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Al Yasin A, Abedi Asl J, Aghahoseini M, Khademi A ,
Volume 60, Issue 4 (15 2002)

Background: The preeclampsia/eclampsia is one of the most serious condition peculiar to pregnancy, which defined as occurrence of hypertension, proteinuria in pregnancy and convulsion in eclamptic women. There are major risk for eclamptic and pre eclamptic women due to maternal and fetal complications.

Materials and Methods: In a prospective study, preeclamptic and eclamptic patients who were visited at Shariati hospital were divided into two groups due to having proper prenatal care or not. Maternal and fetal complication were studied in that two group. Maternal variables were included: incidence of preterm labor, eclampsia, mode of delivery, long term hospitalization, need for ICU, need to antihypertensive drugs over postportum, insistence of hypertension up to 6 weeks, postpartum trombocytosis, incidence of cesarean section due to abruptio placenta and IUGR, elevation of serum creatinine, incidence of HELLP syndrome and death of mother fetal variables were included incidence of IUGR and IUFD, pre term delivery and for need NICU. Relationship of demographic characteristics such as maternal age, parity, educational level, mode of delivery, presence of underlying disease, and educational level of person who referred the patient were studied.

Results: These variables except of educational level, and referral level were there was statistically significant difference between incidence of all of variables, in exception of mode of delivery. That means incidence of complications is lower in group with adequate prenatal care. Conclusion: It seems that adequate pernatal care can reduce or obligate maternal and fetal complication in hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.

Pishbeen Sh, Khansari N, Shaiegan M,
Volume 60, Issue 5 (15 2002)

Body is exposed to oxidants and free radicals since birth. These compounds are highly reactive and react with different biomolecules. However living organisms possess an antioxidant system to face these compounds. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) in immune system cells, like other cells, are produced both as a part of the normal cell metabolism and during specific activities such as phagocytosis. By prevention of oxidative damages to different parts of immune cells, antioxidants provide the conditions for optimal immune system function.
Methods and Materials: This study had been carried out in Immunology section, Central laboratory of Iran blood transfusion organization and Immunology department of Medical sciences university of Tehran during March 1999 - October 1999. Correlation method was used in this study in which the correlation between plasma total antioxidant power and two main immune cells functions including lymphocytes proliferation response (LTT test by ELISA method) and neutrophils directed movement (chemotaxis test) were investigated. Sample population in this study were 60 healthy males and females aged 21-60. On each blood sample, plasma total antioxidant power (FRAP method), LTT, and chemotaxis tests were carried out. Then statistical spearman correlation between these variables were obtained.
Results: Our results reveal that there are significant correlations (P< 0.0001) between plasma total antioxidant power and the cited variables.
Conclusion: It seems what is important in the functions of the immune system, is the fair balance between oxidants and antioxidants level in the body thus we should be able to use this parameter to evaluate the functions of immune system in health and/ or disease situation.
Basiri Jahromi Sh, Khaksar A A,
Volume 60, Issue 5 (15 2002)

Fungal infection of the nail, also known as onychomycosis, is a worldwide problem. It is estimated that onychomycosis constitutes 15-22 percent of all nail disorders. It is also known that 2-5 percent of the adult population in Europe have onychomycosis. This problem is quite common in the dermatology clinic of the countries in the Midle East, India and the Far East. The infection rates and types of fungi involved in onychomycosis vary with conditions such as age, sex, occupation, hygiene, foot wear and several environmental and climatic factors.
Methods and Materials: A retrospective study of nail infection was carried out in the section of Medical Mycology, Pasteur Institute of Iran from April 1993 to March 1999. Nineteen hundreds eighty five cases examined for toe and finger nail infections.
Results: Ranging in age were from 3 months to 84 years old. This study reports the causative agents of onychomycosis in the presented patients in the section of Medical Mycology, Pasteur Institute of Iran. The 1985 patients were examined for onychomycosis. Diagnosis was confirmed by demonstration of fungi in direct (K.OH 20 percent) and cultural examination. Onychomycosis were proven in 601 patients. Three hundreds fifty patients were females (59 percent). The fingernails were more commonly positive in females (73.5 percent) than males, while the toenail positivity rate in males was 69 percent. Among 601 isolated species, dermatophytes were 308 cases (51 percent) mainly from toenail were predominant. Candida SPP. Were isolated in 46 percent of the cases, especially from fingernails. Nondermatophytic molds were isolated only in 3 percent of the patients (18 cases). Most common isolated dermatophytes were Trichophyton rubrum (66.5 percent) and T. Mentagrophytes (24.6 percent). Other isolated dermatophytes were: violaceum, T. schoenleinii and Microsporum gypseum. Candida albicans were isolated in 40.9 percent of the yeast onychomycosis. Non- dermatophytyic molds were Aspergillos, Acromonium. Fusarium and Chrysosporium.
Conclusion: Onychomycosis represent 30 percent of all mycotic infections of the skin. Their promoting factors, clinical aspects and differential diagnosis have been reviewed. It is necessary to confirm the clinical diagnosis of onychomycosis by laboratory tests (direct microscopy and cultures).
Aslani J, Ghaneei M, Khosravi L ,
Volume 60, Issue 6 (15 2002)

