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S Shams , M Kadkhodaei , M Alipour ,
Volume 58, Issue 1 (4-2000)

The objective of this study was to determine the reference range for Creatinine in children<8 years old among Tehran citizens on the selectra 2 analyzer and manually with Jaffee alkaline picrate method. Pediatric reference ranges are important in order to determine whether a patient's result is normal or abnormal. Reference range on the selectra 2 system over this age are currently unavailable. The study used serum obtained from children admitted in diagnostic and health centers and the SPSS program T-test and Chi-square were used to analyze data. The results are given below: Creatinine: Age (Y): 0-2, Male: N=71, 0.46 mg/dl, SD=0.1 Female: N=61, 0.47 mg/dl, SD=0.1 Total: N=92, 0.467 mg/dl. Age (Y): 3-6, Male: N=89, 0.52 mg/dl, SD=0.001 Female: N=50, 0.53 mg/dl, SD=0.1 Total: N=139, 0.529 mg/dl. Age (Y): 7-8, Male: N=50, 0.58 mg/dl, SD=0.11 Female: N=37, 0.55 mg/dl, SD=0.11 Total: N=89, 0.572 mg/dl. Total: Male: N=210, 0.52 mg/dl, SD=0.11 Female: N=108, 0.53 mg/dl, SD=0.1 Total: N=318, 0.52 mg/dl. Serum Creatinine significantly increased with increasing in age and total body surface (P<0.05, 0.0001 respectively), while there has been no significant difference by sex, diet and fasting.

, , , , , ,
Volume 63, Issue 12 (4-2005)

Gharagozlou M, Montazeran M, Foroozanfar M, Khalili S,
Volume 64, Issue 11 (10-2006)

Background: Influenza epidemies which occur mosthly in cold seasons could be a risk factor for developing exacerbations and acute attacks of asthma. Although influenza vaccination is recommended for the asthmatic patients, there is a lack of sufficient clinical evidence that this annual vaccination prevents asthma exacerbation in children.
Methods: Prospective clinical trial study of 201 children with asthma, where 79 did, and 122 did not receive the influenza vaccine, was done. The two groups were compared with respect to use of bronchodilators, systemic corticosteroids, emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations for asthma. In multi variable analysis, adjustment was made for baseline asthma severity and demographic variables.
Results: After adjusting for other variables, the vaccinated group had a significant decreased in exacerbations frequency and duration. Also the frequency of used bronchodilators and the absence days of daycare center or school were lower in the vaccinated group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups in relation to used systemic corticosteroids and ED or hospital admissions (P>005).
Conclusion: This study showed that influenza vaccination may be effective in prevention of some asthma exacerbation aspects.
Oloomi Z, Moayeri H, Bahremand Sh, Vafaei P,
Volume 65, Issue 1 (3-2008)

Background: Hyperuricemia is one of the oncologic emergency that occurs most often in patients with hematologic disorders particularly leukemia and high-grade lymphoma. This study was conducted in order to determine the prevalence of hyperuricemia with respect to prophylactic treatment (in particular allopurinol) in patients with lymphoproliferative disease in the pediatric hematologic ward of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran.
Methods: In this retrospective cross-sectional study, 316 children (75 females, 241 males) under the age of 12 years participated. Among the subjects, 66 patients (20.9%) had lymphoma and 250 patients (79.1%) had leukemia.
Results: Of the 56 (17.7%) patients diagnosed with hyperuricemia, 13 with lymphoma (19.7%) and 43 (17.2%) with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 52 patients showed hyperuricemia after induction of chemotherapy (p<0.001). Hyperuricemia was more prevalent in patients with more advanced disease (50.9% in stage IV, p<0.001). Hyperuricemia was more frequent in male patients (p<0.001). Among the 217 patients who had received prophylaxis (hydration, alkalization, allopurinol), 19 (8.7%) subjects had hyperuricemia compare to 37.3% in the group of patients who did not receive prophylactic treatment (p<0.001).
Conclusion: From the literature reviewed, a recombinant form of the urate oxidase enzyme (rasburicase) is a safe and effective alternative to allopurinol to rapidly control plasma uric acid concentrations in patients with hematologic malignancy at high risk for tumor lysis during induction of chemotherapy. In this respect, we recommend a prospective study to compare allopurinol and rasburicase in children with leukemia and lymphoma.
Tashakori A, Arabgol F, Panaghi L, Davari R,
Volume 65, Issue 8 (11-2007)

Background: Depressive disorders in children and adolescents are chronic and highly morbid. Few studies are carried out on antidepressant drugs for depressed youths, especially specific noradrenergic agents. Reboxetine is a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of reboxetine in childhood and adolescent depression.

