared between the two groups.
Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding their sex ratio (P=0.139), gestational age (P=0.834), type of delivery (P=0.841) and birth weight (P=0.458). After the intervention, fungal sepsis (from 65% to 48.3%) and the need for amphotericin injection (from 27.1% to 5%) were significantly reduced, and the mortality rate decreased from 40% to 28.3%, but this decline was not statistically significant (P=0.178). After the intervention, the length of stay in hospital (P=0.142) and neonatal intensive care unit (P=0.422), time to reach the weight of 1500 gr (P=0.717), and time taken to reach enteral feeding (P=0.289) did not change significantly. Proportion of pneumothorax, apnea, necrotizing enterocolitis, retinopathy of prematurity and need for respiratory support did not change significantly.
Conclusion: The present study showed that administration of venous fluconazole could reduce fungal sepsis in neonates weighing less than 1200 grams in the intensive care unit. However, this study failed to demonstrate the effect of fluconazole on death, pneumothorax, apnea and need for respiratory support.
Soheila Aminimoghaddam , Setare Nassiri , Fatemeh Chegini ,
Volume 77, Issue 7 (October 2019)
Background: Abnormal placental invasion in pregnancy is one of the most important dilemmas in gynecology and obstetrics medicine and because of the high potential risk of life-threatening massive bleeding, it has been considered as one of the most important causes of maternal morbidity and even mortality. According to the fact that previous cesarean section is the most highlighted and well-known risk factors for developing these types of abnormal placental invasion, and despite comprehensive recommendations for decreeing of this kind of surgery, the rate of caesarian delivery is raising worldwide, detecting the safer methods of management for optimizing the outcome is mandatory.
Case Presentation: In this report, we are discussing a patient in Firoozgar Hospital, Tehran, Iran, with twin pregnancy accompanying with placenta previa with abnormal invasion, which has got the best possible outcome after performing a multidisciplinary approach without any need to blood transfusion or general anesthesia during cesarean hysterectomy as the standard management of placenta increate. In this case, we have performed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) before surgery. We found out that we can use the exact site of placental margin and the distance between placental margin and uterovesical junction. So we have done the uterine incision horizontally without damaging to the placenta. Generally, Doppler ultrasonography has enough accuracy for detecting all kinds of placenta creates.
Conclusion: By selecting a safe uterine incision, we can prevent such a sudden and massive bleeding during the operation and also avoid occurring end-organ damage due to hemorrhage for instance, acute tubular necrosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation resulted in maternal morbidity and mortality. In this report, we also discuss the points needed for management and treatment of abnormal placental invasion by reviewing the recent literatures.
Fatemeh Karami Robati , Sodaif Darvish Moghaddam , Mohammad Mahdi Hayatbakhsh Abbasi,
Volume 77, Issue 8 (November 2019)
Background: One of the most important criteria of the development of countries at the national and international levels is the survey of scientific productions indexed in authentic databases. This study aimed to analyze the scientific productions by Iranian researchers on gastroenterology and hepatology in the Web of Science (WOS) database.
Methods: This applied study used a scientometric approach to review the scientific productions by Iranian researchers on gastroenterology and hepatology in the WOS database. Therefore, the total number of scientific documents related to the category of gastroenterology and hepatology, Iran, and other countries were recovered. The time frame was until the end of 2017. Data were collected in April 2018. This research was conducted at the Clinical Research Unit in Afzalipour Medical Center in Kerman, Iran.
Results: The results showed that during 1983 to 2017, the total number of 2180 scientific productions (0.31%) on gastroenterology and hepatology were published in Iran, ranking the country 34th in the world. Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in Iranian scientific publications was 9.5%. The «Tehran University of Medical Sciences» was identified as the most productive center in gastroenterology and hepatology field with a contribution rate of 35.69%. The results also showed that the most international collaboration of Iranian researchers on gastroenterology and hepatology field was with the United States of America (USA) scientific centers (5.82%). Most articles in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology (26.69%) were published in the «Hepatitis Monthly» journal. Most scientific productions in this field were related to the microbiology. The majority of scientific productions on gastroenterology and hepatology field were published in the form of article. Most scientific productions by Iranian researchers on gastroenterology and hepatology in the Web of Science (WOS) database were in English language.
Conclusion: Results showed that although compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in Iranian gastroenterology and hepatology publications was high rather than gastroenterology and hepatology scientific productions CAGR in the world, it’s not satisfying. Most articles have published in journals with low impact factor. Therefore, we should resolve the problems and increase the scientific level of researches.
Soheila Aminimoghaddam , Setare Nassiri , Zeinab Najafi ,
Volume 77, Issue 8 (November 2019)
Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a malignant hematological disorder which has numerous manifestations at the initial step such as infections and hemorrhagic signs. This is the first report in which the diagnosis of AML was made after managing of Bartholin gland site swelling and pain as the chief complaint of a patient.