Introduction: Occupational exposure to carbon, silica, and quartz, particles are known predisposing factors for bronchial anthracosis. In some cases bronchoscopy may reveal anthracosis infection to be associated with mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Materials and Methods: In a prospective study, from 1999 and 2001, 919 patients underwent diagnostic bronchoscopy for pulmonary diseases.

Results: Of these, 96 patients had some evidence of anthracosis infection. Twenty-six (27%) of these patients had positive smears or cultures for mycobacterium tuberculosis and only eight (8.3%) patients with positive history of occupational exposure. In the other 70 patients 29 had previous occupational exposure, and 41 stated no previous exposure.

Conclusion: Our findings show a significant association of tuberculosis with anthracosis however further studies are needed to document an etiologic relationship.

Khatami Z, Roohi S, Nami A, Shakeri N, Abbassi M ,
Volume 60, Issue 6 (15 2002)

Introduction: In this study, we reviewuated and compared three routine methods for the measurement of urinary protein concentrations with a view to find a suitable method to prevent, diagnose and monitor renal disease under circumstances with limited resources.

Materials and Methods: Two modifications of the Trichoroacetic acid (TCA) turbidimetric method read at 405 and 620 nm and the sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) turbidimetric method were considered. The reviewuated was carried out using a variety of control materials, calibrators and patients urine samples.

Results: The result indicated that the TCA method read at 405nm is appropriate for the measurement of protein in the range of 25-700 mg/L and the TCA "620nm method" is appropriate for the measurement of protein concentration in the range of 100-1000 mg/L. Of the two methods, the TCA at 405 nm was minimally influenced by the type of calibrator. The SSA method showed unacceptable performance in the measurement of protein, specially at lower concentration, in addition the results showed a large variation depending on the type of calibration.

Conclusion: For screening of high-risk populations e.g. diabetics and early diagnosis of microproteinuria the recommended method is the TCA at 405 nm calibrated with a serum-based mixed Albumin/Globulin standard. For routine testing the TCA method at 620 is suggested regardless of type of calibration, although the limitations at lower concentrations should be remembered.

Nakhjavani M, Esteghamati A, Alam Salimi M,
Volume 60, Issue 6 (15 2002)

Introduction: Clinical manifestations of primary hyper-para-thyroidism (pHPT) had been dramatically changed during last 25 years. Evaluation of changes in clinical findings was the aim of this study.

Materials and methods: In a retrospective, descriptive case series, patients' records of all 47 pHPT (44 females, 3 males) from 1988 till 1998 were studied. Patients’ clinical presentations, signs and symptoms, laboratory and radiologic findings were reviewed and the results were compared with 34 patients' studied during 1978-1987. Serum Ca>10.5 mg/dl with increased or high normal PTH were the diagnostic criteria of pHPT.

Results: Patients’ age range was 11-70 and mean ±SD was 38±16 years, with a female to male ratio of 14:1. 57 percent of the patients had bone pain and muscle weakness, 12 percent were asymptomatic, 10 percent had pathologic fractures, 8 percent had renal stones, 8 percent had symptoms of hypercalcemia, and 2 percent had giant cell lesion. The mean±SD of serum calcium was 11.48±1.16 mg/dl, phosphorus was 2.4±0.6 mg/dl and 24-h urinary Ca was 294±197 mg. Serum PTH was increased from 1.5 to 500 folds. The frequency of single adenoma in right inferior, left inferior, and left superior gland were 43 percent, 30 percent, and 13 percent respectively.

