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Showing 41 results for Clinical

Nasrin Dodangi , Nastaran Habibi ,
Volume 74, Issue 3 (6-2016)

Background: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common and mostly chronic mental health condition that affects children, adolescents, and adults. Stimulants and atomoxetine are first-line agents for the treatment of ADHD. Despite the impressive track record of stimulants in the treatment of ADHD, they fail in 25% of patients due to lack of efficacy or the emergence of unwanted side effects. Accordingly, this study carried out to compare efficacy and safety of duloxetine (a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) and methylphenidate (a short acting stimulant) in the treatment of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Methods: Twenty-four children diagnosed with ADHD participated in this 6 weeks open clinical trial. Patients were between 6 to 11 years old that had been referred to psychiatry clinic at Akhavan and Rofide Medical and Rehabilitation Center in Tehran from September 2012 to July 2014. Diagnosis was made by two child psychiatrist according to DSM-IV TR criteria. Thirteen patients received duloxetine and others received methylphenidate. Conner’ parent rating scale-revised-short form (CPRS-RS) and ADHD-rating scale (ADHD-RS) were used at the beginning and then each two weeks to assess efficacy of treatment. Routine laboratory tests and electrocardiogram (ECG) was carried out in the beginning and end of the trial.

Results: Twenty children with ADHD completed the study (Ten in methylphenidate and ten in duloxetine group). In both groups, scales of CPRS-RS and ADHD-RS were reduced from baseline to endpoint, but this reduction in methylphenidate group was significantly greater than duloxetine group (P= 0.000). The most common side effect was gastrointestinal problems in duloxetine group and anorexia in methylphenidate group. No serious side effects and no changes in laboratory and ECG indexes were seen in both groups.

Conclusion: Duloxetine is not efficacious as well as methylphenidate in treatment of children with ADHD. Although more research are needed to achieve more accurate results.

Parvin Bastani , Sakineh Hajebrahimi , Fariba Ghaderi , Zahra Vakilazad , Morteza Ghojazadeh ,
Volume 74, Issue 7 (10-2016)

Background: Dyspareunia is a pain that is occurs in the genital area before, during or after intercourse and is an important factor for sexual dysfunction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of pelvic floor physical therapy on sexual function and muscle strength and endurance of pelvic floor (as a non-invasive therapy) in women with dyspareunia.

Methods: In this clinical trial study, 32 women in the age range of 20-50-year-old and sexually active with complaints of dyspareunia, before the investigation were examined in terms of genital health and strength and endurance of the pelvic floor muscles. After the confidence of mental health, patients underwent pelvic floor rehabilitation for 10 sessions during 3 months. After assessment, myofascial release techniques and progressive pelvic floor muscles exercise was performed for patients based on their primary strength. Finally, patients were compared in terms of the severity of dyspareunia, sexual performance status (by using female sexual function index questionnaire), improvement of symptoms, pelvic floor muscle strength and endurance before (first session of physiotherapy) and after (after 3 months) investigation.

Results: In the remaining 32 patients with dyspareunia with a mean age of 38±1.24 years, desire index score 0.95 unit, arousal index score 1.01 unit, lubrication index score 0.67 unit, orgasm index score 0.71 unit, satisfaction index score 1.03 unit, pain index score was increased 1.05 unit, strength index score 2.44 unit, endurance index score 7.06 unit were increased in comparison to before the investigation that showed a significant different with P< 0.0001.

Conclusion: According to obtained results, pelvic floor physical therapy had a significant effect in women with dyspareunia. So that the severity of dyspareunia, pelvic floor muscle strength and endurance had clinically significant improvement after pelvic floor physiotherapy.

Hossain Soleymani Salehabadi , Saeid Salehinejad Kouvei , Mohammad Bagher Owlia , Ali Dehghan , Masoud Mohammadi ,
Volume 74, Issue 7 (10-2016)

Background: Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an inflammatory disease that mainly affects axial skeleton of the body and ankylosing spondylitis ligaments around the spine at the junction of the spine are inflamed, because the disease is progressive and can lead to significantly cause of disability and the studies could provide a mechanism for the early detection of the disease or help determine when to start treatment, the difference in clinical presentations of AS in men and women is indicative of potential effect of gender on severity of the disease. This study was conducted with the aim to investigate the effect of gender on severity of AS.

Methods: In a cross-sectional study, one hundred and fifteen patients with ankylosing spondylitis who referred to Yazd Rheumatology Clinic between 2001 and 2013 were evaluated. Sampling was performed using non-random convenient method. The most important variables studied included demographic data, clinical presentation, radiographic stage of sacroiliac involvement, and laboratory data extracted from patients’ files and recorded in questionnaires.