Case presentation: Herein, we present a young girl who was referred to us in our tertiary level hospital, Firoozgar Hospital, Tehran, Iran, in october, 2017 just with pain and swelling of the left Bartholin gland. At first, it was suspected to be a cyst or abscess of Bartholin gland, she did not have any history or symptoms of infection on comprehensive physical examinations such as pneumonia, meningitis, Nevertheless, the ultimate diagnosis of AML was made after generalized and precise systemic examination and laboratory findings were done. According to the guidelines for the treatment of AML, systemic chemotherapy with multiple drugs was given immediately but unfortunately, she died due to severe septicemia which was resistant to broad-spectrum antibiotics and disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Conclusion: Based on our searching, this is the first case. Because we expected other more common symptoms of acute lukemia, systematic and precise generalized examination must be performed gently in all of the patients even in women just with genital symptoms as their chief compliant for instance, pain and swelling of Bartholin gland. Finally, not focusing just on the perineal site and detailed examination for all parts of the body may reveal an accurate diagnosis of the main underlying disease.
Solmaz Ohadian Moghadam , Erfan Amini , Mohsen Ayati , Hassan Jamshidian , Seyed Ali Moemeni , Farshad Sheybaee Moghaddam , Mohammad Reza Nowroozi ,
Volume 77, Issue 10 (January 2020)
Background: Prostate cancer has been reported as a worldwide important kind of cancer and the second most common cause of cancer-related mortality among men. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) serum level is one of the most important markers of prostate cancer diagnosis. While PSA level helps predict the risk of prostate cancer development, researchers still looking for ways to increase the accuracy of prognostic models. To increase the specificity of PSA and decrease of unnecessary biopsies and morbidity, PSA-related parameters such as PSA doubling time (PSADT) have been used. In this study, the relationship between this factor and the severity of prostate cancer was evaluated.
Methods: In this retrospective study, the data of patients who were subjected to transrectal ultrasound-guided (TRUS) biopsy of the prostate and referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, between 2009 and 2017 were reviewed. We enrolled the men with at least two consecutive elevated PSA level within three months to calculate PSADT. Based on the pathology report, primary and secondary Gleason score (GS) were determined. Correspondingly, considering GS, the patients were divided into two groups with high-grade and low-grade tumor (GS<7 considered as low-grade and GS>7 considered as high-grade tumor).
Results: Totally, 1712 cases of TRUS biopsy of the prostate were studied. Among them, 547 (32.3%) had prostate cancer, of whom 73 cases were eligible based on inclusion criteria and were consented to enroll in the study. According to the data obtained, we found a significant difference in PSADT between the two groups of patients with high-grade and low-grade malignancy (mean±SD PSADT, 9.8±14.2 vs. 16.1±14.9 respectively, P=0.004). Considering the seven months as the cut-off point for PSADT in determining malignancy, there was a significant difference between the two groups according to Fisher's exact test (P=0.01).
Conclusion: In our study, PSADT cut-off of 7 months provided the greatest accuracy for differentiation between low-grade and high-grade malignancy, and PSADT has acceptable accuracy for the diagnosis of high-grade tumors.
Fatemeh Nevisi , Marjan Yaghmaie , Hossein Pashaiefar , Kamran Alimoghaddam , Masoud Iravani, Gholamreza Javadi , Ardeshir Ghavamzadeh ,
Volume 77, Issue 11 (February 2020)
Background: Gastric cancer (GC) is considered as one of the most common types of cancer worldwide with poor prognosis and generally limited treatment options. Recent studies have indicated that HER2, MDM2, MYC, MET, and TP53 play an important role in the development of gastric cancer. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of amplification/deletion of these genes in patients with gastric cancer.
Methods: In this descriptive study, a total of 37 gastric cancer tissue samples from GC patients including 23 males (62.2%) and 14 females (37.8%) referred to the Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research Center of Shariati Hospital, Tehran, from March 2015 to February 2016 were evaluated. The patient's age at diagnosis ranged from 33 to 85 years (median: 65 years). The amplification pattern of HER2, MDM2, MYC and MET genes and TP53 deletion were investigated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique performed on 3 to 5 micron section obtained from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded cancer tissues.
Results: The tumors were preferably identified at the distal stomach (54.05%) in comparison to tumors arising from the gastric cardia. The tumor size varied between 2 and 5 cm (average, 3.5 cm). Seven of the cases (19%) had advanced tumors at the time of diagnosis. HER2, MDM2, MYC, MET and TP53 copy number alteration were successfully determined in all samples obtained from the GC patients. HER2, MDM2, and c-MYC genes were amplified in 2 (5.41%), 1 (2.7%) and 3 (8.11%) of 37 patient samples, however, MET gene amplification and TP53 deletion were not observed in the obtained GC tissue samples. Co-amplification of HER2, MDM2, and MYC genes, and co-amplification of HER2 and MYC genes were detected in one patient.
