Background: Anal surgeries are prevalent, but they didn't perform as outpatient surgeries because of concerns about postoperative pain. The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of rectal acetaminophen and diclofenac on postoperative analgesia after anal surgeries in adult patients.
Methods: In a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study 60 ASA class I or II scheduled for haemorrhoidectomy, anal fissure or fistula repair, were randomized (with block randomization method) to receive either a single dose of 650 mg rectal acetaminophen (n=20), 100 mg rectal diclofenac (n=20) or placebo suppositories (n=20) after the operation. The severity of pain, time to first request of analgesic agent after administration of suppositories and complications were compared between three groups. Pain scores were evaluated in patients by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) in 0 (after complete consciousness in recovery), 2, 4, 12 and 24 hours after surgery. The period between administration of the suppositories and the patients' first request to receive analgesic was compared between groups.
Results: Pain scores were lower significantly in rectal diclofenac than the other groups. The period between administration of the suppositories and the patients' first request to receive analgesic in diclofenac group was 219±73 minutes, was significantly longer compared with placebo (153±47 minutes) and acetaminophen (178±64 minutes) groups. No complications were reported.
Conclusions: Diclofenac suppository is more effective than acetaminophen suppository in post hemorrhoidectomy pain management.
Background: Surgical
methods for treatment of tricuspid valve (TV) endocarditis include repair, replacement and partial
or complete exicion. The aim of this study was to assess the results of these
different techniques.
Methods: Sixty seven patients were enrolled in this retrospective
study. This study was carried-out between April 1997 and July 2007 in Imam
Khomeini hospital. Decision of methods of choice for surgery was according to
intraoperative findings.
Results: The mean age was 25.52±7.35 years and 74.36% were male. The most common bacteria was
Staphylococcus areus (62.30%). Most of patients (74.60%) were IV drug abuser. The most common treatment modality was TV reconstruction
(56.72%) and after that was TV replacement (29.85%) and the last one was complete TV excision (13.43%). Eight
patients (11.94%) needed emergent TV replacement. The morbidity rate was 28.36% and the
mortality rate was 13.51%. Thirty seven patients were followed. In follow-up
period it was shown that postoperative Ejection Fraction (EF) and End-Diastolic Right Ventricle
Diameters (EDRVD) values did not differ from
preoperative values, but Pulmonary Artery (PA) pressure and
Tricuspid Regurgitation (TR) severity were significantly lower compared with
preoperative values. The postoperative function class did not show any changes
compared with peroperative values.
Conclusion: Considering the specific epidemiology of patients with
infective endocarditis, who are suffering from TV regurgitation, in some patients, it would be better
to consider replacement instead of repair. This could be due to sever
deformities and diffuse damage of TV leaflets from infection in our patients.
Background: Syndactyly
is the most common congenital malformation of the hand, with an incidence of 1 in 2000-2500 live births. In this
study we evaluated the surgical outcomes and complications of patients with
Methods : The surgical outcomes and complications of 42 patients, 27 male and 15, female, undergoing surgery
for syndactyly were evaluated. The study took place in Imam Khomeini Hospital,
in Tehran, Iran during 1996 to 2011. Having had the inclusion criteria, the patients were assessed for
function, cosmetic outcome, sensation and occurrence of complications. The
patients were followed-up for at least 3 years.
Results : The mean age of patients was 4.4 years. There was a positive familial history for the disease in 8 patients. 71.4%, 90.4% and 73.8% of the participants had good
results regarding cosmetic outcome, sensation and function, respectively.
Conclusion: The
overall results of surgery for syndactyly in this study were interpreted as
good in 78.5%, moderate in 12.5%
and fair in 8.4% of the patients. This study
confirmed better surgical outcomes in patients older than 18
Background: Cesarean delivery is the most common surgical procedure and this prevalence is on the rise. Given these trends, cesarean wound complications, such as disruption or infection, remain an important cause of post-cesarean morbidity.
Methods: We conducted a single-center randomized controlled trial that included women with viable pregnancies (≥24 weeks) undergoing cesarean delivery at Motahary University Hospital, Urmia, Iran from April to November 2014. All cesarean types were included: scheduled or unscheduled and primary or repeat cesareans. Women were excluded for the following reasons: inability to obtain informed consent, immune compromising disease (e.g. AIDS), chronic steroid use, diabetic mellitus and BMI≥30. Of 266 women, 133 were randomized to staples and 133 women to suture group.
