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Showing 29 results for Tabatabaei

Samileh Noorbakhsh , Mohammad Farhadi , Farideh Ebrahimi Taj, Zahra Hojaji , Azardokht Tabatabaei ,
Volume 68, Issue 8 (November 2010)

Background: Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common cause of respiratory infection. Pneumococcal upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) in children is seldom bacteremic. Determination the prevalence of S.pneumoniae infections in children with URTI using rapid urinary antigen test (BINAX now) and titration of serum pneumolysin antibody (added to conventional culture) was the object of this study.
Methods: A cross sectional, case-control study done in ENT & pediatric departments of Rasoul Hospital in Tehran, Iran, (2008 -2010) upon 133 cases with upper respiratory tract infection (otitis media, sinusitis and tracheitis). The nosocomial infection omitted in first step. 60 remaining cases followed for S.pneumoniae infection by culture and rapid urinary antigen test (Binax Now). Serum pneumolysin antibody titers compared between 45 cases and 66 controls.
Results: Positive culture (S.pneumoniae, H.influenza) obtained in 4/60 URTI cases. Positive urinary S.pneumoniae antigen detected in 50% (30/60) of cases and 6% (4/66) of controls (p=0.01). The pneumolysin antibody level with cut-off level 525pg/ml was higher in URTI cases than controls (982±441 Vs. 525±42, p<0.0001). Area under the ROC curve for pneumolysin antibody was 0.923 (95%CI 0.86-0.97, p<0.0001) and had 87% sensitivity and 82% specificity for differentiation between cases and controls.
Conclusions: The high pneumolysin antibody level in cases with URTI strongly indicates the pneumococcal infection. Pneumolysin antibody level even in little amounts (525pg/ml) with 87% sensitivity and 82% specificity is a suitable test for diagnosis of pneumococcal infection in children with URTI, but this test should be added to conventional culture (gold standard) and rapid urinary antigen test.

Noorbakhsh S, Jalili B, Shamshiri Ar, Shirazi E, Tabatabaei A, Taghipour R, Modares Fathi A,
Volume 68, Issue 9 (6 2010)

Background: Recently, many cases diagnosed as pediatric autoimmune neuropsy-chiatric disorders associated with group A beta hemolytic streptococcus infection (PANDAS) due to production of autoimmune antibodies. Object of this study was comparison the titer of antibodies against group A beta hemolytic streptococcus (ASOT, Anti-DNase B, and Anti streptokinase) between children with movement disorders (tic and tourett's disorders pediatric autoimmune psychiatric disorders) and healthy control.
Methods: A cross sectional/ cases control study in pediatric neuropsychology ward and clinics in two referral hospitals (Rasoul & Aliasghar) affiliated by IUMS had done in Tehran, Iran (2008-2010). We selected 53 children with tic disorder and 76 healthy controls (age matched children). The antibody titers (IU/ml) in their area were compared and analyzed statistically. The area under ROC, sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value of tests calculated.
Results: Age of cases was between 4-16 years. All antibody titers had significant difference between two groups (p<0.0001 p=0.05 p=0.002 for ASOT, Anti-DNase and Antihyaloronidase respectively). ASOT (cut off level> 200IU/ml) had 75% sensitivity 84% specificity and 80% PPV Anti- streptokinase (cut off level> 332IU/ml) had 34% sensitivity 85% specificity, and 90% PPV Anti-DNase (cut off level> 140IU/ml) had 70% sensitivity 99% specificity and PPV 90%.
Conclusion: Patients with tic disorder had a significant high antibody titer against streptococcal infection in comparison with healthy children. It presents possible role for streptococcal infection in tic disorders. Treatment of streptococcal infection is achievable by using of long acting Penicillin in our country. Use of aggressive treatment like plasmaphresis etc needs future RCT studies.

