Four hundred and eighty subjects in three groups (two cases and one control groups), were included in this study. These comprised as patients with afebrile convulsion (n: 160), patients with seizures associated with fever (n: 160), and the control group (patients who have been hospitalized for any reason other than seizure (n: 160)). Those with severe cerebral palsy, acute meningitis, prolonged loss of consciousness, severe disturbances of electrolytes and those who were taking drugs that affect the QT interval were excluded. Once admitted with a primary diagnosis of seizure, a 12 leads superficial ECG was performed.
Results: In the group of patients with febrile convulsion, 123 children were Low probability Long QT syndrome, 33 cases were Intermediate and 4 were high probability Long QT syndrome. Probability of Long QT syndrome in children with afebrile seizures showed that 112 children were in Low probability Long QT syndrome, 42 children in Intermediate and 6 children in High probability Long QT syndrome group. Comparison of Probability of Long QT syndrome among the three evaluated groups showed that children with afebrile seizure (48 children) and subsequently children with febrile seizure (37 children) were more in Intermediate and High categories than others. Only 11 children in the control group were in the Intermediate and High groups. Chi-square test results showed a significant difference with P<0.001. Conclusion: The results of this study show that in patients who present with seizure as the initial symptom, it is always mandatory to account Long QT syndrome into differential diagnosis. Doing a simple electrocardiogram makes it easy to distinguish two issues and prevent sudden death. |
Results: Pain over the surgery showed a significant relationship with the history of spinal anesthesia in 4 pregnant women (12.9%) and in 25 women (65.8%) without a history of anesthesia (P<0.0001). In addition, the fear of being awake and looking at the cesarean section during surgery was significant in 7 patients (22.6%) with a history of spinal anesthesia and 18 patients (47.4%) without a history of disease (P<0.0001). Fear of anesthesia needle was also significantly observed in 7 patients (23.3%) with a history of spinal anesthesia and 23 patients (60.5%) with no history of spinal anesthesia (P<0.0001). Fear of back injury was seen in 9 candidates (29%) of patients with a history of spinal anesthesia and in 23 patients (60.5%) of patients without a history of anesthesia (P<0.033). The results of our study also showed a significant relationship between the history of general anesthesia and fear of nausea and vomiting (P<0.046) as well as fear of anesthesia needles (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Patients with a history of spinal anesthesia were significantly less afraid of feeling pain during surgery, seeing surgery, spinal anesthesia needles, and spinal impairments. Moreover, patients with a history of general anesthesia were significantly more afraid of spinal anesthesia, nausea and vomiting than others. |
Results: The weight of medical centers was assessed by AHP method and then the combined centers were ranked by Dempster-Shafer and VIKOR combined methods using the information of four medical centers, the DS-Vikor approach was implemented. The purpose of six criteria and three experts was used for evaluation. The results show that the effectiveness of care and treatment process is more important from the experts' point of view. Dempester-Schaefer and Vicor The medical centers in question are ranked. For validation, at the end, the medical centers were ranked by TOPSIS method.
The integrated system includes various subsystems giving caring and providing health services to patients in medical centers that can be built and configured and are ranked. |
Results: There were 15 boys in the control group and 17 boys in the case group. The mean age of the control and case groups was 11.28±2.13 and 10.96±1.97 years, respectively. The mean distance between the peak to the end of the T wave in the case group was 323.72±120.15 and in the control group was 79.20±13.06. The mean difference between the shortest and longest distance of TP-e in case group was 48±23.04 and in control group was 18.44±5.58, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the two indices (P<0.001). But in other variables, no statistically significant difference was observed between the two groups.
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