Results: Both groups according to age at diagnosis, presence of enteritis, peripheral joint involvement and laboratory data such as C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and hemoglobin were matched. Inflammatory neck pain was more prevalent in men than in women (77.2% against 51.8%; P< 0.05). Sacroiliac radiographic study revealed stage 1 involvement in 11.3% of men and 37% of women (P= 0.009), and stage 4 in 27.2% of men and 3.7% of women (P< 0.001), with a significant difference.

Conclusion: According to the results of the study, the time between age of onset and age at diagnosis, inflammatory pain in the neck and advanced stage in men than in women was higher. Although these findings suggest that gender may have an impact on the pattern and severity of AS but the time delay in diagnosis as a disease affecting the intensity and pattern should not be overlooked.

Behshsd Pazooki , Orkideh Olang, Ali Afshari , Nasim Khajavirad , Batool Ghorbani Yekta,
Volume 74, Issue 8 (11-2016)

Background: To assess patient' reaction towards bedside teaching in the nephrology ward of Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex (Tehran) and to identify the factors that may influence it.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the nephrology ward of Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex from march to September, 2014. All inpatients present on the day of the study were interviewed using a structured questionnaire.

Results: 146 patients were examined in this study that 62 patients (42.5%) were women and 84 cases (57.5%) were men. 112 (76.7%) of patients had a good feeling about the training to physicians. The behavior of students was evaluated respectful by 132 individuals (90.4% of patients). Total number of 106 individuals (72.6% of patients) had trusted to the health care team and 120 people (82.2% of patients) knew that the physicians’ behaviors are associated with the respect to their religious beliefs. Not being same sex of the examiners was important for 47 individuals (32.2% of patients). The number of 123 cases (84.2% of patients) evaluated the physicians' behavior with respect to their privacy. The number of 119 individuals (81.5% of patients) received their responses from the examiners. Statistical tests indicate a significant relationship between the respectful behavior of students with patient and good feeling about training to physicians, so that the 95.5% of people who have seen the respectful behavior of students to oneself had a good feeling about training to physicians (P˂0.001). The relationship between the presence of teacher with students and good feeling on training to physicians was significant (P=0.013). Positive feeling about practicing physicians was associated with patient age. So the age average of people who feel good about practicing physicians was significantly lower than the other people (47.2±17 versus 55.6±18 and P=0.028).

Conclusion: The relationship between respectful behavior and presence of teacher with students and age and good feeling on training to physicians was significant.

Khosro Barkhordari , Samaneh Yaghooti , Sepideh Nikkhah , Afsaneh Aein , Arash Jalali , Akbar Shafiee ,
Volume 74, Issue 9 (12-2016)

Background: We retrospectively compared the clinical outcome of post-cardiac surgery tracheal extubation between patients extubated with a lower than normal pH and patients extubated according to our routine institutional protocol. Our main goal was to clarify that strict adherence to the current criteria is dispensable.

Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we recruited 256 patients who met our study criteria and divided them into the exposed group (n= 95) and the control group (n= 161). The inclusion criteria consisted of coronary artery bypass grafting alone and age> 18 years. The exclusion criteria comprised the use of corticosteroids in the preceding 2 weeks, Serum creatinine (SCr)> 2 mg/dL, uncontrolled diabetes, liver dysfunction, Glasgow coma scale <13, and acetazolamide and sodium bicarbonate use. The arterial blood gas (ABG) characteristics before and 6 hours after extubation, extubation failure rate, length of stay in the in ICU, length of stay in the hospital and mortality were compared between the two groups.

Results: In the control group, the males outnumbered the females and the ejection fraction was higher relative to that in the exposure group (P= 0.01 and P= 0.02, respectively). There were more patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the exposure group (P< 0.005) and also the euroSCORE was higher (P< 0.002). There were no significant differences between the groups regarding the ABG values at the time of ICU admission. Significantly higher levels of FiO2 and PaCO2 (P< 0.001 for both) as well as lower HCO3 and pH (P< 0.001 for both) were observed in the exposure group immediately before extubation. Following extubation, there was a significant increase in pH and a significant reduction in FiO2 need in the exposure group (P< 0.001 for both). The extubation failure rate, length of stay in the in ICU, length of stay in the hospital, and mortality rate were not different between the 2 groups.

Conclusion: The patients with a lower than normal pH, tracheal extubated at the discretion of the ICU anesthesiologist did not have a clinical outcome worse than that of the patients extubated in accordance with our routine institutional protocol.