Zarabi V, Noorbakhsh S, Rahim Zadeh N, Samimi K, Ghafori M, Jafarian A, Tabatabaei A,
Volume 69, Issue 2 (5 2011)

Background: Urinary tract infection 0 in children causes renal scarring and permanent damage to the organ. In this study, we compared the diagnostic value of magnetic resonance urogram for urinary tract anomalies with other conventional imaging methods in children with UTI. Methods: In this case-control study, 190 children (mean age 3.23±3.59 yrs) with UTI were recruited from the Pediatric Ward of Rasul-e-Akram Hospital during 2007-2009. The patients were divided into two groups based on the applied imaging technique: MRU (cases) and conventional imaging groups (controls). Results: Abnormal imaging detection rates for Ultrasonography were 32%, X-ray of kidneys, ureters and bladder (KUB) 9%, Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) 26%, Voiding Cystoure therogram (VCUG) 54%, Dimercaptosuccinic Acid scan (DMSA) indicating non-obstructive (reflux) uropathy in 76% (mean age 3.5 yrs) and MRU 43% (mean age 1.6 yrs), respectively. A meaningful correlation was observed between MRU and DMSA scan with IVP results (Kappa=0.75). KUB and Ultrasonography had similar results in cases with abnormal MRU and DMSA scan (P=0.121). MRU had strong agreement with VCUG and IVP for the detection of obstructive uropathy and scar due to congenital malformation even during intrauterine life but not with sonography results. Conclusion: Sonography had poor results for the diagnosis of urinary tract anomalies in comparison with MRU. Use of dynamic MRU for the diagnosis of congenital anomalies (hydronephrosis, obstruction, pyelonephritis, renal scar) in children with UTI seems to be of better help, although higher costs and the need for sedation during MRU still are its disadvantages
Noorbakhsh S, Ebrahimi Taj F, Shirazi E, Shamshiri Ar, Tabatabaei A,
Volume 69, Issue 10 (5 2012)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Background: Recent evidence suggest that group A ß-hemolytic streptococcal (GABHS) infection may increase the risk of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders (PANDAS) composed of the clinical signs of obsessive-compulsive and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. The objective of this study was to compare the titer of antibodies against GABHS between children with PANDS and the controls.
Methods : This cross-sectional, case-control study was done in Hazrat Rasoul Hospital, in Tehran, Iran during 2008-2010. We compared serum antibodies streptolysin O, deoxyribonuclease B, and streptokinase against GABHS quantitatively in 79 cases with PANDAS and 39 age-matched controls. The area under ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value (PPV) of tests were calculated.
Results : Most cases were studied in summer (57%) and spring (23%). The three aforesaid antibodies were higher in the cases (P=0.001). Antisterptolysin O (cut-off point 195) had a 90% sensitivity, 82% specificity and a 92% PPV, (CI=95%, 0.99-0.91). Anti streptokinase (cut-off point 223) had an 82% sensitivity, 82% specificity and a 95% PPV, (CI=95%, 0.934-0.735). Anti-DNase (cut-off point 140) had an 82% sensitivity, 82% specificity and a 95% PPV, (CI=95%, 0.99-0.91).
Conclusion: The study demonstrated a possible role for streptococcal infection in PANDAS. We found a significantly higher antibody titer against GABHS in OCD and ADHD cases in comparison with healthy children. Treatment of streptococcal infection is achievable by the use of long-acting penicillin. Use of aggressive treatment schedules like plasmaphresis, IVIG, etc needs further RCT studies.

Sedghipour M, Tabatabaei Sah, Sadadi F, Kamal Hedayat D, Nikdoost F, Sate H, Ghorbani Yekta B,
Volume 69, Issue 11 (4 2012)

Background: Persistence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in renal transplant recipients is associated with unfavorable outcomes. Calcineurin-inhibitor (CNI) nephrotoxicity is a major cause of morbidity and mortality after kidney transplantation. In this study we compared sirolimus (SRL) with calcineurin-inhibitor as primary immunosuppressants for the attenuation of left ventricular hypertrophy in renal transplantation recipients.

Methods: In this prospective cohort study done in Shariati Hospital in 2010, we evaluated the effects of sirolimus and CNI on LVH of 55 renal transplant recipients. The cases (19) received sirolimus while the controls (36) received CNI while being matched for age and duration of transplantation. Data regarding blood pressure (BP), hemoglobin, serum creatinine, uric acid and lipid concentrations were assessed and changes in left ventricular (LV) mass were evaluated by echocardiography over a one-year follow-up.

Results: Left ventricular mass significantly decreased (P=0.0001) in the SRL group but blood pressure did not differ between the two groups. LV mass and LV mass index both decreased significantly (P≤0.05) but the difference was not associated with changes in BP. The difference in interventricular septal thickness at end diastole (IVSD) and posterior wall diameter (PWD) were significant (P≤0.05) in the SRL group but the difference in end diastolic diameter (EDD) was not significant.

