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Showing 27 results for Surgical

Sepehr Eslami , Seyed Hamid Mousavi, Keyvan Ghadimi ,
Volume 77, Issue 9 (12-2019)

Background: Recently, the surgical methods are used in patients with anterior cruciate ligament rupture and have been associated with successful results. There are different results in the term of using of the surgical methods for anterior cruciate ligament that often is associated with some complications such as infection, static laxity, remaining the pain, need to recurrence surgery, and limitation in the range of motion. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to compare outcomes of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with the fixed loop and the adjustable loop.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 60 patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction referred to Kashani Hospital of Isfahan, Iran, from March 2017 to February 2019. Also, this study was approved in the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. 30 patients were assigned to a fixed loop and 30 patients under the adjustable loop method. Postoperative outcomes were compared with the fixed loop group and the adjustable loop group.
Results: The frequency of static laxity below 8 mm in the fixed loop group was 83.3% and the frequency of static laxity below 8 mm in the adjustable loop was 76.7%. There was no significant difference between the fixed loop group and the adjustable loop group based on static laxity. Also, no infection was seen in the fixed loop group and the adjustable loop group. There was no significant difference between the fixed loop group and the adjustable loop group in terms of range of motion and knee score before and after surgery. After surgery, 96.7% of the fixed loop group and 86.7% of the adjustable loop group returned to normal activity. There was no significant difference between the fixed loop group and the adjustable loop group in terms of return to normal activity and satisfaction.
Conclusion: Using the fixed loop is effective, useful, and with low-complication for the patients with anterior cruciate ligament and also using the adjustable loop grafts is effective, useful, and with low-complication for the patients with the anterior cruciate ligament rupture.

Mehdi Sanatkar , Mehrdad Goudarzi , Ebrahim Espahbodi , Alireza Takzare ,
Volume 77, Issue 11 (2-2020)

Background: Nausea and vomiting is one of the most common complications after the strabismus surgery. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of atropine versus ondansetron administration on the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting and duration of recovery stay in patients undergoing this procedure.
Methods: In this case-control study, 90 patients between 3 to 30 years old who were candidates for elective strabismus surgery in Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, from February to April 2019, were randomly divided into three groups (placebo, ondansetron and atropine group). Patients who had taken hypnotic drugs while entering the operating room were excluded. In all patients, after arriving into the operating room and installation of standard monitoring equipment and peripheral vein implantation, anesthesia was induced by receiving 0.05 mg/kg midazolam, fentanyl 1 μg/kg and propofol 2.5 mg/kg. After induction of anesthesia, placebo group was compared with ondansetron group and atropine group that received 0.1 mg/kg ondansetron and 30 µg/kg atropine, respectively. The rate of postoperative nausea and vomiting, duration of recovery stay and satisfaction of recovery nurses were recorded and compared between groups.
Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the three groups in terms of mean age, weight, and gender. It seems that group matching is appropriate and there are no confounding factors for demographic variables. Administration of atropine and ondansetron significantly reduces the incidence of nausea and vomiting postoperatively and in recovery. There was no significant difference in the incidence of nausea and vomiting between the atropine and ondansetron groups. Duration of recovery stay was decreased after ondansetron and atropine administration versus control group. Postoperative laryngospasm and bronchospasm were not observed in any of the three groups after surgery and at the time of recovery. The satisfaction of recovery nurses in both atropine and ondansetron groups were higher than control group.
Conclusion: It seems that the administration of atropine as much as ondansetron can be effective in reducing the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting and the length of recovery stay in patients who undergoing strabismus surgery.

Fahimeh Ghotbizadeh Vahdani , Zahra Panahi , Maryam Tahani , Roya Ghiaghi ,
Volume 77, Issue 11 (2-2020)