Methods: Twenty patients of both genders, aged 7-17 years old, with major depressive or dysthymic disorders, as classified by the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), participated in an 8-week clinical trial before-after study of reboxetine. Clinical semistructured interviews, based on the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Aged Children (K-SADS), were carried out. Reboxtine was initiated at a dose of 1 mg/day and increased up to 6 mg/day. Patients were assessed for changes in: depressive symptoms using the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) and global functioning by the Children's Global Assessment Scale (C-GAS). Side effect questionnaire was also administered.

Results: There was a significant decrease in the ineffectiveness subscale (C factor) of CDI (p=0.006). Although the CDI scores decreased by 32.69%, this change was not significant (p=0.39). No significant change in C-GAS (p=0.2) was observed. Adverse effects were relatively mild to moderate and transient. The most common adverse effects were decreased appetite and sedation.

Conclusions: Reboxetine is relatively well tolerated and improves feelings of ineffectiveness among depressed children and adolescents however it does not improve all depressive symptoms. Double-blind, placebo and active comparator controlled studies and larger sample sizes are indicated.

Zamani A, Bahremand Sh, Ojaghi Haghighi S M, Daneshjou K, Tirgari F, Ghasemi M,
Volume 65, Issue 11 (2-2008)

Background: Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection often occurs in childhood and adolescence, with the frequency increasing with age. Hp infection is associated with insufficient hygiene, overcrowding and low socioeconomic status. Although declining in developed countries, children in the developing countries continue to have a high prevalence of Hp infection. As the association of Hp infection with chronic abdominal pain is not ubiquitously accepted, in this study we investigate the significance of endoscopic finding associated with Hp infection in children with abdominal tenderness.

Methods: This cross-sectional study included 1,665 healthy children, aged 6 to 12 years, in whom Hp infection was evaluated using the IgG anti-H. pylori test. Hp-positive children with epigastric tenderness underwent upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy. Urease activity of gastric mucosal biopsies was measured. The presence and density of Hp organisms, the presence of follicular gastritis, and the nature of inflammation and gastritis activity were assessed by histologic examination.

Results: Of 1665 children, 429 (26%) subjects (51% girls, 49% boys) were seropositive for H. pylori. There was a significant association between Hp infection and older age (p<0.001) and male/female ratio (p<0.05). Epigastric tenderness was detected in 39 children (1%), 29 of whom underwent upper GI endoscopy. Nodular gastritis with antral erythema was the most common endoscopic finding (26/29 89.7%). Histological findings revealed that, in all cases with endoscopic nodularity, lymphoid follicles were present. Bacterial density was low in 13 (44.8%), moderate in 14 (48.2%) and high in 2 (7%) subjects.

Conclusion: The findings of the present study demonstrated that antral nodularity is the most common feature in children with Hp infection and epigastric tenderness was significantly associated with histological findings of lymphoid follicles.

Pourhashemi S.j., Golestan B.2., Keshavarz S.a.,
Volume 65, Issue 12 (3-2008)

Background: Proper nutrition has an important role in the physical and psychological development of children. The aim of this survey is to compare the nutrition of a community to the recommended daily amount (RDA) to determine deficiencies and present recommendations for improvement.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study conducted in Tehran, Iran, 788 children, all seven years of age, were selected via cluster sampling and evaluated using standard questionnaires with a 24-hr recall regarding the frequency and type of food intake. Then by measurement of weight and height, their anthropometric and DMFT (decayed/missing/filled teeth) indices were determined using the Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance, and Mann-Whitney U and chi-square tests.