Conclusion: Conversion from CNI to SRL-based immunosuppressive therapy in RTRs is safe and SRL may decrease LVH. SRL seems to be safe and improve renal function without cardiac compromise in kidney transplant recipients.

Noorbakhsh S, Talebi-Taher M, Tabatabaei A,
Volume 70, Issue 1 (3 2012)

Background: Determining the etiologic causes of septic arthritis is of the most importance. Goal of this study was to investigate presence of staphylococcal enterotoxins A, B, C and Toxic Shock Staphylococcal toxin-1 in the synovial fluid of patients with arthritis.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in the Pediatric and Orthopedic Wards of Hazrat Rasoul Hospital in Tehran, Iran during 2008- 2010. Gram stains, conventional cultures, direct detection of soluble bacterial antigens were used to detect H. influenza, S. pneumonia, group B streptococci, and N. meningitidis while Latex particle agglutination test was used for staphylococcal supper antigens (by enzyme immunoassays) upon synovial fluid tapping of 62 individuals (5 mo to 16 yrs, mean=113.8 yrs). P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: Positive SF cultures (n=11): 5 positive cases of S. aureus 5 S. pneumonia 1 H. influenza, and 1 Klebsiella. Positive gram stains: 10% and positive LPA: 4%. Staphylococcal arthritis was diagnosed in 7 (39%) cases upon positive culture or positive gram stain. The most common type was TSST-1 (47%) and the least common was enterotoxin B (18%). Isolation of S. aureus (positive culture) was correlated to presence of enterotoxin A in synovial fluid but not to enterotoxins B, C or TSST-1.

Conclusion: Staph. aureus had a prominent role in arthritis. 47% of cases with negative culture for S. aureus had at least one type of staphylococcal super antigens in the synovial fluid. Searching for antigens of usual organisms or staphylococcal supper antigens could be helpful for diagnosis and

Razaghy-Azar M, Tabatabaei F,
Volume 70, Issue 7 (6 2012)

Background: Gitelman syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder that typically presents with recurrent muscle cramps, carpopedal spasms, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, hypocalciuria and hypomagnesemia and high urine magnesium during adolescence. Mutation in the gene encoding for sodium chloride co-transporter in distal convoluted tubule causes electrolyte imbalance.
Case presentation: We present a 10-year-old boy complaining of carpopedal spasms, tingling of fingers and facial parestesia for three years prior to his admission in endocrinology clinic of H. Ali-Asghar Pediatric Hospital. The patient had metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, hypocalciuria, increased urine fraction excretion of Mg, serum magnesium of 1.8 mg/dl, normal serum calcium and phosphorus and normal blood pressure. His clinical manifestations recovered after potassium and magnesium administration.
Conclusion: A patient with Gitelman syndrome with normal serum Mg. is presented.

Khosravi N, Noorbakhsh S, Tabatabaei A, Ghavami Y,
Volume 70, Issue 11 (3 2013)

Background: Infection with group B streptococcus (GBS) can present with respiratory distress, Pneumonia, meningitis and Osteomyelitis in neonates. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of GBS colonization in trachea of intubated neonates.
Methods: This observational analytic study was performed upon 33 intubated neonates due to respiratory distress in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) Rasoul Hospital in Tehran, Iran during 2010-2012. Tracheal secretions cultured upon TODD-HEWITT BROTH and sheep blood agar 5%., chi-square test was used for compare the qualitative variables. P<0.05 was considered meaningful.
Results: Three cases had positive streptococcal culture (9.1%) and four cases had posi-tive culture for non-streptococcal organisms. no meaningful relation observed between positive GBS culture and neonatal gender, kind of delivery, PROM.
Conclusion: Prevalence of GBS positive results (9%) in present study is very close to GBS colonization in pregnant women although the higher colonization rate of pregnant women are expected.