Fariba Jaffary , Mohammad Ali Nilforoushzadeh , Hanieh Sharifian Koupaiee , Gita Faghihi , Seyed Mohsen Hosseini , Fateme Sokhanvari , Nazli Ansari , Giti Sadeghian ,
Volume 75, Issue 1 (4-2017)

Background: Acne vulgaris is self-limiting, multifactorial disease involving sebaceous glands. Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor with in vitro antibacterial effects against staphylococcus aureus and anti-androgen that can be potential treatment of acne vulgaris. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of oral omeprazole and erythromycin 4% compared to doxycycline combination therapy in the treatment of acne vulgaris.

Methods: In this clinical trial study, patients with moderate acne were referred to Skin Diseases and Leishmaniasis Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Science, Iran, during August 2014 until November 2015 and were randomized into two groups receiving topical erythromycin 4% plus omeprazole (34 patients) or doxycycline (35 patients) for 3 months. Moderate acne, lack of sensitivity to proton pump inhibitors, lack of warfarin, phenytoin, diazepam consumption, lack of active liver or kidney disease, being older than 12 years, were considered as inclusion criteria. Pregnant or lactating patients, patients with drug allergy history, patients taking oral contraceptives, acne topical medications (including retinoids) or systemic treatment within 30 days of study, patients with oligomenorrhea, hirsutism, acne conglobata, acne fulminant or body acne alone were excluded from the study. All patients were tested for Helicobacter pylori test at the beginning of the study.

Results: Both inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions decreased in both groups with negative correlation with age (P< 0.05). There was no significant correlation between positive Helicobacter pylori test and inflammatory or non-inflammatory lesion reduction (P= 0.794, P= 0.514). Also, patient satisfaction and rate of total drug side effects was not different between two treatment groups. Rate of skin reactions was 20.58% in omeprazole treated group and 11.42% in doxycycline group. For side effects, other than skin it was 2.94% versus 14.28% respectively.

Conclusion: Omeprazole could be suggested as an alternative for doxycycline in the treatment of patients with moderate acne vulgaris especially in non-inflammatory lesions.

Alireza Mahoori , Ebrahim Hassani , Nazli Karami , Mehrdad Azizpoure ,
Volume 75, Issue 5 (8-2017)

Background: Tracheal intubation and direct laryngoscopy are powerful noxious stimuli that can elicit sever hemodynamic responses. These hemodynamic responses should be attenuated by appropriate use of premedication, smooth induction of anesthesia and rapid tracheal intubation. Gabapentin and pregabalin have been suggested in several studies to be efficient. Gabapentin is an antiepileptic drug and a structural analogue of gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) but it does not act through GABA receptors and pregabalin, is also an antiepileptic agent. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of gabapentin and pregabalin as premedication for attenuation of hemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation.
Methods: In a prospective double blinded randomized clinical trial, during April 2015 to March 2016 in Urmia Imam Khomeini Hospital, a total of ninety normotensive adult consented patients, candidate to elective abdominal surgery aged 20-50 years, American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) class I, of both gender were randomized into three groups. Patients in group I received oral placebo, group II received oral gabapentin 900 mg and group III patients received oral pregabalin 150 mg two hours prior to induction of anesthesia. Anesthetic technique was same in three groups and all groups were assessed for hemodynamic changes such as heart rate, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, after the premedication, before and after induction of anesthesia, and 1, 3 and 5 minutes. after laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation.
Results: Significant increase in heart rate and systolic blood pressure and diastolic arterial pressure was observed in placebo group after tracheal intubation, while statistically significant attenuation of hemodynamic changes was seen in gabapentin and pregabalin groups. (P=0.001) No adverse outcome was reported in the study groups.
Conclusion: Oral gabapentin premedication is effective for control of hemodynamic pressor response of laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. The study data showed that the pregabalin have the same effect. Pregabalin and gabapentin are both useful and safe for control of hemodynamic pressor response as premedication.