Conclusion: In the study 12 percent of patients were asymptomatic whereas there was no asymptomatic case in the previous study. Prevalence of severe bone disease and the interval between onset of symptoms and diagnosis was also reduced. According to this study detection of pHPT in asymptomatic phase remarkably increased.

Taheri A, Hajimohamadi F, Khagavy Mr ,
Volume 60, Issue 6 (15 2002)

Introduction: Laser beam due to finest of incision and reduction of postoperative complication, facilitates airway surgery, but at the same time it increases the danger or firing and the airway management and protection becomes difficult during anesthesia. In this study, two general anesthesia methods (Intermittent Apneic Technique And Continuous Controlled Ventilation With Enveloped Endotracheal Tube) have been compared with each other mater.

Materials and methods: two groups, each consist of 25 patients 10 to 60 years old, and ASA I-II class and below 100kg weight who have been candidate for laser therapy, were given two mentioned methods of anesthesia. All patients were suffering from subglotic stenosis, vocal cord nodules, papillomatosis and oropharyngeal obstruction. Induction and maintenance of anesthesia, and monitoring during surgery (EGG, PETCO2, SaPo2, BP, PR) in both groups were the same.

Results: Homodynamic stability in the both groups were the same and there was no hypoxia and dysrhythmia. In apneic technique group, most of the surgeries needed 2-3 time of apnea, and each apnea duration was 2-4 minutes, without any hypercaphic (Peteco 2>47 mmHg) and hypoxic (Spo2<90 percent) state and duration of laser surgery was about 9-10 minutes. More satisfaction was gained with apneic technique because of having a better surgery filed. All the patients had no recall at the end of anesthesia and patietn's expenses were much lower with no danger of firing.

Conclusion: It has been concluded that intermittent apneic technique in upper airway laser therapy is a better technique of anesthesia.

Soudbakhsh A R, Ahmadinejad Z, Sistanizadeh M,
Volume 61, Issue 1 (13 2003)

Introduction: In the patients with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) bacteriologic assessment of sputum for detection of acid bacilli (AFB) Has essential role. This evaluation is accomplished by direct sputum smear & sputum culture. These examinations must be done in regular and preferably monthly after beginning of treatment. These tests have two important aims, including, determining of treatment efficacy & duration of isolation.
Methods and Materials: Most of the studies have that classic six month regimen led to sputum smear conversion & negative sputum culture in 85% of patient. This treatment regimen has two phases, including, attack phase and maintenance phase. In the attack phase we use four drugs, including, Isoniazid (INH), Rifampin (RMP), Pyrazinamide (PZA) and Ethambutol (EMB) for the first 2 months and if necessary until the end of third month. In the maintenance phase we use INH and Rif for the remaining of treatment course. The main objectives of this study were to determine the time needed for smear conversion and assessment of probable factors which may influence the smear conversion until 4 months after beginning of therapy. The factors that were assessed, were, Age, nationality, sex, clinical symptoms, underlying diseases, chest radiography (number of cavities), smoking, drug abuse and concentration of AF13 in the sputum Generally, we did this cross sectional study on the patient's records, who had been observed in Imam Khomeni Hospital, west health service center and masih daneshvary hospital between.
Results: This study showed that from totally 218 patients, 138(74.6%) patients had sputum conversion at the first 2 months of treatment and until the end of 3rd & 4th month this rate reached to 83.3% respectively. So in the end of fourth month only 32(14.7%) patients did not show sputum smear conversion. On the other hand this study showed that two factors including presence of cavities in chest radiography & concentration of AFB in the sputum are influencing this rate strongly.
Conclusion: Role of other factors such as age, nationality , Smoking, diabetes mellitus and weigh loss are controversial and another studies are necessary for confirming their roles. Other factors including sex, clinical symptoms has not been show to be important. Some factors such as drug abuse and immunosuppresive therapy has not been assessed in this study, because number of cases were not enough for statistical analysis.
Gharagosloo M, Khalili S, Hallaj Mofrad M, Karimi B, Honartnand M, Jafari H, Moosavi S Gh ,
Volume 61, Issue 1 (13 2003)