Background: Cervix insufficiency is diagnosed based on a previous history of pregnancy loss in the second trimester, followed by painless cervical dilatation or premature rupture of the fetal membranes. Abnormal cervical tissue structural appears to be the cause of this complication. There are no diagnostic methods for cervical insufficiency before pregnancy, but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), hysterosalpingography, and ultrasound can detect uterine anomalies that are risk factors for cervical insufficiency. Cerclage is known as a common procedure for prevention of the preterm labor, caused by cervix insufficiency. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of cerclage and it’s complications and prognosis based on the patient’s age, history of cervical insufficiency, history of preterm labor, history of miscarriage, curettage, and cervical and vaginal abnormalities.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted, including 65 patients, from March 2012 to March 2018, in Valiasr Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Data including the age, history of cervical insufficiency, history of abortion, history of cervix surgery and curettage, gestational age, presence of vaginal and cervical anomaly as well as complications such as bleeding and severe cervical pain and prognosis of cerclage were extracted.
Results: In our study, 65 women who undergone cerclage were evaluated, the mean age of the participants was 28.4 years. Abortion was present in 27.7% of cases, 16.9% once, 7.7% twice and 3.1% three times. In 21.5% of cases, there was a history of curettage and 66.2% had a history of preterm labor. For 4.6% of the subjects, the length of cervix was under 10 mm. Gestational age at the end of cerclage was under 26 weeks in 5.8% of patients. The termination of pregnancy was higher in patients with lower gravida, and the termination of pregnancy was significantly higher in those who were not curetted (P= 0.001). There were no complications, and the prognosis is considered good, in case the termination is above 32 weeks. The birth weight mean was 3041.5 grams. According to our study, the failure of the cerclage is associated with previous history of dilation and curettage (D&C) and higher gravidity.
Conclusion: Putting all the results together, 80% of the cerclage, performed in our institution were successful, without any complications.

Mohsen Sheykhhasan, Hossein Bakhtiari Pak , Mohammad Bakhtiari Pak , Naser Kalhor ,
Volume 77, Issue 12 (3-2020)

Background: One of the most significant factors in the success of dental implant procedures, can be mentioned by the quality and quantity of jaw bone. The occurrence of some problems such as trauma, infection, pathological lesions and the long-term absence of teeth in patients, it causes irregularities in the jaw bone and can get bone resorption. Sever defects after trauma or tumor resection needs bone reconstruction. Sticky bone is a new biological agent that provides stabilization of bone graft in the defect, and therefore, ameliorates tissue repairing and decreases bone loss during healing period. In this study, the evaluation of sticky bone performance to reconstruction of defects in two patients jaw's bone was considered.
Case Presentation: Two patients (1 male, 1 female) with an average age of 50 years underwent surgery, due to the history of tooth extraction. They had resorption of jaw bone for implant surgery. The teeth were 11 and 37. This study was performed in Al-Mortaza's Clinic, Qom province, Iran, from May 2016 to January 2017. 10 ml of blood were taken individually and centrifuged at 1300 revolutions per minute (rpm) for 8 minutes to separate the platelet-rich fibrin. Then, platelet-rich fibrin was combined with allogeneic bone to form sticky bone. Sticky bone prepared during implant surgery, with implant inside the patient's jaw bone was used.
Conclusion: The use of sticky bone to stimulate and induce bone resorption in toothless area was associated with increased implant's success. Sticky bone due to multiple growth factors, such as TGF-β1 and VEGF, usability is an appropriate and efficiency method for stimulation of bone resorption.

Ezzatollah Rezaei, Mahmoud Reza Kalantari , Sahar Fereydouni, Kamrooz Pouryousef,
Volume 79, Issue 8 (11-2021)

Background: Surgical margin determination in malignant lesions is essential and has a direct impact on the choice of postoperative treatments and patient follow-up. Therefore, the processes affecting this variable are worth exploring. This study aimed to evaluate the difference in surgical margin values in excisional skin samples during surgery and after formalin fixation.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on forty randomly selected patients with benign and malignant skin lesions who were referred to the plastic surgery ward of Ghaem Hospital in Mashhad from November 2018 to January 2019. Malignant and benign skin lesions were excised with a healthy margin, then the specimens were sent to the pathologist in a formalin-containing container. The amount of tissue shrinkage and the factors affecting them were compared.
Results: Among all 40 participants about 57.5% of the them were male and 42.5% were female. The mean age of the patients was 66.55±14.53 years. Surgical margin was evaluated in three patterns: before surgical incision and after surgical incision (P<0.001), before surgical incision and after formalin fixation (P<0.001), after surgical incision and after formalin fixation (P=0.02). In this study, the relationship between the age and initial length of the skin lesion with sample shrinkage was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that tissue shrinkage occurs both after incision and after formalin fixation. The highest rate of shrinkage was seen after surgical excision, which was due to the elasticity of the tissue itself. Increasing age and initial length of skin lesion did not affect this shrinkage. Also tumoral tissue contracted less than healthy tissue due to flexibility of fatty tissue and water and lipid content.