Results: Relative to the RDA, 23.6% of children had low intake of Ca, and 3.2% and 5.2% were deficient for Fe and Zn, respectively. Anthropometric measurements showed that 15.7% were malnourished based on weight for age, 10.5% based on height for age and 16.8% based on weight for height indices. The DMFT indices for children with dietary Ca levels under 75% of the RDA were significantly higher than those with sufficient Ca intake (P<0.001). The mean DMFT indices for dental development were 0.22 for permanent teeth (four molars SD=0.64) and 4.64 for primary teeth (SD=3.24). We found a significant correlation between DMFT indices and low Fe intake: the DMFT indices of children with iron deficiency were much higher than those with sufficient iron intake.

Conclusions: Children in Tehran do not receive enough Ca Fe and Zn from their diets. This problem causes mild malnutrition and increases the risk of dental caries.

Hashemian H, Tabatabaee P, Siadati A, Ataee N,
Volume 66, Issue 9 (12-2008)

Background: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is one of the major etiological factors of permanent kidney impairment, resulting in renal scarring and severe and pernicious side effects, such as arterial hypertension and renal failure. The purpose of this study was to clarify the impression of renal parenchyma involvement by first UTI (on the basis of acute DMSA scan) and vesicoureteral reflux (VUR-on the basis of VCUG/ RNC) on the renal scar formation (on the basis of late DMSA scan).

Methods: Children diagnosed with their first UTI at the Children's Hospital Medical Center, Tehran, Iran, were evaluated. For each patient, we recorded age, sex, results of VCUG/RNCs and acute DMSA scan, as well as those of a late DMSA scan performed 4-6 months later. The results of acute and late DMSA scans were compared along with the results of VCUG/RNCs.

Results: This study included a total of 103 children, of whom 16 (15.5%) were boys and 87 (84.5%) were girls. The mean age was 27.2±27.7 months. The frequency of renal scars in kidneys with mild (28.6%, 8.7%) and moderate (33.3%, 18.2%) pyelonephritis with or without VUR was not significantly different, while the frequency of renal scars in kidneys with severe pyelonephritis (84.6%, 23.1%) in the presence of VUR was significantly higher than non-refluxing kidneys with severe pyelonephritis (p=0.005). Furthermore, the frequency of renal scars in refluxing kidneys increased significantly with the severity of pyelonephritis (normal 8.3%, mild 28.6%, moderate 33.3%, and severe 84.6% p=0.001). This pattern was not significant in non-refluxing kidneys (0%, 10.3%, 18.2%, and 23.1%, respectively p=0.062).

Conclusion: The present study indicates that the incidence of renal scarring increases with pyelonephritis severity in patients with VUR. Furthermore, we can estimate the risk of renal scar formation from the results of acute DMSA scan and VCUG/RNC.

Zamani A, Atarod L, Zamani F,
Volume 66, Issue 12 (3-2009)

Background: Leishman Denovani is an obligatory intracellular parasite that is seen such as Leishmanbody or Amustigote in intra reticolo-endothelial system. Leishmanenios is seen as sporadic-endemic or epidemic in many places in the world. In Iran in Fars state and west Azarbayjan is endemic and in other places are in sporadic form and is found in rural areas.

Case report: A four year-old girl was admitted with visceral Leishmaniasis and Subsequently developed peritoneal tuberculosis. The patient who lived in Dashte- Moghan, complained of abdominal pain and distention and weight loss from 1.5 years ago. The titre of IFA test for leishmansis was 1/1280. Leishman body was seen in bone marrow aspiration specimen. Bone marrow culture for leishmania was negative. The specimen of acsities fluid revealed sero- fibrino- purulent exudate with lymphocyic dominancy (over 90%). No response to classic lishmanisis treatment had been started unless the patient treated with anti tuberculoid regimen. 

Conclusion: The function of the T-helper (Tht) lymphocytes will decrease in Kala-azar disease. This is why there is no skin reaction to Manteaux (PPD) diagnostic test the patient. The patient have been suffering from long-term malnutrition with its consequent immune defect. There was no evidences of cure in our patient during classic Kala-azar therapy. After she received anti tuberculosis therapy she revealed clinical improvement with Glucantim regimen as well.