Noorbakhsh S, Farhadi M, Tabatabaei A,
Volume 70, Issue 12 (5 2013)

Background: Staphylococcal superantigens (SAg&aposs) may have some role in otitis media with effusion (OME). The aim of this study was the search of staphylococcal SAg&aposs in middle ear effusion of children with OME. 
Methods: This cross sectional-analytic study was done in ENT & pediatric wards upon 64 children with otitis media with effusion (OME) between 1-15 years, (mean age=7.42+4 years) of Rasoul Akram University Hospital, Tehran, Iran in 2009-2011. Fifty six percent (36) of cases were male, 43.8% (28) were female. Staphylococcal SAg&aposs Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin-1 (TSST-1), Staphylococcal enterotoxin A, B, C, D (Enzyme immune assay, AB Cam, USA) were detected in middle ear effusion samples after conventional culture.
Results: None type of SAg&aposs found in 39% of OME cases, enterotoxin B found in: 22% enterotoxin A: 17%, enterotoxin C: 15.6%, enterotoxin D: 12.5%, Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin-1 (TSST-1): 7.8% Mean age of cases with positive TSST-1, enterotoxin A, B, C, and D was: 1, 5, 8.6, 9.6 and 9.6 years respectively. Positive TSST had no agreement with positive enterotoxin A and C but had weak agreement with type B and D. Mean age of cases with positive TSST was one years which had significant difference with (7.9 years) in cases with negative TSST test (P<0.0001).
Conclusion: At least one or more type of staphylococcal toxins had found in middle ear effusion of 70% of OME cases with negative culture for Staphylococcus aureus. Even in culture negative cases, staphylococcal toxins might have some immunologic role in middle ear effusion forming. Finding the SAg&aposs (at least one type) are important for treatment of immunosuppressive or corticosteroid in cases with resistant OME.

Farhadi M, Tabatabaei A, Shekarabi M, Noorbakhsh S, Shokrollahi Mr, Javadi Nia Sh, Faramarzi M,
Volume 71, Issue 1 (4 2013)

Background: Tonsils and adenoid hypertrophy is a major respiratory symptom in children which is partly due to recruitment of inflammatory cells in upper airway lymph nodes as a result of the effects of synthesis and release of different inflammatory cytokines. It seems that infections play role in concert with these cytokines leading to tonsilar hypertrophy and other pathologic consequences. It is proposed that cellular infiltrate of tonsils and adenoids may secrete different quantities of these cytokines compared with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) cultures.
Methods: Among patients who were admitted for adenotonsillectomy to the ENT ward, 37 patients, under 1-12 years old patients with fulfill criteria selected to include the study. Excised adenoid and tonsils cultured and inflammatory cytokines Interferon-γ (INF-γ), Interlukine-1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-8 and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) measured in cellular culture supernatant. The same cytokines measured in PBMC cultures.
Results: The data shows that there is a significant difference between IFN-γ and IL-8 amounts in adenoid tissue culture supernatant and PBMC culture of our patients. Furth-ermore, the amounts of IFN-γ, IL-1 and IL-8 showed considerable difference between tonsilar tissue culture supernatant and PBMC culture of these patients. Although there is a significant correlation between IL-6 amounts in tissue culture supernatant and PBMC culture (P=0.02), the respective data for TNF is only almost significant.
Conclusion: Inflammatory cytokines may have significant role in the early provoke of inflammation occurred in hypertrophied tonsils and adenoid. The majority of these cyt-okines increase the expression of adhesion molecules on epithelial cells and influence the recruitment of leucocytes and inflamed tonsils. On the other hand lack of sufficient cytokine release may lead to persistent infections and may cause chronic inflammation and hypertrophied tissue.

Shima Javadi Nia, Samileh Noorbakhsh , Anahita Izadi , Fahimeh Soheyli Pour , Azardokht Tabatabaei , Mohammad Reza Shokrollahi ,
Volume 71, Issue 4 (July 2013)

Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infections in infants and children, especially in their first decade of life. These patients are more susceptible to renal scars and other possible complications like growth retardation, arterial hypertension, proteinuria, isostenuria, and finally chronic renal failure. Trace elements like vitamins and minerals are essential for efficient metabolism and proper function of various body systems namely immune system. In this trial we compared the relation between serum levels of zinc, vitamins A and D in children inflicted with UTI and control group.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study on 25 patients with UTI admitted to pediatric wards of Rasul Akram Hospital and Bahrami Hospital. They were compared to 40 other patients admitted in surgical wards for elective surgery. Serum levels of zinc, vitamins A and D were measured in both groups.
Results: Seventy two percent of the patients were male and 28% female. The average age was 2.17. Despite the lower levels of vitamins A and D in cases than controls, the difference was not significant (P=0.4 and P=0.9, respectively). However, serum levels of zinc were significantly lower in cases than controls (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Vitamins A and D may play some role in patients’ vulnerability to UTI, but this supposition needs more research on larger samples, considering differences among patients of various age groups and their nutritional status.
According to the study, lower levels of zinc were associated with susceptibility to UTI thence, its administration might be helpful.