Leila Sadati, Peigham Heidarpoor, Babak Sabet , Shahram Yazdani ,
Volume 80, Issue 5 (8-2022)

Background: The training and education of competent and qualified surgeons have been one of the challenges of the surgical profession. The concept of surgical competence has been affected widely due to a series of developments in the new disease emergence, various surgical techniques and the introduction of advanced tools and equipment into the operating. The development of surgical competence and achieving this goal requires accurate identification and analysis of the dimensions of competence. This study was done to explain the concept of surgical competence using the 8-step Walker and Avant approach.
Methods: This study is a qualitative study that was conducted from May- October 2016 at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. The present study is a qualitative and conceptual analysis study, which is done with Walker&Avant's eight-step approach to determine the defining characteristics of the concept of surgical competence. A systematic search was conducted between 1990 and 2020 by keywords search such as surgery, surgical, operation OR laparoscopy AND competence competency development competency proficient, proficiency, expertise, clinical, in the database like Google Scholar, PubMed, SID, Magiran, Scopus, Web of Science. Twenty articles were included in the study based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Moreover, the defining features of the concept were extracted from it.
Results: Based on the results of this study, the concept of surgical competence was defined and the four dimensions of elements, goals, components and the process of developing surgical competence were identified. Then, by clarifying the characteristics of surgical competence, a model of surgical competence development was drawn. Surgical competence development depends on the acquisition of specialized knowledge and numerous skills that are acquired through experience and deliberated practice under the supervision of others in the surgical community of practice and over time.
Conclusion: Surgical competence is a set of observable and measurable skills that allows a surgeon to manage the surgical process independently pbt while maintaining the patient's safety. It includes specialized knowledge, communication skills, cognitive and technical skills, and basic surgical skills.

Vahid Malekzadeh, Shadi Sheikhizadeh , Mohadeseh Taklo, Hossein Jamalifar, Younes Ghaseminezhad Koshali , Hassan Khorramian, Hossein Naseri ,
Volume 82, Issue 2 (4-2024)

Background: Considering the emergence of new diseases, increased prevalence of nosocomial infections, and microbial resistance in recent years, it is necessary to disinfect the hands with a suitable hand sanitizer, as instructed by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). This is because hand hygiene is the most important way to control infections. Surgical hand antisepsis protocols emphasize the importance of both mechanical cleaning and antimicrobial action to effectively eliminate microbial contamination. Recommendations from organizations such as the Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses (AORN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) underscore this principle. While routine handwashing removes visible debris and transient microbes, surgical hand antisepsis requires additional steps and the use of antimicrobial agents. This may involve a surgical scrub with an antimicrobial soap or the application of an alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR). The latter approach has demonstrated greater efficacy in reducing microbial contamination compared to soap and water alone. Since a few compressive studies in Iran have dealt with global standards for disinfectants, this study investigated the effects of surgical scrub based on the European standards with TGSept AL Plus, produced by the research team of Tajhiz Gostar Sharif , on normal flora of hands in a group of the operating room medical staff in Hazrat Fatemeh Plastic Surgery and Repair Hospital of Tehran, in 2023.
Methods: This study evaluated the short-term durability and effectiveness of this solution according to the EN12791 standard on microorganisms and microbial contamination reduction. To this end, 30 members of the surgical team were randomly selected. The bacterial sampling was performed three times: after washing the hands with common detergents, after hand scrubbing with the studied disinfectant (about 90 seconds), and three hours after surgery. The samples were immediately transferred to a laboratory for swap culture and pour plate test.
Results: Then bacterial colonies were counted, contamination reduction was measured, and the shelf life of the solution was determined according to the standards.  Results showed that a 60-to-90-second scrub with an alcohol-based disinfectant is the best way to reduce hand contamination and, thereby, nosocomial infections.
Conclusion: Based on the study findings, alcohol-based solutions can be recommended for surgical scrubs, according to WHO guidelines.

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