Bahman Hasannasab , Nadia Banihashem , Shahram Seyfi , Manizheh Yazdanmehr ,
Volume 76, Issue 6 (9-2018)

Background: The post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) is a common complication in spinal anesthesia. Headache may occure seven days after dural puncture. The headache may be worsened in sitting position and be better in supine position. PDPH is common in younger and tall people. The incidence rate of PDPH related to the size of spinal needle and the number of try and decrease with small, cutting needle and less puncture try. PDPH is a well-known iatrogenic complication of spinal anesthesia, which continues to be a major problem. In this study, we assessed the effect of intravenous aminophylline on prevention of post-spinal anesthesia headache in who were elective for cesarean sections.
Methods: This double-blind randomized clinical trial was conducted on 140 women with 18 to 35 years old and American Society of Anesthesiologists Classification (ASA Class) I and II undergoing spinal anesthesia in elective cesarean section. Patients were randomly divided into two groups called case and control. After umbilical cord clamping 1 mg/kg aminophylline dissolved in 100 cc normal saline was infused to the case group but only 100 cc normal saline was infused for the control group. Patient's blood pressure and heart rate were recorded before spinal anesthesia, immediately after spinal anesthesia, after uterine incision and umbilical cord clamping, after drug injection and then every five minutes. The incidence of headache was assessed at 4, 8, 24, 48 and 72 hours after the surgery.
Results: Although severity and duration of headache in case group was more than in control group, no meaningful difference was found between two groups. The mean changes in systolic blood pressure were greater in control group (P<0.001). The mean changes in heart rate was greater in case group than control group (P<0.001).
Conclusion: This study showed that intravenous aminophylline although, caused hemodynamic changes in some case, but it doesn't have any effect on prevention of incidence and severity of post-spinal anesthesia headache in elective cesarean section.

Fatemeh Falahati Marvast , Hossein Arabalibeik, Fatemeh Alipour , Abbas Sheikhtaheri, Leila Nouri,
Volume 76, Issue 12 (3-2019)

Background: Contact lenses are transparent, thin plastic disks that cover the surface of the cornea. Appropriate lens prescription should be performed properly by an expert to provide better visual acuity and reduce side effects. The lens administration is a multi-stage, complex and time-consuming process involving many considerations. The purpose of this study was to develop a decision support system in the field of contact lens prescription.
Methods: In this fundamental study, data were collected from 127 keratoconus patients referred to the contact lens clinic at Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran, Iran during the period of March 2013 to July 2014. Five parameters in the contact lens prescribing process were investigated. Parameters were collected as follows. “Lens vertical position”, “vertical movement of the lens during blinking” and “width of the rim” in the fluorescein pattern were obtained by recording videos of the patients while wearing the lens. “Fluorescein dye concentration” under the lens was evaluated by the physician and “patient comfort” was obtained by asking the patient to fill a simple scoring system. Approved and disapproved lenses were judged and recorded based on the decision of an expert contact lens practitioner. The decision support system was designed using artificial neural networks with the mentioned variables as inputs. Approved and disapproved lenses are considered as system outputs. Artificial neural network was developed using MATLAB® software, version 8.3 (Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA, USA). Eighty percent of the data was used to train the support vector machine and the rest of the data (20%) to test the system's performance.
Results: Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity, calculated using the confusion matrix, were 91.3%, 89.8% and 92.6% respectively. The results indicate that the designed decision support system could assist contact lens prescription with high precision.
Conclusion: According to the results, we conclude that hard contact lens fitness could be evaluated properly using an artificial neural network as a decision support system. The proposed system detected approved and disapproved contact lenses with high accuracy.

Solmaz Khalighfard , Shiva Irani , Ramesh Omranipour , Ali Mohammad Alizadeh ,
Volume 77, Issue 6 (9-2019)

Background: Metalloproteinase enzymes can lead to the digestion of the extracellular matrix and its compounds and ultimately facilitate the metastasis of cancer cells to other tissues. This study aimed to evaluate the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) 1 and 13 in the tissue and plasma samples of the patients with breast cancer and their relationship with clinical features of the disease.
Methods: In this experimental study, twenty-five patients with the diagnosis of non-metastatic luminal A breast cancer in the stage 2 or 3 from the patients referred to the Cancer Institute of Iran, as well as eight healthy subjects which was performed in the Cancer Research Center of Tehran University of Medical Sciences from March 2017 to September 2017, were entered into the study. After obtaining written consent, a few biopsies of breast tumor tissues and 10 cc of the whole blood were collected from all the subjects. Then, the collagen zymography assay was used to evaluate the activity of MMPs 1 and 13.
Results: The results of the present study showed that the activity of MMPs 1 and 13 in the plasma samples was significantly increased in comparison with the healthy group (respectively P=0.0055 and P=0.0263). Unlike the MMP-13, the activity level of the MMP-1 in the tumor and plasma samples was significantly different (P=0.0227). Plasma activity levels of MMP-1 (P=0.0037) and MMP-13 (P=0.0311) were also significantly different in stages 2 and 3 of the disease. Unlike the MMP-13, the activity level of MMP-1 was significantly different in lymph nodes between the tissue and plasma samples (respectively P=0.03 and P=0.015). Moreover, there was no significant difference in the activity level of MMPs 1 and 13 with menopausal and non-menopausal status between the tissue and plasma samples.
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that plasma concentrations of the MMPs 1 and 13 in comparison with their tissue concentrations could be an appropriate diagnostic tool for breast cancer patients.