Ataei N, Safaian B, Madani A, Esfahani St, Ataei F,
Volume 67, Issue 2 (5-2009)

Background: Early diagnosis of renal parenchymal involvement in children with acute pyelonephritis (APN) using isotope scan and early treatment may decrease or prevent development of renal parenchymal lesions. We designed this study to assess the diagnostic value of certain biologic parameters in children with first- episode of acute pyelonephritis (APN) documented by 99m Tc-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scintigraphy.
Methods: We compared the laboratory findings of leukocyte count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels with the results of the DMSA scans obtained within three days of admission. One hundred-two children (93 girls and 9 boys aged 1 month–12 years (mean 2.85±2.92 years) were enrolled in the study. Of these patients, 203 renal units, were investigated using scintigraphy. Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) was performed in 98 children (195 renal unit) when urine culture became negative.
Results: In all children one or both of kidneys had parenchymal involvement on scintigraphy. Changes on the DMSA scan were found in 178(88%) renal units during the acute phase. The extent of changes in DMSA scan were mild in 113/178(55.7%) renal units, moderate in 40/178(19.7%) and severe in 25/178(12.3%). When inflammatory markers were correlated with the development of the severe renal lesions, as assessed with DMSA scan, a highly significant correlation with both ESR (p=0.007) and leukocyte counts (p=0.02) were found.
conclusions: We conclude that the incidence of renal parenchymal involvement in Iranian children with APN is very high. Although increased ESR and leucocytosis may be valuable markers for determination of severe renal parenchymal involvement, but these parameters and also CRP, were inadequate in distinguishing mild to moderate renal parenchymal involvement.
Behnaz Haeri Behbahani , Ahmad Reza Dorosty , Mohammad Reza Eshraghian ,
Volume 67, Issue 6 (9-2009)

Background: The sensitivity and specificity of body mass index (BMI) percentiles of CDC2000 standard which is used in determining obesity in Iranian children was compared with child real obesity identified by fat mass index (FMI) and obesity status in these children based on BMI and FMI was compared too.
Methods: Weight, height and triceps skinfold (TSF) thickness were measured in 1800 primary school children in Sabzevar, Iran. Fat mass (estimated from TSF) and weight were divided by height squared to calculate FMI and BMI, respectively. FMI at or above the 90th percentile of age- and sex- specific data in this study was considered as criterion for real obesity, and BMI≥95th and 85thResults: Based on the CDC cut-offs, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in our children were 7.9% and 4.8%, respectively. From the real obese and non-obese children identified by the FMI, 43.3% and 0.6% were identified as obese according to BMI, respectively. In addition, the sensitivity and specificity of 90th percentile of BMI to identify children as obese, were 71.1% and 98% respectively.
Conclusions: The efficacy of BMI in determining childhood obesity may be less than expected and it appears that FMI in comparison with BMI, is a better indicator of obesity in children, but more studies in this area are required.

Sharifi L, Pourpak Z, Bokaie S, Karimi A, Movahedi M, Gharaghozlou M, Moin M,
Volume 67, Issue 9 (12-2009)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Background: Asthma prevalence has increased in developed and developing countries in several last decades. Although cigarette smoking is an identified risk factor for many diseases such as coronary Heart disease and chronic obstructive lung disease, its effect on asthma is controversial. The aim of this study was to determine the odds ratio and its confidence interval for asthma morbidity among children referred to the Immunology and Allergy department of children medical center according to their parents' smoking and daily cigarette consumption.
Methods: A case-control study was conducted during two years period on the asthmatic patients who referred to Immunology and Allergy department of children medical center. Demographic information and parents' smoking and daily cigarette consumption assessed by a questionnaire. Healthy children with same age and sex were entered to the study as the control group. Statistical analysis was performed to calculate odds ratio.
Results: Among 215 patients who entered the study 63 patients were exposed the cigarette smoke. Odds ratio for asthma morbidity among children whose parents smoke more than five cigarettes per day in comparison with whose smoke less than five or do not smoke was 2.38 (p<0.01).
Conclusion: Parent's cigarette smoking is a risk factor for childhood asthma and could increase the risk of asthma to 2.38 folds in children whose parents smoke more than five cigarettes. Increasing in parents' knowledge level that probably relate to their education results in cigarette consumption decline.