Results: The mean±SD age of the staples group was 27.6±5.4 years and mean±SD age of suture was 28.7±5.9 years. Multiparity is the most frequent in both groups that by using Chi-square test, no significant differences were observed between the two groups (P=0.393). The most frequent indication for cesarean section in both groups was history of cesarean section in staple 40 cases (30.1%) and suture 32 cases (24.1%). The survey was conducted using the Chi-square test was not significant (P=0.381). Pain at 6 weeks postoperatively was significantly less in the staple group (P=0.001). Operative time was longer with suture closure (4.68±0.67 versus 1.03±0.07 minute, P<0.001). The Vancouver scale score was significantly less in suture closure (6.6±0.8 versus 7.5±0.9, P=0.001). Wound disruption was significantly less in suture closure (3.8% versus 11.3%, P=0.017).
Conclusion: The staple group had low pain and operation time but had a significant wound disruption and scar. The patients who have suffered a significant wound disruption were affected by age (P=0.022) and BMI (P=0.001) at compared those who were not affected by factors such as age or high BMI as risk factors for open surgical wound.
Background: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a minimally invasive procedure whereby the gallbladder is removed using laparoscopic techniques. Monopolar electerosurgical energy is the method of dissection of gallbladder from liver bed. Ultrasonic energy causes less thermal damage and suggests an alternative to monopolar elevterocautery. Leptin is a tissue factor and C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute phase protein that builds up in surgical damages. In laparoscopy, pneumoperitoneum and thermal damage cause this increase. In this study, after completion of surgery with both methods, plasma leptin and CPR were measured. Next, the complications and benefits of the two methods were compared.
Methods: This single blind randomized clinical trial was conducted on 78 patients who were candidate for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in surgery clinic of Razi Teaching Hospital in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences from March 2013 to March 2015. Patients were divided randomly into two groups of ultrasonic and electerocautery. Then, leptin’s level and CRP’s level were measured at completion of surgery, 30 minutes after completion, 6 and 24 hours after completion of surgery in the two groups.
Results: This study shows that the average rate of leptin at completion of surgery, 30 minutes after completion, 6 and 24 hours after completion of surgery in ultrasonic group had less increase than electerocautery group and the difference was statistically significant (P= 0.0001). The average rate of CRP at completion of surgery, 30 minutes after completion, 6 and 24 hours after completion of surgery in ultrasonic group had less increase than electerocautery group and the difference was statistically significant (P= 0.0001).
Conclusion: The level of leptin and CRP shows that surgery with ultrasonic method will provoke the immune system less than electerocautery method.
Background: Operation theatre in a hospital requires considerable human and physical resources to deliver surgery services on an agreed schedule. However, operation theatres are sometimes underutilized due to avoidable last minute cancellations of operations. Cancellation of operations on the day of intended surgery results in operation theatre planning difficulties, hospital inefficiency and resource wastage. In addition, it causes stress for patients and their relatives and results in unnecessary hospital staying. Cancellation of planned operations could be avoided by applying appropriate management strategies and techniques. Quality management as an organizational strategy helps enhance hospital departments’ productivity.
Methods: This study aimed to reduce cancelled surgeries in Shahid Rajaei Hospital in Tehran using a quality management model. A participatory action research was used for the intervention between April 2013 and March 2014. Information on operations cancelled on the day of surgery obtained each day from the operating theatre list. Using a checklist, the reasons for operations cancellation were identified, investigated and an action plan was developed for its reduction. The plan was implemented using the action research cycle.
Results: The number of surgeries increased by 4.06 percent and operations cancellation was reduced by 32.4 percent using the quality management strategy. Surgeon and anesthetist related factors, over-running of previous surgery, changes in patient clinical status and lack of intensive care unit beds were the main reasons for cancelling surgeries. Standardization of processes, proper planning and using anesthetics clinic helped reduce the operations cancellation.