Wide variations in the prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema have been reported in the world, between regions and countries. The international study of asthma and allergies in childhood (ISAAC) was developed to provide standardized method to ascertain the prevalence of asthma and allergies in different regions. Comparisons of prevalence rates across geographic regions may help to identify factors that influence the development of these conditions in individuals.
Methods and Materials: For doing this descriptive study the ISAAC written questionnaire was completed by the parents of 3000 school children aged 6-7 years in Kashan, the central area of Iran, with different geographic and cultural characteristics, during the fall of 1998.
Results: The overall cumulative and 12 month prevalence of wheezing were 10.2 percent, 6.9 percent in the girls and 18.2 percent, 13.1 percent in the boys respectively. The prevalence of doctor diagnosed asthma were 1.3 percent and 2.2 percent in the girls and boys. Rhinitis symptoms were reported by 14,7 percent, 16.9 percent and chronic pruritic rashes by 5.1 percent and 8.3 percent of the girls and boys respectively.
Conclusion: Allergic disorders are common in this area and prevalence is comparable to other parts of Iran and many other countries. Prevalence of asthma by medical diagnosis is relatively low with respect to other studies performed with the same methodology.
Kazemi Khaledi A, Rahmani Reaza,
Volume 61, Issue 1 (13 2003)

Prosthetic valve re-operation has greater mortality and morbidity than primary valve replacement. By recognition of factors influencing on causes of redo operation and preoperative survival, one can select appropriate prosthesis at primary valve replacement and when operation performed at appropriate time, surgical risk can be reduced.
Methods and Materials: Two hundred patients that underwent prosthetic valve re-operation from October 1991 through November 2001 were included in this study. There were 68 men and 132 women with the mean age of 42:tl 1.8 years. Structural failure was the commonest cause of bio-prosthesis replacement (93%). Valve thrombosis was the common cause of mechanical valve replacement (32%). Age younger Than 50 (P= 0.01) and interval after the first implantation more than 10 years (P= 0.01) affected bio-prosthesis degeneration.
Results: Atrial fibrillation (P<0.01), Older age especially more than 40 (P<0.05) and mitral position (P<0.01) affected mechanical valve thrombosis. Cross clamp time (P= 0.005), Tricuspid insufficiency (P = 0.001), NYHA IV (P = 0.005) and emergent operation (P= 0.001) were independent determinants of hospital mortality.
Conclusion: In conclusion, in patients with more than 10-years life expectancy and age younger than 50, mechanical valve can be selected for primary valve replacement. If operation performed before patients reach deteriorated condition, preoperative survival would be excellent.
Anyamanesh S, Faghihi M, Kadkhodaei M,
Volume 61, Issue 2 (14 2003)

 During kidney and other organ transplantation, the organ to be transplanted, must inevitably remain out of the body with little or no blood perfusion at all for a long period of time (ischemia). These events have been suggested to cause the formation of oxygen- derived free radicals (OFR). Reperfusion (reintroduction of blood flow) will further exacerbate the initial damage caused by the ischemic insult and may result in the production of free radicals. The aim of this study was to investigate whether induction of brief periods of renal artery occlusion (ischemic pre‌conditioning, IPC) can provide protection from the effects of a subsequent period of ischemia and reperfusion (IR) in the rat kidney.
Materials and Methods: In this regard, 28 white, male rats were randomly and equally divided into four groups: Control (sham- operated), IPC alone, IR alone (30 min ischemia followed by 10 min reperfusion), and IPC- IR. Preconditioning involved the sequential clamping of the right renal artery for 5 min and declamping for 5 min for a total of 3 cycles. To demonstrate the effectiveness of IPC regimen, vitamin E as an endogenous antioxidant and an index of lipid peroxidation was measured by HPLC after its extraction from right renal venous plasma and right renal tissue.
Results: Results of this study showed that the amount of vitamin E of renal tissue and venous plasma in the IR group had a significant decrease when compared to the control group (P< 0.0001). Whereas the amount of this vitamin in both renal tissue and venous plasma of the IPC- IR group was significantly higher than that in the IR group (P< 0.0001), but did not show any significant difference with the control group.
Conclusion: In this study, preconditioning method prevented the reduction of the endogenous antioxidant (Vit. E) in encountering the following sustained ischemic insult. Therefore, we suggest that ischemic preconditioning can be used to protect the Vit. E level of kidney from its subsequent decrease by ischemia and reperfusion.