Ali Zamani , Seyed Reza Raeeskarami , Parvin Akbrai Asbagh, Zohre Oloomi Yazdi , Reza Matloob , Narges Zamani , Mamak Shariat ,
Volume 67, Issue 10 (1-2010)

Background : Septic Arthritis is an acute infection of intra-arthicular space. Delay in diagnosis and in appropriate treatment may lead to prolongation of treatment duration and poor outcome. We decided to evaluate clinical aspects of this disease in our department pediatric department, Imam Khomeini Hospital complex, Tehran, Iran during a 10 years period.

Methods : In a retrospective cross-sectional study, 60 patients with age from 1 month to 14 year-old during 1996-2005 were evaluated. The demographics characteristics, clinical observations (signs & symptoms) and paraclinic values were gathered from medical records and analyzed with statistical tests.

Results : Pain and Swelling was seen in all, joint limited motion in 80% ( 50 cases) claudicating in 64% ( 38 cases), fever in 80% ( 48 cases), monoarticular disease in 80% ( 48 cases) and polyarticular one in 20% ( 12 cases) of them. Hip was most Common involved joint 62% ( 37 cases), elevated ESR was seen in all patients. CRP was positive in 85% ( 51 cases). Leuckocytosis was found in 65/8% ( 17 cases) of cases. In infectious cases, Staphylococcus aurous was responsible organism in 65.6% ( 16 cases), klebsiella in 12.4% ( 3 cases), Streptococcus pneumonia in 12.3% ( 3 cases), group b streptococcus in 4.1% ( 1 case), Hemophilus Influenza type b in 4.1% ( 1 case) of study patients. With therapy ESR was normalized in 64% ( 39 cases) and CRP was normalized in all patients.

Conclusions: In general, all children with complaint of fever, pain, and limited joint motion or claudicating should be suspected for septic arthritis.

Ataei B, Nokhodian Z, Babak A, Shoaei P, Mohhammadzadeh M, Sadeghi R,
Volume 67, Issue 11 (2-2010)

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE AR-SA MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Background: There are millions of children around the world living on the street. They are at higher risk of physical, sexual and drug abuse, and have no access to health care facilities. Therefore they are at risk of viral infections such as HCV and HIV. The aim of this study was determining the prevalence of HCV and HIV infection in Isfahan street children (2005-2007).
Methods: The cross-sectional study was taken place on 386 street children through a nonprobable-convenience sampling method. They were requested to answer a questionnaire (demographic and behavioral data), and then they were tested for anti HCV and anti HIV antibodies.
Results: Among 386 street children, 270 (70%) were boys and the mean age was 12.62±3.23 years. The majority of them, 267 cases (69%), were on the street for financial reasons. 353 (91.7%), 366 (94.8%) and 375 (97.2%) of them had no history of smoking, using alcohol or substance addiction, respectively. 40 (34.5%) of girls and 12 (4.4%) of boys (p<0.0001) were engaged in sex and 79 (68%) of girls and 46 (17%) of boys (p<0.0001) were involved in physical fighting. All of the children had negative serology for HIV infection. Nevertheless, four of them (1%) were positive for HCV Ab.
Conclusion: The knowledge of street children about high risk behaviors and the infectious diseases should be improved through educational programs. They need also legal, social and health support.