Masoud Ghiasian, Sajjad Daneshyar , Khaled Karimi Nejad , Abbas Moradi,
Volume 77, Issue 8 (11-2019)

Background: Venous anomalies are the most common vascular malformation of the central nervous system in adult, it can form anywhere in the body, but are most likely to cause symptoms when they grow in the brain or spinal cord. Common symptoms include headaches or seizures. Experiencing symptoms depend on where the lesions grow and how many of the lesions are present. Most of the time, these formations cause no problems. In some people, knowing the clinical signs and possible future complications in the disease can help to treat the disease and diagnose it.
Methods: In this Prospective cohort study, 41 patients with cavernous malformation who were diagnosed by neurologist referred to Sina Hospital in Hamedan City, Iran, from 2016 to 2017 were studied. Patients' information about their referrals during the follow-up period were collected and the results were reported.
Results: This study was conducted on 20 (48.79%) females and 21 (51.21%) males with the mean ages of 50±2 years. The most common manifestation of disease was seizure in 20 patients (48.78%). Most of these lesions were found in parietal lobe in 11 cases (26.82%) and then in the frontal lobe with 8 cases (19.51%). In terms of complications during follow-ups, 16 patients (39.2%) were uncomplicated, 16 patients had 48 episodes of seizure, seven patients had nine episodes of hemorrhage, two patients with hemiparesis, one patient with headache and one patient with sixth cranial nerve paralysis. According to the associated disease and risk factors, nine patients (26.82%) had high blood pressure, five patients (12.19%) had meningioma and three patients (7.31%) had diabetes. Seven patients (17.07%) had a positive family history that symptoms and complications in this patients are higher than the rest of patients.
Conclusion: In this study, most of the cases are sporadic and the most common symptom was seizure. The most common symptom in supratentorial lesions were seizure whereas in multiple and infratentorial lesions were bleeding. Five patients were involved with meningioma which could be considered in more studies with more patients in future.

Fatemeh Nasimi , Hossein Zeraati , Javad Shahinfar , Mohammadreza Safdari , Ali Esmaeili , Maryam Ghorbanzadeh ,
Volume 78, Issue 2 (5-2020)

Background: Premature infants undergo a lot of stressors during treatment procedures in the neonatal intensive care units which causes significant physiological changes in these neonates. Multi-sensory stimulation is a broad category of interventions designed to improve the evolutionary and physiological outcomes of premature infants hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit to minimize stress in this environment. So, the study aimed to evaluate the effect of multi-sensory stimulation on physiological parameters in preterm infants.
Methods: This double-blind clinical trial conducted in the neonatal intensive care unit of Shahid Motahari Hospital in Jahrom from April to December 2016. In this study, 80 preterm infants with a gestational age of 34 to 36 weeks were selected by non-probability sampling method and were randomly divided into two groups of multi-sensory stimulation and control. Neonates in the intervention group received a multi-sensory stimulation program for 60 minute. The multi-sensory stimulation program was included a combination of auditory, tactile, motor and visual stimulation. The preterm infants in the control group received only usual care. The data collecting tool was a questionnaire and checklist for physiological parameters of preterm infants.
Results: The results showed that the two groups were homogeneous in terms of fetal age, birth weight, the height of birth, first and fifth minute Apgar score of birth. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the mean of physiological indexes in the two groups before the intervention. Statistical tests showed that there was a decreasing trend in the average of all physiological indices during the intervention (first and second half during the intervention) (P<0.001), However, these changes were not significant in the control group (P<0.05). Also, analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures showed that there was a significant difference between changes in physiological variables between the two groups at different stages of evaluation (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Multi-sensory stimulation leads to a decrease in heart rate and respiratory rate and the stability of blood pressure in preterm infants.