Samileh Noorbakhsh , Majid Kalani , Ali Mohamad Aliakbari , Azardokht Tabatabaei , Fahimeh Ehsanipour , Reza Taghipour , Mohamad Reza Shokrolahi ,
Volume 71, Issue 6 (September 2013)

Background: The incidence and clinical presentation of congenital toxoplasmosis in our newborns was not studied until yet. Goal of study is to evaluates the newborns for congenital Toxoplasma.Gondii infection and describe the clinical presentation from birth and follow up them. 
Methods: We conducted a prospective study upon 270 newborns were born in two university hospitals in Tehran (Rasoul akram & Akbar Abadi) during 2011-2012. Cord blood sample obtained from the newborns during labour. The samples centrifuged, transported and restored in -80 centigrade freezer in our Research Laboratory. Specific T.Gondii- antibodies (IGG, IGM) evaluated by ELISA methods. Neonates with positive T.Gondii- IGM diagnosed and studied as infected cases. The infected cases treated and followed for progression of disease.
Results: Gestational age of newborns was between 28-41 weeks. Positive T.Gondii -IGM and T.Gondii -IGG determined in 1.5%, 44.1% of cases respectively. The most common clinical presentation in seropositive cases was eye involvement (50%), and brain disorders (50%). Positive PCR had not found in cerebrospinal fluids of seropositive (IgM) cases.
Conclusion: One and a half percent of newborns were seropositive for T.Gondii. Wide variation of clinical presentation and early diagnosis of infected newborns in our country is so important. Adding the serologic tests (IGM) to neonatal screening test is recommended strongly.

Shima Javadi-Nia , Samileh Noorbakhsh , Anahita Izadi , Mohammad Reza Shokrollahi , Ramin Asgarian , Azardokht Tabatabaei ,
Volume 71, Issue 12 (March 2014)

Background: Severity of respiratory infection in children is depended on various fac-tors such as causative organism and the host immunologic response to the organism. Vitamins and micronutrients play an important role in this response with supporting the immune system and therefore, the response to infections. Nutritional deprivations in children, especially vitamins and micronutrients such as zinc, vitamin A and vitamin D are very common in middle east and other countries in Asia, which is due to inappro-priate diet and nutrient loss in recurrent infections. This study aimed to evaluate the se-rum levels of vitamins A, D and zinc in hospitalized children aged six months to five years. Methods: This analytic cross-sectional study was performed in 65 children aged six months to five years who were hospitalized in pediatric and surgical wards of Rasul Akram Hospital and Bahrami Hospital in Tehran. All of samples were evaluated ac-cording to WHO cri-teria for acute respiratory infection, and underwent measurement of serum vitamin A, vitamin D and zinc levels by using Atomic, Elisa and spectropho-tometer methods. Results: Serum levels of vitamins A in patients with acute respiratory infection was 0.27±0.16 µg/ml and in children without infection was 0.41±0.2 µg/ml, that different wasn’t statistically significant (P=0.4). Serum levels of vitamins D in patients with acute respiratory infection was 35.37±34.68 ng/ml and in children without infection was 45.78±21.05 ng/ml, that different wasn’t statistically significant (P=0.1). Serum levels of zinc in patients with acute respiratory infection was 87.93±23.34 µg/dl and in chil-dren without infection was 106.95±23.70 µg/dl, the difference was statistically signifi-cant (P=0.002). Conclusion: According to finding in this trial, there is a correlation between lower levels of zinc in serum, and chance of respiratory tract infection in children. Future larger studies could provide the correlation between serum levels of vitamins A & D and chance of respiratory tract infection.
Nasim Dana , Shiva Safavi , Nafiseh Nili , Badrodin Ebrahim Seyed Tabatabaei, Shaghayegh Haghjooy Javanmard ,
Volume 72, Issue 6 (September 2014)