Faghihloo E, Rezaie F, Salimi V, Naseri M, Mamishi S, Mahmoodi M, Mokhtari-Azad T,
Volume 68, Issue 3 (6-2010)

Background: Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the most important viral agent of acute lower respiratory tract disease in infants and young children worldwide. This virus is responsible for 50% brochiolitis and 25% pneumonia in infants. There are limited data of molecular epidemiology of HRSV from developing countries. This is the report on the molecular epidemiology of human respiratory syncytial virus in Iran. Methods: In this study, RT-PCR for second hypervariable region of the HRSV G glycoprotein was performed on 72 throat swabs collected from children less than 5 years of age with acute respiratory symptoms in 1386. Results: Of the 72 throat swabs collected from children with acute respiratory symptoms, 14 (19.44%) were positive for HRSV. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all HRSV-positive samples clustered in three genotypes of subgroup A: 12 strains (85/71%) in genotype GA2, 1 strain (7/1%) in genotype GA1, and 1 strain (7/1%) in genotype GA5. In this study we couldn’t identify any genotype of subgroup B. Conclusion: Our results revealed that multiple genotypes of subgroup A were co- circulated during 1386 in children less than 5 years of age in Iran. Also this study revealed that genotype GA2 was predominant genotype in isolates were obtained from several cities (Tehran, Isfahan, Karaj, Qazvin, Bandar Abbas, Shahreza), so we speculate that this genotype may be predominant during 1386 in Iran. This study supported that RT-PCR for second variable region of G protein is an effective method for further studies of HRSV genotype designation in Iran.
Keyhani Doost Z, Moayyeri H, Khosroshahi N, Molatefi R,
Volume 68, Issue 10 (1-2011)

Background: Epilepsy is a common disease in the pediatric neurology. There are frequent anti-epileptic drugs which are used in management of epilepsy. Anti-epileptic drugs may have some complications on bone and vitamin-D metabolism. In this study we aimed to evaluate vitamin-D metabolism in epileptic children.
Methods: The study was a prospective and cross sectional one. A total 89 epileptic children who were taking anti-epileptic drugs for longer than six months with no underlying disorder in Imam Khomeini and Bahrami Hospitals in Tehran, Iran were enrolled in our study
Results: Forty nine boys and 40 girls were enrolled in this study mean age of the patients was 7.8±2.1 years. Mean duration of anti-epileptic drug therapy was 2.3 years (SD=0.4), 70 of patients were under monotherapy and 19 were under polytherapy. None of the patients had signs of rickets. Serum calcium and phosphor levels were within normal ranges. Serum alkaline phosphates levels were increased more than two times in 43%. 42% had vitamin-D deficiency (25-OH Vit D<10 ng/ml) and another 33% had vitamin-D insufficiency (10<25-oh Vit D<20 ng/ml). 29 patients (32%) were taking prophylactic supplemental Vit D (200-400 IU/day). There was significant difference between patients taking supplemental vitamin-D as prophylaxis and patients who did not (p=0.04). There was no significant difference in vitamin-D levels between patients according to age, gender or different drugs.
Conclusion: Periodic measurement of 25-hydroxy vitamin-D is recommended in epileptic children taking anti-epileptic dugs. Supplemental vitamin-D administration in such patients may be helpful.

Shahmohammadi A, Mortezaian H, Alipour Mr,
Volume 69, Issue 5 (8-2011)

Background: Nowadays, the treatment of choice for anatomical correction of transposition of great arteries is arterial switch but some children are not good candidates for this operation. In these cases atrial switch or Senning procedure is an accepted method, thus outcome of this procedure needs to be better delineated.

Methods: This prospective study included 65 patients that underwent Senning operation in Shahid Rajaee Hospital in Tehran, Iran from 2002 to 2009 and were followed-up for one year.

Results: The early and late mortality rates were 16.9% and 1.5%, respectively. 51.8% of early deaths were due to simple Senning procedure, 38.9% due to a Senning with the closure of ventricular septal defect, with or without the repair of pulmonary artery stenosis, 9.3% related to palliative Senning and one late death due to simple Senning. The most common arrhythmia was accelerated junctional rhythm (18.5%). 15% of cases had Senning pathway obstruction and 1.7% had baffle leaks. Regardless of the mortalities, three patients (5.7%) had significant tricuspid regurgitation. Right ventricular systolic dysfunction was found in 13.3% of the cases, primarily in Senning with ventricular septal defect closure (37.5%). One case (1.9%) had visible cyanosis and three (5.7%) had exertional dyspnea but 94.3% of cases remained in functional class I.