Conclusion: The results of this study indicate the low frequency of MDM2, HER2 and MYC genes in gastric cancer patient and their copy number alterations may provide diagnostic and prognostic marker for GC patients.
Shirinsadat Badri , Sara Etemadi-Moghaddam , Azadeh Moghaddas ,
Volume 77, Issue 12 (March 2020)
Background: Amphotericin B is one of the most useful therapeutic modalities for the treatment of patients with invasive fungal infections, in spite of serious side effects, namely kidney injury, electrolyte imbalances, and infusion-related reactions. The goal of this study was to assess the different aspects of premedication practice and the incidence and types of infusion-related reactions in patients receiving amphotericin B.
Methods: This observational study was performed on 70 hospitalized patients who received amphotericin B in different departments of two university hospitals, affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran, from January 2017 to February 2018. Information on physicians’ performance regarding premedication administration for amphotericin B, including the types and doses of medications administered prior to amphotericin B infusion, as well as patients’ clinical data including infusion-related side effects were collected and then analyzed in comparison with the standard practice guidelines.
Results: The study population consisted of 70 patients with the mean age of 51.6±18.3 years, who received amphotericin B for 8.2±3.5 days. From 70 evaluated patients, 21 patients (30%) had encountered the infusion-related reactions, including chills, fever, urticaria, headache, and hypotension. These side effects were evident in 19 patients (27%) who received no premedication and 2 patients (3%) who received only one drug as premedication, before amphotericin B administration. Twenty patients (28%) experienced chills, fever and headache, while 7 patients (10%) had nausea and vomiting during amphotericin B infusion. Hydrocortisone 50-200 mg, was the most prescribed agent for premedication (in 67% of patients), while chlorpheniramine 10 mg (in 50% of patients) and promethazine 10 mg (in 35% of patients) were the second and third prescribed ones, respectively.
Conclusion: In this study, the patients who received no or only one drug as premedication experienced infusion-related side effects. This emphasizes the necessity for standard premedication practices to prevent this type of adverse reactions. Considering the higher price of liposomal form of Amphotericin-B, if prescribed correctly, even the conventional form would be an effective and tolerable treatment for invasive fungal infections.
Seyed Hamid Zoljalali Moghaddam, Reza Laripour, Ebrahim Hazrati, Hamed Bagheri, Nazila Eyvazzadeh, Hamid Reza Baghani, Emad Parvaneh Aval ,
Volume 79, Issue 12 (March 2022)
Prostate cancer is the most common and second leading cause of death among men in the world. Nowadays, radiotherapy has been known as one of the most affecting methods for prostate cancer treatment. Nevertheless, radiotherapy is accompanied by the concern of developing secondary cancers by the scattered radiation to the neighbor organs at risk. Several studies have shown that secondary cancers after the radiotherapy of prostate cancer treatment, occur in tissues such as the bladder and rectum which have been exposed to direct or indirect radiations. Therefore, this review study aimed to evaluate the influencing factors for developing secondary cancers after the radiotherapy of prostate cancer. To access the previously validated published studies, Persian and English keywords such as prostate cancer, secondary cancers, radiotherapy and organs at risk have been searched in ISID, Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, and World Health Organization, between 1997 and 2021. Totally 246 pieces of literature have been selected which finally, by ignoring the similar and overlapping studies, only 40 studies were reviewed. In the present study, the most affecting factors for developing secondary malignancies including the anatomical status changes, dose variations, smoking and the impact of the various treatment techniques, have been studied. The results of the reviewed studies showed a reduction of secondary cancer risks with performing the modern modalities such as proton therapy to treat prostate cancer. Moreover, organ movements and anatomical status changes which vary from one patient to others, have been reported to make a significant difference in the relative risk of secondary cancers. It has been shown that smoking may increase the risk of secondary cancers after the radiotherapy of prostate cancer, so radiotherapy and smoking may cause genetic mutations. Despite the advantages of radiotherapy for prostate cancer treatment, developing secondary cancers after the radiotherapy should not be ignored. Assessments of the affecting factors for secondary cancers after the radiotherapy of prostate cancer require social and comprehensive studies which can result in an accurate modality with fewer side effects. |
, Fatemeh Kalantarimoghaddam, Fatemeh Karami Robati ,
Volume 80, Issue 10 (January 2023)
Background: Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is one of the factors that can increase maternal and neonatal mortality, which is affected by several factors. This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the frequency of preterm premature rupture of membranes in pregnant women.
Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted in Afzalipour Hospital in Kerman from January 2018 to January 2019. All pregnant women with PPROM and normal pregnant women referred to this Hospital were included in the study through convenient sampling. The data collection tool was a checklist containing patients' demographic information (age, education, occupation, gestational age, number of pregnancies, urinary tract infection (confirmed by the attending physician), history of premature rupture of the water sac, vaginal bleeding (bleeding in any period of pregnancy as the person had visited the doctor), history of premature birth, pregnancy care and trauma (any trauma)). To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation), analytical (Chi-square test) and SPSS software version 22 were used.
Results: In this descriptive-analytical study, 400 pregnant women were studied. Two hundred of pregnant women had preterm premature rupture of membranes and 200 of pregnant women did not have such condistion and were normal. The mean age of pregnant women was 27.4±5.4 years old and the mean gestational age of pregnant women was 34.1±2.1 weeks. The mean parity of pregnant women was 2.3±1.4. Risk factors such as maternal age (P=0.011), number of pregnancies (P=0.035), maternal education (P=0.018), history of preterm premature rupture of membranes (P=0.046), history of preterm delivery (P=0.019), trauma (P=0.037) and pregnancy care (P=0.037) affected preterm premature rupture of membranes.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that maternal age, number of pregnancies, maternal education, and history of preterm premature rupture of membranes, history of preterm delivery, trauma, and prenatal care are risk factors for PROM. Therefore, by educating pregnant mothers about these risk factors, the incidence and complications of preterm premature rupture of membranes can be reduced.
Farzaneh Boluki Moghaddam , Zhaleh Yousefi, Ali Baghery Hagh , Masoud Latifipour, Mahdi Raei,
Volume 81, Issue 3 (June 2023)
Background: Respiratory support during the patient's anesthesia is done in different ways, such as endotracheal intubation and laryngeal mask. Endotracheal intubation is inevitably used for respiratory support in general anesthesia patients. The use of alternative methods for respiratory support during the process of general anesthesia is one of the most significant ways to control anesthesia complications. The laryngeal mask is placed around the larynx to allow spontaneous and controlled ventilation. Both of the respiratory support methods can cause complications. The purpose of this study is to compare the side effects of sore throat and hoarseness caused by two methods in surgical patients.
Methods: This study was conducted in the period from September to November 2022 on patients who were referred and underwent surgery at Baqiyatallah Hospital. The study is a cohort study that was conducted retrospectively on 60 patients who underwent any surgery with two methods of anesthesia by ETI and LMA. In order to evaluate hoarseness, the standard Voice Handicap Index (VHI-10) questionnaire was used. In order to evaluate the complication of sore throat caused by the respiratory support method, a 4-point pain checklist was used for 24 hours and 14 days after the surgery.
Results: The findings of our study showed that the average amount of sore throat 24 hours after surgery in the LMA and ETI groups was 2.13 and 2.2, respectively, and these values 14 days later were 1.17 and 1.07, respectively. The average level of hoarseness in the 24 hours after surgery in LMA and ETI groups was 2.66 and 3.13, respectively. The statistical comparison of the severity of side effects between the two groups showed that in the LMA method, the amount of sore throat and hoarseness is less than the ETI method, although this reduction does not have a significant difference.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the rate of complications of sore throat and hoarseness in the laryngeal mask group is reduced compared to the endotracheal intubation group, although this difference is not significant.
Aida Asghari, Abbas Vosoogh Moghaddam , Ali Mohammad Mosadeghrad , Ebrahim Jaafaripooyan,
Volume 82, Issue 2 (May 2024)
Background: Communication and cooperation among health care organizations have become nowadays crucial for improving the quality and equity in providing health services, and integration has been expressed as a solution by the World Health Organization. The purpose of this review was to identify the challenges and solutions of integration in health services.
Methods: This research was carried out from September 2023 to April 2024. All articles on the challenges and solutions of integration in health, using scoping review, were identified and used in the PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar search engines in the period from 2000 to 2024. The total number of English articles found was 4996, of which 662 were removed due to repetition. Among the remaining 4334 articles, 4249 articles whose titles and abstracts were not related to the research topic were removed, left a total of 85 articles, and after reviewing the full text of the articles, 27 articles entered the data extraction phase, which were finally analyzed using the framework analysis method.
Results: Finally, 27 articles were selected from which, 46 challenges and 26 solutions were extracted as to the integration in health services and categorized based on the framework of WHO six building blocks in five areas of governance and leadership, financing, human resources, information system and service delivery. The most important challenges of integration include; weakness in planning, imbalance of power between organizations, differences in geographical and spatial boundaries of organizations, weakness in maintaining data security, workforce resistance and the lack of laws and regulations, needs assessment from patients, related knowledge, financial resources, suitable payment models, integrated communication and information systems and interoperability between technologies.
Conclusion: Integration of health service endures a series of challenges such mainly as the lack of rules and regulations for collaborative processes and resistance from providers and employees requiring innovative solutions. Addressing issues such as stakeholder power-benefit analysis, interoperability and data sharing among the providers could be essential for successful integration.