Background: The occlusion of the artery and vein grafts are currently a major problem in coronary bypass surgery. Degradation of collagen and elastin, the most abundant extracellular matrix proteins in the vessel wall by matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs), leads to a rearrangement of the extracellular matrix and vascular wall structure. The present study aimed to compare the histological and biochemical characteristics of arteries and veins which could have a role in the failure of the graft. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study of 80 patients conducted at Heart Hospitals in Isfahan, Iran, between July 2012 and November 2013. Samples were collected from the remains of vessels used in bypass surgery of 11 male nondiabetic patients. The histologic, collagen elastin ratio and MMPs levels of the vessels were investigated. MMPs were determined using the Gelatin Zymography method. For elastin and collagen content measurement, the sample was digested by cyanogen bromide and hydrochloric acid and then hydroxyproline was measured with a spectrophotometer. Results: The amount of active and inactive MMP-2 and MMP-9 of the left internal mammary artery (Lima) was similar to aorta, but the amount of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the radial artery and saphenous vein were significantly higher than aorta. Elastin to collagen ratio in Lima (1.92±1.15) was similar to the aorta (3.4±1.66), but this proportion in saphenous vein (1.07±0.47) and radial artery (1.14±0.39) was significantly lower in the aorta (P≤0.05). Most patients had atherosclerotic plaque in radial while there was atherosclerotic plaque in Lima of only one case. Conclusion: The presence of atherosclerotic plaques in radial and thickening of the intimal layer of the saphenous vein in the majority of patients and decrease of collagen to elastin ratio and the high level of matrix metalloproteinase enzymes in the radial and saphenous vein can induce early pathological conditions, and remodeling of the vessels involved. So the results of this study confirm that Left Internal Mammary Artery (LIMA) is the most suitable candidate for bypass surgery.
Nastaran Khosravi , Nasrin Khalesi , Samileh Noorbakhsh , Azardokht Tabatabaei , Bahman Ahmadi , Ramin Asgarian , Shima Javadi-Nia,
Volume 72, Issue 8 (November 2014)

Background: Assessment of the serum lead’s concentration in the newborn immediately after birth can be effective for the detection of lead poisoning in the early stages and prevent of developmental disorders and neuropsychiatric behaviors. This study aimed to assess the serum lead levels of cord blood in some of the hospitalized newborns. Methods: This cross-sectional analytic study conducted in the newborns ward of two hospitals (Rasoul Akram and Akbar Abadi) From December 2011 to October 2012 in Tehran, Iran. After non-probability sampling, 60 newborns in the first days after birth, underwent the cord blood sampling and the cord blood lead levels were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Then all of data were collected and analyzed. The serum lead concentration greater than 5 μg/dl was considered valuable. Results: In total, 61.4% of samples were boys. The mean (±SD) of gestational age was 37.4±2.64 weeks and mean (±SD) of birth weight was 2701±642.8g. The mean (±SD) of maternal age was 29.20±6.73 years. 70% of mothers were urban. 13% of mothers had a history of drug use, and 5% were current smokers. The mean (±SD) of the serum lead level of cord blood was 2.97±2.24 μg/dl. This level was not associated with fetal gender, place of residence, drug history and current smoking. This level in the 16.7% of samples was greater than 5 μg/dl (high risk cases). High risk level was associated with maternal age, weight and fetal age (P=0.02, P=0.004, P=0.03), but this level was not associated with fetal gender, place of residence, drug history and current smoking. Conclusion: Serum lead level of cord blood was relatively higher than other studies, although the prevalence of the high risk newborns (serum blood lead levels greater than 5 μg/dl) was low. Further research has recommended assessing the serum lead level in other newborns in the different areas to identify risk factors of neuromotor outcome in infants to prevent.
Mahdieh Ghiasi , Reza Tabatabaei Qomi , Mohsen Nikbakht , Mohsen Sheykhhasan ,
Volume 73, Issue 3 (June 2015)

Background: Stem cells represent an ideal cell source for application in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine due to their ability to proliferate and differentiate to a wide variety of cell lineages. With recent development of medical sciences and tissue engineering, usage of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells, their culture and differentiation on suitable scaffolds are considered as a successful clinical and research strategy. One of the most crucial factors in a successful tissue engineering technique is to choose an appropriate scaffold which allow cell migration transferring of bioactive factors as well as providing optimal growth environment for stem cells. In this study, the ability of two scaffolds is investigated as a suitable environment for the proliferation and differentiation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Methods: This is an in vitro study that was performed in Laboratory of Stem Cell in Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Qom province from April 2013 to February 2014. In this study, two scaffolds including fibrin glue and alginate were prepared as two separate groups and after isolating mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue and adequate proliferation, they were seeded into each scaffold in chondrogenic medium. After 14 days, the evaluation of viability and gene expression of collagen II and I, SOX9 and aggrecan were done by MTT (3-{4,5-dimethylthiazol-2yl}-2,5-diphenyl-2H tetrazolium bromide) assay and real-time PCR technique respectively. Also, cartilaginous tissue formation on scaffolds was evaluated by histological analysis. Results: According to the obtained results, the fibrin glue scaffold showed significant difference in terms of viability in comparison to alginate scaffold in chondrocyte differentiating medium (P< 0.05). Also the results of real-time PCR analysis showed that the fibrin glue scaffold express cartilage specific genes at a higher level than alginate scaffold. Conclusion: The use of natural fibrin glue scaffold can be considered as a suitable environment for proliferation and differentiation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in cartilage tissue engineering.
Ladan Afshar Khas , Azardokht Tabatabaei , Samileh Noorbakhsh , Atefeh Kargozar ,
Volume 73, Issue 7 (October 2015)