Conclusion: Since the majority of deaths following Senning procedure occur during the first month, especially on the second day post-operatively, assiduity during early post-operative period is crucial. Tricuspid regurgitation or right ventricular systolic dysfunction was not detected in most patients, suggesting optimistic prognosis for these patients.

Mojtabayi Sh, Bidar N,
Volume 70, Issue 1 (4-2012)

Background: Accidental ingestion of poisons in children is an important health problem all over the world. Over 90% of poisonings occur in household settings, and 40% happen during childhood. Recognition of the current etiologies of poisonings may be helpful in adoption of strategies for their prevention and prophylactic therapy.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the medical records of children aged 12 years or younger were collected from the 17th of Shahrivar Hospital in Rasht, Iran in 2010. The study was performed in collaboration with the Adverse drug reaction (ADR) Committee of Guilan University of Medical Sciences.

Results: Out of 3299 pediatric admissions, 4.27% were identified as accidental poisoning. 86.5% of children were below the age of five and the majority was in 1-5 year age group. Admission rates were higher during the spring season. The most common toxicities occurred by ingestion of drugs (56.73%) and kerosene (9.92%). Chlorine bleach (8.51%), rodenticides (5.67%), opium (4.25%) and mushrooms (3.54%) were other causes, respectively. No deaths had been recorded.

Conclusion: Informing parents about hazardous materials, especially kerosene, and medications which need to be kept out of reach of children seems to be helpful in reducing occurrences of poisonings and their subsequent complications.

Rahbarimanesh A, Mobedi M, Alizade Taheri P,
Volume 70, Issue 4 (7-2012)

Background: Sepsis is a leading cause of death in infants and children. In this study, we determined sepsis risk factors in children admitted in Bahrami Hospital.

Methods: Medical records of 94 patients with septicemia and a positive blood culture were reviewed in this study. The patients had been admitted during 2010-2011 in different wards of Bahrami Pediatric Hospital. Variables including age, gender, underlying diseases, causative agents and use of medical devices were extracted from the medical records and analyzed statistically.

Results: 54.3% of the cases were male and 51% were below 1 year of age. 54.3% had underlying diseases including malignancy (18.1%) and renal disease (11.7%), which were the most common causes. Failure to thrive (FTT) was detected in 34% of the cases. 82% of the causative bacterial agents were gram positive bacteria and the most common organisms were coagulase negative staphylococci (63.8%) and staphylococcus aureus (10.6%). IV-catheters (100%), NG tubes (9.6%), urinary catheters (4.3%) had been used in the patients. The mortality rate was 6.3%.

Conclusion: This study showed that septicemia was more prevalent in infants and the most common underlying diseases were malignancy and renal disease, respectively. Gram positive bacteria were the most common cause of septicemia.

Masoumi Asl H, Alborzi A, Pourabbas B,
Volume 70, Issue 7 (10-2012)

Background: Tuberculin skin test (TST) is a readily available test for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). This study was designed to evaluate LTBI in low-risk children aged 1-15 years.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in Shiraz, Iran, over six months during 2009. Totally, 1289 boys and girls were selected by stratified multistage random sampling from four municipality areas before allocating them to 15 groups. Inclusion criteria included age 1-15 years, documented history of BCG vaccination at birth, Iranian nationality and a healthy state of being. Children with acute febrile diseases, immunosuppression, on medication and immigrants were excluded. We considered a TST ≥ 10 mm of induration as positive.
Results: The prevalence of LTBI in 1-15 years old children was 4.5%. The percentage was 3.5% in 1-5 year old, 4.1% in 6-10 year old and 5.7% in 11-15 year old children. The highest rate of infection was 9.8% in 15 year olds and the lowest was 2.2% in 3-year old children. Gender had no effect on LTBI rate. There is no significant difference of LTBI prevalence between four municipality areas.
Conclusion: The prevalence of LTBI in this study was lower in comparison with other studies performed in Iran. Positive predictive value of TST decreases in low endemic areas for tuberculosis, especially in low-risk groups therefore, most positive results are false-positive created by nonspecific reactions and infection with environmental mycobacteria. Hence, there is a need for new diagnostic tools that are easy and cost-effective.

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