Hossein Shakeri , Aliasghar Arabi Mianroodi , Mohammadali Haghbin , Narges Khanjani ,
Volume 78, Issue 3 (6-2020)

Background: A major problem in surgical procedures is postoperative pain. The effectiveness of prescribing preoperative tizanidine in reducing postoperative pain is not clear. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of tizanidine as a premedication in reducing pain after septoplasty.
Methods: This double blind clinical trial study was performed in 71 patients aged from 18 to 50 years, undergoing septoplastic surgery for the first time, who were classified in ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) classes 1 and 2 in the Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Department of Shafa Hospital, in Kerman, Iran from April 2014  to March 2015. Patients were randomly assigned into two groups using numbers from a randomization table. A dosage of 4 mg of tizanidine was administered orally to the patients two hours before the surgery (septoplasty) in the intervention group. In the control group, placebo pills which were 100 mg vitamin B1 were prescribed. The severity of pain was measured and recorded after 4 and 8 hours, and the morning after the surgery.
Results: 62 patients (87.32%) were male and 9 (12.68%) were female. The mean age of the subjects was 24.6±7.5 years. The two groups were similar in regard to age (P=0.54), but the duration of surgery was different in the two groups (P=0.038) and was longer in the group that received tizanidine. The mean of pain was different between the two groups, after 4 hours and was significantly higher in the group that received tizanidine (P=0.043). The mean of pain was not significantly different between the two groups after 8 hours (P=0.95) or one day after surgery (P=0.79).
Conclusion: Although some researchers have reported that taking tizanidine before some surgeries may reduce postoperative pain, in this study the administration of tizanidine before surgery was not effective in reducing pain after septoplasty. 

Alireza Rai, Siros Amiri, Mohammadreza Sobhiyeh,
Volume 78, Issue 4 (7-2020)

Background: The ineffectiveness of hemodialysis fistulas causes high costs and increases mortality and morbidity rates. The efficacy of drug-coated balloon and nondrug-coated balloon in dysfunctional arteriovenous Fistula was evaluated over six month period.
Methods: In this randomized clinical trial, a total of a total of 50 hemodialysis patients who referred to Imam Reza Hospital in Kermanshah for failing of arteriovenous fistula in 2018 year, were randomly divided into two separate groups of drug-coated balloon angioplasty and non-drug coated balloon angioplasty. All of these procedures were done with the same surgeon. Patients were followed-up for 6 months. Variables and data of patients like age, gender, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and location of arteriovenous fistula were documented and analyzed by SPSS software, version 21 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) using statistical tests. T-test and chi-square test were used for data analysis and the significance level was considered less than 0.05.
Results: The success rate of drug-coated balloon angioplasty versus plain balloon angioplasty in the efficacy of arteriovenous fistulas increased significantly (19 vs. 6 and 13 vs. 12, respectively, P<0.05). There is also a significant relationship between age and diabetes over the lifetime of the arteriovenous fistula. According to results, the efficacy of arteriovenous fistula in the elderly patients (>65 years) and the diabetes mellitus patients were lower than other risk factors causing end-stage renal disease.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the use of drug-coated balloons rather than non drug-coated balloon is more effective in the efficiency of arteriovenous artery fistula.

Zohreh Habibi, Seyed Morsal Mosallami Aghili , Seyed Amir Hossein Javadi , Arash Seifi, Kourosh Karimi Yarandi, Seyed Ali Dehghan Manshadi , Fereshteh Naderi Behdani ,
Volume 79, Issue 2 (5-2021)

Background: Neurosurgery practice conflicts with many challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic; Including the lack of beds in intensive care units, as well as the use of some methods such as drills and trans-nasal and trans-oral approaches that produce aerosols or are directly in contact with patient discharge. Due to these challenges, developing a clinical guideline to help neurosurgeons and medical staff in decision making and improving patients and medical staff safety during the COVID-19 pandemic is the purpose of this study.
Methods: First, all of the relevant clinical guidelines to neurosurgical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic were extracted from the data centers. Finally, five clinical guidelines were selected. The questions and the items were designed according to these guidelines. The answers to each of the questions were extracted from these guidelines. The complementary evidence was extracted by searching in the data centers again. Finally, the answers were edited and the edited answers were considered as the recommendations. These recommendations were sent to 4 experts in the Neurosurgery field and 2 experts in the infectious diseases field. The appraisers evaluated the recommendations according to the AGREE-REX instrument.  This instrument has 9 items and 3 domains including clinical applicability, values and preferences, and implement ability. Recommendations with above 80% agreement were considered as the final recommendations.
Results: The final recommendations were presented as “Clinical guideline of neurosurgical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic” in the results section.
Conclusion: This clinical guideline was developed by using similar guidelines and available evidence. Proper usage of personal protective equipment, reduction of unnecessary contacts between medical staff and patients, use of Telemedicine for follow-up, proper air conditioning, screening patients for COVID-19, reduction of elective surgery, use of less invasive methods, management of aerosol production and reduction of trans-oral and trans-nasal approaches are the most important recommendations of this clinical guideline.