Background: Convulsion is one of the common cause of hospital admission in children. Idiopathic seizure is when no anatomic, electrolytic, metabolic or hemorrhagic causes are found. Recently, lead poisoning, which is considered when serum lead levels are higher than the normal levels (previously 10 &mug/dl changed to 5 &mug/dl). Even lower levels of lead inflict harmful consequences in central nervous system (CNS) development in pediatric group. Due to air pollution and high lead level in air of Tehran, investigation the probable role of lead in producing or predisposing convulsion in children is very important. To determine the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lead level in children with idiopathic convulsion in compare with nonconvulsive ones (control). Methods: A case-control study upon 60 children (30 convulsive and 30 nonconvulsive control) admitted in Rasoul Akram and Ali Asghar University Hospitals, Tehran, from 2012 to 2013 had done. One ml of CSF obtained and lead level determined by atomic absorption test. Results: The mean age between cases and controls was not different (mean= 30.18+27.36 vs 25.46±20.56 months, P= 0.1). The CSF lead level (&mug/dl) had not meaningful difference between 2 groups (3.43+3.07 vs 2.78+2.77, P= 0.3), and no related to type of convulsion in cases (P= 0.7), the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.588 1-0.433, P= 0.2). The CSF lead cutoff was 1.65 &mug/dl sensitivity of 70%, specificity of 46%, PPV and NPV was 56% and 60% respectively. Conclusion: The toxic blood level for lead is 3.5 &mug/dl. The CSF lead level even in little amount (1.65 &mug/dl) is an acceptable sensitivity but lower specificity for differentiation the convulsive from nonconvulsive children. Although the role of genetic and other causes should be considered in idiopathic convulsion, probably, the high level of lead in CSF could predispose those children to convulsion. It can effect CNS development in children even in small amounts. Indeed, long-term effects of lead which continue to adulthood should be considered as well. Hence, it is paramount to rectify the ambient air lead pollution in Tehran.

Mehrnoosh Ramezani, Mehdi Hedayati , Saeed Hoseini Asl , Meraj Tabatabaei , Mohammad Mazani , Shirzad Nasiri ,
Volume 74, Issue 4 (July 2016)

Background: Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine malignancy. Accounting for approximately 1-2% of all cancers. Thyroid cancers have been divided into four main types: papillary, follicular, medullary and anaplastic. The active form of vitamin D (1,25- (OH) 2-vitamin D3) by binding to its receptor, using genomic and non-genomic mechanisms inhibits the proliferative effect of TSH on thyroid cells. Therefore, vitamin D may have a role in regulating of thyroid gland cell proliferation. Many studies have shown anti-cancer effects of vitamin D in cancers. Polymorphisms of Vitamin D receptor can influence the prevalence to various cancers. In the present study, serum level of vitamin D and FokI, BsmI and Tru9I polymorphism of vitamin D receptor was investigated.

Methods: This case-control study was performed in the summer of 2015 in Endocrinology and Metabolism Center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Forty medullary thyroid cancer patients and 40 healthy controls were investigated. Genomic DNA of subjects was extracted with saturated salt/proteinase K and polymorphisms of vitamin D receptor gene investigated by polymerase chain reaction-sequencing. Serum level of vitamin D evaluated by ELISA technique. The results were analyzed by SPSS, ver. 20 (Chicago, IL, USA) and GraphPad Prism, ver. 5 (GraphPad, Inc., CA, USA) softwares.