Samini M, Dehpour Ar , Babazadeh Khamneh E,
Volume 61, Issue 3 (14 2003)

One of the useful function of melatonin is its protective effect against endogenous oxidants. The object of this investigation was to study the protective effect of melatonin on stress-induced gastric lesions.
Results: Our results show that pretreatment of animals with melatonin decrease the stress-induced gastric lesions dose dependently.
L-NAME, a nitric oxide synthesis inhibitor, potentiat the stress-induce gastric lesions and melatonin produced gastro-protective effect against concurrent stress and L-NAME-induced gastric lesions.
Conclusion: Our results indicate that melatonin may produce its gastro-protective effect Via increasing level of nitric oxide.
Fard Esfahani A, Dabbagh Kakhki Vr, Eftekhari M, Zarpak B, Saghari M, Fallahi Sijani B,
Volume 61, Issue 4 (15 2003)

Radioiodine therapy is the safest, simplest, least expensive and most effective method for treatment of Graves' disease. Due to difficulties in previous methods for dose determination, fixed dose method of 1-131 is now considered the best practical method for 1-131 therapy in Graves' disease, but there is no consensus on the dose. We compared two routinely recommended fixed doses of 5 and 10 mCi for this purpose.
Materials and Methods In this clinical trial, 59 patients with Graves' disease referred for radioiodine therapy were randomized into two groups, one group was treated with 5 mCi of 1-131 and the other with 10 mCi. All patients were followed for two years, with 6-month intervals.
Results: Totally, among 59 patients treated with 1-131, 20 (33.9%) patients became euthyroid and 19(32.2%) became hypothyroid, while failed therapy (no response or relapse) was noticed in 20 patients (33.9%). In the group treated by 5 mCi (33 patients), 10(30.3%) were euthyroid, 6(18.2%) were hypothyroid (overall cure of ^8.5%), while 17(51.5%) remained hyperthyroid by the end of the follow-up period. From the 26 patients treated with 10 mCi, the euthyroid and hypothyroid states were observed in 10(38.5%) and 13(50%)patients, respectively (overall cure rate of 88.5%), and hyperthyroid state in 3(11.5%). No relationship was noted between the outcome and age, sex, size of the thyroid gland and thyroid uptake, but the relationship between the disease outcome and the amount of administered radioiodine was significant (P<0.003). Although the incidence rate of early hypothyroidism (by the end of 2 years) in the group treated with 5 mCi is less than those treated with 10 mCi, the incidence of failed therapy is higher in the former group. In addition, it is known that long-term hypothyroidism prevalence is not significantly different by using different doses of I-131. On the other hand, if the initial dose is so little to cure, cost and time for perfect treatment, number of office visits and morbidity due to untreated hyperthyroidism are markedly increased.
Conclusion: Regarding lower rate of failed therapy with 10 mCi, and as there is no significant difference in late hypothyroidism between low doses and high doses of I-131, we concluded that 10 mci is the optimal fixed dose for treatment of Graves' disease.
Klishadi R, Hashemi Poor M, Sarraf Zadegan N, Sadri G, Ansari R, Alikhasi H, , , , ,
Volume 61, Issue 4 (15 2003)

The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of overweight and obesity among guidance-and high school students and its relation to modifiable environmental factors.
Materials and Methods: The subjects have been 1000 girls and 1000 boys aged between 11-18 years, selected by multi-stage random sampling, their parents (2000 subjects) and their school staffs (500 subjects) in urban and rural areas of two provinces in Iran. Data have been analyzed by SPSSV10/ Win software.
Results: The prevalence of 85th < BMI<95th percentile and BMI>95th percentile in girls was significantly higher than boys (10.67±1.1%, 2.9±0.1% VS. 7.37±0.9%, 1.87±0.1% respectively, p<0.05). The mean BMI value was significantly different between urban and rural area (25.38±5.2 VS. 23.25±7.1, P< 0.05). BMI > 85th percentile was more prevalent in those with lower educated mothers (9.2+2.1 vs. 11.5+2.4 years of mothers education respectively). The mean of the total energy intake was not different between overweight or obese and normal- weight subjects (1825±90Kcal VS. 1815±85Kcal, P>0.05) but the percent of energy derived from carbohydrates was significantly higher in former than the latter (69.4% VS. 63.2%, P<0.05). Regular out-school sport activities were significantly lower and the time spent on television watching was significantly higher in overweight or obese than non-obese subjects (300±20 VS. 240±30 minutes/day, P<0.05). Significant linear association was shown between the consumption frequency of rice, bread, pasta, fast foods and fat/salty snack and BMI (p=0.05-0.06, p<0.05). A significant correlation was shown between BMI percentiles with serum triglyceride, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol and systolic blood pressure (Pearson r=0.38,-0.32 and 0.47 respectively).
Sadegipoor Hr, Eftekharardabili H, Zeraati H, Mosleh A,
Volume 61, Issue 4 (15 2003)