Mohammad Reza Amini , Mohammad Reza Mohajeri-Tehrani, Neda Mehrdad, Mahnaz Sanjari, Maryam Aalaa, Neda Alijani,
Volume 79, Issue 2 (5-2021)

Background: Diabetic foot infection is the most common complication of diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) leading to amputation. The treatment requires special attention to disease conditions, proper diagnosis, appropriate sampling for cultures, careful selection of antibiotics, rapid determination of the patient’s need for surgical intervention, and wound care. Clearly a systematic approach or, if possible, an evidence-based approach by using clinical guidelines about diabetic foot infections will lead to better outcomes. In this regard, this article aims to adopt the IWGDF clinical practice guideline on DFU infection.
Methods: In this study, the adoption of the international evidence-based clinical guidelines on the DFU infection was carried out using the ADAPTE methodology, which involved three stages of setup, adoption, and finalization. AGREE II tool was used to evaluate the quality of the selected clinical guideline.
Results: The results of this adopted clinical guideline according to the national facilities and access to equipment are described with 26 recommendations along with related reasons for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot ulcer infections. The recommendation categorized into six different categories including Classification/ Diagnosis, Osteomyelitis, Assessing severity, Microbiological considerations, Surgical treatment, Antimicrobial therapy.
Conclusion: The mentioned recommendations in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot ulcer infections extracted based on the methodology of systematic review studies. Actually the opinion of experts have been prepared and adjusted according to the limitations, equipment and facilities in the country. But in general, there are some challenges in diabetic foot infections should be considered as well. So monitoring the treatment of infection, optimal duration of antibiotic treatment, optimal treatment of infection in low-income countries, time and type of imaging studies, selection of medical or surgical treatments and hospitalization conditions are some of these challenges. However the definition and practical clinical application for the concept of bacterial bioburden of the wound for wound healing, evaluating the cost-effectiveness of new technologies in improving treatment and appropriate interpretation of microbiological (genotypic) microbiological tests are important too.

Seyed Ali Akbar Arabzadeh, Vahid Jamshidi , Masoud Saeed, Rostam Yazdani, Mahdieh Jamshidi,
Volume 79, Issue 10 (1-2022)

Background: The clinical field has vast sick data that has not been analyzed. Discovering a way to analyze this raw data and turn it into an information treasure can save many lives. Using data mining methods is an efficient way to analyze this large amount of raw data. It can predict the future with accurate knowledge of the past, providing new insights into disease diagnosis and prevention. Several data mining methods exist but finding a suitable one is very important. Today, coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become one of the causing deadly diseases in the world. The early diagnosis of pandemic coronavirus disease has a significant impact in preventing death. This study aims to extract the key indications of the disease and find the best data mining methods that enhance the accuracy of coronavirus disease diagnosis.
Methods: In this study, to obtain high accuracy in diagnosing COVID-19 disease, a complete and effective workflow over data mining methods was proposed, which includes these steps: data pre-analyzing, indication selection, model creation, the measure of performance, and display of results. Data and related indications of patients with COVID-19 were collected from Kerman Afzalipour Hospital and Rafsanjan, Ali Ebn Abi Taleb Hospital. Prediction structures were made and tested via different combinations of the disease indications and seven data mining methods. To discover the best key indications, three criteria including accuracy, validation and F-value were applied and to discover the best data mining methods, accuracy and validation criteria were considered. For each data mining method, the criteria were measured independently and all results were reported for analysis. Finally, the best key indications and data mining methods that can diagnose COVID-19 disease with high accuracy were extracted.
Results: 9 key indications and 3 data mining methods were obtained. Experimental results show that the discovered key indications and the best-operating data mining method (i.e. SVM) attain an accuracy of 83.19% for the diagnosis of coronavirus disease.
Conclusion: Due to key indications and data mining methods obtained from this study, it is possible to use this method to diagnose coronavirus disease in different people of different clinical indications with high accuracy.