Results: Genotypic and allelic abundance of FokI and BsmI polymorphisms between test and control groups have not shown significant different. In Tru9I polymorphism, Tt genotype abundance in test group were 45 percent and in control group were 17.5 percent and t allelic abundance in test group were 25 percent and in control group were 8.7 percent which this different were significant. Average serum level of vitamin D in test group was 23.32 ng/ml and in control group was 18.95 ng/ml which was statistically significant.

Conclusion: Unexpectedly, serum levels of vitamin D in test group were higher than control group. Tru9I polymorphism is significantly correlated to medullary thyroid carcinoma prevalence.

Abdoulreza Esteghamati , Ali Badamchi , Mehri Naghdalipoor , Mahmood Faramarzi , Morteza Haghighi Hasanabadi , Azardokht Tabatabaei ,
Volume 76, Issue 8 (November 2018)

Background: Sexually transmitted infections are the most common human infections that lead to severe complications. Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) and Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU) are common and important cause of genitourinary tract infections. MG is a member of genital mycoplasmas which is emerging as an important causative agent of sexually transmitted infections both in males and females. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of UU and MG in pregnant women and to assess the risk factors which may contribute to the predisposition of the individuals to the infection.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, The population of 210 pregnant women admitted to the Rasoul Akram Hospital in Tehran, were selected for the study using non-random sampling. The urine specimens were collected from 194 pregnant women from May to December, 2015. The samples were transferred to the Infectious Disease Research Center of Rasoul Akram Hospital under sterile condition. Samples were exposed to DNA extraction followed by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect the infection. Data including sex, age, history of abortion, history of genitourinary tract infections were collected subsequently.
Results: The prevalence of MG and UU infections in urine samples was 5.6%, 11.2%, respectively. The mean and standard deviation of the risk of UU was 2.08 (3.56-1.22) in women with a history of abortion and 0.70 (1.03-0.47) in women without a history of abortion. There was a significant relationship between the history of sexually transmitted diseases and the frequency of UU (P<0.022). From 22 patients with UU infection, six patients had a history of sexually transmitted diseases. A significant correlation was found between prevalence of MG and UU infections. The History of abortion was significantly related with the frequency of UU and MG infections. The prevalence of MG infection is negatively correlated with pregnancy trimesters. The History of genitourinary tract infections was significantly associated with the frequency of UU.
Conclusion: The presence of UU and MG could be associated with abortion.

Azardokht Tabatabaei , Nastaran Khosravi, Monireh Monfaredi , Sara Minaieyan , Najmeh Sadat Atefi , Hamideh Hassanpour , Ali Badamchi ,
Volume 78, Issue 1 (April 2020)

Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a highly prevalent, serious and chronic infection. It been associated causally with a diverse spectrum of gastrointestinal disorders including chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma. We conducted a study to Evaluation of the role of breastfeeding and breast milk on the colonization of H. pylori in the gastrointestinal tract of 2-24 month old.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 92 children referred to Ali Asghar Hospital of Iran University of Medical Sciences for two years (from July 2015 to June 2017). At first, a questionnaire was recorded by the neonatal specialist including demographic and clinical characteristics of the infants. Stool samples were taken from infants at 2, 6, 12, and 24 months of age. We used the H. pylori stool antigen test to detection infection in the selected group of children. H. pylori status was evaluated by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Results: In the study of breastfeeding at 12 months of age, 51.1% were fed only dry milk and 28.3% were breastfed only. At 24 months, 22 infants (24%) were breastfed with supplemental feeding and 54 children (58.7%) were  formula-fed only and 8 children (8.7%) were breastfed only. In our study, the prevalence of H. pylori in infants of Tehran, at 2, 6, 12, and 24 months, were 0%, 6.5%, 15.21%, and 34.4%, respectively. Of the 92 children studied, during the first month, 25 children (27.2%) only formula-fed and 49 children (53.3%) were breastfed only and (19.6%) 18 infants were breastfed with dry milk. The prevalence of H. pylori infection was 28.3%. The prevalence of H. pylori infection was 20% in the breastfeeding group and 44% in the infant dry milk feeding group. The prevalence of H. pylori antigen was greater than 12 IU/ml in infants 2, 6, 12, and 24 months of age, including 19.92 (20.6%), 19.92 (20.6%), 24.92 (26.1%) and 21.92 (22.8%), respectively.
Conclusion: According to the findings of the article, breastfed children compared to formula-fed children were less infected by Helicobacter pylori.

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