This research studies the quality of medical prescriptions for children under 5 years of age and their effective factors carried out by Behvarzes at Eslamshar town.
Materials and Methods: The study took place in 19 health houses considering the medical family files of patient children seeking for medical care by 33 Behvarz for quality of medical prescription. Two questionnaire were used for the study. The first questionnaire contained information about children medical prescription and variables evaluated in relation to medical prescription dose, duration of consumption and the cure duration period, which carried out for both girl and boy group separately. The second questionnaire contained information about the condition of working Behvarzes demographic in health houses considered variable for Behvarzes are: Age, Sex , experience, education, place of residence marital status.
Results: The important points of the study are as follow: - In cases that according to Behvarzy training patient follow up is necessary, 56.9%of the needed cases did not full fill the appropriate and necessary follow up program. - One of the important constraints of the research is the high percent of unrecorded cases by Behvarzes including:
1 - 1.2% unknown medical prescriptions.
2- 44.2% unknown dose of prescribed medicine
3- 52.4% unknown care duration period
4- 36.5% unknown period of time for taking the medicine. Conclusion: According to the information:

1- 64.9 dose of prescribed medicine
2- 73.2 period of time for taking the medicine
3- 84.1 care duration period There were appropriate.

Rahbari Manesh A A, Ashrafi M R, Entezari A R, Bakhtiar Fhazely P,
Volume 61, Issue 5 (15 2003)

Shigellosis is a acute inflammatory colon disorder that was developed by variety strains shigella and have high prevalence in infants, preschool children and Tropical climates particularly Iran. The purpose of the present study was to determine the frequency rate of neurologic complications with shigellosis.
Materials and Methods: In a cross sectional study, 390 patients with shigellosis that were hospitalized in Bahrami Hospital of Tehran in period of 5 years 1997-2002 were evaluated with Neurological Manifestations and Complications .
Results: This study revealed a frequency rate of 80% for Neurological complicaton (encephalopathy alone= 15.38%, convulsion alone= 43.08%), convulsion and encephalopaty= 18.47% , Ekiri syndrome= 3.07%).
Conclusion: The reason of difference this study with other world studies is probably Restricted of this study in The hospitalized patients and over diagnosed of convulsion by parents and Medical personalies. this results suggest that neurologic complication particularly seizure commonly associated with shigellosis also Ekiri syndrome in this study has had relatively high frequency rate. For this reason serious prevention and Rapidly Treatment of shigellosis is necessary.
Emadi Koochak H, Yalda A R, Haj Abdolbagh M, Sood Bakhsh A,
Volume 61, Issue 5 (15 2003)

Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) was first described in the Crimea in 1944 and then in 1956 in congo. CCHF is a viral hemorrhagic fever of the Nairovirus group that belongs to Bunyaviridae family virus. It is transmitted to human by tick bite. The most efficient and common tick that is the vectors of CCHF is a member of the Hyalomma genus which infected many mammals such as livestock, this tick is the main reservoire of virus in nature. Humans also become infected with CCHF virus by direct contact with blood or other infected tissues from livestock or human patients (nosocomial infection). Disease has been found in saharic Africa, Eastern Europe, Pakistan, India and Middle East (specially Iran and Iraq). This disease recently spread in Iran so in 1999 to 2001 at least 222 suspected case(81 definite case) reported that led to the death of 15 of 81 cases. It is estimated that 30 percent of the country's cattle are contaminated with this virus.
In humans, after a short incubation period it appears suddenly with fever, chills, myalgia and GI symptoms followed by severe bleeding and DIC that led to death .If the patient improved, has a long {2-4 weeks) convalescence period. Disease diagnosed by clinical manifestations, serologic tests, viral culture and PCR and its specific treatment is oral ribavirin for 10 days, for prevention of disease personal protective measures from tick bite, spraying poison of mews to reduce of ticks crowd, isolation of patients and dis-infection of contaminated personal equipments that who suffering from CCHF is recommended.
Radmehr H, Mirkhani S H, Sanatkar Far M, Soltatii Nia H, Emami S A, Ghorbandaei Pour I, Abolghasemi, Taghavi M, Moameni F,
Volume 61, Issue 6 (15 2003)