Arash Bostani, Hadi Gharabaghian Azar, Mehdi Jafari, Mastane Babaei Gramkhani,
Volume 80, Issue 1 (4-2022)

Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS), as an inflammatory autoimmune disease and chronic degenerative central nervous system degeneration, often occurs in early adulthood. One of the common and debilitating symptoms of this disease is fatigue, which can affect up to 80% of patients with MS. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of magnetic field therapy on fatigue in patients with MS.
Methods: Present study is a single-blind randomized clinical trial (RCT) that Was conducted on patients with multiple sclerosis from March 2019 to September 2021. In this study, 46 patients who met our inclusion criteria were divided into two groups randomly: magnetotherapy intervention and control group. The intervention was performed in the form of a pulsed magnetic field with a frequency of 15 Hz and an intensity of 4.5 Millie Tesla. In order to blind patients, they were unaware of the intervention or control group, and the technician in charge of the treatment and the statistician knew about it. Data were then collected and recorded using the Fatigue Severity Scale, the Patient Health Questionnaire, and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale Questionnaire.
Results: Of the 46 patients studied, 22 (48%) were male and the rest of them were female [24 cases (52%)]. The mean age of men and women was 34.4±7.3 and 33.5±1.7 years, respectively. Among the intervention and control groups, 8 people took amantadine equally in each group. In the magneto-therapy intervention group, the mean severity of fatigue reduced from 4.91±0.86 to 4.27±1.10, which was significant (p=0.024). In our control group, the mean intensity of fatigue reduced from 4.83±0.83 to 4.37±0.81, which was significant statistically (p=0.028). Although, the difference between the response of the two groups to treatment was not significant (p=0.382).
Conclusion: Due to the lack of significant differences in the reduction of fatigue severity, this treatment is not recommended for the treatment and management of fatigue in patients with MS.

Seyed Reza Raeeskarami, Maya Ghashghaei Mansour , Yahya Aghighi, Mamak Shariat ,
Volume 80, Issue 4 (7-2022)

Background: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is the most common rheumatic disease in children, which includes a group of disorders that all have a common clinical manifestation of arthritis. The aim of this study was evaluation of the clinical and laboratory symptoms of children with idiopathic arthritis who treated with intravenous methylprednisolone pulse.
Methods: This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study of 20 years in Imam Khomeini Hospital from 1993 to 2013. Information of 202 hospitalized patients diagnosed with JIA who had files, containing demographic, clinical and laboratory data were recorded. The software 17spss was used for data statistically analyzed.
Results: The mean age of patients was 6.98±3.65 years. After treatment in all age and sex groups, the mean of Hb and HCT increased significantly and WBC and PLT decreased significantly. Mean CRP and ESR decreased significantly. Mean alkaline phosphatase was significantly reduced in boys. There were no significant changes in AST and ALT. At Ca and K levels, the decrease was significant. There was significant increase in Na. Ca level in boys and K level in girls decreased and Na level in boys  increased significantly. Serum sodium also increased significantly in the group over ten years, potassium in the group of five to ten years and calcium in the group up to 5 years and over ten years decreased significantly. FBS did not change significantly. Blood pressure increased significantly. In this study, the highest joint involvement related to knee joint that was 89.7% and the lowest joint involvement related to neck joint that was 7.4%, which ultimately improved significantly By 76.7% in response to treatment.
Conclusion: Due to its availability, improving patient function and reducing clinical symptoms, this treatment is recommended. However, the need for further studies and consultation of other specialists, including cardiovascular counseling, seems necessary.

Mohammad Hossein Kalami , Zeinab Borjian Boroujeni , Peghah Ardi, Ahmad Abolfathi, Mohsen Babaei, Ali Asadi, Mahdi Zareei,
Volume 81, Issue 1 (4-2023)

Background: Medical Laboratories have a great impact on patient safety and 80-90% of medical diagnoses are based on the results of laboratory tests. Medical procedures from the initial diagnostic steps such as a test or a simple injection to specialized treatment steps may be erroneous. The aim of this study was to determine the type and rate of human error, equipment, materials and procedures in all stages including before analysis, during analysis and after analysis to analyze the causes and find logical solutions to reduce of them.
Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was performed in a medical center in Tehran, Iran during the years 1400-1401. Data collection was considered in accordance with the instructions of the Laboratory Affairs Department of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education regarding the type of errors in the field of job description in each of the technical and non-technical sections. Data was analyzed by IBM SPSS software, version 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software.
Results: During the period of study, the number of  referred patients was about 45,000 and the number of tests 594,000. The total number of errors was 837. The ratio of errors to the patients was 1.9% and to the tests 0.15%. The 37 types of errors were identified and reported in this study. Of these, 11 types of errors were in the pre-analysis, 14 types during the analysis and 12 types of errors in the post-analysis stage. The frequency of errors in the three stages was 180(21.5%), 312(37.3%) and 345(41.2%), respectively that the errors rate did not have a normal distribution and a significant difference was observed (P<0.05, df=2).
Conclusion: Due to the variety of reported errors and the importance of their role in other stages of diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary that all human, equipment and process errors in all stages of laboratory analysis be carefully recorded and corrective and preventive measures be taken to minimize them.

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