Conclusion: Last minute surgeries cancellation is potentially avoidable. Implementing an appropriate quality management model helps enhance hospital departments’ productivity and reduce surgical cancellation.
Background: Cervical cancer is the third most common gynecologic cancer in women worldwide. Cervical cancer has lower incidence and mortality rates than uterine corpus and ovarian cancer, as well as many other cancer sites. Unfortunately, in countries that do not have access to cervical cancer screening and prevention programs, cervical cancer remains the second most common type of cancer. Staging of the disease is made clinically. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for diagnosing the invasion of cancer to organs and staging of cervical cancer and the relationship between clinical and pathological findings and the sensitivity and specificity of the assay in cervical cancer.
Methods: The study included records of 40 patients with cervical cancer that undergo surgery or Chemoradiation in Firoozgar University Hospital. In this study that made retrospectively, non-randomized, the MRI reports and clinical findings records and pathology results was discussed. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI for diagnosing the invasion to parameters, bladder, rectum, vagina, pelvic wall and it’s accuracy to determine tumor stage has been set.
Results: A total of 40 patients with pathology information of cervical cancer was retrospectively reviewed in the study. The patients were 28-83 years old by mean age of 49.3 Pathology of cervical cancer in 80% of cases was SCC, 15% adenocarcinoma and 5% melanoma. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI for diagnosing invasion of parameter was 76% and 88%. The sensitivity of MRI in the detection of bladder invasion was 100% and specificity of 100%. The sensitivity of MRI in the diagnosis of rectal invasion was 50% and specificity of 100%. The sensitivity of MRI in the diagnosis of pelvic wall invasion was 100% and specificity of 86%. Sensitivity in detecting invasion into the upper third of the vagina was 100%.
Conclusion: Overall, this study showed a good sensitivity and specificity for detecting invasion into the bladder, vagina, pelvic wall and parameters and good specificity for the diagnosis of rectal invasion and acceptable accuracy at 67.5% for detection of tumor stage by MRI show.
Background: We retrospectively compared the clinical outcome of post-cardiac surgery tracheal extubation between patients extubated with a lower than normal pH and patients extubated according to our routine institutional protocol. Our main goal was to clarify that strict adherence to the current criteria is dispensable. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we recruited 256 patients who met our study criteria and divided them into the exposed group (n= 95) and the control group (n= 161). The inclusion criteria consisted of coronary artery bypass grafting alone and age> 18 years. The exclusion criteria comprised the use of corticosteroids in the preceding 2 weeks, Serum creatinine (SCr)> 2 mg/dL, uncontrolled diabetes, liver dysfunction, Glasgow coma scale <13, and acetazolamide and sodium bicarbonate use. The arterial blood gas (ABG) characteristics before and 6 hours after extubation, extubation failure rate, length of stay in the in ICU, length of stay in the hospital and mortality were compared between the two groups. Results: In the control group, the males outnumbered the females and the ejection fraction was higher relative to that in the exposure group (P= 0.01 and P= 0.02, respectively). There were more patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the exposure group (P< 0.005) and also the euroSCORE was higher (P< 0.002). There were no significant differences between the groups regarding the ABG values at the time of ICU admission. Significantly higher levels of FiO2 and PaCO2 (P< 0.001 for both) as well as lower HCO3 and pH (P< 0.001 for both) were observed in the exposure group immediately before extubation. Following extubation, there was a significant increase in pH and a significant reduction in FiO2 need in the exposure group (P< 0.001 for both). The extubation failure rate, length of stay in the in ICU, length of stay in the hospital, and mortality rate were not different between the 2 groups. |
Conclusion: The patients with a lower than normal pH, tracheal extubated at the discretion of the ICU anesthesiologist did not have a clinical outcome worse than that of the patients extubated in accordance with our routine institutional protocol.
Background: The use of random flaps is one of the most common methods of reconstructive surgery because they are easy to use and quick to do. However, the absence of axial vessels especially in the distal areas can cause ischemia and loss of total or part of the flap. Different methods and systemic and topical medications have been recommended to prevent ischemia in random flaps. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood in random flap survival in rats.