Preoperative autologous blood donation is commonly used to reduce exposure to homologous blood transfusions among patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of autologous transfusion on patients' hematocryte value, intra and postoperative blood loss, hospitalization time, the development of infective complications and other factors.

Materials and Methods: Between June 2001 to April 2002, 208 patients were underwent cardiac surgery in cardiac surgery ward in Imam Khomeini Medical Center. One or more blood units donate from 104 Patients before cardiopulmonary bypass and heparin injection, and transfused to them after CPB and Protamin injection (autologous Group, group 1). 104 patients underwent cardiac surgery routinely (control group, group 2).
Results: Mean of age was 55.9±8.6 in group 1 and 56.6±9.3 in group 2 (P=NS). 73 male and 31 females were in group 1 and 79 males and 25 females were in group 2 (P=NS). Smoking, familial history, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, hypertension, stroke, and history of myocardial infarction was similar in two groups.
Severity of angina, urgency operation, number vessels disease, duration of cardiopulmonary bypass, duration of aortic cross clamp time, use of internal thoracic artery graft, and number of grafts was similar in both groups. Mean of bleeding post operation was 548 cc in group 1 and 803 cc in-group 2 (P=0.003). Bleeding that need to operation was 1.8% in group 1 and 8.6% in group 2 (P=0.002). Wound infection, mediastinitis, renal failure, ventilatory prolonged, stroke, need to Intra-aortic Balloon Pump (IABP), intraoperative bleeding, and hospital stay was similar in both groups. Mean of extubationt time was 10.2 hours in group 1 and 14.8 hours in group 2 (P=0.001).
Conclusion: Preoperative and intra-operative donations are safe and continue to contribute uniquely to blood conservation, providing important options in comprehensive blood conservation programs in current pediatric open-heart surgery.


Shadkhast M, Tootian Z, Fazelipour S, Bokaii S,
Volume 61, Issue 6 (15 2003)

Morphine is the most important alkaloid of opium family which is found as much as ten percent in opium, and is in two types the sulfate morphine and the hydrochloride morphine.
Materials and Methods: In this study morphological changes of uterus of surri mice due to oral consumption of sulfate morphine were studied. It was shown that, female surri mice following gradually increasing of morphine to water (0.1 and 0.01) mg/ml were depended to morphine. Female surri mice were classified in two age groups before puberty and depended to morphine during puberty. Each age group took morphine for 21 days. After finishing the period, the mice anesthetizing were weighted, then were anesthetizing and uterus was studied the length, width and apparent features.
Results&ConcIusion: In this study it was distinguished that length and width of uterine horn, between experimental and control groups, were significant (P< 0.01). Morphological changes such as anemia, the thinness and fragitidily walls of uterus and filiformity of uterine horns were observed.


Khlkhali K, Sadr Hosseini S M, Azizi M R, Dashti Khoidaki Gh A,
Volume 61, Issue 6 (15 2003)

Kimura's disease (K.D) is an uncommon, benign, chronic inflammatory condition of unknown etiology and pathogenesis involving subcutaneous tissue presenting as a tumor like lesion with a predilection for the head and neck region. If parotid gland is affected clinically it is often confused with parotid tumor with lymph node metastasis. It is difficult to diagnosis before tissue biopsy and fine middle aspiration (FNA) has only limited value. There is no evidence of malignant transformation and occasional spontaneous resolution occurs. Various treatment modalities have been suggested in the management of this condition but none is proved best and recurrence is common. we describe a 33 - year- old man with KD who presented with left parotid mass.


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