Methods: This experimental study was conducted in Animal Laboratory of Hazrat Fatemeh Hospital in 2012. In this study twenty Sprague-Dawley male rats weighing approximately 300 to 350 g were selected and divided randomly into two groups. In both groups after anesthesia, a flap was created in the posterior part of each rat with a size of 2 x 6 cm. In the intervention group we injected stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood into the flap, and after eight days the effects on the survival of flaps were examined by digital photography and then pathological examination was performed.
Results: The mean of viable flap in the stem cell group was 6.57 cm2 and in control group 4.71 cm2. The minimum and maximum flap survival in the intervention group were 4.71 and 8.75, and the minimum and maximum flap survived in control group were 1.86 and 7.77. This difference was significant and showed that the viable parts of flap were more in the intervention group (P=0.49). In pathologic examinations epidermal and muscle necrosis of the skin were reported in 3 cases in the intervention group and 5 cases in control group.
Conclusion: This study showed that cord blood stem cells can be effective somehow in reducing ischemia and increasing random flap survival. However, similar studies are recommended in order to compare the results of this drug and placebo or other proven effective drugs. |
Background: Even though replantation surgery has now become a routine procedure, it remains delicate and demanding surgery, requiring adequate training and expertise in microsurgical techniques. Functional outcomes following replantation vary with the level of injury. Replants of the fingers distal to the flexor superficial are insertion, the hand at the wrist, and the upper extremity at the distal forearm can achieve good function. With the advent of refined microscopes, sutures, and needles, along with specialized surgical training, replantation has become a routine part of hand-surgery practice in centers all over the world. Clearly, survival does not equate with function. Amputations constitute multisystem injury, with disruption of skeletal support (bone), motor function (muscle), sensibility (nerve), circulation (blood vessel), and soft-tissue coverage (skin). A lot of News work-related accidents published daily. Complete amputation of the palm with sharp objects electric disrupts quality of life and irreversible effects on their life. Replantation or repair the damaged organ can improve their quality of life, functional body.
Case presentation: The case is a man with complete amputation of the palm while working with an electrical machine, at the same time as damage and severe crush was also the distal phalanx of the first finger of the right hand. Patient was admitted to the emergency unit at Fatemi Hospital of Ardabil city in January 2014, Iran, and underwent to surgery for replantation.
Conclusion: Complete amputation of palm and its successful replantation are among rarely occurred and reportable cases. Complete amputation of palm and successful replantation and the 10-month follow-up indicated that the patient had a successful operation. No abnormalities were found in the blood circulation, and finger grasping was acceptable. Nerve development was acceptable. |
Results: Among all 40 participants about 57.5% of the them were male and 42.5% were female. The mean age of the patients was 66.55±14.53 years. Surgical margin was evaluated in three patterns: before surgical incision and after surgical incision (P<0.001), before surgical incision and after formalin fixation (P<0.001), after surgical incision and after formalin fixation (P=0.02). In this study, the relationship between the age and initial length of the skin lesion with sample shrinkage was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that tissue shrinkage occurs both after incision and after formalin fixation. The highest rate of shrinkage was seen after surgical excision, which was due to the elasticity of the tissue itself. Increasing age and initial length of skin lesion did not affect this shrinkage. Also tumoral tissue contracted less than healthy tissue due to flexibility of fatty tissue and water and lipid content. |
Results: Based on the results of this study, the concept of surgical competence was defined and the four dimensions of elements, goals, components and the process of developing surgical competence were identified. Then, by clarifying the characteristics of surgical competence, a model of surgical competence development was drawn. Surgical competence development depends on the acquisition of specialized knowledge and numerous skills that are acquired through experience and deliberated practice under the supervision of others in the surgical community of practice and over time.
Conclusion: Surgical competence is a set of observable and measurable skills that allows a surgeon to manage the surgical process independently pbt while maintaining the patient's safety. It includes specialized knowledge, communication skills, cognitive and technical skills, and basic surgical skills. |
Results: Then bacterial colonies were counted, contamination reduction was measured, and the shelf life of the solution was determined according to the standards. Results showed that a 60-to-90-second scrub with an alcohol-based disinfectant is the best way to reduce hand contamination and, thereby, nosocomial infections. Conclusion: Based on the study findings, alcohol-based solutions can be recommended for surgical scrubs, according to WHO guidelines. |
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